Trump – and his surrogates like Jerry Jones of the Cowboys and Robert Kraft of the Patriots – have taken the issue of police brutality and turned it into an issue that players are disrespecting the flag.

Our so-called “president” Trump is constantly looking for ways to spur on his base of “white nationalists” and those in America who allow themselves to be victims of fear – in the case of Trump’s agenda – he’s stoking the fear of white people who are afraid they’re “losing THEIR country” because soon they may no longer be the majority.  And, too many – especially older white people (like myself) – are falling victim to this skullduggery.  Yes, there’s a significant part of Trump’s “base” who are, simply put, unapologetic racists.  However, at least I force myself to believe this, there are many who are simply victims of the fear mongering and LYING that has been the “strategy” of the republican “puppet masters” who create the “talking points” for willing “messengers” like Rush Limbaugh, the many other right wing “talkers,” and outlets like Fox “news.”  Plus, there’s the internet which is infested with places like Breitbart where they unabashedly push the “white” agenda.

Honestly, many of the people I know who are around my age (I’m 70) don’t even understand what “white privilege” really is – even though they’ve reaped the benefits for their lifetimes.  In today’s America it’s becoming increasingly clear that the “free market” ideology of those on the “right” is creating a situation where many people of “color” are thriving and, what seems to SCARE many “whites,” people they consider “other” are competing for positions of POWER.  It will be hard for anyone to convince me that the election of Barack Obama is not the reason Trump is president and that people like Steve Bannon have more than an insignificant influence on today’s politics because of our first African American president.

So, the latest “edition” of the Trump/Bannon attempt to turn Americans against each other so that they can remain seemingly relevant is the issue of Black athletes doing the “unthinkable.” (at least to the rich white people in America) In an attempt to bring attention to the issue of racism and more specifically the deplorable attacks on unarmed Black persons by white police in America resulting in unjustified arrests and, unfortunately in many instances, innocent people being murdered.  These athletes – as virtually EVERY person in America is aware – are kneeling during the national anthem as a way to get attention to their protest of racism.

Of course, Trump (and Bannon, and others of their “ilk”) have turned the issue into one of “disrespecting the flag,” disrespecting the “national anthem,” and – the one that really is a catchall for Americans who are unable of thinking on their own – disrespecting the “military” who (actually) fight for these players’ right to do just what they’re doing.  But Trump, as maybe the one thing he’s good at, manages to change the topic via his rants and “tweets” – and, on cue, the “media” falls for it.  The discussion is now about respecting the flag and NOT about racism.  Masterful!

I mentioned in a previous post how hypocritical I found it watching Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys kneeling arm and arm with his team PRIOR to the anthem at a recent Cowboys football game.  He managed to FOOL his players into thinking he’s “with them” in their protest – as if they’re all “together.”  Of course, as I pointed out, Jones is one of the BILLIONAIRES responsible for Trump being president – because he funneled who knows how much money into Trump’s campaign (probably MILLIONS).  Whatever amount it was – I can assure you that it was a lot (at least from the perspective of this retired school teacher).  So, as long as the real issue has been “diffused” people like Jones are “with” their teams.  Of course, all along, Mr. Jones had a surprise “up his sleeve.”

Let’s face it, the NFL is an association of RICH people who are getting even RICHER by hiring players who average around three years for their NFL careers and end up with debilitating injuries which affect them the rest of their lives.  Most of their players are Black because there are many Black athletes in America who are the BEST players – and, the one thing for sure you can say about the NFL is that it’s a “free market” system.  In fact, the players don’t even have guaranteed contracts as in other sports – so, if you perform well you’re on the team.  A couple bad games or bad plays in clutch situations, or, in the case of – for example – running backs you’re in your late 20’s – bye, bye.  An injury?  So long (unless you’re a superstar) And, oh yes, many of these Black players come from some of the toughest neighborhoods in America.  They’re protesting because they TOTALLY know what it’s like to be profiled by police.

That all being said, it should be interesting to watch the response to Jones (and possibly others of the RICH owner circle) after he “proclaimed” – the other day – if any of HIS players kneel during the anthem (don’t stand at attention) they will not play.  Already there’s been speculation did he mean Dak Prescott?  What about Dez Bryant?  Or, Ezekiel Elliot?  Here’s an interesting thought I had the other day:  What if one of the White players kneeled in harmony with their Black “brothers?”  Personally, that’s the one thing I think would get the most attention – at least from me.  Let me explain.

When I graduated from High School (1965) I was a “so-so” athlete and went to a Community College to further my basketball “career.”  My High School was, as the saying goes, “lily white.”  I had never been around a person of color IN MY LIFE!  Yes, in Jr. High there was at least on Black person I knew of – but, I’d never been “around” that person – enough to even say “hi.”  Add to this, my father was a racist.  I didn’t understand this until I started playing basketball in college.  There were several Black players on my team.  The thing that shocked me was my first reaction was to be scared when I was around them.  I quickly learned that I had been “trained” to react that way and I became angry when I realized what great people and teammates my new friends were.

The reason I bring this up is, after becoming close to my new teammates, as I look back I would have gladly taken a knee with them in this same situation had it arisen.  To a certain extent, along with many of my friends, we did this in another way during the Civil Rights movement of the 60’s in symbolic marches and demonstrations.  (I wasn’t one with the courage to head to the South and participate there – but, even in the state of Washington, there were marches and demonstrations in support of Civil Rights and Voting Rights for Black Americans.)

Despite all the gains made in the Civil Rights movement, just in my lifetime, which would include what I thought wouldn’t happen before my last breath, was President Obama’s election, African Americans (and, others who are not “white”) continue to be profiled by our police.  The shocking reality is when you see the statistics on the number of Black Americans killed by police after traffic stops.  And, it just keeps happening.  Therefore, I had GREAT respect for Colin Kaepernick when he brought this issue to the “fore” by kneeling during the anthem last year.  Obviously, prior to that, nobody was listening.  Was he sincere?  Well, it cost him his multi-million dollar per year job – because he’s OBVIOUSLY  being blacklisted by the NFL owners’ “club” – who hypocritically have been standing arm and arm with their players while remaining CLUELESS about the real issue.  At least from my perspective, when I listen to Kaepernick speak I feel a sense of great respect.

Just recently, Michael Bennett of the Seattle Seahawks was threatened by police, with guns pointed at his head, in Las Vegas after a professional boxing match for, as Bennett put it, being Black “in the wrong place at the wrong time.”  He believes one reason he’s still alive is because he’s a famous football player.  I’ve personally witnessed police target Black persons instead of the White people in a place on much less threatening circumstances AND, in Portland Oregon – the supposed “liberal” bastion – I’ve experienced being refused service in a restaurant because of sitting at a table with a Black person.  None of this is made up.

So, Trump – and now his surrogates (who, indirectly, include donors such as Jerry Jones of the Cowboys and,certainly Robert Kraft of the Patriots – and, I’m sure others) – have taken the issue of police brutality and turned it into an issue that players are disrespecting the flag.  Roger Goodell, the head of the NFL, is SCRAMBLING to find a solution that won’t turn off all the “White Nationalists” like Trump and his “base” from spending their money to come to these games.  For the owners, it’s ALL about the money!  These Black players, after all (in the eyes of Trump and the others) are making a lot of money (as they debilitate themselves long term for the enjoyment of all these “White Nationalists”) and they should just stand at attention and find another way to express their “political views.”

Of course, to the Black persons stopped by police that feel threatened for their lives, this isn’t a “political issue.”  It’s very real.  And, again, many of the players in the NFL grew up in the most challenging of neighborhoods in America.  You know, the neighborhoods where Trump appealed for their votes by saying “what do you have to lose?”  Well, now we all know.  If you bend to Trump’s will, you can keep what you have – if you bend your knee when it gives him an opportunity to further create division, well, “your fired.”  The era of Trump will go down as a sad time in American history.  The only thing left to find out is how much of our country will he be able to ruin in his attempt to create a fascist state?

As far as the NFL is concerned – I’m one white guy who hopes the Black players on the Dallas Cowboys ALL take a knee.  Of course, in the spirit of unity, I would hope the White players would kneel with them – but, either way, it would be interesting to see the response of Jerry Jones.  The NFL is not going to survive much longer anyway, but it’s interesting watching this issue unfold.  Clearly, sports is a way out of the generational poverty for many Black athletes.  I love that success in sports in America is determined by skill and ability.  It wasn’t long ago that Black athletes were considered unable to succeed as NFL quarterbacks – I’ll let you speculate on the reasoning – but, today that’s just another myth in a long line of myths that have slowly been removed from America’s mainstream.

Black football players are risking their careers to help bring an end to another myth – that if the driver of a car is Black he/she’s a danger to police officers.  That it’s OK for police to profile persons of color.  In general, that racism is tolerable.  What I envision in the future is that fewer and fewer “kids” (of all “colors”) will be playing “American” football as time goes by and we become more aware of the long term health dangers and more kids – including young Black boys and girls – will turn to actual “football” – soccer.  When this happens, it won’t be long before America’s national soccer teams become world class.  Hopefully, by that time, Black athletes won’t feel the need to kneel during the national anthem.  I can hope, can’t I?

One final thought:  If Major league baseball was smart, they’d be investing “boatloads” of money to create playing fields for America’s youth in our inner cities so they could be growing up playing baseball.  The chance for debilitating injury is much less and, for those gifted enough to play professionally, the careers last much longer.  Just sayin…………………

It shouldn’t be long before the NFL “requires” their players to stand during the national anthem, in violation of the players’ rights to freedom of speech and expression.  Should be interesting how that goes over.  Maybe they can come up with a way to get the focus back on the real issue.  If that happens I would applaud them.  If not, well, as I said, it should be interesting.  Obviously, I’m not risking anything by voicing my support for the players – but, the issue is real and I hope they succeed in addressing it!  I could write about this for days, but I’ll stop here.

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