The only way republicans can save their “permanent republican ‘majority'” is by impeaching Donald Trump.

They have always called it “the permanent republican ‘majority.'” (controlling the White House, the Congress, the Courts, and the press) People like Karl Rove used that term back in the time of the Bush/Cheney administration.  “Conservatives” have been pushing for this “majority” for many years – setting the “stage” as they’ve been gerrymandering congressional districts across the nation, financing campaigns of lower level legislative seats in states around the nation and financing campaigns for governorships even in states considered “blue.”  Take the state where I reside, which is solidly “blue,” Washington, every year there’s an election for statewide offices outside money flows freely in to help republicans control our state legislature.  Republican hopefuls for the governorship of Washington rely on this out of state money to have any chance for success. The republican strategy for controlling our government (nationwide) is much more sophisticated and well financed than that of the democrats.  (In fact, many are wondering if the democrats even have a “strategy” beyond, let the cards fall where they may)

Of course, the republicans have anything but a “majority.”  Everyone (except Donald Trump, apparently) knows that Hillary Clinton had close to 3 MILLION more votes than Trump in the recent election, but due to the electoral college “map” Trump was the second “republican” in a row who won the White House without winning the actual “popular” vote.  (to George W Bush’s credit, he didn’t accuse “illegal aliens” voting as the reason Al Gore won the “popular” vote) Additionally, thanks to the gerrymandering done after the 2010 mid term elections, the republicans have consistently controlled the House of Representatives despite gaining MILLIONS fewer votes nationwide than democrats.  The “permanent republican ‘majority'” that Rove and others have referred to has nothing to do with “majority” – it’s all about setting the stage for elections where it’s almost impossible for republicans to lose – based on the boundaries of the districts.  Of course, that refers to the congressional seats – as for the presidency, the voter suppression bills in state after state – put into effect following the Supreme Court’s gutting of section 5 of the Voting Rights Act – are designed to cause “blue” states to turn “red” and, along with the electoral college map, obviously you can “win” the election despite the FACT you LOST the election!

The reports out of Wisconsin, for example, that I’ve heard since the 2016 election have suggested that upwards of 300,000 voters were denied the privilege to vote based on their newly enacted Voter ID law.  Make no mistake, these “Voter ID” laws are aimed squarely at minorities, youth, and elderly people – all segments that have a propensity to vote for progressive policy.  (That would mean – they don’t vote for republicans)  That was significantly more than enough to swing Wisconsin to Trump.  The same is true for Michigan, Pennsylvania, and to a lessor extent North Carolina.  Shortly after the “Voter ID” bill was introduced in Pennsylvania I heard a republican member of their legislature state – “this will be enough to turn Pennsylvania “red.”  Pennsylvania’s voter id law was eventually struck down by the courts, but “conservatives” in Pennsylvania have continued efforts to suppress the minority vote to this day.  They. like many “conservative” states are in cahoots with Kansas’ Secretary of State Kris Kobach who is a nationwide leader in the republican attempts to purge legal voters from the rolls.  For republicans, reducing the number of voters is a full time job.

The elections in several of these states were decided by razor thin “majorities,” despite all the shenanigans that have been ongoing.  Not the least of which would be the Russian interference and the help of the Director of the FBI to get Trump elected and give the republicans the “triumvirate” they so desire.  That is, control of the White House, the Congress, and the courts.  Additionally, when you look at the history of our “liberal media” over the past 40 years, it doesn’t give a lot of hope to anyone not in favor of this “majority.”  George W Bush managed to blunder away the first opportunity for this “permanent” republican “majority” via one blunder after another.  I have little doubt that the blunders, under Trump, will continue – probably at a much faster rate – but, there’s a significant difference between Trump and GW Bush.  Trump is MUCH more dangerous – to “we the people.”  Trump is an authoritarian BULLY who’s used to getting “his way,” and it will be interesting to see if there’s a republican in congress with the guts to stand up to him.

I’ve written that we are depending on the democrats and the press to lead the fight against Trump – but, his agenda is starting out so radical that I’m beginning to think the only way MAJOR long term damage to America can be stopped will be if the republicans, themselves, stop it.  Essentially, the democrats don’t have much power, and we’re already seeing signs that there’s no way they’ll be unified enough to put up a significant fight against Trump.  Senators in states Trump won, who are democrats, are already showing the signs of the spinelessness that has been a hallmark of democrats in Congress for as long as I can remember.  Last night I heard Lawrence O’Donnell lay it out much better than I could.  He said, “the history books are waiting for courageous republicans who are willing to put a stop to Trump’s madness.”  (Of course, that’s not a direct quote – I’m paraphrasing as best I can remember)  Sally Yates, the acting Attorney General was fired by Trump last night because she refused to defend his “Muslim ban” in court, until she could “be convinced it’s legal.”  Of course, Trump couldn’t simply “fire” Ms. Yates, he had to add that she was “weak on borders and weak on Illegal immigration.”

Things are going to get real interesting as the republicans attempt to “cement” this “permanent majority” into place with Trump at the helm.  Already, the size of demonstrations around the country are historical in magnitude – reminding me of the 1960’s when “we the people” finally realized what a fiasco Viet Nam was.  I predict that the republican brand will get weaker and weaker as long as Trump remains in office.  Which brings me to a point that I’ve already made several times previously on this site.  I personally believe Mike Pense is far more in line to the beliefs of people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.  And, make no mistake, their number one goal is to STAY IN POWER!  They will not sit idly by and allow their “majority” to dwindle away because of any loyalty to Donald Trump.  Not only is Trump pissing off MILLIONS of Americans every day, but his incompetence is a reflection on HIS party – the republicans.  The other day, at breakfast with a couple of my (deluded) friends who love Trump, I made a bet that he wouldn’t make a second term.  I was willing to bet that he doesn’t last through his first term.  Every day I’m more convinced Trump will be impeached.

I believe the republicans have less than two years to do this.  Of course, I’m thinking in terms a bit idealistic in reference to the democrats – but, Trump is the golden opportunity for democrats not only to stop this “permanent ‘majority,'” but also to put this right wing republican party in the history books – which is where it deserves to be.  It’s like the 1920’s all over again – and, the question in my mind is that do we need a national disaster on the same scale as the great depression to get our attention, or is Trump enough to figure out where this republican party’s values lie.  (that word, lie, is the word that comes to mind EVERY time I hear a republican speak)  Will the democrats have the necessary energy to implement a “50 state strategy” with the aim of taking back the Congress of the United States.  And, if “we the people” put them in charge again, will they follow through on the “mandate” – which, at this point would be removing this “deplorable” man (in the words of Hillary Clinton) from our government.

Trump has already exposed himself to impeachable offenses – so, at this point, the issue lies in the hands of the republicans – are they willing to endure this man indefinitely.  Let’s face it, the lawsuits aimed at Trump are going to mount up to an believable level.  I’ve seen reports that he was facing 75 lawsuits as he took the oath of office.  (Honestly, as I wrote the word “oath” in that last sentence, all I could think was what a “joke” Trump taking any “oath” would be.  Obviously, the man operates by his own rules)  Another report says he’s been sued 34 times since he “won” the election.  This is not going to get better.  Chaos and dissent are going to be the norm for as long as Trump is in the White House.  I mean his top adviser is Steve Bannon of Breitbart “news” – the home of the White Nationalists and the so-called “alt right.”  Seriously, most people have no idea what that means.  Republicans are imprinting this on their “brand” and they only have a short window to correct the situation.  Personally, I’m not fan of Mike Pense.  I believe he’s nearly as dangerous to the America I believe in as Trump.  However, as a friend of mine said today, at least Pense is not deranged.

MILLIONS of people in America and AROUND THE GLOBE are extremely nervous that Trump has the codes to the nuclear weapons of America.  People all over the world are wondering, “What is going on in America?”  And, we’ve got a bunch of republicans in Congress who are either sitting by silent, or wondering how can I keep my job and stand up against stuff they KNOW is wrong.  Simply because they’re republicans doesn’t make them stupid.  They can see the writing on the wall.  They are going to get the same treatment at town halls that democrats got after President Obama pushed through the Affordable Care Act.  (Honestly, I’ll go tom my grave believing those “tea party” protests were all about the color of our president’s skin).  So, here’s my thought regarding the republican’s permanent “majority.”  The only way republicans can save their “permanent republican ‘majority'” is by impeaching Donald Trump.  Every day they go along with this imbalanced president, the more likely they’re going to be swept out of office in the next election en masse.  Americans of all colors, sizes, and shapes don’t like what they’re seeing.

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