When individual 1 denies knowing the “Proud Boys,” if you believe that I have a ……….OK, you know the rest!

I have felt for a long time that Robert Mueller was NO “hero” in his handling of the Special Counsel’s office during the so-called “Russia thing” (in the words of individual 1). I just ordered the book coming out by Andrew Weisman, who was one of the lead prosecutors during Mueller’s probe, and I believe it is going to FINALLY become public why individual 1 was NOT subpoenaed to testify face to face regarding his connections to the Russians. We’re going to learn why the Mueller investigation allowed themselves to be intimidated from “following the money” – which any investigator I’ve ever listened to has said that’s the key to any “white collar” investigation.

I believe as time goes by “we the people” are going to learn our IMPEACHED so-called president is much “DIRTIER” than even those people like me have suggested – I’m not what you’d call a “never (individual 1er)” – sorry, I just can’t force myself to write the name – because, as an independent, I long ago started voting AGAINST (almost every) republican(s). Ronald Reagan, to me, was a racist who. because he came across as “grandfatherly” became popular for a period of time AND, during that time, democrats came across as a bunch of – well, cowards. People unwilling to fight for their own basic beliefs. It was during this time, in my view, when democrats LOST their connection to blue collar workers. Of course, as we’re learning with individual 1, there’s a significant “swath” of America willing to accept this “white supremist” shtick. I still remember Reagan starting his campaign in 1980 in Philadelphia, Mississippi!

Of course, Bush/Cheney ignored the warnings about 9/11, for some reason, and then LIED “we the people” into the invasion of Iraq which is still a MAJOR negative issue – not only with America, but, essentially, the entire world. America’s “thirst” for oil has led to an ongoing level of corruption which, hopefully some day, will become part of our understood history. I’ve witnessed republicans working to “white wash” even more of our history as they look back on Bush/Cheney and don’t like what they see. I can guarantee you, ultimately when they look back on individual 1’s time in office, their attempts to hide reality will go even further. He’s on the verge of turning America into a faux Russia. Vladimir Putin is his idol and he’s doing everything he can to duplicate what Putin has done in Russia to “we the people.”

I listened to the second half of the so-called “debate” number one where our IMPEACHED so-called president further soiled this nation in the eyes of our “allies” around the world. Individual 1 put a new “look” on how a desperate politician responds to a situation which is getting more impossible every day. I’ve been saying for months now we can expect “the kitchen sink” coming at us from this IMPEACHED so-called president and, during the final moments of this debate, we saw/heard maybe the WORST words coming from the mouth of an American president in our HISTORY. He called his “white nationalist/supremacist” to “arms” at the end of this “debate.”

The RUDE attempts at intimidation during what I heard in the “debate” was shameful and embarrassing. Our IMPEACHED so-called president barely allowed Joe Biden to get a word in “sideways.” And, Chris Wallace, sadly lost control because of individual 1’s “antics” and he couldn’t “reel” it in. Clearly, individual 1 is (and will be) doing EVERYTHING he can to prevent an actual debate because he has no answers to an actual focused discussion of the issues which matter to “we the people.” And, had Wallace been able to control the situation, individual 1 laid the groundwork for Biden to provide the reason why Americans should not only vote this disgusting pseudo mob boss out of the “White House” but, in addition, why the republicans in the Senate need to “go.”

At one point individual 1 brought up the issue of all the judges. He “mocked” that there were 128 open judicial seats when he took office. Had Biden been able to get a word in “edgewise” he could have brought up the OBSTRUCTION of Moscow Mitch – the number of filibusters enacted by McConnell went well beyond anything EVER seen in America prior to President Obama’s becoming president and these “white nationalists” at the heart of the republican party claiming their number one goal was that Obama would “fail.” The success of our nation hasn’t been their purpose for as long as I can remember.

Republicans have been pilfering taxpayer dollars since the days of Reagan and his “trickle down (up)” economic disaster – which has turned America into a nation of “haves” and “have nots” and turned our national debt into something all Americans SHOULD be concerned about. Individual 1’s “tax scam” added a couple more TRILLIONS to the the national debt and when the “smoke” clears on individual 1’s DISASTROUS response to the Covid-19 crisis he will be handing off a debt issue which makes the DISASTER Bush/Cheney turned over to Obama/Biden look like a lemonade stand. And, as I’ve been predicting for some time now, I GUARANTEE you the republicans will be BLAMING Biden/Harris for the debt before they take the oath of office.

And, Biden/Harris ARE going to win decisively when the “smoke” clears from this election – but, now even the “main stream” pundits and commentators on the cable “news” outlets – like on MSNBC and CNN – are realizing how a mafia boss responds to LOSING an election. Individual 1 is NOT capable of accepting that Joe Biden is going to give him a THRASHING! MOST of the American people can’t stomach our IMPEACHED so-called president and if he thinks his actions in this “debate” drew ANY “undecided” voters into his “camp” he’s more delusional than certainly I thought. And, while Biden was TRYING to speak directly to the American people about issues like HEALTH CARE Individual 1 was trying to prevent it. He doesn’t want “we the people” to know, for example, he’s not only trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act but, additionally, he’s going after Social Security and Medicare. (I don’t believe Biden, or other democrats, are pointing out the attack on the two most popular American “institutions” – Social Security and Medicare as they should.)

Individual 1’s FAILURE in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic SHOULD be enough to cause him to be facing his legal issues without the OLC “memo” protecting him from indictment as it did during Mueller’s investigation. The reality he’s trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act will cement his position next to Benedict Arnold in the History books – especially if he succeeds. I do have to say, should the Affordable Care Act be repealed it will create a national disaster which will require swift action by democrats in Congress – again, this is why people should vote AGAINST EVERY republican on the ballot. Send a message to these COWARDS who continue to hide in the shadows despite their leader calling “white nationalists” to the polls to intimidate voters in front of MILLIONS of people in the first debate. They need to go so “we the people” can attempt to create a situation where EVERY American has health insurance – no matter their financial situation.

Getting back to Mueller and my understanding he “chickened out” during the Russia Investigation I’m really looking forward to reading Weisman’s book – which should clarify whether my instincts are correct. Based on the couple of interviews I’ve seen with Weisman since I learned about the book it came across to me Weisman was suggesting the Mueller “team” failed miserably to follow the evidence which was leading toward Russia because of individual 1’s threat to fire them. As I listened to Weisman talk about how Mueller took the “easy way out” as the investigation proceeded – I believe “we the people” will require a “second chance” to figure out the truth about why individual 1 acts subserviently to Putin. We MUST find the answer to that!

Keep in mind, many EXPERTS who know what they’re talking about keep reminding us the Russians are STILL involved in our “affairs” and we have NO idea how much “interference” they could cause in this upcoming election because individual 1 and his traitorous sycophants are suppressing as much information as they can. For example, it’s been reported the Russians have successfully “inserted” malware into two counties elections bureau’s with the ability to wipe out as many as 10 per cent of those who are registered to vote – another REASON why it’s important to VOTE EARLY just in case you’re one of the many who MAY be purged from the voter rolls by this Russian malware. And, who knows how many election bureau’s they’ve managed to penetrate. One thing we know – there won’t be any federal response as long as individual 1 is in the “White House.” (And, picture in your mind how often the Russians celebrate they were able to get individual 1 into the “White House” to begin with) One of the many things our IMPEACHED so-called president has in common with Putin is being a White Supremacist – which individual 1 just can’t bring himself to hide.

As individual 1 makes his connection to the Proud Boys public (his words are now on their logo) and refuses to condemn “White Supremacists,” I continue to lose patience with people I know who continue to support him – usually because of a one word answer when I ask them, why? – judges. He’s now claiming he doesn’t know who the Proud Boys are – which is simply ANOTHER lie to add to the pile of LIES which is over 25,000 as I’m writing this. Of course he knows who the Proud Boys are – they have been in the middle of the violence in the protests in Portland, Oregon – where individual 1 sent in his unidentifiable “thugs” who were pulling citizens off the street with no “probable cause,” taking them to “secret places” (with bags over their heads) and attempting to intimidate them to do, who knows what – then releasing them. Individual 1 suggesting he doesn’t know who the Proud Boys are reminds me of him suggesting he doesn’t know who David Duke is. He is sending his “dog whistle” messages to these groups – who view him as their “fuhrer” – since he took the oath of office.

Final Thought: When someone tells you who they are, believe them. In the first “presidential” debate individual 1 was challenged to condemn white supremacy. As he’s done numerous times before, including his phony denial that he didn’t know who David Duke is, he “hemmed and hawed” around the question and couldn’t bring himself to do it. When he was pressed he asked “What is it exactly you want me to condemn” as if he didn’t understand the very straight forward question. Joe Biden said, “Go ahead and do it.” Of course, individual 1 was unable to do so because the white nationalists make up a significant portion of his “base.” So, Joe Biden said, “Proud Boys” as individual 1 was pretending he didn’t know what Chris Wallace, the moderator was suggesting, and he then said of the Proud Boys – a violent White Nationalist group of thugs – “Stand back and stand by.” He COULDN’T do it – to actually CONDEMN any White Supremacist movement or group. Yikes!

Here’s the truth about this – and the “dog whistles” individual 1 has been spewing through what Kamala Harris called a “bull horn” – within an hour of the debate’s end the Proud Boys had either altered their logo with the terms “Stand By” and Stand Back” OR that was the logo prior to the debate and individual 1 was simply repeating it. To me, both options are really BAD, but “option 2” is by far the worst. How much is he in cahoots with these thugs. And, when he talks about “my people” being present at the polling places to make sure of I don’t know what – maybe that people of color don’t vote??? – it makes you wonder doesn’t it? Or, is “wonder” necessary?

When individual 1 denies knowing the “Proud Boys,” if you believe that I have a ……….OK, you know the rest!

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