Do you think the people wearing the “Read the Transcript” shirts at individual 1’s rally understand the “Transcript” has NOT yet been released? #cults are bad

I have to wonder how many members of Congress actually read the Mueller report. Today, I listened to a democratic member of Congress, Steven Lynch of Massachusetts, talking about the potential timeline of the present IMPEACHMENT inquiry. When comparing this investigation to the “Russia thing” he pointed out one of the problems with the Mueller report was the amount of time it took to get from the “drip drip” of what was in the report to the point where there could have been impeachment hearings. When Rep. Lynch was referring to the Mueller report he said, “in the report there was no collusion although it left open the possibility of OBSTRUCTION.”

My first thought was, did he actually read the report? Suggesting the report said there was “no collusion” was almost a similar “spin” to William Barr, or the republican “talking points” saying virtually the same thing. Had he read the report I don’t think there’s any way he would say that. Mueller was CRYSTAL CLEAR in his report they didn’t even consider whether or not there was “collusion.” They investigated whether or not they could “prove beyond a reasonable doubt” if there was a conspiracy between the individual 1 campaign and the Russians to affect the results of the election. Mueller stated they couldn’t prove a conspiracy to the satisfaction of “the office” but, they were clear in their report they were NOT exonerating our so-called president. Mueller also added, “The lack of cooperation from the administration affected their ability to come to a conclusion” – or words to that affect.

In fact, Mueller suggested the reason individual 1 Jr. wasn’t indicted (along with Jared Kushner) was because “the office” concluded they did not understand their actions (while, in essence, COLLUDING with the Russians) were ILLEGAL. Mueller was not an aggressive prosecutor in all of this – despite what you hear from individual 1 and his sycophants. And, for a democratic member of Congress (Mr. Lynch) to suggest OBSTRUCTION was left as a possibility almost boggles my mind. What Mueller CLEARLY did was leave it up to the Congress to decide if the OBSTRUCTION was impeachable because he was prohibited from INDICTING a sitting president. There was evidence of at least 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice in Mueller’s report.

So, now we’re on to the Ukraine scandal – which, when it gets right down to it is the result of the very same issue which started the Mueller investigation – individual 1 COLLUDING (or, in this instance, attempting to COLLUDE) with a foreign government to help him with his next (in this instance) campaign. The difference, however, is the “cast of characters” involved in what amounts to almost treasonous behavior – because the ultimate benefactor of these unthinkable actions coming from the “White House” is, again, Russia. In this scandal it appears, along with Rudy Giuliani, Ambassador Gordon Sondland, Rick Perry we also have Mike Pense, Mike Pompeo, and Attorney General Barr right in the middle of all the “action.” This “action” caused unknown DAMAGE to the Ukrainians FIGHT against the Russians who have invaded their (Ukraine’s) Eastern provinces. (Everything individual 1 does seems to benefit Russia! Just sayin.,.,,)

Likely the key to the “action” mentioned above is the involvement of our Attorney General in an ILLEGAL campaign finance scheme which likely precludes any involvement with our Justice Department in the investigation. For example, the “whistleblower” complaint was forwarded to the Justice Department and they would have buried it in the “dregs” of the department to NEVER have been publicized had the “whistleblower” not pursued the issue once he/she found out it was being buried by Mr. Barr. Of course, Barr’s name was mentioned multiple times in the complaint (as it was in the “summary” publicized by the “White House”) during the now infamous phone call and it’s outrageous Barr was NOT forced to recuse from anything involving this issue. ALL these people are corrupt up to their eyeballs!

What is undeniable at this point in time is that this “shakedown” has been ongoing since the first day President Zelensky took his oath of office in Ukraine. Anybody who’s been paying attention KNOWS, for example, Rudy Giuliani has been over in Ukraine pushing for the president of Ukraine to provide some kind of “dirt” on Joe Biden due to his son Hunter’s position on the board of a Ukrainian Energy company since the day Zelensky was elected. Additionally, Giuliani (and others) has/have been chasing the (many times) debunked conspiracy theory the Ukrainians have Hillary Clinton’s server which holds the “missing emails.” Giuliani, with the help of Sondland and Attorney General Barr are pushing to prove it wasn’t the Russians who interfered in the 2016 election, but instead it was Ukrainians and they were helping Mrs. Clinton. Yikes!!! (And, by the way, an American ally had hacked into the actual room where the Russian hackers were at work and Mueller had the IP addresses of the computers which broke into the democrats servers and stole the emails – ie the RUSSIANS did it!)

It’s been clear for some time our so-called president has mental deficiencies but, evidently, his issues are spreading to those around him. I keep thinking of the title of Rick Wilson’s book, “Everything Trump touches dies.” You would think Mr. Barr would be smarter than this, but……..? I keep wondering if he actually read Mueller’s report as well as the Congressman mentioned above. In fact, I have to wonder how many members of our government actually read the report. I read it twice and, yes, it’s a bit dry, but if you’re part of the government and have the responsibility to take your OATH seriously, to me, reading it is the least “we the people” should expect. I’m fairly certain my own representative DIDN’T read the report. To me that’s shameful, but I digress!

Seeking this aid from Ukraine for the benefit of individual 1’s campaign is illegal no matter who’s doing it and where it comes from. Yes, it’s true if others outside his “orbit” are collecting “oppo research” which doesn’t come via the Ukrainian government, I believe that is not illegal. The election laws are clear when they say “no candidate for office can solicit or receive anything of value for their campaigns from a foreign source. Soon after individual 1 considered himself “in the clear” of the Mueller investigation after Robert Mueller testified before Congress he was on the phone to the president of Ukraine seeking help for his next campaign, essentially doing the same thing he pulled off with the Russians, via the Ukrainians.

Obviously, what made this all MUCH worse was the FACT individual 1 had blocked the release of the desperately needed military aid which had been appropriated by an overwhelming bipartisan vote in Congress as leverage to FORCE the Ukrainian president to publicly open an investigation into the Bidens. (An investigation which long before had proven “empty”) As I stated above, aside from the benefit this would do for individual 1’s campaign, the suspension of the military aid caused an unknown (to us) amount of DAMAGE to the Ukrainians in their FIGHT against the Russians. They were almost begging for the “javelins.” (Which I believe are anti tank missiles)

I believe “we the people” will never know the details of what has transpired in this scheme coming from the “White House” until after the November 2020 election and William Barr has been removed from the Justice Department. I believe Barr, himself, will possibly be liable for his own actions in this matter. It appears to me Giuliani is involved in MUCH more than the issue with trying to force the Ukrainians to investigate the Bidens. There’s HUGE amounts of money involved with the Oil and Gas industry in Ukraine and it looks like both Giuliani and Rick Perry (and maybe Sondland and who knows who else) were trying to get in on the action! Yikes!!!

One member of Congress after another, when questioned in public, seems to show themselves to be, especially if it’s a republican, trying to make up words on the spot. EVERY republican feels they MUST defend this EXTORTION by individual 1 and too many democrats come across to me as if they haven’t read the Mueller report which makes me wonder where are they getting the information they are using to determine their position on IMPEACHMENT. It kind of explains to me why it took so long to get a majority of democrats in the House to support IMPEACHMENT. In this case, it appears that public knowledge of our so-called president committing EXTORTION, where he provided the PROOF himself, was what it “took.”

In my mind, the scariest part in all of this is the number of our “leaders” in Washington – both parties – who are struggling with the courage it takes to honor their oath of office. This IMPEACHMENT “inquiry” SHOULD have been on the “front burner” long ago – as many of us have been clamoring. Republicans continue to show their FEAR of individual 1 while focusing on keeping their job at the expense of our republic. And, many of the democrats are in the same boat – because, had they read Mueller’s report this Ukraine thing would be NO surprise. In fact, I have to wonder how many other situations would mirror this one during individual 1’s time in office.

Final Thought: Here’s another comment that might well be taken with offense by many, but, to me is just real. Last night I watched part of individual 1’s rally in Kentucky (where Rand Paul further soiled himself by the side of our mafia boss in chief as he lobbied for the whistleblower to be “outed”) and many of the people in the audience were wearing tee shirts with the lettering on the front reading “Read the Transcript.” I keep wondering what is the level of STUPIDITY among “we the people.” I guess I think in terms of what I used to teach my sixth graders – like READ various points of view when forming your opinions with the emphasis on READING!

So, these people are wearing shirts with words that are absurd on the chests – where anyone watching on TV can clearly see. For starters, the “Transcript” has not been published – so no one CAN read the “Transcript.” The ONLY thing “we the people” COULD read would be the summary of the phone call in question because THAT is what has been published. Obviously, anyone wearing those shirts was admitting to being susceptible to the right wing propaganda which is making them look to be FOOLS.

Now, had the shirts read “Read the Summary of the Phone Call” that would suggest they had read the Summary and were OK with THEIR president EXTORTING the Ukrainians for the benefit of his 2020 campaign and the benefit of Vladimir Putin and the Russians. The bottom line is it IS the SUMMARY of the Transcript, which is what has been published and has individual 1 facing IMPEACHMENT. I’m guessing close to NONE of the people wearing those shirts has READ anything relating to the details of why individual 1 is LIKELY to be IMPEACHED. I really don’t want to refer to them as STUPID (even though that thought has crossed my mind) because, outside of politics many of them may be “very fine people” – who knows. But, wearing that shirt makes them come across to anyone who’s actually READ the summary and the other available documents regarding this EXTORTION scam as STUPID. I wish I could say it differently!

One more thing: Now there are (actual) transcripts of the depositions which have been taken by the House Intelligence Committee. How many of those people wearing the shirts at individual 1’s rally do you think will read those transcripts? (The first couple covered over 500 pages – and, it appears there will be two more released each day) Do you think these people will watch the public hearings republicans have been pushing for? The bottom line is these people come across to be like a group of SHEEP being herded toward slaughter. Individual 1 comes across as a cult leader and these people wearing the shirts will some day learn they were part of a cult which attempted to undermine the constitution of the United States of America.

My hope is the constitution will be standing when that day arrives!

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