Are individual 1’s deflections taking the focus of democrats off his plan to undermine Social Security and Medicare?

I had just finished my previous post and I was moving to close out my computer and I noticed the byline of an article in the Washington Post which lamented “A vote for Biden will be a vote for one party rule in Washington.” Obviously, this opinion piece was “penned” by a republican who was giving us another example of hypocrisy. This all while individual 1 is planning to cram through a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg PRIOR to the election – certainly in the “lame duck” session if Biden wins and our IMPEACHED so-called president is futilely trying to get the courts to somehow overturn the election. That being said, republicans have HAD one party rule several times in the 21st century – in their quest for what they call the ‘permanent republican majority’ – which of course will NEVER be close to a majority – and, every time they manage it, they blow it with illegal, incompetent, DEPLORABLE behavior. First Bush/Cheney and then individual 1/Pense.

Well, we not only need voters to give us a “one party rule” – meaning democrats control the House, the Senate, and the White House – remember, democrats won’t control the courts certainly in my lifetime – but we also need a population which PUSHES the Biden administration to move forward in an aggressive and PROgressive manner. We always hear of the American people supporting issues by LARGE majorities and, then, NOTHING happens. Get rid of the filibuster and start legislating things which are desperately needed. Stop governing out of fear. Stop FEARING the right wing propaganda machine. Republicans had their “majority” for the first two years of individual 1’s reign and the ONLY legislative “accomplishment” they had was providing tax breaks in the amount of $2 TRILLION to the top 1% who didn’t need the money – the stimulus they predicted NEVER happened. Voters REJECTED their “majority” overwhelmingly in the 2018 mid term election.

Now, we’re facing an even MORE important election where individual 1 is, as I predicted long ago, “throwing the kitchen sink” at “we the people” and everyone else involved in this election. He’s got William Barr preparing his “October surprise” which will be something untoward that I can’t predict what it will be at this point – maybe Hillary’s emails again??? We KNOW Vladimir Putin is involved again and individual 1’s “team” is perfectly OK with that – and, essentially, NOTHING is being done to stop the Russians. Americans who are part of individual 1’s “uneducated voters” are the targets of the Russian misinformation (ie Fake news, LIES, however you want to characterize it) along with the coordinated misinformation coming from individual 1’s own campaign. And, I believe we have to worry about something else which is, right now, completely under the radar.

Individual 1 is the master of projection so, as I listen to him suggesting we be on the lookout for all the “liberals” who will be dumping write in ballots in places where they will be filled out and turned in by the “liberals who plan to steal this election.” Individual 1 continues to tell his supporters “The ONLY way I can lose this election is if it’s rigged.” Well, just as in 2016 the ONLY way our IMPEACHED so-called president could possibly “win” this November’s election is if it really is rigged – in his behalf. I’m guessing his “popular vote” loss will be far greater than the 3 MILLION Hillary Clinton had over him in 2016. Obviously, individual 1’s strategy is to carry the Electoral College again – but, that appears less likely every day. States like Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Arizona, North Carolina, and even Florida are trending more and more toward a Biden victory in each state.

Individual 1 is actually in the courts trying to “rig” the election in his favor. Here’s the irony or ironies. In Pennsylvania individual 1’s supporters got the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to agree that “naked ballots” should be discarded. A “naked ballot” is a ballot which comes in NOT in the “secrecy envelope.” If you’d been voting in Washington State like I have, for years, you’d know what a “secrecy envelope” is and you’d just naturally put your ballot in the envelope before you placed it in the envelope which you use to send your ballot in. Well, if you’ve been paying attention, you know individual 1 is claiming they’re “cheating” in Pennsylvania. Apparently 7 ballots filled out for individual 1, coming from military personnel (those “suckers” according to their “commander in chief) were in envelopes a “volunteer” in one of the election offices mistook for envelopes requesting absentee ballots. The envelopes actually held ballots which were NOT in the “secrecy envelope” and, therefore – based on the court “win” individual 1 had in Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court – those ballots SHOULD be discarded.

Obviously, when republicans chose to agree with individual 1’s campaign that “naked ballots” – those, like the seven ballots discarded which were ALL for individual 1 – are now destined for the garbage bin – just like the seven ballots they found. Apparently, individual 1’s campaign meant that ONLY those ballots for Joe Biden which come in NOT in the “secrecy envelope” are the ones which should be discarded. All seven of these ballots were placed back in their envelopes and placed where those ballots waiting to be counted are held. I have to wonder if they were “marked” so “we the people” can see whether or not they are discarded when the votes are counted – just as they SHOULD be based on individual 1’s “win” in the courts. When you hear republicans making a big deal about those votes – remember what I just said! They’re all nuts and CHEATERS! It never ends!

Individual 1 is dispatching the “deplorables” Hillary Clinton referred to in 2016 to the polling places – apparently already – in an attempt to intimidate people from casting their ballots. These white nationalist thugs are usually carrying high powered weapons of war as they “hang out” in these polling places. Additionally, we know William Barr has turned the Justice Department into a weapon to defend our IMPEACHED so-called president and he’ll be doing SOMETHING in a way to affect the actual election from being “fair.” And, we know, even after a humiliating defeat at the polls, individual 1 will NEVER cede the election. There won’t be a “congratulatory phone” to Joe Biden. Just like the above mentioned fiasco with the “discarded ballots” individual 1, Barr, and the rest of them remind me of the “team which couldn’t shoot straight.”

There are even reports individual 1 will refuse to abandon the “White House” after he’s been voted out. He’ll be doing whatever he can to confuse things in the courts and his hope is this judge who will take Ginsburg’s seat on the court will allow him to remain in POWER even after facing the voter’s wrath. Already in the early voting states – where the voting has ALREADY started – the lines of people voting are long. “We the people” are going to show up at the polls this year and, as I’ve said, that’s just the beginning of what is necessary to repair the DAMAGE individual 1 has inflicted on this nation. And, trust me on this, the white nationalist movement (Check out “”) will not back away quietly. They view individual 1 as their “fuhrer.” I firmly believe when the evidence is finally public, those who’ve instigated violence and destruction, for example, at the Black Lives Matter protests following the LYNCHING of George Floyd are largely affiliated with the right wing militias speckled around the country in “cells” of radicalized people willing to use their weapons to further their deplorable agenda.

For example, the group who wear Hawaiian shirts and identify themselves with the word “Boogaloo” have openly stated their goal is to start a “race war.” I’ve said this before, but right after Floyd was LYNCHED (by four police officers in Minneapolis) for some reason I felt compelled to check out the web and I found a couple sights where members of the “boogaloo” movement were telling their associates to infiltrate the protests around the country with the purpose of instigating destruction and violence. These protests, for these “boogaloo” characters, seemed to be, to them, the perfect opportunity to further their goals. Only time will tell if any of them were arrested by the police and if so, will their motives become part of the public dialogue. It’s not likely “we the people” will know before the November election.

I believe the young man who KILLED two protesters in Kenosha Wisconsin, Kyle Rittenhouse (with an illegal AR 15), was part of this movement – the self directed militia movement – People who believe taking the “law into their own hands” is appropriate – as if they’re “patriots.” Rittenhouse, as most people know, was allowed to walk out of town, right past several police vehicles, only SECONDS after he had MURDERED his second victim and wounded the third. The police, reportedly, even passed him a water bottle. This is just further evidence of the reality there’s a significant number of white Americans who actually believe our country is under attack by people of color. It really reminds me of when I was reading about the Apartheid movement in South Africa many years ago. The danger to our nation is not from outside our borders, it’s from within.

My grandfathers were involved in defending America back in the time of World War One. My father was in the U.S. Army during World War Two defending this nation from outside adversaries. (Whatever my father went through in WW II caused him to NEVER say a word about it to me during his lifetime) Now, with individual 1 at the “helm” we have to worry that our adversary – Russia – is in cahoots with our (IMPEACHED so-called) president. While I grew up thinking “we the people” join the military or other positions designed to protect our people from adversaries outside our borders, what we now have is an “adversary” sitting in the Oval Office with the ability to control a CULT following of MILLIONS of our fellow citizens while in cahoots with Vladimir Putin. He has a history of association with organized crime families from around the world and a history of believing he’s either above the law or able to INTIMIDATE his way out of accountability for his ILLEGAL behavior.

So, he seems to believe he will be able to INTIMIDATE his way back into the Oval Office after he’s received an overwhelming rebuke by the voting populace of this nation. There are multiple reports individual 1 WON’T accept the results of the election after he LOSES and that he’ll show up at the inauguration with Biden. Wouldn’t that be something you’d want to have in a photo? If you don’t understand the historical importance of what is happening in this election you’ve had your head in the sand. I’ve been saying for years, the heart and soul of our nation is at stake – and, it appears we’ve finally gotten to the point where a significant majority of Americans realize the fundamentals of our democratic republic are on the line on November 3rd.

As republicans face the reality they’re very possibly going to lose THEIR “permanent republican majority,” they are going to “peal off as much skin” from the “body politic” as they can before individual 1 becomes a mafia boss again. They are poised to repeal the Affordable Care Act if they can cram another right wing judge onto the Supreme Court before the election with the goal of taking health insurance from over 20 MILLION Americans, and untold number of Americans on Medicaid, not to mention the loss of protection against “pre-existing” conditions AND the damage this would do to Medicare. As far as I can tell, no one seems to be talking about individual 1’s plan to destroy Social Security and Medicare by repealing the payroll tax. You’d think democrats would be HAMMERING this sad reality to Americans who are unaware. I believe this is an issue which COULD “penetrate” individual 1’s CULT. Many of them are recipients of both of these great programs!

Final Thought: This thought is actually not my “final one.” As I was pondering this post the Grand Jury in Louisville, Kentucky did what Black Americans are painfully used to in this nation. Breonna Taylor was MURDERED by three police officers who broke into her home suspecting they were doing a “drug bust.” Only, they were at the wrong apartment, they didn’t identify themselves (including EVERYONE on the “scene”), and they fired 22 shots into Breonna’s apartment AND the apartments surrounding hers. Breonna was MURDERED via EIGHT of the 22 shots entering her body as she was asleep. As if we’re still in the throes of “Jim Crow” NONE of the officers were charged with ANYTHING to do with the EIGHT bullets which entered Breonna’s body ending the LIFE of a young lady who, by all accounts, was a wonderful, compassionate, member of Louisville’s community.

Apparently, those who are in charge of Louisville’s government feels as if the monetary settlement made with Breonna’s family is sufficient to provide them with “justice.” Of course, people around the country who support the “Black Lives Matter” movement don’t see it that way. The ONLY charge coming from the Grand Jury was a charge of “wanton endangerment” for ONE of the THREE officers involved – based on his SHOOTING bullets into the adjoining apartments! In regards to the MURDER of Breonna? NOTHING! Today, an email of one of the officers involved in Breonna’s MURDER was made public and it wasn’t something comforting – if you believe “Black Lives Matter.” In reality, there are too many police officers in America who have the “warrior” mentality (which was the focus of the officer’s email) and believe they will never be held accountable for their “reckless” behavior.

Sadly, this lack of accountability for the officers who MURDERED Breonna Taylor is further evidence of systemic racism in America. Once individual 1 is voted out of office it will FINALLY be time for “we the people” to address this issue. Of course, it will require individual 1 to be addressing his own issues with accountability as he will be greeted with a plethora of illegal allegations the day after he’s no longer protected by the OLC memo which states a sitting president (even an IMPEACHED so-called one) cannot be indicted while in office. It’s almost as if individual 1, once he understood the protection that memo provided him, reacted like a kid (OK, a mob boss) in a candy store by dismissing any semblance of his actions being guided by our system of laws. Obviously, he believes he’s above the law – just like, apparently many of the police officers in this nation. (In Louisville, this may actually be true)

Oh by the way: I’ve been pointing out my belief individual 1 is a fascist dictator at “heart” (if he has one?) for over three years now. People I know who support our IMPEACHED so-called president or those less “fervent” than myself sometimes suggest I’m nuts. I think the closer we get to the election and people outside the CULT hear individual 1 suggest he’ll support the results of the election as long as they “get rid of the ballots” – and, I’m not kidding, will have their hair standing on end. Essentially, he’ll support the result if he wins – he’s trying to RUSH another “justice” on the Supreme Court because he believes that’s his “ticket” to becoming America’s “Putin.” Regardless, if you want to read an article that gives the history of how fascism might become real in America – meaning, somehow individual 1 would prevail in November, click HERE. This reality, to me, is sobering. Even should Biden prevail in November – which could actually cause Marshals to have to physically remove individual 1 from the “White House” – the reality we are that close AND there are MILLIONS of Americans willing to “go there” is a reminder that “we the people” cannot become “lazy” in our responsibility to participate in the “process” because there are TRILLIONS of dollars at stake and many RUTHLESS characters – besides individual 1 – who want to get their GREEDY hands on as much of the taxpayer’s money as they possibly can while they can! Sad!

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