Individual 1 is teaching republicans what you get when you sign a “deal with the devil.”

On several occasions I’ve pointed out Vladimir Putin must be walking around with that “smirk” he had as he was standing next to individual 1 and our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president was “throwing our intelligence community under the bus” back in Helsinki. Original reports of the Russian “interference” into the 2016 election were focused on Putin’s attempt to undermine Hillary Clinton’s ability to function as the “presumed” winner of the election. Mr. Putin pretty much hates Mrs. Clinton – she basically tells it like it is when it comes to Russia. However, as we all know, Putin got “the icing on the cake” when individual 1 was declared the “winner” (with 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton. Only in America….). And, of course, when Putin says, “I didn’t do it,” individual 1 believes him. It’s good he chose to be our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president because he never would have made it as a sixth grade teacher.

And, I don’t believe Russia was “done” at that point, in fact Robert Mueller, when he testified before Congress said, “The Russians are still interfering and they’re going to do so in the upcoming election” (or words to that effect) What they are doing is using our free society against us in an effort to sowe doubt on our democratic process. And, of course, it’s working. He got the perfect “lackey” in individual 1 – who is either an “unwitting, useful idiot,” or he’s been compromised (my belief) by the Russians and he’s been continuously working to further Putin’s objectives from the day he (LIED ABOUT) took the oath of office.

Naturally, of course, individual 1 has been LYING ever since. Here’s the worst part from my perspective. The republican party has gone along with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president virtually every step of the way and the LYING has become second nature to almost every one of them. I’ve called their sycophantic following of individual 1 as a “deal with the devil.” (Sadly, his “base” is largely comprised of the so-called “Christian community.”) As he’s going “out the door” (Some reports are suggesting he may not return to the “White House” after heading for golf in Florida over the Christmas holiday) it appears his vindictiveness is in its full “glory.” And, of course, he won’t stop inflicting as much DAMAGE as he can to this nation in the three weeks he has left as our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

For four years, everytime I start ranting on this site about individual 1 I’ve found myself shaking my head wondering how someone this corrupt could hoodwink so many Americans to allow something like this to happen. The man is an incredibly INTENSE narcissist and he reacts with vengeance at anything he considers a “slight.” He cares about NO ONE but himself and his lackeys are getting, essentially in my view, what they deserve as he goes out the door. That being said, the DAMAGE he can possibly create by refusing to sign the Covid relief bill which is tied into the “omnibus” spending bill necessary for the government to function through next September is HUGE.

Not only would this force the government to be shut down as the new Congress is seated, but it would cause the Covid relief package to be, well, they’d have to start over on a new one – and, by then – we’re talking mid January by the time anything could be passed and then, of course, it would take weeks to implement whatever they agreed to – well, that would leave MILLIONS of Americans in the “lurch.” (Worse, obviously, than they already are) Far worse than they’d be with the insufficient bill which is now sitting on individual 1’s desk while he’s playing golf in Florida.

Let’s get real here for a moment. The death toll from the coronavirus (Sars cov-2 is how the scientists I’ve listened to call it) is soon to pass 350,000 Americans – likely three times what it should have been with strong presidential leadership (which, of course, still would have been bad and close to 450,000 by the time the nightmare of individual 1’s administration is over) and I have yet to hear individual 1 express one word of remorse for the lost lives – even if he can’t accept BLAME for his failure of leadership. The other day, in one of his rare public statements of late, he actually said he had saved MILLIONS with all the wonderful things he did – like, for example, blocking flights from China. Yikes! Everytime he opens his mouth he comes across as the opposite of the “Very Stable Genius” he’s claimed himself to be. (And, oh, by the way, he didn’t really “block” flights from China)

And, these republicans who’ve been going along with EVERYTHING he does, OMG what has been wrong with them? I’ve written about the 126 members of the House who signed on to the court challenge by the Attorney General of Texas (soon, I believe, to be on the expanded pardon list) to overthrow the 2020 American election. Several of them agreeing to overturn their own election victories. What goes through their heads? Now, every last one of those House members is in the “House of Shame” and, I hope, many beside myself will publish their names so no one forgets. (I’ve got them ALL listed in one of the recent posts in the archives)

So, what did all these traitorous House members get for their willingness to overturn a “free and fair election?” Well, now they know how the “intelligence community” felt while “under the bus.” They voted overwhelmingly to support the Covid relief bill and, sure enough, individual 1 who hadn’t given a “peep” during the process decided (rightly so) that $600 checks to the American people as the economy is “tanking” was a “disgrace.” Yep, that’s what all those 126 House members got for admitting they were willing to destroy our democratic republic. To me, they’re getting what they deserved and I hope the people in their districts are paying attention.

In order to support investigative journalism I’ve been subscribed to the NY Times, Washington Post, and a few other publications during individual 1’s reign of terror on this nation and tonight, in one of the columns, there was “footage” of one of David Perdue’s attack ads in The Georgia Senate runoff election coming up on January 5th. Talk about your DISGUSTING political advertisements. And, it appears, Mr. Perdue is every bit the LIAR as his fuhrer. Perdue is taking credit for the Covid relief bill and suggesting Jon Ossoff has been “obstructing” the bill “for months.” Honestly, I don’t know how some of these people sleep at night.

Of course, Perdue was comfortable taking inside information he got at the start of the pandemic and calling his stockbroker with an order for some changes in his portfolio. Anymore, this is not surprising about members of Congress – mostly, but not all, republicans. Perdue’s “running mate” Kelly Loeffler also managed to make some targeted “smart” trades of stock at about the same time – while they KNEW and “we the people” didn’t KNOW about Covid-19. I still don’t understand why there weren’t ethics violations in Congress, at a minimum, for both of them – but, evidently, in their “circles” this behavior is OK. So, maybe individual 1 doesn’t seem so CORRUPT to Perdue and Loeffler. What’s the saying? “Birds of a feather, flock together.” Not at all good for America, but……………. (Are you paying attention Georgia????)

Essentially, as the Post reported, individual 1’s insistance on $2000 to every adult making less than $75,000 should have “cut the knees” (my phraseology) from under both Perdue and Loeffler – but ARE the people of Georgia paying attention? Do republican even care about this kind of stuff anymore? Do they REALLY want these two CORRUPT senators to go back to Washington DC so that Moscow Mitch can continue OBSTRUCTING any progressive legislation going forward? Legislation which would be good for the people of Georgia? More options for affordable health insurance is good for republicans as well as democrats. “Crushing this virus” is what ALL of us need and it’s what will actually open up our economy and allow us to begin the recovery process from the virus and four years of individual 1! That would be good for republicans as well as democrats. For whatever reason it doesn’t seem “good” for Moscow Mitch, which is why the democrats pulling off upsets in the two Georgia runoffs is so important.

Rebuilding our infrastructure and creating MILLIONS of good union wage jobs in the process would be good for Georgia just as it would be good for virtually EVERY state in the union – plus it would be really good for our economy. Taking the lead on the FIGHT to counter the Climate Crisis is another area where progressive government action would translate into MILLIONS of high paying jobs – and these jobs would be private sector jobs facilitated by government contracts – this would be good for everyone. I could go on and on, but the reality is the people of Georgia have a “golden opportunity” to create a situation where McConnell’s ability to block legislation will be limited – and, if he reverts to constant filibusters, I believe we’d see the end of that archaic Senate practice. McConnell ended it so he could get unqualified, but right wing, judges into the judiciary and, as they say, turnabout would be “fair play.”

To me, the thing is the Senators should live in fear that progressive legislation is going to cost them their jobs. Republicans have been using the “socialist” argument against democrats for years and getting away with it – while being the worst of the socialists. They simply don’t believe funneling HUGE amounts of corporate WELFARE to the richest companies in the country is “socialism.” It’s only socialism if it benefits “we the people.” Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are “social programs” which, I believe almost all Americans who have direct experience with would agree are good beneficial programs. I’ve heard many an American who is on Medicare claim they oppose government run health care. I just shake my head????

So, individual 1 is turning on EVERYONE as he heads for the exit “stage left” and the sycophantic republicans are getting exactly what they deserve. I have to say I hope the Covid relief bill gets implemented sooner rather than later, but, the bottom line is when you “make a deal with the devil” eventually, the “bill” becomes due – and, that’s what we’re seeing with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president right now. In a couple days democrats will pass an amendment to the bill in question agreeing to the $2000 checks for “we the people.” It will then be up to the republicans to, well, vote for “we the people” (and, have egg all over their faces) OR FINALLY turn against individual 1. (And, have “egg on their faces” plus facing the wrath of their “devil” er fuhrer AND the wrath of his base of voters – like I said, the bill is coming due) If republicans fail to act and individual 1 refuses to sign the bill the result will be historically bad for republicans (and, of course, for all the people in desperate need of the assistance) and our country. Stay tuned…………………

Final Thought: I’m reading the book “Evil Geniuses” by Kurt Andersen and it’s another reminder, to me, we are facing a critical time in our history when we NEED progressives (ie liberals) to stand up and push for what they believe in. The “center” of America’s politics has been tilting to the “right” since the days of Ronald Reagan. I’ve often written about that here and Andersen’s book is like a memory refresher for me, as I’ve lived through much of what he writes about in the book. It’s simply one of many books I’ve read which FACTUALLY document that virtually every meaningful act of PROGRESS in American history comes from “liberals.”

There are so many things we take for granted which were hard won by “liberals” in years gone by that, I believe, it’s important to remember. That is why I believe Andersen’s book is a “must read” for today’s adults – especially, the young adults who are susceptible to the right wing’s message machine which is going to be “blaring” socialism, socialism, socialism in the next few years – despite the reality Joe Biden is far from a socialist. He’s a “center right” democrat who is being pushed to the left by the young members of the democratic caucus (along with Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, etc.) These next four years are critical in that democrats MUST stand strong on their principles and DON’T cower as they have over and over during the past 40 years of the right wing republican assault on our economy and our middle class. As I’ve been saying for years now, “This is a war for the heart and soul of this nation” and it will require democrats to FIGHT in order to win.

(And, by the way, many of the people who’ve been voting for republicans in the so-called “rust belt” will be among the most significant beneficiaries of a liberal agenda if democrats stay strong and choose to go to those areas and explain to those people why a progressive agenda is to their benefit.)

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