Republicans chose to defend individual 1 in today’s vote on IMPEACHMENT while standing next to a reproduction of the Soviet “Hammer and Sickle!” What the?????

So, as usual, these past few days are FULL of “stuff” coming from individual 1’s administration which is mind boggling – including how he presented the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Northern Syria – thanks to intelligence from the Kurds whom he had recently betrayed. For example, over the weekend General John Kelly – individual 1’s second chief of staff – tried to make himself look prescient suggesting he had warned individual 1 “not to hire a ‘yes man’ to replace himself” – suggesting Mick Mulvaney is a “yes man” and that’s why our so-called president is being IMPEACHED. Well, from my perspective, Kelly is not much better than individual 1. (The only reason individual 1 wasn’t impeached during Kelly’s time as chief of staff is because William Barr undermined Mueller’s work)

It’s still as clear as a bell in my mind watching Kelly stand at the podium in the White House’s communication room LYING about individual 1’s disparagement of a fallen soldier to the soldier’s wife – while her (African American) Representative was sitting in the car listening to the call. Individual 1 called on Kelly to defend his actions toward this widow which ended up being a barrage of MORE LIES! In the course of all of Kelly’s LIES, as supposedly being the “one” who could defend individual 1, he showed himself to be a RACIST and a misogynist (while he was trying to say something like “In my day women were respected”) attacking congressperson Wilson by saying things which were provably FALSE about her and then, just like his boss and for “good measure,” he couldn’t resist LYING about President Obama. Kelly soiled himself for the History books!

Additionally, in the interview, Kelly seemed to be suggesting he was a “truth teller” during his term as the Chief of Staff in his relationship with individual 1. Keep in mind, if you read the Mueller Report, Kelly wasn’t able to keep individual 1 from committing, by some accounts, at least 10 examples of OBSTRUCTION of Justice. I’ve always been curious as to how Generals like Kelly can stomach the relationship individual 1 has with Vladimir Putin, for example. If anyone would understand the threat Putin poses to the United States and our Western Allies it would, seemingly, be our “Generals,” but I noticed nothing but SILENCE coming from Kelly during his time in office as individual 1, time and again, was “making Russia ‘great’ again.”

So, apparently Mr. Kelly feels a bit of a reprieve that the IMPEACHMENT is NOT coming on his “watch.” However, it should have – although Nancy Pelosi was correct all along when she said, “individual 1 (she, of course said “Trump”) will IMPEACH himself” – which is exactly what he did once he realized the Mueller report was not going to “get” him. The phone call at the center of the Ukraine scandal happened ONE day after Mueller testified to Congress. Does that give you the same thought it gave me regarding what was in individual 1’s brain once Barr undermined Mueller? “I’m in the clear, I really can do ANYTHING i want.” (I have to add the obvious, individual 1’s abuse of power did not start with the aforementioned phone call)

And, watching those republicans attempting to continue their defense of this despicable so-called president is beyond alarming. The LYING is endless – it’s all they got! I’m sure the defenders of individual 1 are flabbergasted by all the career diplomats who actually believe answering a lawfully drawn up subpoena is a moral obligation or duty. Individual 1 has been implementing the mafia practice of “loyalty” (ie no one “talks” to the authorities) – apparently struggling with the idea he’s in charge of the “authorities.” (and wondering why they are not “under his thumb” – with the exception of Barr)

I’ve been writing about how individual 1 has come across as a mafia boss to me for a couple years now and the evidence implying I was correct continues to mount. I still remember when he called Michael Cohan a “rat” when Cohen decided to “tell the truth” to authorities after individual 1 abandoned him during the investigation from the Southern District of New York which now has Cohen spending 3 years in prison. When interviewed about Cohen, individual 1 (I heard this myself at least twice) said “flipping should be illegal.” He really hates the idea of his subordinates actually telling the truth to investigators. Isn’t that mafia like?

And, speaking of his connection to the mafia, there’s a plethora of information in the public domain about individual 1’s connections to the crime families in New York and the Russian Mafiya which, apparently, bailed him out of several of his BANKRUPTCIES via various money laundering schemes. Then there’s his most recent “adviser” who’s been arrested, Lev Parnos, one of Rudy Giuliani’s infamous Ukrainian mafiya “side kicks” during his shakedown of the new Ukrainian government. Last night (10/29) I happened to watch the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC which included a very interesting “bio” of Mr. Parnos. Yikes!!!

I included the date so you can check out their archive should you choose – but, Mr. Parnos has a history which would indicate individual 1, despite his claims to the contrary, doesn’t actually “hire the best people.” Ms. Maddow gave a history of Parnos that goes back to a group of “investors” who were ripping people off for MILLIONS of dollars and were directly connected to organized crime families. There are damning questions about where Parnos gets his money and, keep in mind, Giuliani HASN’T been paying him – he’s been paying Giuliani! To the tune of half a MILLION dollars! And, there are clearly questions, from what I’ve read, into what kind of scheme Giuliani, along with Ambassador Sondland and Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, were part of, apparently, a scheme aimed at getting “in on” Ukraine’s great oil wealth.

It looks to me like not only did individual 1 VIOLATE our laws (election laws, bribery laws, and ????) but also Giuliani, Mike Pompeo, William Barr, Sondland, Perry, and likely others need to be “lawyering up.” When all is said and done – and, make no mistake, I’m not predicting when that will happen (Fox “noise” has a large audience which will consider this all “nothing” which will likely delay any finality on this issue) – I believe there’s evidence suggesting individual 1 will be regarded as a traitor. There’s too much evidence suggesting the “connection” between him and Vladimir Putin goes well beyond what is publicly known as I’m writing this and what would be diplomatically acceptable under any other circumstances. There have just been too many “coincidences” in regard to individual 1 doing Russia’s “bidding” for my liking. (This is another situation which DEMANDS our next president not follow President Obama’s plan of “looking forward instead of back” when he “looked the other way” from the CRIMES of Bush/Cheney – these people need to be held accountable! (Otherwise we’ll soon be facing the next song on a “broken record”)

Stuff is going to continue coming out, it’s just not for certain there will be enough by the time the Senate has to vote as to whether or not republicans will feel the “need” to “convict” and remove individual 1 from office. (That will cause the so-called “alt right” to hit the streets if it happens) There is undoubtedly a significant portion of America who are part of the “White Nationalist” movement that is spreading across Europe (and triggered by none other than Putin and his Russian cyber warriors themselves) and causing so much division across our nation. It will be difficult to get all the DAMAGE caused by individual 1 out in the open so it might be “fixed” once he’s no longer ruining this nation. And, speaking of………..

Republicans and their apparent NEED to practice Projection; I watched excerpts, today, of republicans in the House as they were defending the indefensible – where the democrats had brought up a vote (they’ve been clamoring for) for an impeachment inquiry, setting up public hearings (which they’ve also been clamoring for) where our so-called president was offered more opportunity to cross examine witnesses than previous presidents in impeachment inquiries their strategy remained the same – which is “showboating.” But, how do they do this? Well, that’s were the projection comes in.

While individual 1’s actions are, over and over again, working to the benefit of Vladimir Putin to the point where I’m not the only American questioning what Putin has on him – it was interesting watching his republican defenders in the House today. While as Nancy Pelosi and the other democrats were making their case for the “impeachment inquiry” (which seems to have been well under way for the past couple of weeks) next to a large American Flag sitting on a tripod right next to their microphone. Well, you’d expect the republicans to stand next to that same flag wouldn’t you? But, NOOOO! They, of course, chose to stand next to the “hammer and sickle” of the former Soviet Union (which Putin is working to reconstitute – with individual 1’s help) – suggesting, I guess, being given the right to cross examine witnesses in public sessions, to them, is “Soviet Style” politics. Personally, I found it offensive and ironic!

Final Thought: I’ve grown tired of the daily grind of keeping up with the scandalous behavior of individual 1 and the willingness of the republicans in Congress to continue enabling him. Combined with Fox “noise” our republican “leaders” are allowing MILLIONS of Americans to be confused as to what is happening. People I know who watch Fox and support individual 1 don’t understand we’re talking about CRIMES in this Ukraine scandal (to a level which, I believe, goes well beyond the now infamous “phone call), additionally CRIMES laid out in the Mueller report (which individual 1 apparently thought because he “got away with them” quite possibly leading to the scandal in Ukraine), and, most seriously, that individual 1’s shakedown of the president of Ukraine was a significant threat to the national security of both Ukraine and America! So, I MUST continue doing my small part of the RESISTANCE!

This all has evolved well beyond the reality we have a bumbling, unfit, demagogue with a cult following in the “White House.” The DAMAGE being done to the “fabric” of America is growing maybe exponentially every day. There are people in places in our traditional institutions who are “flying under the radar” and are committed to destroying the institutions they “lead.” Just as I’ve said our rights are much easier given up than getting restored just as our institutions are easier torn down than built back up. As republicans have overseen the destruction and decaying of America’s infrastructure so they are overseeing the destruction of the State Department, the Department of Energy, The Agriculture Department, etc. etc. Pay attention and VOTE!!!

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