Individual 1 CHEATS at golf and, therefore thinks it’s OK to CHEAT at politics! Apparently republicans think CHEATING at politics is OK! (and golf?????)

Golf is considered a game of honor. People who play the game are understood to follow the rules and to bring penalties on themselves when appropriate. For example, if you’re in a spot where others can’t see what you’re doing and something happens which requires a penalty stroke you are obligated to call the penalty on yourself. You’re expected to “play the ball as it lies” amid a bunch of other rules. Individual 1 is famous for playing with his own set of rules – apparently thinking he “owns” the golf course so he can make his own rules. He seems to be operating under the same “rule book” as he “leads” our nation. (Where he’s “leading” it is what is so alarming to so many Americans)

I just finished writing a letter to the representative of the district where I live, a republican, pointing out my disappointment she failed to show the courage necessary to vote for the “impeachment inquiry” vote in the House the other day – a vote republicans have been clamoring for since the actual “investigation” began a few weeks back. In the letter to my representative I pointed out the corruption she is, essentially, voting in favor of by not supporting the “investigation” – as if EXTORTION is OK as long as it’s happening by the GOP – because I can guarantee anyone these republicans would be apoplectic if a democratic administration had done even a sliver of what individual 1 has done.

For example, picture in your mind Louis Gohmert if Barack Obama had tied a request for political “dirt” on his imagined opponent from a foreign nation to aid to that same foreign nation. He would NOT be calling an investigation into that behavior a “sham” and he wouldn’t be threatening “civil war” over investigating a President Obama. Personally, I believe he, and anyone else in the Congress who suggests (and, in effect encourages) a “civil war” if individual 1 (or any other president) is impeached SHOULD be Censored at the very minimum and being thrown out of Congress SHOULD be an option. (By the way, people like Gohmert were suggesting a “civil war” when Obama was in office apparently because they really struggled with a person of color in the “White House”)

By now, everyone knows individual 1 is NOT going to change. What you see is what you get! And, what we see is getting worse all the time. (I guess, maybe, that means he is changing – for the worse) When someone is a pathological LIAR they actually believe the words they’re saying as those words “tumble” off their tongues. I believe a person’s relationship with the law is quite similar. For example, I believe individual 1 has operated as if the laws don’t apply to him for most of his life which may explain why he believes the summary of the phone call which “triggered” the impeachment inquiry was a “perfect call.” (Despite the FACT it included an ILLEGAL “ask” when he requested “dirt” on Joe Biden – a simple FACT, that is ILLEGAL!)

Quite frankly, individual 1’s brazen disregard for our system of laws is so alarming to me I end up here too many days writing with the hope at least one person might find this site and choose to VOTE in the 2020 election – hoping the republican party gets voted into the History books – to be reconstituted with something that at least resembles something which represents actual “conservatives,” (Conservatives along the lines of Edmund Burke) The fact our Congress is full of people like Gohmert, Steve King, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunez, and I could go on, indicates there’s a significant portion of America which gets their “news” from Fox “noise” which is an organization seemingly dedicated to furthering the goals of Vladimir Putin by turning Americans against each other via (actual) “fake news.” (Fox “news” is now being referred to by many as “Trump TV”)

I often wonder who is actually funding Fox which, if you actually do the work to understand what the TRUTH is in regard to actual political “news,” is hard to stomach for even one minute. When I try to force myself to watch Fox I can never make it even to the one minute place. Not only are their commentators (at least the ones I’ve seen) extreme right wing extremists, they willingly LIE on one issue after another. And, this idea of “blind loyalty” which is the apparent fundamental belief of today’s “conservatives” reminds me of 1930’s Germany. (And, by the way, individual 1 is a second generation American via Germany) At one point in the 2016 campaign individual 1 actually had his supporters raising their arms similar to a “heil” salute. And if you’ve ever seen any of the embarrassing examples of individual 1 requiring his sycophants, while sitting in the Oval Office, one by one, to express their “thanks and loyalty” to him as the cameras are watching, you know what I’m talking about. The republican party seems to be a cult!

Getting back to Gohmert’s suggestion if individual 1 is IMPEACHED there’s going to be a “civil war.” (Boy, that will put William Barr in a tough spot as the leader of the Justice Department). I’ve written about a friend of mine who’s an individual 1 supporter and who I often meet for breakfast. He’s also shared the “civil war” prediction with me at our breakfast meetings. He watches Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity on Fox and I’m not sure what right wing websites – he doesn’t like to admit he’s getting all this right wing propaganda but much of what I hear from him I hear from the other sycophants who are part of individual 1’s cult. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine one of America’s two political parties could evolve into a cult, but, well, “it is what it is.”

The truth around all of this is that those “very fine people” we all saw carrying tiki torches, wearing Nazi armbands, carrying Nazi flags, and chanting “Jews will not replace us” are heavily armed with the very assault weapons many “liberals” want off the streets. Should Mr. Gohmert’s prediction come true we’ll see the law enforcement personnel likely be some, if not most, of the victims of the damage those assault weapons can cause. Those are “weapons of war” and anyone who doesn’t understand our constitution is the foundation of our republic is someone who may result to violence if things don’t go their way.

The reality is we are facing a challenge to our constitutional form of government beyond almost any in the past – maybe with the exception of the ACTUAL civil war. Americans have become very comfortable with a way of life which is likely not endurable. There are only so many resources in the world and this reality seems to be part of the divide which is tearing America apart. Over my lifetime – I started paying close attention to politics about the time JFK was assassinated. Using the constitution as the “rules” with live by it’s becoming clear individual 1 doesn’t understand what’s in the constitution and has no willingness to be guided by it. He feels he is able to “do whatever I want.” (The classic mantra of a sixth grade BULLY)

If some kind of “insurrection” occurs with either the impeachment or the voting from office of individual 1 – who you KNOW will claim “foul” if he’s VOTED out of office – will partly be the result of the ginning up of the white nationalists and the right wing base of “evangelical Christians” by outlets like Fox (I’m now saying “noise” – as I said above many refer to them as “Trump TV”), Breitbart, and other right wing organizations SHOULD be held accountable for any seditious commentary which comes across their airwaves.

The bottom line out of all this which has come from “Trumpism” is we MUST make sure the CONSTITUTION is standing tall at the end. We must make sure those who are self dealing in this incredible day of INCREASED corruption don’t succeed in undermining the “rule of law” in America. Getting individual 1 out of office will not be easy – it’s going to be the challenge for those of us who believe in the “rule of law” to VOTE in massive numbers that leaves no doubt on where the American people stand. Aside from the DAMAGE done domestically by this mafia boss in the “White House” there is massive damage to America’s image around the world which will need to be repaired. And, trust me, people in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and other places in NATO will be watching the election of 2020 as eagerly as most Americans.

Those around the world aren’t “in the dark” about the reality that Vladimir Putin has “something” in individual 1 which has our so-called president working in Russia’s behalf since, virtually, from the first day he was in office. For example, the only reason the sanctions placed on Russia by President Obama have not been removed is because of what was exposed in the Mueller investigation – the more than 100 meetings between individual 1’s campaign officials and the Russians along with Mike Flynn (in my mind, on the orders of individual 1) telling the Russians the sanctions put on them by Obama for the election interference would be removed once individual 1 was in office.

We at least have to give Congress credit in the FACT the reason individual 1 was unable to remove sanctions on the Russians is because that would have been too obvious even for the republicans in the Senate. In fact, the Congress actually voted for additional sanctions with, if you remember, individual 1 attempted to “slow walk” before he was finally forced to put them in place. However, since that day, he’s actually succeeded in removing some sanctions which, hopefully, will be investigated as to who benefited from that action. I do know that Oleg Deripaska was one who benefited which seemed to be a “good deal” for Jared Kushner.

The bottom line here is the Russians hope individual 1 survives and that they can help him gain “re-election” (with who knows how many less votes than his opponent in 2020?) while MOST Americans can’t wait for him to be out of office along with our traditional allies around the world. How many of the countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, China, etc. will be happy to see individual 1 in office for another four years finishing off the “America” they are trying to undermine. Both sides can see America is getting destroyed from the inside out – the difference lies in those who wish for the America “before individual 1” and those who wish for the destruction of the “America” which has led the “free” world since the days of WW II.

It will take a MASSIVE response from those who consider themselves in the “resistance” because individual 1 has become the all time “cult leader” – leading a confluence of right wing neo-Nazi’s and “conservative Christians” similar to the group which brought Hitler to power in the late 1920’s, ironically with the campaign slogan “Make Germany Great Again.” I said at the start of this post that it should be no surprise to anyone that individual 1 willingly CHEATS at politics due to the fact many who’ve played golf with him suggest he CHEATS at that “game of honor.” And, republicans have long showed themselves to believe “the end justifies the means.” So, it’s going to be a difficult challenge to end this nightmare and will require a massive turnout at the polls – EVERYWHERE!

And, I’ll end this by saying, democrats must be FIGHTING for every vote – including places considered “individual 1 country.” A 50 state strategy, to me, is required and hopefully democrats will have the funds necessary for that type of campaign. As President Obama used to say, he wasn’t fighting for the red states or the blue states but the United States of America – that SHOULD be the norm. When all is said and done, it’s imperative we have an Attorney General who leaves no doubt that we are “a nation of laws and not men.” To those who have stocked up cache’s of weapons to “protect” themselves from the government, it must be clear to them, as to me, the constitution is the basis of our republic and “we the people” are OBLIGATED to honor it.

Final Thought: Should there be any form of insurrection in this nation it MUST be met with an overwhelming response which lets anyone know who thinks that is an acceptable form of “protest” in American it is unacceptable. And, if you use weapons in your “protest” you will be met with an overwhelming force from our police, FBI, or whatever response is necessary. At some point more and more of individual 1’s supporters will understand they are supporting a corrupt and inept person who has no idea what he got himself into. I said, long ago, individual 1 would “rue the day he got ‘elected'” – well, since, I’ve also said that day likely passed long ago. However, his nature – the “fight back and attack” anyone who disagrees with him won’t let him accept that and he will FIGHT until the very last day he can legally call the “White House” his home – and, from many reports, beyond that day.

Our constitution is being put to the test and, I for one, am STRONGLY on the side of the constitution. Sadly, I know people who could care less about anything but keeping this demagogue in office. There’s a lot more coming out each day as the IMPEACHMENT inquiry advances. You can expect republicans to be involved in a full force SMEAR campaign against anyone who might actually testify in the inquiry. This should continue to be interesting – I’m telling those around me who are younger, this is a critical point in American History – pay attention!!!

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