Each republican in Congress will soon be voting on what place they want in the future History books of the U.S.!

I keep wanting to take a break from bloviating on this site, then I think about what individual 1 is doing to this country – likely pushing us to the brink of fascism. And, before you go thinking that is hyperbole, check out what fascism is. Check out the politics of many of his followers on the so-called “alt right.” Do some research on Steve Bannon who, I believe, is still working behind the scenes to further the right wing assault on our nation he was openly pushing when he was actually working in the “White House.” The book I’m reading right now, “Siege” by Michael Wolf, documents how Bannon, for example, is still pushing the right wing Neo-fascist agenda across Europe. Personally, I believe people like Bannon are scheming on who they can push onto “we the people” after individual 1 is either removed or voted out of office.

People like Bannon, behind the scenes, acknowledge individual 1 is “stupid.” There have been an “endless” number of former “White House” aids who have referred to individual 1 as anything from the “stupid” Bannon was quoted in Wolf’s book (and there was an adjective which begins with the letter “F” and the ending “ing” preceding the term “stupid”) to the word “moron” which came from the mouth of former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (and, of course, Tillerson used the same adjective preceding the word “moron” as Bannon used prior to the word “stupid”) John Kelley and James Maddis have also been quoted in different “circles” as laying very unflattering descriptions of individual 1 at various times including the same descriptive terms as Bannon and Tillerson.

These are the people close to our so-called president – the people who were supposedly going to keep up the “guard rails.” The “generals” who, now, individual 1 is denigrating (as he does to anyone who disagrees with him – maybe, somehow, he’ll read this blog – Oh yes, he doesn’t read) are now warning of the expanding disaster in Syria. Today, I saw video of the America troops, who are withdrawing from Northern Syria – leaving the Kurds to likely be facing genocide in the coming days – with the Kurds throwing rotten fruit and tomatoes at the vehicles carrying the troops – troops, who, by the way, from all accounts of people on the scene, are ashamed they are leaving these Kurds to the whims of Erdogan – who is one of the prime ruthless thugs who individual 1 seems to admire. Apparently, the guard rails are gone!

I’m having a hard time getting the pictures of what is happening to the Kurds out of my mind. and it’s very likely going to get worse. I keep trying to imagine what republicans would be saying if President Obama had done something like this. It was Obama who initiated the policy which created the “partnership” with the Kurds who did the “heavy lifting” in the battle against ISIS. I still remember the republicans criticizing Obama for following the “plan” initiated by GW Bush on the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. I suppose individual 1’s supporters aren’t sophisticated enough to remember their so-called president calling Obama the “father of ISIS” – or something of that nature as he (individual 1) was, later, taking credit for “defeating ISIS.” (Which was simply another of his MOUNTAIN of LIES)

Republicans were not shy about criticizing Obama’s (kind of) pulling American troops from Iraq, but as I remember it, he still had troops fighting ISIS in (Mosul) as he left office. However, I believe it was Obama who initiated the plan for American troops to be working indirectly in the fight against ISIS via special forces (the “small footprint” strategy – meaning their guys do the dying – like in the case of the Kurds) supporting either the Iraqi troops or, in Syria, the Kurds – who, essentially, both, rendered ISIS to be scattered around the world and caused them to lose their “caliphate.” This situation the Kurds presently find themselves in, is just going to get worse – and, I can picture individual 1 attempting to LIE his way out of responsibility for all the Kurds being slaughtered as it’s going to be reported by what he WILL call the “fake news.”

OMG, I just listened to individual 1 claim, “I defeated ISIS.” He was referring to the Kurds and how “they are no angels,” and how we didn’t have an endless agreement to defend them (or words to that affect) forever. He was referring to the agreements made during Obama’s term in office and, while I, personally, don’t want American troops “in endless wars” – the reality is the section of Syria occupied by the Kurds was relatively stable and they were holding over 10,000 ISIS fighters in detention (fighters who likely are escaping during this debacle). My first thought, individual 1 taking credit for personally “defeating ISIS” made me think of “bone spurs.” The idea individual 1 would actually be part of defeating ISIS is maybe the MOST absurd thing I’ve heard yet during individual 1’s time in office, and that’s saying something!

I’ve also heard individual 1 and his sycophants justifying the extortion of the military aid they used as a way to get the Ukrainians to provide them some “dirt” on Joe Biden and a pathway to FOOL “we the people” into thinking it was the Ukrainians “interfering” in the 2016 election and they were doing so to help Hillary Clinton by claiming our nation does not have an endless agreement to support Ukraine. again, OMG! It’s as if EVERYTHING he does is aimed at helping Vladimir Putin. Are we ever going to find out why? I keep talking about the DAMAGE individual 1 is doing to America and what it will take to correct it, but what about Ukraine? Individual 1 is, basically it seems, helping Vladimir Putin to gain even more of a foothold in Ukraine – that will only be able to be undone by even more sever sanctions on Russia or military confrontation.

So, here’s the results of individual 1’s “foreign policy:” The Ukrainians are “staggered” by the threat of the “conditions” put on the much needed aid that they would invent something on Joe Biden individual 1 can use in his next election battle. I’ve heard reports that individual 1 has intimidated Ukraine’s president Zelensky into seeking a “compromise” with Putin that has the people of Ukraine, again, up in arms. This is bad, but personally, watching American tanks leaving Syria with the Kurds throwing rotten tomatoes, potatoes, and other “projectiles” at the vehicles carrying our troops who are leaving the Kurds “with their tails between their legs.”

Of course, it’s not the troops themselves who the Kurds are angry with, it’s individual 1. They are using the word “betrayal” whenever a reporter can get an interview. But, they understand that MOST of the American people are devastated by the condition they’ve been put in by our so-called president. Can you imagine what the troops AND those the troops are protecting around the world are thinking? The reality is that Vladimir Putin is on a “rampage” around the world in his attempt to turn the “West” inside out via the Russian’s “active measures” while he’s trying to recreate the “former Soviet Union.”

And, all of this is happening while there’s a serious “IMPEACHMENT inquiry” going on in the House of Representatives which is LIKELY going to result in Articles of IMPEACHMENT being passed in regard to individual 1’s incredible ABUSE of power. Sometimes I have to wonder if he simply believes there are no laws, or the laws simply don’t apply to him. (And, I’m thinking this is not a new thought process for him – I believe he felt the same way as he was when managing his criminal enterprise – the “Trump Organization.”

Republicans, at some point, are going to be put “on the spot” as they will need to vote on whether this mob behavior coming from the “White House” is acceptable to them. Each one of them will be deciding what spot they want in the future American History books. Do they want to be “resting” next to individual 1 and Benedict Arnold or do they want to be in a place where Americans who spent their lives defending the constitution – no matter what – find themselves. I’ve said this all along: Individual 1 is a disgusting person. He’s an incredible narcissist, a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, and a pathological LIAR.

Sadly, as I’ve also said many times, his base is the so-called “Evangelical Christians” – who MUST be struggling to find ways to justify their support of this person with what they read in the Bible. Today, individual 1 claimed the IMPEACHMENT inquiry was like a LYNCHING. OMG! This was said, apparently to again “gin up” his base. Well, is a reference to LYNCHING something the Christian community “buys?” It will take years for America to recover from what this thug is doing to this nation. He’ll take us all down with him if that’s what he thinks will save him. And, remember, he’s got to be thinking that once he’s no longer our so-called president, he can then be indicted!

Final Thought: In Wolf’s book, there is a much clearer explanation of the MONEY LAUNDERING scheme individual 1 carried out in Florida with a property he “purchased” for $41 MILLION (The first I heard of this was via the reporting of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC) – ironically STEALING the property from Jeffrey Epstein – and then, without doing virtually ANY improvements to the property reselling it to a Russian, Dimitry Rybolovlev, for $96 MILLION in an obvious money laundering scheme. There are even questions as to whether or not that individual 1 “purchased” the property in the first place as a “front” for someone else – maybe even Rybolovlev. Likely Epstein didn’t make more of an issue with this because he had his own problems at the time and individual 1 was well aware of what they were.

As I’ve said, “I can’t keep up!” I wrote this a week or two ago and didn’t publish it because, well, there was “other stuff” – so, I’m going to publish it now – my apologies for the lack of editing (which, often, is “par for the course” in my writing – keep in mind, if you find this, I have no idea how or why :o)

Since I wrote this Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed and, of course, according to individual 1 he (and his bone spurs) did the killing. I’m sure I’ll write more about all that later.

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