Does Merrick Garland believe individual 1 actually IS “above the law?”

I used the word ARROGANCE the other day when I was writing about the level of belief by republican after republican that they are “above the law” – while, at the same time, suggesting they believe in the consitution. That is, they are inferring the laws are meant for you and me, but not for them. Today gave us one of the FIRST (in what I hope will be an avalanche) instance of listening to members of individual 1’s “inner circle” blowing “steam” after he was arrested for REFUSING to answer to a subpoena from Congress – and, of course, I’m talking about today’s arrest of Peter Navarro. OMG, Mr. Navarro was beside himself because he was “handcuffed” taken to jail and “put in leg irons.” He said, “They could have just called me.”

I couldn’t stop shaking my head in disbelief listening to Navarro complaining about his potential future reality – and, that’s being in jail. On top of all this, it appears Navarro is going to represent himself in court because he doesn’t want to spend the money for an attorney who would lead his defense. Of course, Navarro has ADMITTED to participating in the CONSPIRACY to overthrow the 2020 election for president – right on national TV. And, he pointed out his part in the CONSPIRACY was done at the side of none other than Steve Bannon. Personally, I believe Mr. Navarro’s legal jeopardy may very well go far beyond a “Contempt of Congress” felony. Might him and Bannon be part of a “Seditious Conspiracy” (with individual 1 and a plethora of other sycophants to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president)?

It was also announced today the Contempt charges against Mark Meadows and Dan Scovino will NOT be pursued by the Justice Department – apparently, because they at least negotiated with the Select Committee – in Meadows case, the text messages and email messages he turned over to the Committee have been – according to reports – critical in the Committee’s ability to piece together the TRUTH of what happened on January 6th, 2021 and the months leading up to the INSURRECTION. Personally, I believe Mr. Meadows has much greater worries than any contempt charge.

For example, by all reports, Meadows was right in the middle of virtually EVERY part of the CONSPIRACY to overthrow the government he gave an OATH to defend – against “all enemies foreign and domestic.” I believe Meadows will be given the opportunity, eventually, to cooperate with the Justice Department as this investigation approaches the Oval Office. What “we the people” already KNOW, publicly, in my mind, is enough to hold individual 1 accountable for – what actually, by definition, amounts to TREASON. That’s what the “Oathkeepers” and “Proud Boys” facing Seditious Conspiracy charges are facing and it makes sense that, at a minimum, individual 1 should be facing the same circumstances. It appears to me, Meadows is going to have to make a decision of how “loyal” he really feels to individual 1.

I’ve been suggesting individual 1 is nothing more than a cheap “mob boss” for the past three plus years and, for those of us thinking along those lines, it was NO surprise today when it was reported Mike Pense’s chief of staff, on January 5th, 2021 warned Pense’s Secret Service detail – the head of that detail – that Pense could be facing physical peril on January 6th, 2021 because individual 1 was going to “turn on him.” If you watched the INSURRECTION in real time on January 6th, 2021 you saw the gallows erected on the Capitol grounds and the rioters chanting “Hang Mike Pense” as they stormed through the broken windows and broken down doors while individual 1 was “tweeting” to these thugs who had erected the gallows.

Here’s the “tweet:” “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” Following this “tweet” INSURRECTIONISTS, some carrying twist ties for tying someone’s hands behind their back, increased their push to find (and “hang”) Mike Pense. Naturally, they were after Nancy Pelosi as well – who knows what they would have done had they captured any of the members of Congress who were gathered into secured locations. And, Mike Pense? Nancy Pelosi?

Well, Pense was taken below the Capitol – to a still undisclosed location, where there was a caravan of bullet proof vehicles waiting to take him away to safety. Now, I haven’t been, nor am I today as I’m writing this, anything close to a “fan” of Mike Pense, but I have to say I’m thankful he REFUSED to get in the SUV the Secret Service wanted to cart him out of the Capitol in – he said, “I’m not getting in that car.” Pense was aware of the “plan” which could have succeeded had he been removed from the Capitol with the “president pro tem” of the Senate taking over the certification of the Electoral College vote count. No one knows what would have happened had Pense been moved, but the plan was for the chaos to prevent the final certification of the votes leading to, possibly, a declaration of “martial law” by individual 1. There can be NO question, individual 1 was attempting a coup d’etat on January 6th, 2021!

I say all this because I believe Mr. Meadows, Mr. Scavino, plus Mr. Navarro and Mr. Bannon, along with very possibliy OVER 100 others have much more to worry about than Contempt of Congress subpoenas. If Merrick Garland truly follows through on his promises that anyone involved in the INSURRECTION in ANY level ” whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy” will be held accountable SHOULD give the aforementioned cabal a bit edgy. I’ve defined a “conspiracy” here numerous times and there can be NO doubt individual 1 and a WHOLE bunch of sycophants could be facing the MOST serious of charges. Whether or not you approve of our government when you attempt to OVERTHROW the most fundamental part of our republic, the “free and fair election of our leaders” you are committing TREASON.

There can be no doubt the democratic party, when they’ve been in “power,” seem to be overly passive in fighting against this long term assault on our republic by the republican party which has continued its “lurch” to the “right” as they’ve long since come to an apparent conclusion that regaining POWER will be done through LYING to the public over and over again. It appears that as we approach the “mid term” elections this coming November, the democrats continue to be fearful about actually FIGHTING for what’s at stake come November. My fear is, once again, they’ll shy away from defending their OWN core beliefs!

Here’s a simple observation: If the republicans win in November the ONLY thing which will happen in the following two years will be retribution from republican members of the House and Senate who survive by stoking “culture wars.” To those Americans who are disappointed in what President Biden has “delivered,” the solution is simple – vote more democrats into the Senate – enough to overcome the filibuster, AND vote more democrats into the House. This would make Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema no longer the roadblock to progressive legislation coming from Congress. Both Manchin and Sinema COULD have been very beneficial to the process had they NEGOTIATED with the other democrats – but, they chose to simply BLOCK President Biden’s agenda – supported by 98% of democrats in Congress – because of, apparently, promises they made to their largest DONORS. This, of course, is exactly why so many Americans are turned off by their government. Democrats NEED enough Senators to overcome their obstinence! (More republicans solves NOTHING – unless you believe in fascism)

Republicans, and, in essence, those I witness in the “news” media, still are talking as if individual 1 will be the republican nominee in 2024. That tells me a significant portion of our country continues to believe, just as individual 1 and his sycophants, that they are above the law. In my mind, individual 1 should be in court in 2024 instead of running for president. (Or, in jail by then) Just as Peter Navarro felt he could explain his “Green Bay Sweep” on a national TV show, individual 1 came out and actually said, “Mike Pense COULD (my emphasis) have overturned the election.” Essentially admitting to his “intent.” The coup d’etat is no MYSTERY. The ONLY thing that is a mystery to me is just how many members of Congress are going to be “outed” in the January 6th Select Committee hearings. Stay tuned………………

Final Thought: I’ve come to conclude a significant portion of the American public is willfully ignorant – but, don’t ask them, because they’ll tell you they DON’T watch Fox “news” (or lie about it) and, or, they know how to find stuff on the “internets.” I’ve encountered several people in my own “sphere” who act as if you offended them when you suggest “you watch Fox don’t you?” and, then, after a full throated denial they will refer to “Sean” or “Tucker” as the conversation evolves (as if Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson are their long lost buddies – on a “first name basis”). THEY apparently assume I’m an idiot (which may or may be somewhat true) but I can piece this type of doublespeak together without a lot of effort.

The really discouraging thing to me when I think about my “fellow Americans” is the shear number of them who seem more worried about the price of gas at the pump than the FACT our democratic republic remains under assault from within. Or, just as problematic with me is the complaining about the gas prices and NOT about the Russians MURDERING Ukrainians by the scores EVERY day. Reports of the murdering and raping of Ukrainian civilians by Russian troops should have EVERY American up in arms. Yet, what I hear about is “inflation” (a world wide issue due to the pandemic AND the ILLEGAL invasion of Ukraine) and “gas prices.” (Likewise) (By the way, the “liberal media” perpetuates this type of thinking) It kind of breaks my heart because I’ve loved America for the past 70+ years and I’m discovering more and more of America which is getting hard to “love.”

My body is continuing to work toward failure, so my “bucket list” seems to be getting a bit shorter. Right at the top of the list – NOW – is that individual 1 will find himself in a jail cell within the next few months – as the evidence of his crimes become so OVERWHELMING – to those willing to listen (Merrick Garland?). Yes, there’s a significant portion of Americans who’ve allowed themselves to be sucked into his CULT – and, there’s a significant portion of America’s media conglomerates who continue to support the “slow motion” coup d’etat which has continued since January 6th, 2021 – not to mention the billionaire class and corporate entities which look out for their own self interest (MONEY) as opposed to the interest of “we the people.”

This will be an “uphill climb” but, as an optimist, I still believe the American people will not allow a cheap small time organized crime boss to destroy 240 years of self government. Time will tell!

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