Individual 1 will soon be gone, but Facebook will still be DAMAGING this nation as a conduit for the most VILE information imaginable.

I’ve been writing for MANY years about the importance of voting the “present day” republican party into the history books and the attack on our democratic foundation by individual 1 following his DEFEAT at the hands of Joe Biden, with support by 17 republican state attorney generals AND over 120 republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives, just makes my point even more emphatic. I’ve also said we NEED two political parties, but we need them to be able to communicate with each other in a way to agree on legislation which helps “we the people” who pay their salaries. (And, we are in desperate need of transparency in our public discourse – more on that below.)

That’s correct, WE pay the salaries of our legislators as opposed to all the lobbyists and the corporate puppet masters who work in the shadows of our government. It seems that for many of the members of Congress their salary isn’t enough. What’s more, I’ve also pointed out the importance of people abandoning Fox “news” and other right wing propaganda spewing organizations who are OK with the authoritarian, fascist tendencies we’ve been witnessing first hand as individual 1’s been giving us a lesson on how to turn this nation into something which is not tethered to our constitution whatsoever. To me, enemy number 1: Facebook!

I believe we need to make sure EVERY one of the members of the House who signed onto the BOGUS lawsuit filed by the Attorney General of the state of Texas (he who is reportedly seeking a pardon from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president) are made to be publicly disparaged going forward, reminded of that vote at every “turn.” We need to make sure the people in their states understand these members of the House are more obligated to their “party” than to the constitution which they swore an oath to defend when they agreed to be members of our national legislature. (My previous post NAMES every one of these politicians who belong in the “HOUSE of Shame.”) To me, they’re TRAITORS!

While individual 1 and his sycophants have been attempting to overturn the “will of the people” in this election we’ve seen the constitution “win” every step of the way including, today, when the Electoral College voted to CERTIFY Joe Biden’s VICTORY in the 2020 election. Our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president has filed over 55 FRIVOLOUS lawsuits since he LOST the election (with over 7 MILLION less votes than Joe Biden) and the bulk of the republican party has proved to anyone paying attention they don’t believe in “democracy.” Every time I think of the 126 members of the House who signed on to the absurd lawsuit filed by the pardon seeking Attorney General of Texas I get angry. What a bunch of …………. I’ll let you fill in the blank. As I just said, the word TRAITOR comes to my mind.

And, if you’ve been paying attention to all the rallies by individual 1’s supporters you can’t miss all the right wing white supremacist militia types at the rallies. Groups with names like the now infamous “Proud Boys,” another calling themselves the Nazi based name “Atomwaffen,” another called the “3% ers,” and another called “Patriot Prayer.” These are the groups/gangs which come off the top of my head and, of course, there are many more (like various groups identifying as “Boogaloo Bois” – intent on starting a race “civil war”). They brandish confederate flags and Nazi paraphernalia among other right wing “stuff.” Check out the Southern Poverty Law Center and you’ll get a good idea of a large segment of individual 1’s base. If you think this is a “pleasant” group check out the web page of the group calling themselves “Atomwaffen.” If you have a soft spot for the Third Reich you’ll feel right at home. You can check it out by clicking HERE.

Normally, in America, the issue of who won this election would have been a “no brainer” long ago (actually, it was to me) but individual 1 had to prove himself to be the WORST LOSER ever! Today, the vote of the Electoral College SHOULD have calmed down anyone wondering “how do you know who won the election?” Today was the “nail in the coffin” for individual 1. But, I have no doubt he’ll be encouraging republicans to further embarrass themselves between now and January 6 – which is the date when the Electoral College votes are further certified by the Congress. And, naturally, to add a bit of “suspense” (for members of the CULT of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president) Vice President Pense will be presiding over the final certification of the election results.

Do you think individual 1 will order our (lap dog of a) Vice President to refuse stating publicly Joe Biden is the winner of the election. Congress is going to vote to “make it official” and there’s nothing Mr. Pense can do about it – but, it should be interesting watching all this. Today William Barr “resigned” a couple weeks after angering our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president by – hold on, telling the TRUTH. Mr. Barr said, “The Justice Department has found no fraud which could affect the results of the 2020 election. Do you think individual 1 will demand Pense’s resignation if he publicly states Joe Biden WON the election. As I said, this continued delirium should be interesting.

I can tell you one of the main reasons I’m very happy individual 1 has been soundly VOTED out of office is because that insured Mr. Barr would be OUT as well. As it turns out, Barr is leaving “early” to “spend time with his family” – proving, there’s NO way anyone can please individual 1 all the time – even William Barr wasn’t enough of a lackey for our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president although Barr was kissing individual 1’s ……. right up to the finish. Barr will long be remembered as the WORST Attorney General in modern American history, UNLESS, of course, you’re one of the TRAITORS who proved they don’t believe in our constitution and would be happy with individual 1 overturning our democratic republic.

Think of this – individual 1 came closer to turning our nation’s government into a right wing dictatorship and implementing fascism than Hitler did back in WW II. My father was in the Army during WW II and I still remember him and my mother discussing politics back in the 1950’s – he supporting Dwight Eisenhower and she supporting Adlai Stevenson. I bring this up because I’ve always remembered someone (I can’t remember who), when I was very young (I was born in 1947) warning that if America was to be defeated it would come from an “enemy within.” I don’t remember the exact words or who said it, but it’s always stuck in my mind. (Which is something, as I’m at that stage in life where my memory is NOT so good) Regardless, I’ve always remembered that comment as I’ve observed individual 1’s attack on our republic and have wondered, “is this the time?”

Many times over the past four years I have pointed out some of the parallels with individual 1 and the Third Reich. Of course, the republican party has been complicit in virtually every aspect of what he’s been doing since day one. I really don’t know what he has on them, but it doesn’t seem to matter how absurd he gets, they simply go along with what appears to be no thought. I said back in early 2017 our (now) IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president would remain in office as long as the republicans continue to support him – me believing they would abandon him somewhere along the line. Obviously, I miscalculated the republican party – they’re far worse than I had figured – a group of COWARDS and unpatriotic “boobs.”

So, here’s something I find REALLY interesting about all of this. Naturally there’s a lot of “stuff” in the media about individual 1’s actions and people (pundits, reporters) are trying to understand the motive of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and many are suggesting he’s trying to “delegitimize” Biden’s win and his administration. And, of course, I haven’t heard a single pundit, news person, or commentator turning this absurd attempt by individual 1 into a cogent national debate if they’re right about his motive. To me, their response is absurd by many facets.

First, we SHOULD never forget individual 1 would NEVER have been our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president without the help of the Russians – if anyone was an ILLEGITIMATE president, it was him. And, think about his supporters, those 126 members of Congress who ADMITTED they don’t believe in our constitutional form of government – to me, they should forever more be considered illegitimate members of Congress. And, of course, all the Attorney Generals, from the various states, who joined the lawsuit of the pardon seeking Attorney General of Texas – they should FOREVERMORE be considered illegitimate in their offices. It’s up to the media to turn this HORRIBLE response to LOSING an election back onto the faces of individual 1 and his supporters. How can they call anyone else “illegitimate?”

I mentioned above we need “two political parties” for our system of government to work. Here’s where I believe our so-called “liberal media” has fallen so far short. Over and over, as I try to listen to people “reporting” the “news” I come away feeling as if they’re following some kind of “standard” which prevents them from telling it like it is. Yes, the discussions SHOULD be based on FACTS – and, not “alternative facts” whatever that might be – but, the media outlets need to stop with this “fair and balanced” approach Fox “news” managed to fool “we the people” into believing was good reporting. If democrats, for example, are doing something wrong call it what it is and vice versa. In my view, our “liberal media” has failed us, but not in the same way you might think if you’ve been listening to republicans.

Take the issue with Russia, for example. There can be no doubt about the Russian’s ATTACKING our nation during the 2016 election. Robert Mueller’s “team” identified the perpetrators right up to the computers they were using as they hacked into the DNC and also as they were disseminating their “spoil” to Wikileaks at strategic times during the 2016 campaign. The Russian’s had two goals, number one was to weaken Hillary Clinton’s administration (they assumed she would win just like almost everyone else) and to exacerbate the political “divide” in our country. Secondly, they wanted to help individual 1 “win,” they just didn’t think he could do so. This is all unquestionable FACTS and, yet, I hear pundits on TV get away with suggesting otherwise (usually using Kremlin “talking points”) with little to NO pushback.

“We the people” also allow outlets like Fox “news,”, etc. to get away with a right wing BRAINWASHING of their audience without the pushback necessary to make sure people understand what these outlets are actually doing. I’ve been writing about Fox and people like Rush Limbaugh (and his second tier of “talkers” willing to say ANYTHING for money) and we SHOULD be pushing back against all the MISINFORMATION much harder. Right now, thanks to these propagandists, about three out of every four republicans believe the 2020 election was “stolen” from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president when the actual “steal” took place in 2016. This “misinformation” is right out of the Kremlin’s “playbook.” They originally called it “fake news.” Let that sink in, our republican party and their media supporters are using the “playbook” of the Russians to BRAINWASH their cult following. And, the “liberal media” is caught, apparently, “looking the other way.”

This leads me to what I consider the WORST offender of all – and the largest threat to our democratic republic: Facebook. Now, keep in mind, I don’t do Facebook. My wife does and just about everyone I know does (that’s what we call a monopoly – which in the media, is REALLY dangerous) During the 2016 campaign a group called “Cambridge Analytica” – which was stationed in London – managed to “cultivate” the DATA out of Facebook and about 157 MILLION Americans (you read that correctly). They grouped the data into what they called “neighborhoods” (I believe – or a word to that effect) so they could “blast” those “neighborhoods” with targeted misinformation (LIES) these groups would be vulnerable to.

Well, along came the Russians and, sure enough, they got their hands on this data as well. Was it through “coordination” with the individual 1 campaign? Well, I can only guess, but my guess would be “your correct.” However, the end result was the Russians had the information they needed to blast these groups with a never ending flow of “fake news” (I’m sure you’ve been wondering where individual 1 got that term). Sure enough, Vladimir Putin got his wish – individual 1, his own “puppet” in the “White House” – and, we’ve seen the “fabric” of America being torn apart ever since.

And, Facebook continues unabated – getting MORE dangerous by the day – and, the Russians are continuing their ATTACK on America – it’s been ongoing now for well over the four years of individual 1’s disasterous time in the “White House” but the level of DAMAGE they’ve been inflicting on our nation has increased like a second virus since the day individual 1 LIED about his “oath” of office. Not only have the Russian’s been “lingering” in the cyberspace of Most of our Federal Government for the past eight months, or so, but do you remember the recent reporting on Putin putting bounties on the heads of American soldiers in Afghanistan? Do you remember what individual 1 did about it? Just like he dealt with the election ATTACK and the ATTACK on our soldiers in Afghanistan, the ATTACK on our government institutions and American corporate interests received a yawning – NOTHING coming from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. And, the republicans? NOTHING as well. (Just think of their response if Barack Obama had ignored things like that)

Some day we’ll find out what the Russian’s had on our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and, hopefully, we’ll find out the extent of the DAMAGE being caused by Facebook on the fabric of our nation “sooner rather than later.” Thirty three days from when I’m writing this individual 1 will be a “private citizen” (with lots of legal troubles) but Facebook will still be DAMAGING this nation as a conduit for the most VILE information imaginable. At some point Congress is going to intervene – let’s hope it happens before it’s too late. (And, of course, Facebook isn’t the ONLY dangerous “tech monopoly.”)

Joe Biden is taking office facing a MOUNTAIN of problems – starting with the Covid-19 pandemic and, at the very best, he can hope for a 50/50 Senate which might allow for some things to “get done.” However, are the democrats going to vote to get rid of the filibuster with such a “slim majority” should they get a couple “wins” in the Georgia Senate runoffs? It will take courage to face up to many of these challenges and the future of our nation lies in the balance. Do we want another démagogue at the helm in the future? Will our media expose the TRUTH behind individual 1’s base and/or will Biden push back against all the hate groups which flourished under our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president? The next couple of years will continue to be critical ones in the unfolding history of this nation. We’ll either deal with our “original sin” or the right wing backlash coming from the white supremacist groups spread throughout our nation will be allowed to continue without pushback. It really has come to, one or the other! Stay tuned…………

Final Thought: I’m my lifetime I’ve seen no one remotely close to individual 1 when it comes to being vindictive. He depends on people worshiping the ground he walks on and to anyone who might disagree with him, look out! He’s still fuming about the “Russia thing” – which he earned via his “collusion” with the Russians back in 2016 – but, as I just said, he felt it de-legitimized his term in office – so what will he do about that? It’s obvious, he’s doing everything he can to cause as many of his CULT members to believe Joe Biden “stole” the election from him so they won’t consider Biden “legitimate.” Touche’! And, as I’m writing this, there’s likely more. I’ve heard individual 1 wants there to be a special counsel appointed to “investigate” Joe Biden and his son Hunter. I’ll say it again, should be interesting!

The bottom line is our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is going to do as much DAMAGE to our nation on his “way out the door” as he possibly can. Why should that surprise me? OK, it doesn’t. I’ve been writing about the DAMAGE to America he’s been causing for four years. My greatest hope is whoever Biden chooses as his Attorney General doesn’t shy away from investigating individual 1’s criminal behavior. We KNOW he’s going to “pardon himself” – he’s been telegraphing that “move” for a couple years now – the question is, can he? By my reading of the Constitution, the answer is no (Of course, I’ve had some help coming to that conclusion from people who are actually constitutional experts). Let’s hope he’s challenged if he tries it. I’m not lobbying for individual 1 to be “locked up,” but I do want there to be accountability for him and his sycophants who regularly thumbed their noses at our system of laws – as if the laws didn’t/don’t apply to them. I don’t want Joe Biden to think he could do the same ILLEGAL “stuff.”

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