If the 700+ “stooges” who INVADED the Capitol are the only “defendants” of the insurrection – it’s on Merrick Garland!

I recently told a good friend I’m ready for a break from all the writing – which, in essence, is like writing in a diary because I have NO idea who might happen across these words. Today, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how many times here I’ve said, “The truth will come out, drip by drip” regarding the CORRUPTION of individual 1, his closest enablers, and his “army” of sycophants who make up the top section of his CULT. As individual 1’s own niece said on national TV the other night, he wouldn’t give the “time of day” to the “peons” (my characterization) who make up the bulk of his CULT. He simply depends on them to support him no matter what “drips” come out about his CORRUPT behavior. (And, of course, send him their hard earned MONEY)

So, today I’m watching “Deadline Whitehouse” on MSNBC hosted by former republican Nicole Wallace where the information which has come out in the past few days indicating individual 1 and the above mentioned “enablers and sycophants” – including, at this point in time, six SITTING republican members of Congress along with Mark Meadows the chief of staff for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – very well may have committed CRIMES as they attempted to INCITE a mob to interfere with “the peaceful transfer of power” in a way to allow individual 1 to remain in office.

Was it a conspiracy to commit SEDITION? (I’d say, “yep”) Was it a conspiracy to OBSTRUCT a lawful function of the Congress? (“yep,” once again) These are SERIOUS charges should they come about. They would make individual 1’s CRIMINAL exposure in the investigation of the Manhattan DA look like “small potatoes.” Both of the potential violations of our system of LAWS about SEDITION and OBSTRUCTION call for serious penalties which include PRISON terms up to 20 years (each). The discussion on MSNBC had to do with how would that affect our country? As if these violations of LAW should maybe be ignored because of what I’ve speculated prior to now – Merrick Garland’s FEAR of individual 1’s base.

To me, the question of whether or not individual 1 BROKE the LAW simply based on what has already been public knowledge is a “no brainer.” I’ve read “I alone can fix it” by Philip Rucker and Carol Loennig, I’ve read “Peril” by Bob Costa and Bob Woodward, I’ve read “Landslide” by Michael Wolff, and I recently finished “Betrayal” by Jon Karl – all of these books are the results of numerous interviews (HUNDREDS) with those involved in the final days of individual 1’s reign. When you read them and follow the other information coming out – “drip by drip” – it’s hard to believe their wasn’t violations of the LAW!

I’ve written previously I believe, as a non lawyer, I could convince a jury individual 1 was responsible for what happened on January 6th, 2021 at our nation’s Capitol. It would be harder for me to argue the OBSTRUCTION charges which COULD have been taken up by AG Garland, stemming from Mueller’s report, allegations Mr. Garland obviously is shying away from. However, I believe Liz Cheney will be FORCING the issue as time goes by and the 1/6 Committee continues their investigation. Will they be subpoenaing the likes of Rudy Giuliani, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, and one other Congressman ( Scott Perry?) who I can’t remember his name along with our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president? Can you imagine individual 1 sitting for a deposition? (The CHARGES could grow like chia seeds combined with a bit of water!)

I started this a couple weeks ago: I’m going to try to “finish the thought.” I’ve said several times here I believe I could get a guilty verdict (disclaimer: I’m no lawyer – but I did take a constitutional law class in college back in the sixties :o) regarding individual 1’s INCITING the INSURRECTION along with his CLEAR OBSTRUCTION of the duties of the Congress – based on publicly reported data. I mean, it’s a “no brainer” – unless you frequent right wing media. Really, attempting to OVERTHROW a function of our government, in the past, would have received “bipartisan” rebukes from America’s elected officials. We NOW have a situation where “conservatives” FEAR individual 1’s backlash for a single word which might seem negative to him. Therefore, fascism = OK.

Check out the emails, phone messages, texts, etc. public servants who refuse to “kiss the ring” of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president receive from the “god fearing” right wing FASCISTS which make up a significant portion of his base. (Does ring stand for ASS?) The THREATS now go toward not only “liberal politicians” but, also, school board members, teachers, doctors, nurses, and other public servants. Here’s the phone messages we NEED to hear about – those coming from individual 1’s sycophants on January 6th, 2021 and the days preceding all the way back to the election along with HIS phone records. Trust me, all these people wouldn’t be fighting subpoenas if they were INNOCENT. (Otherwise, wouldn’t they want to give out the information to clear themselves?)

There’s no way, at this point, for even individual 1’s sycophants to salvage his “legacy” because anything any of them would defend during his reign (there wasn’t much unless you like right wing judges – and that was the work of Don McGahn and Moscow Mitch) is, well, now indefensible – he attempted to OVERTHROW our elected government via a MOB he told to “Go to the the Capitol and fight like hell or you won’t have a country anymore.” Well, we still have a country, don’t we? It appears republicans are busy passing voter suppression laws across the nation so that we don’t have a republic anymore. Projection personified!

I believe Liz Cheney is betting the January 6th Select Committee is going to be able to do what it appears Merrick Garland is unwilling to do and that is gather the “goods” on individual 1 making his CRIMINAL conduct undeniable. We’ll see how Mr. Garland will respond should the committee send criminal referrals to the Justice Department. Here’s a couple “red flags” for me – Matt Gaetz has been rumored to be in the “sights” of the Justice Department for “child sex trafficking” for over a year now – is there a good reason he’s not been indicted? Is the reason AG Garland’s temerity? – the second “red flag” for me is the CRIMINAL referral for Mark Meadows which was handed out at least a couple weeks ago. Will the Justice Department take this referral to a Grand Jury asking for an indictment?

The Select Committee is acting as if they’re going to pursue prosecution for anyone who refuses to honor a subpoena. Of course, the Congress cannot INDICT anyone – they are depending on the Justice Department to carry out the prosecution of the CRIMINAL referrals they send their way. I still remember Nixon’s gang of thieves – virtually ALL of them ended up in PRISON and had democrats not been timid since then we wouldn’t be facing this problem today. Reagan and HW Bush were “let off the hook” for Iran/Contra, GW Bush and Dick Cheney were let off the hook for authorizing TORTURE, and that caused republicans to believe democrats don’t have the “stones” to prosecute high level CRIMINAL activity.

Talk about the epitome of PROJECTION – do you remember republicans – individual 1, Mike Flynn, and others leading chants of “Lock her up” over Hillary Clinton’s emails? (Of course, we now KNOW Mark Meadows AND individual 1 – likely among others – were using their private cell phones to be doing government business – far WORSE than anything Clinton may have done. In fact, Meadows and Jared Kushner were using an encrypted app [Signal?] right out of the “White House”) Throughout his time in office individual 1 was attempting to get his various Attorney Generals to “lock up” anyone from Mrs. Clinton to Barack Obama – with about every perceived “enemy” (remember Nixon?) in between.

I, personally, believe the future of America rests in individual 1 facing INDICTMENTS for his role in the attack on our Capitol. Just as I said back when Obama took office: “It was a grave mistake to block investigations into the WAR CRIMES of Bush/Cheney.” It was obvious to me the “next time” would be far worse. Well the same thinking is still appropriate. STOPPING the republican lawlessness will either get stopped or we will cease to be a “nation of laws and not men.” The “next time” their actions will be progressively worse – and, I don’t believe I’m the only American who believes our republic is too close to the “breaking point” to allow that to happen.

Here’s what I would say to Merrick Garland: “You’ve become Attorney General at a crisis point in American history and it’s time to “s@#t or get off the pot.” If you don’t have what it takes to actually defend our system of laws then maybe the best way forward would be to resign while Biden still has time to get someone else confirmed. Of course, republicans can probably block another candidate – so, the reality is YOU are going to go down in history as VERY important person in this time of CRISIS. Enforce the laws or confirm to those who believe the laws are intended simply for us “little people.” The “ball” is in your court.

Final Thought: It appears the CORRUPTION goes well beyond our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. There’s a KNOWN list of six or seven members of Congress who appear to be neck deep in the CONSPIRACY to overthrow the election and there’s a few more suspected. (Yes, I’m talking about Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert) There’s a group of incompetent lawyers led by Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, and Sidney Powell. There’s Senators who may be on “shaky ground” like Lindsey Graham.

All of these people walking around as if they have nothing to fear really reminds me of Abu Ghraib. Several Army “grunts” spent time in the “brig” for, in essence, thinking they were following orders as they TORTURED Iraqi’s – many who were simply gathered up by American troops who were breaking down doors and terrorizing the Iraqi population we “supposedly” were there to help. Well, now we’ve got over 700 “grunts” who are facing prison terms up to 20 years after storming the Capitol thinking they were following the orders of their “commander in chief.” I can tell you, if these are the only people paying the price for the INSURRECTION this country will be “teetering” on the “cliff.” I’m not sure “we the people” will be able to bring her back from the “brink.”

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