“We the people” need to get “RID” of individual 1 so that we can actually “make America great again.”

With the exception of the anticipated CHEATING, it appears individual 1 could be going down to an overwhelming defeat on November 3rd. He knows this and his republican sycophants know this so, as I’ve pointed out here numerous times, grab onto your “safety belt” as our IMPEACHED so-called president and those in Congress who’ve been enabling him for the past four years attempt to INCREASE the DAMAGE they still have the ability to cause prior to January 20th – the date most of us are hoping will be a “peaceful transition of power.” It was reported today there were changes made to the “rules” of how our government personnel process works so that republicans can “stick” some of their worst sycophants deeply into the “bowels” of the government, apparently so they’ll be unnoticed in Biden’s administration. That’s just one of the ways they’re attempting to “muck up” the system. Of course, the obvious way is the cramming through of Amy Barrett onto the Supreme Court – a person who is clearly out of touch with anything close to “mainstream” America. Are there NOT four republicans willing to put the future of this nation ahead of their political “well being?” Of course not, maybe one!

Everyone of the republicans in Congress who continues to be enablers of individual 1 need to start thinking about their own legacy as well. Take for example reports last week there are STILL 545 children at our Southern border who may NEVER be reunited with their parents. Apparently, their parents have been deported and the children are still here. This will be written in our history books in the same section where we learned of the Japanese Americans put in cages during WW II. Everytime I see video of these children – still in CAGES (which individual 1 claims are very clean – as if that absolves him of this DEPLORABLE situation) I get tears in my eyes and I bow down in prayer for the children. Knowing there’s NOTHING I can do about this other than VOTE and keep PRAYING is beyond frustrating. And, then I think of all the republicans who are enabling this. How can any American vote for someone cruel enough to do this to all these children? How do these republicans sleep at night?

These children represent the stark reality of the previous four years and what individual 1 is doing to this once great nation (“we the people” now really need to “make America great again”) but, as usual, there’s obviously more. On most days the cruelty aimed at these children gets no mention in the “news” because of what, to some degree, will be an even worse section of our history books. That’s the lack of response to the pandemic caused by the coronavirus and the disease resulting from it, Covid-19 (I’ve seen it called “SARS CoV-2”) which will likely have KILLED over 400,000 Americans before individual 1 leaves office. (OK, that’s assuming he LOSES to Joe Biden on November 3rd) Should our IMPEACHED so-called president somehow manage to CHEAT his way into another four years (he’ll be trying to make it permanent) it would almost guarantee the loss of at least one MILLION “souls” with the possibility of many more. If the vaccines don’t work and he continues with this “herd mentality” approach to the virus there could be as many as six MILLION lives lost before the virus finally, as he says, goes away.

Environmental regulations have been rolled back to dangerous levels, the deficit is at astronomical highs and “deficit spending” is still called for because of the MILLIONS of Americans who are unemployed with no “road” to a decent job – until investment can be made by the government to rebuild this nation and transform it in a way to create MILLIONS of new jobs as is being proposed by Biden, by the way. The Justice Department, under William Barr has been turned into a “weapon” of the “White House” and if that continues this nation is ruined. Virtually every traditional department of our government has been purged of the skilled non-partisan public servants who will be very difficult to replace – it will take a lot of time and if individual 1 remains these departments will be in ruins before long.

I’ve mentioned several times here about how one of my friends, who somehow continues to be part of individual 1’s cult, has predicted a “red wave” after which “liberals” will be “rioting” in the streets. Of course, I see it in exactly the opposite direction, I told him Biden will win and the right wing militia’s will be the ones in the streets. I certainly hope we’re both wrong as far as “the streets” are involved, but every time I see individual 1 making absurd comment after absurd comment I just shudder to think he’s our IMPEACHED so-called president let alone he could still be in that position after January 20th. Individual 1 won’t even do ANYTHING in an attempt to mitigate the deaths coming from the virus in line with the scientists who’ve been correct all along as this devastating virus has engulfed this nation.

Our IMPEACHED so-called president ignored the pandemic for the now infamous “first 70 days,” then made a half-assed attempt to participate with the White House Coronavirus Task Force with Dr. Fauci but couldn’t last even one day after putting out the plan for “opening up the country” after the “15 days to slow the spread” which morphed into about a month – and, by the way, was actually working – until Twitter was bombarded by “tweets” calling for groups like the Proud Boys and other right wing militia groups to “LIBERATE Michigan,” “LIBERATE Minnesota,” and “LIBERATE Virginia.” That was when individual 1 grabbed his “white flag” and went AWOL from any sense of fighting to mitigate the virus leading to the HUGE rise in cases during July and August. Now, the administration has admitted they’ve completely “thrown in the towel” and, consequently, we’ll soon be at 100.000 cases per day.

For people like me, I don’t think it will be long and the NFL season will be in serious doubt and, I believe, it will be a miracle if there’s an NBA season this next year – unless they can do the entire league in a “bubble” like they finished last season. And, Baseball – Spring training starts right after the inauguration and, based on the predictions of the best scientists – like Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota, we’ll be experiencing over 100,000 NEW cases per DAY at that point in time – possibly several hundred thousand cases per day. Hospitals will be over capacity and it will take Joe Biden four to five months to get the virus under control once he’s in office, should he win on November 3rd.

Biden is likely to win decisively on November 3rd, but individual 1’s strategy is becoming clearer by the day. Take Pennsylvania, for example. Individual 1 MUST win Pennsylvania to have any chance for re-election. So far, there have been close to two MILLION early votes cast in Pennsylvania’s election. This is something like 40% of the expected turnout and something like 70+ per cent of the early votes have been from democrats to less than 20 per cent coming from republicans with the rest coming from “other” – and, of course, who knows who was voted for on those ballots. The expectation is democrats will continue sending in early mail in ballots building up an almost insurmountable lead going into election day.

However, in Pennsylvania, the ballots which are counted FIRST are the ones cast on election DAY. So, I can see individual 1 claiming he’s won Pennsylvania – probably by a landslide because his supporters are planning to vote in person on election day – so the first reports will show him way ahead. Of course, once the “ballots,” as he calls them, are counted – meaning the mail-in, and early voting ballots – he’s likely to be well behind Biden. Right now, the “polls” are suggesting Biden leads by about 7% which, in Pennsylvania, would be around 400 – 500 THOUSAND votes. Individual 1 will claim Pennsylvania’s vote was “rigged” – GUARANTEED.

“We the people” need to hope for the best and prepare for the worst – because there is NO low which is too LOW for individual 1. He not only doesn’t want to be humiliated by Joe Biden, but he’s looking at some serious legal jeopardy once he’s out of office for the things still within the limits of the statute of limitations. I, for one, feel he’ll need to face the Southern District of New York allegations which got him the moniker “individual 1” – and, by the way, also got Michael Cohen 36 months in prison. (Oh yes, Michael Cohen’s book was one of the best I’ve read about individual 1 – and, of course, partly about Mr. Cohen – which was nice. If you haven’t read it, I would highly recommend it.) The District Attorney in Manhattan is targeting our IMPEACHED so-called president and someone SHOULD follow through on all the allegations in Mueller’s report which include many instances of Obstruction of Justice. These are likely the MAIN reason individual 1 is campaigning so hard. He’s the head of a mini “crime family” and a bunch of them could be preparing to “face the music.” Stay tuned………………………….

Tonight, on MSNBC, there was a discussion of the number of LIES in one of individual 1’s rallies – the list was ENORMOUS – and the discussion evolved to talking about legislation which was passed by Barack Obama with the support of John McCain and, which individual 1 is taking credit for passing. A reporter for the Washington Post, Ashley Parker, pointed out how effective our IMPEACHED so-called president’s LYING is because, during the recent Republican National Convention there were several speakers who wanted to include this LIE in their speech but thinking it was actually true.

Ms. Parker pointed out how effective individual 1’s “strategy” of repeating the LIES over and over until people start to believe the LIES are actually true is. My disappointment hit a near 10 level because it was the PERFECT opportunity for SOMEONE in the “liberal media” to point out this is the propaganda strategy of the Nazi’s – called the “Big Lie Theory” which was devised by Hitler himself and put into effect by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s chief of propaganda. Go ahead, look it up! I’ve pointed this out too many times, here, to remember – but, Ms. Parker came the closest of anyone I’ve seen in the media to exposing that our IMPEACHED so-called president is using the Nazi’s propaganda scheme.

Final Thought: Sadly, once we’re rid of our IMPEACHED so-called president the “machinery” which made his assault on our republic possible, Fox “news” et al, will still be in business and, in order to remain “alive,” they will have to rebrand their ATTACK mode and I can virtually guarantee you it will be aimed directly at Kamala Harris. We’re already seeing the signs, as I’ve pointed out in previous postings, and it’s going to get UGLY – as their “schtick” always is. They spent years attacking Hillary Clinton – succeeding in causing members of the republican Congress to WASTE millions of America’s tax dollars in fruitless endeavors such as the “Benghazi” fiasco. That STUPID waste of government energy ended in the so-called “Benghazi hearings” where republicans finally had to interview Ms. Clinton. For 11 hours she made them look like the fools they are – but, that wasn’t the message which permeated the public sphere. They were going after her “favorables” with the public and they succeeded.

Well, these DEPLORABLE republicans are already going after Ms. Harris including by “dog whistle” memes to make sure their right wing racist base knows, aside from being a woman, she’s of African American (and Indian) descent. Individual 1 and others are already attempting to brand her with the “socialist” label because she’s in favor of ALL Americans having access to affordable health insurance. But, of course, just like with President Obama, the worst offenders will be the white nationalist section of the republican base which they will have a hard time distancing themselves from. This is exactly why many traditional “conservatives” are suggesting the republicans need to lose in a landslide – “burn the party down” – so it can be rebuilt into something which has a future beyond total fearmongering, racism, and nationalism in the years ahead. America is changing and, if the republicans want to be part of it, they will have to change.

I’ve been saying this for years: “This is a WAR for the heart and soul of America.” Eventually, the republicans will LOSE and hopefully that happens this year. It would be good for America and good for the GOP if they got hit by a “Blue Wave” in this year’s election. I, personally, believe we need a progressive agenda like what democrats are pushing to turn this nation back to what was once the envy of the rest of the world, but it won’t happen unless we finally address our “original sin” and, collectively, demonstrate we are an empathetic and compassionate society. Our government MUST work from the “bottom up” in order to save this nation from itself and the GREEDY corporate interests which were unleashed with the election of Ronald Reagan back in 1980.

I know many of the republicans who’ve turned against individual 1 still view Reagan as the patron saint of the party, but, I believe, they need to take a more focused look into who Reagan really was. By all accounts, he SHOULD have been indicted because of the Iran Contra fiasco which, to many republicans, was another “who cares” violation of our system of laws. However, in my view, the accountability should be greatest at the “top” and what happened following Iran Contra set the wrong message going forward. Actually, GHW Bush was “knee deep” in that controversy as well and he pardoned a bunch of the perpetrators on the “front lines” of the illegal scheme. Naturally, that was followed by GW Bush and Dick Cheney leaving office as “alleged” WAR CRIMINALS – the investigations which NEVER happened because of Barack Obama saying “we need to look forward instead of back.”

I always felt that was Obama’s greatest failure, and it happened shortly after he took the oath of office. Just as I predicted, at the time, that failure to hold Bush/Cheney and others accountable for a plethora of ILLEGAL activity – some of it horrendous – helped lead to individual 1 and his belief he’s “above the law.” No one has EVER flouted himself to be above the law anywhere close to our IMPEACHED so-called president. And, of course, the republican led Senate kind of proved him correct when they FAILED to hold him accountable for ANOTHER (some of them MUST have actually read the Mueller report) attempt to CHEAT in an election via help from a foreign source. And, of course, if, somehow individual 1 CHEATS his way into another term, he’ll do it again – as he’s trying to run for a third term in 2024!

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