America is looking for someone who’s in a leadership position, and circumstances dictate it must be a republican, to lead the process of removing Donald Trump from office.

Today as I listened to excerpts of Jared Kushner’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee (which, of course, was NOT under oath – go figure) it became clear to me that the LYING is part of both sides of the Trump family.  And, Kushner is not very sophisticated at it.  For example, in explaining his participating in the controversial meeting of June 9, 2016 with a bevy of Russians connected to Vladimir Putin Kushner made a couple statements that pretty much contradicted each other.  He said he hadn’t completely read the email setting up the meeting (the one that said they had incriminating info on Hillary Clinton via the Russian government – and, I have to be clear, I don’t believe that statement he hadn’t read it on its face) and, then he said once he was in the meeting all they were talking about was “Russian adoption” so he felt the meeting was a “waste of time.”  He said he emailed a friend to call him giving him a reason to leave the meeting.  Riiight!

Well, think about that.  If you actually believe his words, he said he didn’t know what the meeting was about (because he hadn’t fully read the email invite) and then he said when he discovered the discussion was on “adoption” he felt the meeting was a “waste of time.”  Now, I taught Middle School for over 20 years and one thing you learn as a Middle School teacher is how to parse someone who’s LYING.  (unfortunately, in my experience, LYING was commonplace – we had a saying; “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember”)  What makes absolutely no sense to me regarding Kushner’s statement is that if he had no idea what the meeting was supposed to be about, why did he find the subject of “Russian adoption” a “waste of time.”  Doesn’t that make you think, “what was he expecting?”

Now, let me be clear.  If the subject of “Russian adoption” came up in the meeting there’s not a thread of hesitation in my mind that the subject was ACTUALLY the Magnitsky Act (which Vladimir Putin has been angry about since it was passed – not to mention the Russians who were singled out who are wanting Putin to wave his magic wand to get the sanctions the act imposed repealed) which was the legislation putting sanctions on Russians due to the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer that got on the wrong side of Putin and was eventually beaten to death in a Russian prison.  I can guarantee you there was some discussion of a “quid pro quo” regarding those sanctions in that meeting – a discussion which likely will never “come out.”  (I don’t know about you, but I don’t expect any of the Americans in the meeting, Donald Jr., Paul Manafort, and Kushner to actually tell the truth about that meeting.  The LYING about that meeting is already nearing “double digits”)

Trump Jr. was forced to publish the emails relating to this meeting because the NY Times somehow got hold of them, so there’s NO DOUBT about the purpose of the meetings, and there can be no doubt about the propensity to LIE – because Trump Jr. has left a trail of LIES as he’s been forced to give more info every time he realizes the Times already has/had copies of the emails I’m sure he thought would NEVER become public.  What’s become crystal clear is that these people only give as much “truth” as they feel they’ve been forced to by our media.  Which brings the thought to my mind that without the media, Trump el al would be totally getting away with all of this bad stuff.  (and, Kushner “forgetting” another meeting with Russians that doesn’t pass the “smell test” would never be known)

In his statement Kushner also addressed his “SF-86” disclosures which he’s had to “update” at least three and possibly four times.  (He’s exposed legally here – but, in our present situation, it’s unlikely he’ll be prosecuted for perjuring himself multiple times on this form)  Essentially, his excuse for filing false forms ranges from miscommunication with his “representative in Washington” to forgetfulness.  One of the “forgetfulness” meetings was the aforementioned June 9, 2016 meeting and another was a meeting with the head of a Russian bank under US Sanction.

There’s, in my mind, two ways to interpret this info and Kushner’s “excuses” for the memory lapses.  First, if he’s telling the truth, then he’s in way over his head with all the IMPORTANT responsibility he’s been given by Trump.  If he can’t understand an email like the one he got from Don Jr. and, then, remember a meeting like that in an environment such as exists today in Washington DC he shouldn’t be in charge of peace in the Middle East or restructuring our government to make it more efficient.  The second possibility is that he’s just not a very good LIAR and he’s part of the “Russia thing.”  To me, neither option looks very good.

Keep in mind, there’s circumstantial evidence that would suggest the latter of the two previous options and the reality is that “we the people” can’t believe a word that comes from the mouths of any of the members of Trump’s team.  (Personally, I’m thinking James Mattis is still one who could be believed – at least at this point)  Kushner divested himself from his families major business investment, 666 (yes, that’s correct, 666) 5th avenue in New York, prior to moving to Washington DC, but the property continues to be a major risk to the Kushner family’s fortune – based on multiple reports I’ve heard or read.

The Kushners are seeking financing in the BILLIONS to prevent default on a building that has a high vacancy rate and has a 1.2 BILLION dollar loan (1.4 BILLION with accrued interest) due in a year or two.  Reports are they’ve been searching for foreign financing of their plans for the site and it seems plausible that could have “come up” in Kushner’s conversation with Sergey Gorkov, the head of the sanctioned Russian bank, although Kushner’s statement would have you believe he had no idea who this man was or that he was even a “banker.”  Had the Trump clan not proven a propensity to LIE about EVERYTHING, his story might be believable – I’m just not believing it.

The fact that Kushner “volunteered” to testify – only if it was NOT under oath – certainly makes me wonder.  (update: evidently, the next day he testified in closed session under oath for the House Intelligence committee)  If, as he states, “I have nothing to hide” why is his “testimony” NOT under oath.  To me, if he’s unable or unwilling to take an oath to tell the TRUTH, then I have to question what is his purpose in the meeting?  Granted, most Americans won’t think twice about whether or not his “testimony” is under oath and republicans will undoubtedly use it to support his claims of innocence – especially those who are willing to defend Trump no matter what – but, to me, if it’s not under oath it’s likely just more “spin” – at best – or, at worst, more LYING.

I just try to imagine how the republican congress would be dealing with these issues had “the shoe been on the other foot.”  Can you imagine if President Obama or Hillary Clinton had been caught ‘red handed” colluding with the Russians?  (Yes, Kushner said he didn’t collude with any foreign government, but just going to that meeting [the June 9/ 2016 meeting] suggests otherwise). Additionally, Trump himself, and those in his administration, continue to show a “blind eye” toward the FACT the Russians interfered in our election to an extent that went way beyond what’s been normal “intelligence gathering” in the past.  We all KNOW the Russians wanted Trump to win and, if, as he says, his campaign was not involved in their scheme, then why on earth do they act like their actions need to be “hidden?”  Why the drip,drip, drip?  And, why does everything have to be forced out?

Our right to vote is basic to the fundamental tenets of a nation that believes in the rule of law.  The other foundational piece of that consistency – and, by that, I mean during my lifetime there always seems to be a significant “choice” when voting in presidential elections, but “we the people” forge on no matter the outcome and presidents try to pull the nation together.  Trump, with the help of the Russians and Vladimir Putin is putting that historical strength to a MAJOR test. Instead of pulling people together, Trump is busy attacking the press, the intelligence community, the attorney general and the Justice Department, his predecessor – STILL – and his former opponent (who, by the way, got 3 MILLION more votes than him) as if he’s still in “campaign mode.”  Meanwhile, the government is at a standstill!

“We the people,” at least at this point, are relying on republicans in Congress to be the CHECK against this BRAZEN power grab Trump and his surrogates are pushing.  At least at present, I’m not getting a sense that Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan have the stomach to take Trump on.  Obviously, Trump’s sleazy “Access Hollywood” admission caused only a temporary show of displeasure from either republican leader (and, most republicans in Congress) and his brazen and arrogant violations of the emoluments clause, from day one, is of no interest to them.  If they choose to look the other way as the “Russia thing’s” evidence continues to mount this country will be in crisis mode.  (People don’t realize the potential economic damage to America if European countries abandon the dollar as the world’s currency exchange foundation – I can’t think of a better word)

Trump is busy BASHING the media in an attempt to turn as many people as possible away from the basic source of a critically important CHECK which has traditionally protected “we the people” from something like what he’s attempting to accomplish.  Trump bashes the “Fake news” (he even did this, unbelievably – but, true – to a bunch of Boy Scouts at their annual “jamboree.”  As a former Boy Scout I found his words to a bunch of kids sickening – is he trying to begin a brainwashing of our youth?  Read about the history of Germany in the 1930’s)  The REAL FAKE NEWS is coming from Trump’s mouth and the mouth’s of his surrogates – who are giving their allegiance to a dangerous man and will be stamped forever as enablers.  Even Kushner couldn’t resist a derogatory jab at Hillary Clinton in his public remarks after his meeting with the Congressional investigators.

Speaking of Hillary Clinton, while I was putting this post together, out comes another “tweet storm” from Trump, this time castigating “his” attorney general for not investigating “Crooked Hillary” and her “ties to Russia.”  (Investigating your defeated opponent is the work of tyrants – like Vladimir Putin)  Trump is clearly on the “warpath” to force Attorney General Sessions (Trump’s first and most vocal supporter in the campaign) to resign, presumably so he can stick someone in that office who will fire Robert Mueller – I’m sure Trump’s thinking is “the Russian investigation would then be over.”  I don’t think Trump understands the backlash which would ensue.  Additionally, just Trump’s comments suggesting he can order the Attorney General to investigate anyone, least of all a political opponent, suggests an even closer relationship to Putin than I had previously imagined.

Attacking the media and suggesting the Attorney General is his personal attorney and, by logical inference, that the Justice Department is a tool of the White House and not an independent body of our government would suggest we’re already at a constitutional crisis that finds itself only in the area of public debate because we have a republican Congress which apparently fears Trump.  Trump’s words and actions are the words and actions of a tyrant, but why is this republican congress remaining virtually silent?  I mean, Trump’s been making comments for years that should have pushed him to the fringes of American politics – but, republicans have shown themselves, over and over, to endorse his terrible behavior and rhetoric by their silence.  (example: five years of the “Birther” movement – which has put a stamp of racism on the republican party that even our “liberal media” seems afraid to point out in any meaningful manner)

Reports I’ve seen lately suggest there’s still 17 states where Trump has an approval rating of at least 50%.  The problem with that, for him, is there’s another 33 states where his approval rating is in the tank – lower than any president at this point in his first term than EVER – since these polls have been taken.  Should he follow through with his threats to fire Mueller or his plan for “blanket pardons” for his surrogates who are in the FBI’s “cross-hairs” Trump will face protests from “we the people” which will make the “Women’s march” look like a small group meeting.  And, if republicans in Congress continue to enable this man’s despicable behavior, they will be stamping their place in American History along side Benedict Arnold.  (a friend just returned from Europe – he told me in Italy and France Trump’s “approval rating” is sitting around 14% and that President Obama is more popular than ever since Trump took office.)

I started this post with the intention of taking a good look at Jared Kushner’s written comments and his post-testimony press briefing (with no questions) focusing on the apparent lack of veracity in both.  Then, another “tweet storm” caused my thoughts and direction to change.  This is how Trump works.  Of course, I know that Trump has no idea who I am – but, that seems to be how he works.  One absurd comment after another to manipulate where the discussion of all the wrongdoing is headed.  “We the people” never seem to spend enough time on any one TERRIBLE aspect of what Trump is doing to our nation to fully understand it.  He’s the master at causing confusion and his words and actions seem to be aimed at exacerbating the terrible political divide that exists in America.  Yesterday, I saw a speech by John McCain in the Senate calling for a return to “regular order” regarding legislation – especially the issue of health care in America.  America is looking for someone who’s in a leadership position, and circumstances dictate it must be a republican,  to lead the process of removing Donald Trump from office.

Today, I heard Trump claim:  “other than maybe Abraham Lincoln I am the most presidential president to hold this office in the history of our country.”  Yikes!  I’ve pointed out the issue of narcissism, I’ve pointed out the man is delusional, I’ve pointed out the obvious pathological LYING, but the reality is the more I listen to him the more I’m concerned at his mental capacity.  Someone who says and does the things he says and does, shouldn’t have the codes to the nuclear arsenal.  I find this really hard to say, but I’m now supporting Mike Pense for president.  Sooner rather than later!  (It’s going to happen – unless Trump fires him as well!)

Final thought:  Whoever that republican (or group of republicans if that’s what it takes) is who gathers the courage to lead the impeachment of Donald Trump, he/she/they will have a special place in American history.  The fringe groups that are the avid supporters of Trump will eventually have to return to the rocks they were hiding under until the election of Barack Obama.  We now have a clear understanding they’re still here (the avowed racists) – and, it’s up to democrats and “moderate” republicans to address the clear needs of middle class Americans in the “rust belt” who feel (justifiably) that government has abandoned them – these are people I believe would agree with me that racism is unacceptable.

It’s time for democrats to understand that those who believe abortion to be murder should still be welcome in their party.  That issue will never be resolved (or should I say addressed) in a constructive way until democrats stop allowing “wedge issues” to do what those who push them want – and, that’s to drive well meaning people apart.  There’s a reason why issues that have 75% agreement among “we the people” are not addressed in Congress – and, in my view, it’s the “wedge issues” we’re all arguing about that takes the focus off what is the real function of government.  I’ll elaborate in an upcoming post – but, as of this moment, the most important issue in American politics is the removal of Donald Trump from the office of president via impeachment!

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