No more stimulus; Let’s see how all the “free market” republicans save our economy! (hint: “socialism”)

Often times I think of all the “conservatives” who complain that democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are “socialists.” These are the same “conservatives” who don’t bat an eye when the “Fed” intervenes in their reckless financial behavior and bails them out. We saw this in the “Great Recession” back in 2008 where GW Bush’s Treasury Secretary, a “free market” kind of guy, Hank Paulsen rushed to Congress right before the 2008 election asking for 700 BILLION in TARP bailout funds. Money to prevent the major banks on Wall Street from having to “face the music” for their reckless, and in many instances, likely illegal behavior. Of course, we all know now many of those banks used some of that money to pay BONUSES to the very traders who created the problem in the first place.

Well, in the panic which followed the “invasion” of the coronavirus and the reality our “leadership” in Washington DC is incapable of dealing with it, Congress, again led by the republican “conservatives” who claim to believe in “free markets” were, this time, giving Jerome Powell, the Fed Chairman, almost a “blank check” to bailout all the industries which benefited to the tune of BILLIONS from the 2017 tax scam and used the money to buy back stock preventing numerous industries from, again, “facing the music.” Many times, here, I’ve made the disclaimer “I’m no economist,” but from what I can tell Mr. Powell has “funneled” something in the neighborhood of $6 – $7 TRILLION into Wall Street to keep various INDUSTRIES somewhat afloat. Not necessarily, for example with the airline industry, keeping the workers afloat, but keeping the shareholders afloat. This has been going on since the days of Ronald Reagan – shareholders are more valuable than workers. To me, in a “nutshell” what’s wrong with America.

I’ve been pointing out for months Wall Street is, to me, like the house built on sand and I’ve suggested republicans just never picked up on Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to help individual 1’s “economy” with the “HEROES Act” which Moscow Mitch stuffed under his desk calling it “dead on arrival.” Well, now our IMPEACHED so-called president’s precious stock market appears to be “teetering” on that foundation of “sand” and it’s likely too late for republicans to turn the impending crash of the market before the election. Just as there’s a “spike” in coronavirus infections as we approach the election the market is appearing to be “tanking.” I’m sure individual 1 will blame it all on a “democratic hoax.”

Today, the “White House” declared the “end of the coronavirus” as an accomplishment of their administration. Yes, you read that correctly. Today there were over 80,000 NEW confirmed cases of Covid-19 so saying we’ve reached the “end of the coronavirus” just shows you individual 1’s sycophants are as delusional as our IMPEACHED so-called president. Individual 1’s campaign is so much more disgusting than any I’ve EVER witnessed in my lifetime it’s hard for me to put words to it. Just today Federal Judges had to make two ORDERS which pretty much says it all in regard to our IMPEACHED so-called president’s attempt to CHEAT in order to win this election. First, there were a couple guys who sent “robo calls” to THOUSANDS of democratic voters telling them it was too dangerous to send in mailin ballots and trying to discourage them from voting at all. These calls were sent to primarily African American voters in several “rust belt” states. Of course, these two men committed FELONIES and the judge ORDERED them to send messages to EVERYONE who got the original message explaining the original call was a scam and not true. Of course, it’s likely too late for those who get the “new” message to vote by mail because of the other issue.

Another judge has ordered the Postal Service to REVERSE all the changes put into effect right after Lewis DeJoy was put in as the head of the Post Office. The result of the changes has been delays in the delivery of First Class mail by several days in several “battleground states” like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Do you think that’s a coincidence? The delays are focused in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Cleveland (Ohio) in areas which, again, are heavily African American communities. OK, it’s NOT a coincidence. Well, the NEW robo calls – reversing the original ILLEGAL ones would be helpful, except the mail won’t NOW get those votes to the polls in time. It’s like individual 1’s sycophants are “doubling up” on their voter suppression tactics.

Heck, individual 1 seems to be even “suppressing” his own voters. I’m sure, if you’re reading this, you know our IMPEACHED so-called president is holding “super spreader” rallies “on top of each other” – but, it gets worse. Yes, the people attending the super spreader events this close to the election should be able to make it to the polls, even if they get the virus – you Know they’ll take it with them – but, last night, individual 1 outdid even himself, if that’s possible. In search of 1 Electoral College vote in Nebraska he held a rally in an obscure airfield outside of Omaha in freezing cold temperatures. We all KNOW our IMPEACHED so-called president cares about NO ONE but himself, but apparently, that hasn’t sunk in to his supporters just yet – unless they live in Omaha, Nebraska.

At the conclusion of this rally individual 1 was in Air Force one and “on his way” within moments of the end of the rally, but not so much for his supporters. In fact, hundreds of them were left in the freezing temperatures to find their way back to the main airport terminal which is around 4 miles from where the rally was held. There were several supporters who were admitted to local hospitals (which are already full of Covid-19 patients) – some with the original form of pneumonia, frostbite, or ????? Of course, other than members of individual 1’s “death cult” we all know he doesn’t care about a single ONE of those people.

I mentioned above about how the stock market is in the beginning stages of another cratering and, soon, individual 1 will be touting a “record” rise in GDP for the “third quarter” of this year – which will be another phony argument suggesting he’s good for the economy. As I often say, I’m no economist, but the reason for the large increase in GDP for the third quarter is because it is following the second quarter which had the LARGEST drop in GDP in recorded history. So, picture this – the economy drops 32% in the second quarter and then it recovers, say, 25% in the third quarter, we’re still DOWN around 7% and when you add the 5% we were down in the first quarter, well, I think you get my point – especially if you’re ANY good at all with Math. And, the NEXT drop in the economy may very well be under way as I’m writing this. The stock market, individual 1’s measure of success, was at around 20,000 when he took office. Today, it closed around 26,000 – around a 30% increase in four years. When President Obama took office, the market was at around 10,000 and tanking thanks to the policies of Bush/Cheney – soon to be at around 6500.

Now, remember, individual 1 inherited an economy which had been expanding for over 7 years and the market continued to increase at about the same rate which he INHERITED for the first three years of his administration. So, now it’s about 30% above what he INHERITED and Obama/Biden left him a market which was about 300% above where the market bottomed out after Bush/Cheney’s debacle and over DOUBLE 200% of what it was when they took office – which was during the “Great Recession.” Either way, individual 1 comes up well short of what Obama/Biden did during their eight years in office. In the final three years of the Obama/Biden administration well more JOBS were created than in the first three years of individual 1’s. Of course, when you take into account the coronavirus, individual 1 is the FIRST (IMPEACHED so-called) president to administer over a net job LOSS, well, EVER.

And, speaking of the coronavirus he keeps suggesting the ONLY reason there are so many cases in America is because of the testing – suggesting, I guess, if we didn’t test people they wouldn’t have the virus. Of course, this is the perfect way to cause the virus to spread even more rapidly than it already is. And, now he’s suggesting Joe Biden shouldn’t be pointing out we’re facing a “dark winter” (as are virtually ALL the scientists) as if by not saying anything about it will make it not happen. I’m not sure who disgusts me more – individual 1, who is a pathological LIAR, a misogynist, a racist, a xenophobe, and I’ve got to add he’s ignorant and, by far, the most narcissistic person I’ve ever seen – or the 40% of America who cheer as he’s LYING to their faces, who don’t care about the incompetent response to the one crisis he’s had to deal with, and who say “I’m not a racist” as they’re cheering for the president who has torn apart over 500 families simply seeking a better life and a plethora of other issues. I find this disgusting!

The people who attend the rallies of our IMPEACHED so-called president don’t seem to care about the surges in the virus which are following these rallies. These are among the Americans who don’t believe Covid-19 is serious and refuse to wear a mask. Where I live, most people I see are wearing masks and our “numbers” are pretty low – the hospitals are not overwhelmed. But, that’s not the case in places like Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Kansas, and on and on. This virus is SURGING and our republican LEADERS don’t seem to “give a rip.” The first republican who comes to my mind – of course, not counting individual 1 – is South Dakota governor Kristi Noem – a politician who disgusts me almost as much as our IMPEACHED so-called president – seems to be lining herself up to be the next “individual 1” in 2024 – via her disregard for the health of the people in her state. She not only encouraged people to attend individual 1’s rally on July 4th at Mt. Rushmore without mask and without “social distancing” but she also allowed the “Sturgis” motorcycle rally to happen in her state where something like 500,000 “maskless” bikers showed up for a couple weeks and then went back to states all over the country – maybe the largest “super spreader” event in the world.

I’ve been following the increases in cases of Covid-19 in the states around South Dakota since the Sturgis rally and it’s hard to argue against the DAMAGE caused by all those people “hanging out” for a couple weeks as if there’s no pandemic. To me, this is the epitome of selfish people. Check with the people in the hospitals in the Dakotas and the surrounding states which have been affected by this rally. Just today, in South Dakota there are over 1500 NEW cases reported of Covid-19 with OVER 1300 NEW cases today alone in North Dakota and MORE than 1000 in Montana. Makes me wonder if people like Ms. Noem care at all about the doctors and nurses in the hospitals who are the ones who have to risk their own health in trying to save the lives of all those who end up in their ICU’s fighting for their lives. Of course, just as many of us pointed out in the beginning of this pandemic, by not having a national policy to FIGHT this virus “we the people” are at the mercy of people like Ms. Noem who are making reckless decisions which impact people all across the country. The virus does not respect borders and people travel all around this great country.

Joe Biden understands the key to re-invigorating our economy and saving the lives of HUNDREDS of thousands of Americans is by “crushing the virus” in the words of Nancy Pelosi. Now the virus, as was predicted by the scientists (I listen to Michael Osterholm) is surging to levels we haven’t seen yet this year – we could be at 100,000 cases per day within a week or two, yesterday there were over 90,000 NEW cases according to “” – and Wall Street is responding by heading a bit south. Of course, if you’ve been on this site before, you know I’ve been pointing out Wall Street is like a “house built on sand” and, unless Jerome Powell has a couple more TRILLION dollars to pump into the failing businesses he’s been propping up since April the market could TANK to dangerously low levels. When there are over 20 MILLION Americans collecting some level of unemployment benefits the reality is we’re in a serious economic downturn – maybe depression levels of unemployment. Stay tuned…………….

Final Thought: We all KNOW the disaster of the previous four years is likely the result of James Comey deciding to temporarily “re-open” the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s EMAILS just 11 days prior to the 2016 election. I was watching the polling very CLOSELY back then and I saw the polls shift noticeably toward individual 1 during those 11 days – Comey’s report VIOLATING all FBI protocols and turning America, essentially, “upside down.” In that vain you have to understand the recent press briefing by the head of the DNI (Department of National Intelligence), John Ratcliffe, was likely an orchestrated attempt by our IMPEACHED so-called president to order one of his sycophants to attempt recreating Comey’s intransigence.

Ratcliffe, it has since been reported, strayed from the script those standing next to him on the podium were expecting to come from his mouth. He suggested the “interference” he and Chris Wray, the head of the FBI, were reporting to “we the people” was designed to “hurt” individual 1. If you’re aware of the supposed spoof emails he was referencing, which appeared to come from the “Proud Boys” and threatened those who received them with – HARM of some sort – if they didn’t re-register as a republican and vote FOR individual 1. Somehow, Ratcliffe interpreted those emails as being designed to “hurt” our IMPEACHED so-called president. He took a different logic class than myself, just sayin……… Additionally, he failed to mention the “Proud Boys” in his remarks, although, according to reports since that briefing, his prepared remarks had that reference in them – and Mr. Wray was expecting that reference.

Mr. Ratcliffe hardly mentioned Russia in his remarks and, personally, I hope Joe Biden is planning to give Russia “what for” regarding what they’re doing this year in their “meddling.” Not only are the Russians spewing “misinformation” into places like Facebook and their plan to create division in America has been wildly successful. Now the Russians are attacking our Voting infrastructure – and, of course, we don’t know what they’ll accomplish in the last few days of the election – or what they’ve already accomplished because individual 1 won’t allow anyone to even mention the Russians – but, they’ve also been attacking hospitals around the country with a form of “ransomware” which, apparently, the virus “protectors” are unfamiliar with so there are hospitals which are actually shut down. I really hope Joe Biden will authorize our cyber warriors to give it back to Russia many times over what they’ve done to us. Maybe that would get them to stop their so-called “active measures.”

OK, one more thing: I’ve pointed this out many times here I have a tendency to watch/listen to MSNBC, although I’m starting to find out what it’s like at CNN, But today I was listening to “Deadline White House” on MSNBC as I was driving around, I do like to listen to former republican Nicole Wallace, and I found myself yelling at my car radio. The topic was the 545 children at the border separated from their parents, likely forever, and that this was “criminal.” Well, of course it was! It’s a NEW blight on our nation and the question was should we “look back.” Ms. Wallace seemed to think this action was egregious enough for us to “look back,” although she added many of the other transgressions of individual 1 weren’t “worth it.” That’s when I started YELLING!

If you remember, one of the first things President Obama did regarding ALL the ILLEGAL behavior of Bush/Cheney – including WAR CRIMES by authorizing TORTURE – was to say, “we’re going to look forward instead of back.” At the time (and, many times since) I pointed out it’s IMPOSSIBLE to deal with ILLEGAL activity without LOOKING BACK! That SHOULD make perfect sense. The crime is committed and then the investigation leads to accountability. You MUST “look back.” There was NO accountability for Bush/Cheney and several others in their administration (Don Rumsfeld, et al) and, at the time, I predicted Obama was opening the “door” to further lawlessness coming from the “White House” down the road – and, it didn’t take long to make me look prophetic. (OK, I wasn’t the only one making these predictions) The list of ILLEGAL activity by individual 1 and his surrogates goes way beyond what was done by Bush/Cheney and it MUST be fully investigated if our system of LAWS is to “prevail” over those disregarding it because they are part of the powerful “elite.”

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