Is America going to become a full blown fascist state?

I’ve shared often here I’m a 74 year old retired 6th grade school teacher. I’ve been paying attention to politics since my earliest days when I clearly remember my Mom and Dad arguing over Eisenhower and Stevenson – my Dad the republican and my Mom the democrat. As I look back, Dwight Eisenhower was, in my view, a very positive president. Most Americans take the Interstate Hiway system, for examle, for granted. I still remember my Dad driving my brother, my two sisters, and my Mom and me, from our home in Vancouver, Washington to visit our grandparents in Ohio. There were a lot of two lane roads and the trip took several more days than it would on the Hiways which resulted from the investment pushed by Eisenhower.

As I look back to my early childhood there were some key “assumptions” which made it possible for “baby boomers” (especially those of us who were white) to move into the middle class and above without mortgaging our futures with heavy debt. I graduated from High School in 1965 and the cost of going to college was almost incidental (I did have to borrow $3000) during my first “run” at becoming “educated” – which, for me, didn’t result in a diploma – I left school during my final quarter due to family issues. As they say, “The times they are a changin.”

Of course, they’ve been constantly changing and what’s on my mind today is the culmination of the so-called “Powell memo” written back in 1971 by soon to be Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell laying out the “roadmap” for the overwhelming of America’s republic by corporate interests. Ronald Reagan put Powell’s plan into ful force and we’ve seen over 40 years since then of MONEYED interests taking the reins of POWER in this country I was born in and have loved since my earliest days. Honestly, some of the “stuff” going on in today’s America is DISGUSTING! (I thought maybe “deplorable” was a more appropriate term)

I’m going to start this with a situation close to my heart in my personal life, I love to play golf, which is undergoing an issue that kind of encapsulates today’s America – which I can sum up with one word – MONEY. If you follow professional golf at all you KNOW the Saudi’s are attempting to start a competing “tour” with the professional tours in the U.S. and Europe – among other “tours.” They are offering staggering “bonuses” to lure top golfers onto their “circuit” – reportedly $200 MILLION to Phil Mickelson and $100 MILLION to Dustin Johnson (along with others) – to get them to abandon the PGA tour where they’ve made MILLIONS of dollars competing and untold more MILLIONS with their endorsement deals. Personally, I’m disgusted by these – what I’ll call – “turncoats.”

However, that’s simply the way of today’s “world.” Go with the MONEY! If I had hundreds of MILLIONS in the bank would I be able to turn down an offer of another hundred? – especially based on knowing where it came from? I would hope so, but, who knows. (Tonight I made a $5 donation to Beto O’Rourke’s camaign for governor in Texas – to give a bit of perspective) Personally, I’ll NEVER watch a moment of this new tour on TV and I definitely won’t attend – the second round of their season will happen just a few miles from where I live. This simply reminds me of what has become “normal” in America.

Everyone knows we’re in the THIRD year of a once in a century pandemic where BILLIONAIRES have seen their wealth increas exponentially. Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and a bunch more have become even FILTHIER rich and, yet, still do whatever they can to avoid TAXES. And, Musk – who spends a lot of time pulling his foot from his mouth – has now offered $44 BILLION of his “play money” in an attempt to purchase “Twitter.” Interestingly, “Twitter’s” stock price has dropped about 20% since his offer and, by all accounts I’ve read, Musk is fighting an epidemic of “cold feet” – which could cost him a “cool BILLION.”

I recently finished reading a book about Facebook and, in it, Mr. Zuckerberg was portrayed as a complete asshole – focused on making as MUCH MONEY as he possibly can no matter the consequences to “we the people.” January 6th, 2021 was helped along by various Facebook groups who actually did their scheming right on that platform. Zuckerberg (likely continues to) hestitates to allow “hate speech” to be taken down on Facebook under the guise of “free speech.” (Similar to Musk’s stated intention to allow individual 1 back on Twitter) – This is all “poppycock.” Simpy put, it’s about the MONEY!

Why should this be surprising? Since Mr. Powell’s memo, the corporate takeover of America has been very sophisticated and, apparently, near complete. Where’s the outrage for Musk “investing” money which SHOULD be going into his own companies to buy Twitter. Oh yes, that’s been the American way since Reagan – larger corporations buying up smaller entities and gaining even MORE POWER. (While spending MILLIONS to avoid paying taxes) It’s happened in one industry after another. I mentioned Zuckerberg, and he’s a good example. A company appears to be COMPETING with his, well, the solution is to BUY it. Solves the problem. In Musk’s case, it appears to be simply a RICH man who is somewhat out of control.

When I was in my formative years (pre Reagan) the income tax structure was set up to FIGHT exactly what we’re seeing routinely these days. Corporations and executives were encouraged to put PROFITS back into their own businesses – or otherwise pay tax rates which at one time were about 90% for excess profits. Reagan took this “theory” on with his so-called “trickle down” economic SCAM leading to two MAJOR outcomes. HUGE increases in both the income inequality in America AND the Federal budget deficits and ultimately, of course, the national debt exploding. Yikes!

Republican policies have been so draconian they’ve needed to find ways to convince America’s voters to keep supporting this lurch toward outright fascism. Their solution, which has worked famously, is to focus on “wedge issues.” And, of course, republicans are much better at the messaging necessary to make this strategy work because they WILLINGLY adopted the “Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich in the 1980’s and have been getting away with it ever since. Then, along comes individual 1 and it’s possible the prolific number of LIES – while numbing to people like me – may be getting the attention of enough Americans to put an end to this political carnage once and for all. We can hope. (I have to add, I have an acquaintance who’s part of the CULT who I couldn’t convince he was wrong supporting individual 1 with OVER 4 years of occasional breakfrasts together.)

We won’t know until the mid terms of 2022 are complete – and, trust me, many – including most republicans – believe it’s a foregone conclusion that republicans will retake control of Congress this coming November. Will the American people allow this to happen? If I said I wasn’t a bit worried I’d be LYING. I’ve written recently about how discouraged I am that so many Americans seem to be more worried about the price of gas than the future of our republic. To them, inflation is more important than the war in Ukraine. There are a couple events which I believe may mitigate that situation.

First, tonight was the first night of the January 6th Committee’s public hearings. (After listening to Liz Cheney’s opening remarks I couldn’t help but think of the saying: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”) Will that change the political narrative? I hope so. Will it lead to individual 1’s indictment? Again, I hope so (along with a bunch of others – see below for starters.) Secondly, soon the Supreme Court is expected to OVERTURN Roe v Wade – another egregious example of republican justices “legislating from the bench.” That one very well could get the attention of enough women who VOTE to cause a bit of alarm with Moscow Mitch – who has promised to attempt to take the anti abortion issue to full blown legislation as a way to get republicans to the polls. Should be interesting. I’m 74 – my concern is for my children and grandchildren – and, it’s a real concern. Is America going to become a full blown fascist state? (It could be argued we’re already a “Mussolini fascist state” – corporate/government partnership) Stay tuned…………….

Final Thought: Tonight was the first night of the January 6th, 2021 Select Committee’s report and there was footing showing the “legitimate political discourse” perpetrated by individual 1’s followers as they STORMED the Capitol – supposedly in a “tourist visit” – bludgeoning members of the Capitol Police and defacating on the walls of our nation’s Capitol (along with much more destruction and theft) – this was NO normal group of constituents filing through the Capitol “taking pictures.” Not only were the INSURRECTIONISTS portrayed HONESTLY, but there was information which came out we didn’t know prior to this evening.

One example I noticed was when Liz Cheney pointed out there were a group of republican lawmakers who lobbied for PARDONS from individual 1 prior to him leaving office. Why would a member of the House believe he or she needed a pardon? (OK, you know the answer to that question, don’t you?) Here’s something I picked up on – Ms. Cheney identified ONE of the members seeking a pardon and that was Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. The others we were led to believe we may or may not find out who they are.

Well, after the hearing, on MSNBC, Adam Schiff was interviewed and asked specifically to “name names” regarding the PARDON seeking members. He said he was unable to name anyone, but then slipped by saying something like the Committee subpoenaed a group of Congress members who chose not to comply with the Subpoenas – implying that was the group who were seeking the PARDONS. (Were they the ones leading surveillance tours?) We’ll see in the days to come, but, I believe, that would suggest we’re talking about Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, Kevin McCarthy, Andy Biggs, and, of course, Mr. Perry. I don’t believe Mr. McCarthy, from what I’ve heard, was involved in the PLANNING of the INSURRECTION, but, the others, “not so much.” Cheney gave the line of the evening: “Trump will be gone, (I hate writing that word) but the republican dishonor will remain.” Things SHOULD get more interesting by the day! Stay tuned!!!

OK, I’ve got to ask this question: “Are you paying attention Merrick Garland?” (Update, HE IS! He said he’s watching every minute of every session)

OMG – I forced myself to tune into Tucker Carlson tonight as he was BRAGGING that Fox was the only “news” organization not showing the January 6th Committee’s hearing. He questioned, “why aren’t these channels focused on $5 a gallon gas, or inflation which is higher than at anytime in most American’s lives” – and, I can’t remember what else. Pure BULLS#$T (In the words of William Barr), deflection, and dishonesty. We know he’s speaking to about 3 – 4 MILLION “ditto heads” and, had they been tuned in it likely wouldn’t have made any difference. Remember, Carlson has lamented “why can’t we be like Hungary?” Where Viktor Orban, Hungary’s dictator, is the perfect role model for individual 1 loving republicans. Creeping fascism! Yikes!!! Fox “news” is an American trajedy!

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