Abortion: Why do men constantly get away with creating the problem and then “getting out of town?

I’ve said for a couple of years I would eventually write a post about my thoughts concerning the subject of abortion. The time has come because, it appears, the Supreme Court will soon be challenged to, in essence, overturn “Roe v Wade.” I grew up prior to Roe and was a very naïve young man when I entered college in 1965. I went to college, mainly, to play basketball and when I was a junior at Western Washington University (back then “State College”) in 1967 I was introduced to the “free love” years – as they were called at the time – and where students who I knew who were sexually active were paying $75 for what amounted to unsafe abortions.

At the time, as I remember it now, I didn’t have a second thought about what was happening other than it seemed wrong to me. In 1973 when Roe was decided by the Supreme Court, again, I didn’t think much about it because it didn’t affect me. However, when the first pregnancy I was involved with ended in a miscarriage and my wife had, in essence, the same procedure as an abortion – the fetus had died – I was thankful she was healthy after the procedure – which by the standard of the recent Texas law could have been deemed to be an abortion.

My thoughts were (and still are) that when a sperm cell and an egg combine, needing only “food and oxygen” to grow you have a living “thing.” To me, this is irrefutable. In total transparency I was not a “fan” of Roe when it was first decided. As I look back, I’m thankful I was never in a position to be part of a decision ending in an abortion (Well, I’m REALLY thankful that miscarriage wasn’t considered an “abortion”). That being said, it should be obvious I WOULDN’T be the one having the procedure. I have, over the years, however, given the subject considerable thoughts. Several things have caused my thoughts to evolve.

One instance which has, for years, affected my thinking: I know a woman who was RAPED at knife point many years ago resulting in a pregnancy. She chose to terminate that pregnancy, as I would have totally supported (had I been asked), and, I have to add, she had considerable misgivings post procedure. I bring this up because it’s clear to me this is an issue which us “men folk” just are incapable of understanding. Even if you take the position of many “Christians” that “Roe” should be overturned, that would do NOTHING to solve the problem of women experiencing unwanted pregnancies – for a PLETHORA of reasons.

As I watch all of this transforming it appears to me it’s, essentially, MEN who are leading the “charge” to take abortions back into the “back alleys” – which affects these MEN hardly at all. As I said above, I’m thankful I haven’t had to be in this position – other than the miscarriage involved in the pregnancy of my first child. Had I lived in Texas and my wife been forced to carry an already deceased child, well, I would have done whatever I could have to protect the health of my wife. (And, I know of several other women who had fetuses die “in utero” and had the same procedure – a couple in “late term”) The Texas law which prevents almost ALL abortion procedures makes NO exceptions – for example, for rape, incest, or for the health of the mother. In a perfect world no woman would be faced with this decision.

Of course, we don’t live in anything close to a perfect world. Over the years my views have evolved to where my present belief is “if you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one.” One of the more memorable moments of the 2016 campaign for president was when individual 1 was interviewed regarding his views on abortion. He seemed hesitant when he said, seemingly in an obligatory manner, he supported a ban on abortions. (This was an “about face” from previous comments he’d made) He went further by saying “any woman who has an abortion should be PUNISHED.” As is always the case, no reference to the MAN involved in the unwanted pregnancy.

In answering a question regarding the draconian Texas anti-abortion law governor Greg Abbott suggested in Texas they were going to eliminate ALL rapes. Of course, that was one of the more STUPID comments I’ve ever heard coming from any politician, but, sadly, Abbott has not been rebuked as I thought he would over such a STUPID comment. I guess one of my curiosities is who on earth is this decision over a women’s body being determined by; MEN? I know “Christians” who have rationalized their support of individual 1 over the possibility of Roe being overturned – what I call the classic “deal with the Devil.” And, that all doesn’t make me “pro abortion.” I wish NO woman would be forced into this decision. I’ll say it again, “if you don’t believe in abortion don’t have one.”

Curiously, now we’re seeing an interesting irony coming from abortion opponents and those who are fighting to prevent Roe from being overturned. For years women have been saying “My body my choice” in support of “A women’s right to choose.” Now, of course, many of those fighting to control what a woman can do with her body are saying “my body my choice” in justifying their refusal to get a “jab” which might prevent them, and/or those around them, from going to the hospital with Covid-19. Interesting, huh? I’ll add to that, I’ve come to the conclusion over the years to two things: First as a MAN I shouldn’t be the one making this decision for a woman which I have no idea of who she is – leading me to the second “conclusion” – I believe it’s the woman’s right to decide what to do with her body.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe virtually any woman takes having an abortion, or not, as a casual decision. As I stated above there could be a PLETHORA of reasons a woman would consider an abortion. I won’t begin listing them, but, in my view, if she chooses the procedure it SHOULD be SAFE! I’m a Christian and one of the things which convinced me to believe in the teachings of Jesus is because of the “free will” necessary to make that decision “real.” I really believe in “free will” and that whatever “consequences” might occur from “a woman’s right to choose” would be between her and her spiritual beliefs. And, of course, it’s not that simple.

Try a little empathy. Consider a woman who becomes pregnant and is unable to raise a healthy child – again, for a PLETHORA of reasons. As a society, over the years since when I was back in those college days, it seems to me we’ve made it more difficult to escape being “poor.” (And, by that I mean financially) What happens to that child AFTER it’s born? Say we’re talking about a single Mom who can’t care for the child financially. I suppose republicans would suggest “have the baby and put it up for adoption.” A little over simplified in my view (It takes, essentially, a year of a woman’s life to bear a child). Let’s take a look at what republicans COULD be doing to reduce the demand for abortions.

They could support universal health care – especially for those in low socio economic situations. They could support things like FOOD STAMPS, housing subsidies, “universal Pre-K,” family medical leave, support for childcare, etc. etc. – I think you get my drift. All those things are part of the “Build Back Better” agenda of Joe Biden which will receive NOT a SINGLE vote from republicans by the time it’s passed. Republicans don’t support the “Child Tax Credit” – which is a “lifesaver” for several families I’m familiar with. So, picture yourself as a woman who becomes pregnant with no means to support the child. Do you want to gamble republicans won’t gain control of Congress and the “White House” while you’re raising that child?

Heck, countries around the world are hesitant to TRUST the United States because of the possibility either individual 1 or someone as VILE might succeed in “winning” a future election (Remember, Putin is still “busy” with his “active measures” trying to use our “freedoms” against us – supporting individual 1 surreptitiously). I wrote a while back, after reading about the “bounties” key to the Texas abortion law, I had an idea on how to reduce the demand for abortions. Fine the MAN who’s responsible for an unwanted pregnancy $10,000 maybe $20,000 and that very well might reduce the demand for abortions. That’s really the thing for me, why are MEN deciding on what women can do with their own bodies? Why do men constantly get away with creating the problem and then “getting out of town?” Stay tuned………

Final Thought: It won’t be long and the Supreme Court will be deciding whether Roe will stand or not. I listened to the confirmation hearings of EVERY one of the members of the Court (with the exception of Breyer). Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett all said, in essence, Roe was “settled law” and they believe in “stare decisis.” I look forward to comparing their decision on the upcoming challenges to Roe with their testimony before Congress. Clarence Thomas claimed he had never thought about it during his confirmation hearing and then, a few months later claimed Roe was “wrongly decided.” (Does that mean he LIED to Congress? Seems a bit “fishy” to me.)

As it’s looking Roe will be either overturned or “cut off at the knees” I can’t help but think back to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, who was confirmed thanks to votes by republican women, like Susan Collins, saying they got assured Roe would be “safe.” And, keep in mind, NONE of the three individual 1 appointments would have passed save for Moscow Mitch “making a cutout” in the filibuster to get extreme right wing justices passed with ONLY republican votes. Democrats like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have to be aware if McConnell ever gains majority status in the Senate the filibuster won’t stand in the way of anything he might want passed.

Kavanaugh was CREDIBLY charged with assaulting women while in High School and College and, in addition, to “drinking beer” to the point where he could use being inebriated as an excuse for his behavior. Additionally, there was NO credible investigation of charges which arose during the confirmation proceeding. Here’s the deal: The Supreme Court is on the verge of labeling themselves as exactly what the claim they don’t want – and that’s a group of “political hacks.” And, of course, they’re lifetime appointments!

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