If individual 1 was really concerned with “CORRUPTION” in Ukraine – he needed look no further than the nearest MIRROR!

Would it really surprise you if, after all is said and done, we find out Rudy Giuliani AND individual 1 had a scam underway to get their “mitts” on some of the incredible oil MONEY available in Ukraine via CORRUPTION? Well, if you’ve been around here you know about individual 1’s PROJECTION which would tell you when he says over and over his “concern” with Ukraine, as he’s trying to defend his EXTORTION of Ukraine’s president, is “corruption” you KNOW the CORRUPTION is coming from, well ………. individual 1!

Just yesterday, two Ukrainian “investors” were arrested for funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars – apparently from a mysterious Russian – into the “coffers” of a “Super pac” associated with individual 1 (I believe its name is “America 1” or “America First”). These are CLEARLY illegal campaign donations AND the two Ukrainians responsible are now sitting in a jail cell. Both of these “thugs” are associates of Rudy Giuliani and have been seen in photographs eating lunch with individual 1 at the “White House.” Is the “picture” getting clearer? (Somehow, each of these thugs came up with a cool $1 MILLION for their bail????)

The question I keep asking myself is what does Putin really have on individual 1. Yesterday I was also asking myself the same question in regards to Erdogan of Turkey – because I continue to be confused as why individual 1 would abandon the Kurds in Syria, seemingly on a whim, who are now fighting for their lives against Erdogan’s forces after individual 1 had a call with Turkey’s president. This appears to be the beginnings of a genocide – against a group who’ve been incredibly reliable allies of America’s forces in Syria. This is maybe the most SHAMEFUL move by individual 1 yet. It was a small group of American forces who were preventing this slaughter of the Kurds and you have to think individual 1 has NO moral compass to allow this to happen.

It’s no secret, what is happening, so you MUST understand individual 1 KNEW exactly what would result from the spur of the moment decision – despite his “tweet” where he claimed this move came “In all his wisdom.” Makes me wonder if he has any “wisdom” at all? (Two days later….) The Kurds have now made a deal with the Russians and al Assad to join them so they will join the fight and stop the Turks – who are doing horrible “stuff” as they push into Northern Syria. So, now that the publicity is REALLY bad, individual 1 is not happy!

I just listened to Mike Pense – with a very serious look on his face as only he can give – reporting that individual 1 just had a “very firm” call with Erdogan and he told Erdogan “he’s not going to tolerate Turkey’s invasion of Syria……….any more.” There was a noticeable pause between the word “Syria” and the phrase “any more.” It’s as if individual 1 actually believes he has ANY power in this fight “anymore” – after publicly saying he’s pulling out all American troops and “let the others fight it out” – or something along that line.

There’s still 1000 American troops stuck in Syria who are trying to get out without leaving their equipment behind. I’ve heard reports the Turks are firing on the Americans, but I haven’t heard any corroboration from other sources – so I’m not sure. But the bottom line is individual 1 committed another DUMB act and now he’s trying to “put the toothpaste back in the tube.” What are the odds Mike Pense has ANY credibility with anyone involved – like Erdogan, al Assad, or Putin – not to mention the Iranians.

Personally, I started this “blog” in response to the absurd invasion of Iraq back in 2003 – which to me was “deja vu all over again” after going through the Viet Nam era – so I’m no fan of all our troops in the Middle East. I can even see myself agreeing with individual 1 on pulling troops out of Syria had he done so in a way that didn’t cause the Kurds to face a possible genocide – causing them to “change sides.” (Plus potentially exposing Israel to the wrath of the Iranians from “close up”) The Kurds are fighting to survive and individual 1’s “serving them up” to the Turks has gained the attention of leaders (and people) around the world.

I would surmise that suggesting individual 1 is looking like a “traitor” is an image which goes well beyond the borders of the United States. I even heard this morning, as commentators were suggesting “sanctions” were being aimed at Turkey, individual 1 was still planning to meet with Erdogan in the “Oval Office.” Keep in mind, he’s got two large interests in Turkey (plus other interests from what I’ve heard) in the form of “twin towers.” Do you really think he’ll do anything which would cause the Turks to kick him out of Turkey as far as his business interests? If he’s proved anything as our so-called president it’s that he’s going to gain as much MONEY as he possibly can while “we the people” allow his scam to continue.

Another very significant problem is the about 50 American nuclear warheads on an American base in Turkey which could easily be cut off from America if Erdogan decides he doesn’t like individual 1’s sanctions. Individual 1 like’s to come across as some kind of tough guy, but it seems the reality is that leaders around the world are laughing at him – and filling as many “vacuums” as he manages to create before the republicans in Congress who are his “firewall” come to their senses. Each one of them (the republicans in Congress) is going to be “tagged” with being part of this disaster when the history books are written. I’m sure many of them are now considering how they want to be remembered.

And, speaking of the “vacuums” individual 1 is creating around the world via his incomprehensible “foreign policy” most are being filled by either Russian (Putin) or China. When you read the many books which are available to give “non partisan” information about what is happening around the globe you see Vladimir Putin has received a return on his investment in getting individual 1 elected which has been magnified exponentially. Putin has created alliances with China, Israel, and Saudi Arabia – off the top of my head as I try to remember what I’ve been reading – and, much of what he’s gained has been due to malfeasance by individual 1. And, this is not to mention the damage which has been done to America’s relations with traditional allies like the members of NATO.

I’ve been constantly referring to the DAMAGE caused by individual 1 over the past 2 1/2 years, mostly about what he’s doing to the traditional American institutions like the State Department, the Defense Department, along with the other institutions individual 1’s sycophants have been bludgeoning. We’re seeing the results of the tearing down of the State Department in this fiasco going on in Ukraine which is likely to be the initial “blow” in the impeachment of this thug of a (so-called) president. There’s been no one to provide “diplomatic” advice to a president who likely didn’t want any advice – in “all his wisdom.”

At this point I believe individual 1’s IMPEACHMENT is going to happen – the question ALWAYS has been his (what I’ve called the) firewall in the Senate. It appears this decision to allow the Turks to institute a policy of GENOCIDE on the Syrian Kurds – who’ve been staunch American allies in the battle against ISIS – may be a “bridge too far” for even a few republicans. Many of the “safe red” states are the home of some of America’s military bases – where, I believe, the military personnel are not happy with turning and running from out allies in Syria. More and more Americans are being challenged to personally defend their own defense of this despicable president. If they turn on him, well………………………………….

Final Thought: Individual 1 claimed his actions in Ukraine were based on his desire to combat the corruption in Ukraine – which the new president was committed to fighting as well. However, clearly, individual 1’s actions – via his new “fixer” Rudy Giuliani (who’s quickly becoming an American embarrassment) – was actually causing MORE corruption in Ukraine. Of course Ukrainian president Zelensky found himself “‘between a rock and a hard place” as he’s trying to get individual 1 to release the military assistance already appropriated by Congress which had “mysteriously” been put on hold (do you really think Zelensky didn’t understand why?) while the president is pressuring him to FIND “dirt” on his (imagined) 2020 opponent.

Here’s the deal as I see it: If individual 1 was really concerned with “CORRUPTION” in Ukraine – he needed look no further than the nearest MIRROR!

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