That individual 1’s cult members are switching from Fox to Newsmax will insure they remain the least informed of all Americans!

I really don’t like referring to other Americans as “stupid,” (As I’ve pointed out before, I’ve been accused of being “elitist” – apparently because I got myself “educated”) but when I listen to people who support individual 1 that word just continues coming to mind. Today, in the Washington Post I was reading an article about supporters of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president who have switched their “viewing” from Fox “news” to “Newsmax.” Apparently, Fox has gone all “liberal” on them because they actually called the election for Joe Biden. And, oh, by the way, Biden won the election – by OVER 7 MILLION votes! A record “landslide.” (Of course, with the identical 306 Electoral College total as individual 1 back in 2016.

One after another of the people interviewed in the Post’s article were complaining that Fox “called Arizona” for Biden before any other network. Well, to me, that would say they have sophisticated network election observers – but, to the people interviewed in this article that meant they had “traitors” (or words to that effect) working at the network. They complained about Chris Wallace and, they even complained about the guys on “Fox and Friends” who, when I’ve watched it (admittedly, for short stints of, usually, less than a minute each time because, well, I can’t STOMACH all the LYING on Fox – which comes almost as frequently as if you were listening to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

Of course, individual 1 has been “caught” LYING around 25,000 (verifiable) times since he took (LIED over) the “oath” of office. Remember, in that “oath” he “promised” to defend our constitution against threats both foreign and domestic. That would, of course, include the THREAT posed by Vladimir Putin – which he, essentially, ignored and, well, the THREAT from HIM and the republican sycophants who STILL seem to be COWERING in FEAR from his “TWITTER” finger. OMG – and, then there’s all these people complaining about “Fox” and fleeing to “Newsmax” because they still believe individual 1 “won” the previous election. Heck, he SHOULDN’T have “won” the first one back in 2016 – but his CHEATING wasn’t such public knowledge back then.

That being said, there were several of the people who were interviewed about their disenchantment with Fox “news” who said this: “I now watch “Newsmax” 8 to 10 hours per day. Honestly, this just brings that uncomplimentary word back to mind, “Stupid.” I’m always reminded of a study a few years back where Fox “news” viewers were determined to be the “least informed” of all Americans – less informed than people who watch NO news on TV. (I’m guessing those people maybe READ) I know several people who support individual 1 and who you can’t talk to about what he’s ACTUALLY doing to this nation because, well, in EVERY instance, they watch Fox. (Some deny it and then refer to Hannity as “Sean”) Now many are going to say “no” when I suggest something they’ve said makes no sense because they watch Fox and, well, now it will be because of Newsmax.

Someone, a while back, somewhere, sent my email address to “Newsmax” so I’ve been getting their newsletter for some time now and I continue to allow it into my “inbox” so that I can, once in a while, click on something and check out their website. So far, to me, it’s been a bit more tolerable, but I’ve only got about 5 minutes on their site. However, one of their “anchors,” I believe, is Sean Spicer, so I shouldn’t have to say more. He the weak kneed individual 1 press secretary who was perfectly willing to soil the press briefing room of the “White House” by LYING to the American people. Of course, ditto for the press secretary’s who’ve followed him – apparently, a requirement in republican “circles” these days.

It was interesting reading about the careers of the people interviewed for the Post article because the only thing which made sense to me as to some of the STUPID things they were quoted as saying was their admission they’ve been “watching Fox for the past 20 years.” Individual 1 is the LEAST popular (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president in American history – he NEVER got to a 50% approval rating and his DEFEAT in the 2020 election was predicted so it baffles me why so many Americans still don’t believe he LOST. I understand his base is FULL of Americans who are “White Nationalists” – and, I can say to different degrees (although, to me, to any degree is completely WRONG) the FACT African Americans voted for Biden in HUGE numbers – well over 80% of them voted for the “president elect.” It appears to me individual 1’s is claiming their votes shouldn’t count.

For example, in Wisconsin he paid $3 MILLION for a recount in two counties ONLY. And, I’m sure you can guess which ones he claimed were full of “fraud.” (Of course, completely undetectable to anyone else) You’re correct, it’s the two counties with the largest concentrations of African American voters. Do you “get” the message he’s sending out? This was the same with his complaints about Michigan – Wayne County in Detroit, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Georgia with Atlanta and the surrounding areas, and, of course, Arizona with Maricopa County, the home of Phoenix.

Individual 1 is still lashing out at the republican governors of Georgia and Arizona as if they SHOULD be able to overturn the results of the elections in their states. Some of the republicans in Georgia have been enduring death threats since the election and, who knows what will happen if, somehow, the two democratic Senate candidates manage to pull off upset wins on January 5th. (Of course, Georgia’s two republican Senators are among the MOST corrupt in the nation’s capital – which is saying “something”) The people of Georgia may end up not wanting Senators who capitalize on crises – like calling their stockbrokers (both of them) when they found out about the coronavirus – and, actually are focused on bringing relief to the people of Georgia. But, if the democrats win, the republicans in that state are going to be ridiculed even more. Apparently, in Georgia, republicans expect their leaders to “fix” the results of the elections.

And, while all this is going on, it appears “Newsmax” is refusing to declare Joe Biden the “president elect” of this great nation – thereby, suckering even more Fox “news” viewers to their propaganda version of “TV” – which, apparently is more ridiculous than Fox. Just MORE evidence these people are completely uninterested in the TRUTH about anything – although, I can’t believe I’m suggesting Fox is where they get the “truth.” In the article, it was reported that some of the Fox personalities are now, after the fact, acting as if individual 1 still has a “path to victory” and they’re no longer calling Biden the president “elect.” (Does no one on the “right” have any GUTS?) Should be interesting once we get to January 20th – which can’t come soon enough for me.

While I hope Fox, Newsmax, and, apparently, the “OAN network” have a brawl over all these “ditto heads” – who, likely, are also devotees of Rush Limbaugh (another person who’s been LYING for money since the 1980’s) it still grieves me to feel like so many Americans are WILLFULLY putting themselves in the category which can be described as “stupid.” Again, I hate to say that, but when you listen to what’s coming out of their mouths there’s just no other way to describe it. Most of the people interviewed in the article said, “It was the election which did it” in regard to why they’re now abandoning Fox. I have to wonder, were they expecting Fox to simply LIE to them about the election results. Most of them are so ill-informed their response to the election “results” was predictable.

Individual 1 was setting this all up for a couple months before the election. He was even planning ALL the lawsuits which were TOTALLY frivolous BEFORE the election and, as LIARS go, they themselves eventually start believing their LIES are “true” even though the design of the “Big Lie Theory” with which our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president operates is designed for his followers to be the “believers” – which, of course, they are. Individual 1 was urging his voters to NOT vote by mail as he was attempting to throw a “monkeywrench” into the Postal Service’s ability to deliver the absentee/mail in ballots. (Remember, he complained about the “ballots” for a couple months leading up to the election)

Well, anyone paying attention KNEW there were going to be a LOT of ballots coming in the mail, especially because of the coronavirus pandemic which individual 1, himself, had made much worse than it should have been at the time of the election, but that’s a story for another day. It was obvious there were going to be MILLIONS of ballots counted AFTER election day. Why? Well, in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, the election officials CAN’T count the mail in ballots until after the election day ballots are counted. So, of course, on election night, in Pennsylvania, for example, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president appeared to have a 600,000 vote “lead.”

In fact, one of my acquaintances who is a supporter of individual 1 (I can’t understand why – he’s a Christian, but, I digress) actually texted me on election night as if our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president was going to be re-elected. Kind of the “too bad” you “liberal” type of text. I texted him back and said, “don’t get ahead of your skis my friend – there are over a MILLION more mail-in votes coming from registered democrats than from republicans and it looked to me as if Pennsylvania was going to go for Biden. Of course, later that night, as he had predicted he would, individual 1 declared “victory” so that he could blame his “loss” on all the “fraud” and the “ballots.” And, naturally, his CULT following has gone along “hook, line, and sinker.”

Naturally, in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania the mail in (absentee) ballots pushed Biden into the presidency. And, as a bonus, so did the mail-in voters in Georgia and Arizona AND Nevada, to put some “icing on the cake.” Here’s the deal, when a really unpopular president is facing re-election – even re-election (usually, they win re-election if it’s for a second term) where he’s proven a willingness to CHEAT – the odds are that he will LOSE. And, that’s exactly what happened with individual 1. Sadly, his “base” is a large segment of our population which will accept someone as CORRUPT and DISHONEST as individual 1 in return for judges and ?????

And, as he’s proving a willingness to disenfranchise African Americans by the MILLIONS we KNOW exactly where he’s coming from. I mean, I didn’t need this election to understand this – he of the “birther movement,” or the “shithole countries” comment, or the “go back to your country” comments to the so-called “squad” (THIS is their COUNTRY), or the issue with the “Central Park Five,” or the reality when he and his father were, essentially, “slumlords” back in the 70’s and 80’s their refusals to rent to African Americans said it all. And, when you hear someone state, repeatedly, “I’m the least racist person you know” well, you KNOW he’s probably the MOST racist person you know.

For some of individual 1’s followers the word “stupid” would be inappropriate. And, I’m talking about all the “White Supremacists,” “neo-Nazi” militia types who are what Hillary Clinton referred to as the “basket of deplorables.” Obviously, that was a mistake for her politically, but she was referring to the groups which are, well, DEPLORABLE. Like the now infamous “Proud Boys,” the group I discovered a few weeks ago calling themselves “Atomwaffen” – and espousing pure Nazi BS, the group calling itself “Patriot Prayer” (That name really DOESN’T fit, to me, anyway – they’re not “patriots’ and I doubt they “pray”), there’s a group calling itself the “3% ers” who are, well, DEPLORABLE, there’s all the different cells of the “boogaloo bois” who are desirous of starting a “race war,” etc. etc. This is who Mrs. Clinton was referring to as the DEPLORABLES and who you are associated with if you’re a supporter of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

I’ll end this rant by apologizing to my friends who support individual 1 for calling them “stupid.” They’re NOT “stupid” people – they just stay STUPID things in their defense of likely the MOST CORRUPT president in our nation’s history. And, trust me, the CORRUPTION will continue to funnel out after he’s out of office and his supporters will continue to believe it’s all “lies” because they will be watching Fox, or Newsmax, or OAN or ???? as the one person in the article I referred to above 8 to 10 hours per day. What’s the saying? “garbage in garbage out.” I know some of my friends are totally aware Fox is “evil,” but they continue to subject themselves to it because they’ve been BRAINWASHED to believe progressives (liberals) are, well, the problem. Why?

Other than the abortion issue I have yet to hear one logical reason why. And, what they don’t seem to understand, in that regard – which is an issue for a totally different rant – even if Roe is overturned by the SCOTUS women will continue having abortions. I’ll save my comments on that issue for another time, but, as I said the other day, what republicans have received from individual 1 is the result of what happens when you “make a deal with the devil.” As long as these people making fools of themselves supporting our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president keep subjecting themselves to the “crazy” coming from the right wing propagandists on Fox, Newsmax, etc. etc. they will continue pushing the divide which is tearing America apart at the “seams.”

Final Thought: It’s late on the 27th, actually, it’s now the 28th and it appears a few hours ago individual 1 decided to sign the “omnibus spending bill with the Covid relief package “melded” into it – therefore, sending $600 to people like me (who don’t need it) and way too little to those who really do need it. However, in the bill, unemployment benefits have been extended for, I believe 11 weeks for those who’ve been out of work for the past 8 months or so along with money to help get the vaccines distributed around the nation. (My daughter is an RN and she got her first dose of the vaccine this past week) My wife is still teaching and, as most parents (and teachers) know, it’s imperative to get students back into the classrooms. This “digital learning” is not a sufficient way to educate our youth and they need to be back in the classrooms, sooner rather than later – which means, of course, the teachers and administrators and other adults in the schools need to be vaccinated in this first wave of vaccinations.

If individual 1 wants to leave on any kind of a “good note” he could accept the FACT he’s a “one term president” (a LOSER) and help make sure as many doses of the vaccine as possible get distributed before he leaves office. He SHOULD congratulate Biden and concede, but, of course, we KNOW he’s NOT capable of doing that. He will be lashing out until January 20th and, likely, well beyond that date – which is why him getting LEGAL accountability for his CORRUPTION is so important. If “we the people” don’t want to go through this again, we need to make it clear this really is a nation based on the “rule of law.” We need Biden to appoint an Attorney General who will, without “fear or favor,” demonstrate Joe Biden is a “law and order” president.

(We KNOW individual 1 will be handing pardons out like Halloween candy including, likely, one to himself. It is imperative Biden’s Attorney General make sure the idea of a president “pardoning himself” is challenged all the way to the Supreme Court. Let’s find out if those appointments to the court are really “originalists.”)

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