Move over Adolf Hitler, you’ve got company on the end of the “bench” in the darkest places of World History! Vladimir Putin!

It appears Vladimir Putin will not be satisfied until Ukraine is a huge pile of rubble and the Ukrainian people are either ALL dead or looking for a place to live after they’ve reached a refugee site. What the hell is Putin attempting to accomplish? The Ukrainians are as close to being Russian as can be. Is Putin that afraid of people actually choosing their own leaders? He’s been “in charge” for over 20 years in Russia and he’s 69 years old, what on earth is his plan? He’s put himself, already, in the History books right next to Adolf Hitler – and is it going to get worse?

It’s clear to me the Russian army is not that threatening when you talk about the idea if the Russian troops decide to advance into Poland, Hungary, or one of the other NATO countries which border Ukraine. Of course, Russia has, like the United States, a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying the planet. Would he actually start a nuclear war? Russia could achieve a “dead heat” with the U.S. but, of course, this would be “the end.”

Right now the Russians are attacking CIVILIANS who are attempting to flee to the refugee camps. They’re fleeing by the THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS and there’s a plethora of videos showing them being indiscriminately attacked via missiles coming in from Russians outside the city from where they’re fleeing. The road to Lviv is fraught with danger. And, the Russians appear to be willing to go after CIVILIANS as well as military targets. This is “we the people” watching WAR CRIMES unfolding in real time. My God, Putin is EVIL personified! Does he remind you of anyone?

I can’t help thinking about how DISGUSTING our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president calling Putin “a genius,” “very smart,” and more incredulously STUPID remarks – obviously, he’s been gushing over Putin since well before Putin helped him “win” the 2016 presidential election. Individual 1, Mike Pompeo, Tucker Carlson, and maybe others have been “useful idiots” of the Russians due to their STUPID public comments – used by Putin to help him keep the Russian people in the dark about his attack on, in many cases, the relatives of the Russian people.

I pray the American people will realize the importance of somehow coming together in disgust toward Putin – although, I understand the segment of our nation who identify as white nationalists will never be moved to a rational place where they rejoin reality. If you don’t understand my point here, you need to find some of the film which came out of a recent AFPAC conference – held in unison with the so-called “CPAC” conference, “CPAC,” of course, stands for “Conservative Political Action Conference” while “AFPAC” stands for “America First PAC” – essentially the heart of individual 1’s “base.” The real wingnuts!

AFPAC is lead by Nick Fuentes who is an unabashed Neo-Nazi who, during this conference, ADMIRINGLY compared Putin to Adolf Hitler. (I suppose, I’m making the same comparison, but it’s NOT “admiringly”) Just prior to announcing the keynote speaker, Marjorie Taylor Greene, (yep, a House republican who is very close to individual 1) Fuentes – after making a white nationalist remark cheered by the audience – lauded Putin and Russia and the audience responded with “Putin, Putin, Putin.” Ms. Greene seemed to take that with a “grain of salt” before giving her keynote address. Yikes!!

I have to wonder whether or not Putin’s WAR CRIMES in Ukraine will be enough to cause MORE Americans to realize it’s time to remove republicans from Congress – en masse, or whether republicans will make the connection between Putin and individual 1. Of course, it’s going to be hard to get attention away from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They (the Russians) seem hell bent on a genocide – MURDERING Ukraine civilians by the THOUSANDS. In some cities there are dead bodies lying in streets because the remaining people are unable to get to them so they can be buried. In several cities the Ukrainians are being forced to dig MASS burial sites. And, I have to wonder what are the Russians doing with the THOUSANDS of Russian troops who are being KILLED during this war? Some of THEM are simply lying on the frozen ground? Maybe Putin doesn’t want their mammas to know what happened to her boys!?

The more I watch Putin during this seige of Ukraine the more the similarities between him and individual 1 become obvious. Both narcissistic, pathalogical LIARS – among other “strengths!” Of course, we witnessed four years of individual 1 attempting to act according to Putin’s “playbook.” We all know our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is incapable of doing ANYTHING creative, so he simply copies. It’s even been reported he’s plagarized his motto along with the code used on his FAILING social media site.

One thing I’ve done over the years on this site is “make predictions.” Apparently, this is the result of being a reading teacher during my teaching career. Here’s the latest one: The Ukrainian casualties are mounting fast and, surprisingly, Americans are unusually in agreement on our repulsion to “Putin’s war.” Of course, there’s the usual right wing wack jobs expressing their admiration of Putin and, in the case of Madison Cawthorn – a republican congressman from North Carolina (shame on you, North Carolina) who is referring to Volodomyr Zelensky as a “thug” – I believe republicans will begin to “peel” away from President Biden and demand “we the people” enter the war on the side of the Ukrainians.

Of course, we already ARE in this, on the side of Ukrainians – we’re sending massive amounts of weapons and humanitarian supplies, Biden has brought the NATO alliance together like we haven’t seen for years – despite individual 1’s attempts to undermine it – and, based on what I’ve heard from one former General after another, Biden’s strategy has been “spot on.” We have to assume Putin will stop at Ukraine – otherwise, well, it’s WW III. President Biden is in no hurray for that to happen – no matter what America’s republicans will say. Keep in mind, they’ll say ANYTHING they believe will bring them back into power.

Can you just imagine if individual 1 was president right now? None of the options are appealing. For starters, there’s no way NATO would have coalesced as they have, and, to me, there’s no way individual 1 would have the slightest idea what to do. I’ve heard multiple reports, despite his EXTORTION of Zelensky leading to the FIRST impeachment, individual 1 would have been unable to locate Ukraine on a map. Yikes!

Here’s another thing you can count on: The Russians will continue flooding America’s social media platforms with mis/disinformation. (ie “fake news”) And, they’ll have support from the far right of America’s pathological LYING republican party. Actually, this LYING in these “circles” has been going on for generations. You can trace it all the way back to the end of “reconstruction” following the Civil War where the so-called “lost cause” was “born.” Members of the “United Daughters of the Confederacy” (UDC) were writing a “pack of LIES” from the mid 1870’s all the way up to the first World War.

American “conservatives” took it from there. Over the 150 years since then we’ve seen school text books written by people with a similar agenda to those today who are attempting to control what our children might read. OMG, what if a white student became uncomfortable? What is a white student discovered the TRUTH about SLAVERY? What if a white student discovered the TRUTH about LYNCHINGS? How many students know about “Juneteenth?” How many Americans knew about it until individual 1 scheduled a rally on that date? How many Americans know about the slaughter in Tulsa shortly after WW 1? I could go on – hell, today’s republicans don’t even want their children to know the truth about Martin Luther King Jr.!

Banned books and book burnings have been going on ever since the Civil War – when are “we the people” going to learn? I keep bringing this up – those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. When are we going to learn? People like Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas fight right into the “deplorable” mold. I’m happy that Abbott is being challenged by Beto O’Rorke in Texas and pray the people of Texas will rise up against the radical “garbage” coming out of that state in the past year.

There are opportunities all over the political landscape for real CHANGE to happen in this country – but, the sad reality is, it won’t happen until republicans are routinely voted ouf of office. Whether that calls for a “third party” or not – these COWARDLY right wing LIARS need to be voted into the history books. Maybe Liz Cheney can reclaim the republican party, who knows? And, trust me, I disagree with just about everything she votes for, but it’s hard NOT to respect her integrity in the face of HUGE right wing backlash. I actually believe SHE will be the key to bringing individual 1 to JUSTICE. I believe he FEARS her more than anyone on the planet!

So, while America’s justice system “chugs” along at a snails pace, “we the people” will be focused on the war in Ukraine. Putin is GOING to be the recipient of WAR CRIME allegations once this is all over – should the planet survive his threats of a nuclear holocost – and, hopefully, his actions will once and for all show Americans how fortunate they are Putin couldn’t get individual 1 elected a second time. Will that end up being Putin’s biggest failing? Move over Adolf Hitler, you’ve got company on the end of the “bench” in the darkest places of World History! Stay tuned…………….

Final Thought: If you’re reading this and you’re not sure who “individual 1” is, just do a little research and check our who told Michael Cohen to pay two women, one a “porn star” who goes by the same “Stormy Daniels” (her actual name is Stephanie Clifford) , to keep quiet right before the 2016 American presidential election. With people already “abuzz” about the so-called “Access Hollywood tape” (where he admitted to sexually assaulting women) being made public, these two women coming forward publicly claiming they had affairs with “individual 1” (while his wife was pregnant with his last son) very well would have cost him any chance of the election. He paid them each around $150,000 if memory serves me correct. I can’t bring myself to write his surname until he’s had the opportunity to “clear himself” before the Southern District of New York’s U.S. Attorney’s office. Curiously, Mr, Cohen was given a three year jail sentence for his part in this scheme (plus a few other issues – common to both he and individual 1 – you know, FRAUD) and, apparently, the SDNY U. S. Attorney’s office is declining to follow through on the charges for individual 1. It’s as if our Justice Department FEARS him as much as the republican party!

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