Brace yourself for the transition period because individual 1 will be calling out his “boogaloo bois!”

I started this “blog” as, basically, my own little space in the cyber world to vent my frustrations with America’s politics after Bush/Cheney LIED America into the Iraq FIASCO which continues to cause the world to be destabilized to this day – bringing back memories of Viet Nam to me – and it accelerated with the “election” (with the help of the Russians, James Comey, and the Electoral College) of individual 1 who continues to make ALL of my earlier predictions come true and is making his AUTHORITARIAN nature more public by the day. Honestly, I’m getting tired of doing this, but it’s likely I’ll continue at least until November 3rd, where I hope our IMPEACHED so-called president will be voted into the history books – as I’ve said many times, right next to Benedict Arnold. He’ll have lots of company; William Barr, Devin Nunez, Jim Jordan, Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey, and Sean Hannity off the top of my head.

When individual 1 contracted Covid-19 I wrote that my prayers for him were that he wouldn’t succumb to the virus but that he would get sick enough to stop pushing for his “herd mentality” (OK, that was a HUGE “gaffe” by our IMPEACHED so-called president for anyone looking for Biden’s “gaffe’s) and actually show some compassion for the MILLIONS of Americans who have been affected by this virus – maybe even get him to back off his attempt to destroy the ACA. So far, although I believe he’s got a good dose of Covid he’s trying to come across as some invincible knothead who’s “conquered the disease.” All I could think of when I heard what he was tweeting was “tell that to the families of the 215,000+ Americans who’ve died or the MILLIONS who now have a “pre-existing” condition to deal with for the rest of their lives. (While he’s in court trying to end their protection for “pre-existing” conditions)

What I had hoped wouldn’t happen is what appears to be in our IMPEACHED president’s “crosshairs” and that is him getting the virus and then suggesting to the American people – well, the 30-40% who believe what he says – that it’s just another case of the flu. Of course, if you’ve been paying attention, you know there’s still a very good possibility he’s far from through with this disease – so, I continue to hope he’ll need to go back into the hospital to be treated – not because I despise him (I do – I DON’T hate him) – but, because I’d like to see our nation FINALLY have an organized plan to mitigate this virus – so our economy could ACTUALLY re-open safely. I believe it will require some kind of court decision before we actually know how sick he’s been with this virus. The statistics suggest from 5-12% of Americans in individual 1’s category (74 years old and obese with high cholesterol) die from this disease. Quite possibly, he’s not “out of the woods” just yet. (I wrote that yesterday and he’s planning a rally today) Of course, he gets treatments the rest of us are not “privy to.”

Herman Cain, who died from Covid about three weeks after attending individual 1’s “kick-off” rally in Tulsa last June, thought he had “beat” the disease a couple times before it “reared it’s ugly head” and took him out. Of course, he likely didn’t have the medical treatment available to our IMPEACHED so-called president – which makes individual 1’s cavalier attitude even that much more disgusting. He’s encouraging his supporters to, seemingly, not worry about protecting themselves from the disease and just go about life as if it isn’t there. Those people aren’t going to be getting experimental “cocktails” of anti-bodies and things like Remdesivir or dexamethasone unless they are desperately ill – which, naturally, raises more questions than have been answered about individual 1’s illness.

For example, why was he administered Remdesivir in the White House within 24 hours of his diagnosis. Was the diagnosis actually well before it was reported? (That would suggest individual 1 KNEW he was positive when he went to the fundraiser in Bedminster and, possibly, at the first debate) It’s been reported many times Remdesivir is an experimental drug requiring special approval and is given in the hospital as an attempt to keep patients off respirators. And, dexamethasone has been used for patients who are on respirators which causes even more questions about individual 1’s being administered this drug – which can actually weaken your immune system. It’s as if the doctors are infusing individual 1 with everything on the shelf. I can only assume they wouldn’t be administering all these EXPERIMENTAL treatments – especially at the same time – unless there was serious cause for concern.

So, again, I do NOT wish for individual 1 to become one of the victims of this disease, but based on his “tweets” I’ve only heard about (I don’t participate in “Social media”) I’m hoping he’ll take a turn for the worse. That appears to be the ONLY way to get him to respect how serious this pandemic is and get him off the “herd mentality.” If, as he appears to be suggesting, we simply allow this virus to take it’s course with the idea of reaching “herd immunity” somewhere between two and six MILLION Americans would die. And, of course, all those “pro life” republicans seem to be going along with this thinking. Their concern is Wall Street and NOT Main Street. (And, Pro life?????)

Just to give you a quick glimpse at how stupid that thinking is – today, individual 1 announced there would be no more negotiating for a coronavirus relief package in Congress. Of course, Democrats have had the so-called “Heroes Act” on Moscow Mitch’s desk for OVER three months – a bill which would help the people out of work, it would help the state and local governments, and it would help a whole bunch of others affected by this disease. (Like, for example, the airline industry) Republicans would rather focus on one more judge – a judge which will mark the Supreme Court as a political body for, maybe, a generation. The Court, itself – by the way – should be enough to get MILLIONS of people to the polls to support democrats. If Amy Barrett is confirmed the court will be tilted toward republican appointed judges 6-3. With another four years it could get a lot worse. Individual 1 Is GOING to lose the votes of women by an historic margin – just a guess on my part.

By announcing the end of any attempt to come up with a stimulus bill, individual 1 caused Wall Street to drop about one percentage point (300 points) in a matter of minutes. I checked the “futures” and the last time I checked the DOW was predicted to start the day tomorrow down about 2%. That changes by the hour, but, as I’ve been suggesting, this market is like a house built on sand – it’s foundation is murky at best. Most people don’t understand the amount of money Jerome Powell has infused into Wall Street to keep it propped up while we have near depression era levels of unemployment in America. The original “Cares Act” protected “we the people” from going into a “real” depression by supporting unemployed workers. That support ended on August 1 and the number of people who are desperate for money is growing by the minute. Walking away from more support for those affected by this virus is, well, republican. I’m happy Nancy Pelosi didn’t allow them to BULLY her into a stupid agreement which further would have put money in the hands of those who don’t need it!

I can guarantee you individual 1 will do everything he can to provide MONEY for people in a way to, in his mind, get them to vote for him – ie BUYING votes. He’s also unleashing the Justice Department on the voting system as he continues to LIE about the “ballots” – suggesting voting by mail is completely fraudulent. I pointed this out months ago; individual 1 IS throwing “everything, INCLUDING, ‘the kitchen sink’,” at this election. When he loses he’s going to be claiming the “ballots” were fraudulent and, who knows to what extent he’ll try to remain in the “White House?” He’s got William Barr using the Justice Department as a “battering ram,” and, I’m sure, much to the chagrin of our IMPEACHED so-called president, he’s got an FBI director who is telling the TRUTH – of course, that is unacceptable in individual 1’s administration – and pointing out there is NO evidence of “voter fraud” – AT ALL! – means Chris Wray is going to be fired!

People are voting in record numbers and they’re MOSTLY NOT voting for individual 1 – they’re LINING up in LONG lines in the early voting states and, the MORE individual 1 shows his authoritarian streak, the worst things get for him. He’s not only making things worse for himself, he’s making it worse for those “down the ballot.” Personally, I’m OK with that because I’ve been lobbying for “we the people” to send today’s republican party into the history books. I’ve been an independent for over 50 years but “today’s republicans” consider the republicans I’ve voted for over the years as “RINO’s.” The republican party, in my view, has been headed for the “cliff” on the “right” for years and it looks as if individual 1 is what will take them over the edge. Hopefully, they’ll be facing the proverbial “blue wave.”

We saw this after Bush/Cheney and, therefore, democrats MUST be preparing themselves for what is next. Democrats have a habit (of late) where they take a deep breath after blocking the republican push for their “permanent republican ‘majority'” and, then, they forget to keep PUSHING to put their fundamental values into law. President Obama was a pragmatic left of center president who knew his limitations as the FIRST Black president – he needed the rest of us to stand much taller against the RACIST attacks he endured for his entire eight years in office. The force behind individual 1 isn’t simply going to go away – the FIGHT will have just begun when we get individual 1 out of office. Obviously, individual 1 is NOT going to go away quietly. And, when the legal system puts its crosshairs on him his supporters will consider him a martyr.

Neither individual 1 nor VP Pense were willing to agree to a “peaceful transfer of power” in the two debates as of the time of my writing this. Individual 1 actually gave the “proud boys” words for their logo as he encouraged them to “stand by.” I certainly wasn’t surprised when our IMPEACHED so-called president was unable to draw the words to condemn “White Supremacists” (Because, of course, they’re a significant part of his “base” and, well, he’s one of them) – he’s been pointing out they’re “very fine people” since the march on Charlottesville a couple years ago – which, once the “smoke cleared” David Duke was thanking individual 1 “for his kind words.” He can complement White Supremacists, he just is unable to criticize them – he needs the votes! (Today, as I was driving toward town a pickup truck passed me by with, in the window right behind the driver was a (individual 1)/Biden bumper sticker and in the other window was a sticker which said simply “Stand by.” It doesn’t take long for individual 1’s foment to spread.

As more information comes out about what has transpired during individual 1’s administration my thoughts are evolving. We’re watching a wannabee Vladimir Putin in action, every day. It’s disgusting – unless, I guess, you’re Vladimir Putin. I believe individual 1 dreams of being the next “Putin” as he’s, in his own right, attempting to funnel as much American taxpayer money into his own accounts as possible before he’s “run out of town.” However, he also sees all the potential legal hurdles he’s going to face once out of office and no longer protected by the OLC memo which has, on several occasions, prevented him from indictment since he took the “oath of office.” Maybe that is why he’s calling all the whacko right wing terrorist groups, like the Proud Boys, to “action” as “poll watchers” – apparently thinking that will cause enough people from refusing to vote to “flip” the election in his favor.

I’m guessing this is the main reason he’s been clamoring about “voting by mail” for months now. He knew Joe Biden was likely to beat him in the election last year when he tried to extort the Ukrainians to help him in this election – of course, leading to his IMPEACHMENT. And, the republicans who soiled themselves in the IMPEACHMENT “trial” are soon looking straight at their spot in the history books which will NOT look good to their ancestors. But, as usual, there’s always more; Not only is individual 1 refusing to SAY he opposes White Supremacists, he is encouraging the White Supremacist GANGS (terrorist organizations) in their attempt to undermine our government. Trust me, the days after the election – once it’s clear individual 1 is FINISHED – are going to be interesting. I’m not sure I’ve EVER witnessed ANYONE as VINDICTIVE as individual 1 and I believe the DAMAGE he’s done to this nation will be increased in ways I’m unable to imagine at this point. It’s the “you take me down, I’ll take you down with me” syndrome. Just imagine what he’ll do if he believes he’s headed for a jail cell.

America is teetering on the brink of an historic economic downturn and individual 1 seems oblivious to the possibilities and republicans simply don’t know how to actually govern in a way which would prevent a disaster prior to it actually happening – and, personally, I don’t believe they know how to deal with disasters when in the middle of one. This is why I’ve been pointing out since democrats passed the ‘HEROES” Act several months ago that republicans don’t see a “gift horse” even when it’s right in front of their faces. Suddenly, individual 1 is realizing the “HEROES Act” was designed to save this economy from the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic. Apparently, because it was put together by democrats meant, to Moscow Mitch and individual 1, that it was “dead on arrival” in the Senate. In fact, republican senators don’t believe in helping anyone other than their wealthy donors – so, providing an extra “bonus” to people collecting unemployment insurance (that’s INSURANACE) is not in their DNA. Helping the people on the front lines FIGHTING against this virus – not something which appeals to republicans. And, I could go on and on. (The Post Office – no, State and local govt.’s – no, etc.)

Final Thought: Individual 1 is now throwing around accusations against President Obama and Vice President Biden along with Hillary Clinton (OK, AGAIN) urging William Barr to prosecute them before the election. Apparently that’s how he expects to “win” on November 3rd – by having Barr indict Biden! I keep asking myself: “Is our IMPEACHED so-called president really this stupid?” Can you imagine Barr indicting Biden before this election while he’s about 15 points ahead in most of the polls. I guess individua 1 really does believe he’s turned America into “Russia lite.” Like me, virtually everyone I listen to is urging Americans to VOTE as the way to end this nightmare. So, I’ll say it again, VOTE!!!

And, my God, these sycophants! I’m not sure who repulses me the most – our IMPEACHED so-called president, or the sycophants like – the one coming to mind right now is Mike Pompeo. Remember, this guy was first in his class at West Point – where there’s an HONOR code! OK, we’ve seen several West Point alums proving their “honor code” is worth about the cost of the paper it’s written on. The other day I heard individual 1 expressing his disappointment in Pompeo for not finding the “missing 33,000 emails.” That’s right, he’s still looking for them – apparently the FACT the Russians couldn’t find them has our IMPEACHED so-called president pressuring the Secretary of State to find them. Sure enough, today, I saw an interview with Pompeo – who was grinning as if his fuhrer would now be happy with him as he said, “we’ve found them, we’ll have them out before the election.” (Is individual 1 running against Ms. Clinton again?)

Let me just say, individual 1 is saying it’s OK to attempt to have your political opponents JAILED. Any one who has been paying attention knows our IMPEACHED so-called president is going to SELF-PARDON before he allows himself to be dragged from the “White House” while he encourages the Proud boys and the “Boogaloo’s” to foment as much violence as possible in protest to “we the people” voting their fuhrer out of office. And, if you believe I’m being hyperbolic in the use of the term “fuhrer” you HAVEN’T been paying attention. They are neo-Nazi’s and they’ve made the Nazi salute part of their routine. And, some of them refer to individual 1 as a “god.” Brace yourself for the transition period because individual 1 will be calling out his “boogaloo bois” who are focused on disrupting our government and starting a race war. The group which was responsible for the plan to kidnap and MURDER Michigan’s female governor is par of that “network” as are the “Proud Boys.” I’ve pointed out several times it was that “network” which was responsible for much of the violence and damage in the protests which followed the LYNCHING of George Floyd. It’s “ugly” right now, but it’s going to get uglier! Individual 1 is NOT a “good loser,” although, by all metrics, he’s a LOSER!

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