If INSURRECTION is not enough to get the attention of authorities, well, “we the people” really are in a lot of trouble.

It’s now been three plus weeks since individual 1 INCITED a bunch of idiots to commit INSURRECTION against their own country. Some of these people were carrying weapons capable of doing what they were chanting, which was to “put a bullet in Pelosi’s head.” Additionally, they created a gallows with a noose hanging from it and the crowd was chanting “hang Mike Pense” over and over as they breached the Capitol Building. The people who were attacking our government PLUS those who INSTIGATED them, were all TRAITORS. In my mind, the members of Congress who supported the TRAITORS and, after the TRAITORS were pushed out of the building (after about four hours of doing CONSIDERABLE damage) stood before their fellow members of Congress who had just been threatened by the MOB – and voted to overturn the election of Joe Biden – and, they continue to push the LIE the election was “stolen” – without a thread of evidence – but, to republicans that’s a moot point – these people are also TRAITORS!

Here’s the problem, they’re entrenched in Congress and they come from, apparently, such gerrymandered districts the only way to get them out of Congress is for them to face charges of Sedition, for the worst ones who clearly “aided and abetted” the INSURRECTIONISTS. America’s so-called “liberal media” continues to struggle “telling it like it is.” You know, the “both sides” problem virtually all of the “cable news” outlets practice. Even MSNBC struggles to actually tell things like this directly. For example, the evidence of the INSURRECTION being the result of extended PLANNING is mounting fast – with the people I’ve already written about sitting on the “hot seat.” Individual 1 SHOULD soon be interviewed by the FBI as SHOULD his eldest two sons, Mo Brooks, Rudy Giuliani, etc. Then there are all the “leaders” who were willing to perpetuate the (now called) “Big Lie” about the “stolen election.”

In many media outlets the LYING of the republican party has become so commonplace that it’s not challenged as it SHOULD! The result of the LYING is what “we the people” are facing right now – the result of four years of TOTAL incompetence from individual 1 along with purposeful efforts to undermine our democratic republic. Not only was our TWICE IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING president INCITING INSURRECTIONISTS in order to remain in power, as time goes by we’re all getting a better sense of the DAMAGE I’ve been writing about for the past four years.

Individual 1 left behind a MESS rational people can only be thankful he’s finally out of office. It’s been two weeks and the “numbers” regarding the pandemic are slowly looking like maybe more people are actually wearing masks and following CDC guidelines. Surprise, surprise, what might start happening with an actual LEADER in the White House. That being said, we’re still looking at over 500,000 DEAD by the end of February. If you remember, it was in early March of 2020 when individual 1 was promising “this will all just go away” during the now infamous “missing 70 days.” It remains to be seen how determined Joe Biden is to follow through on his agenda and how united democrats will be. Of course, they don’t have the best record in that regard – they represent a much more diverse section of America.

I’ve always considered the major fault of democrats to be their lack of spines, but today’s republicans are making that issue a moot point. Honestly, I can’t even imagine how far “over the edge” the republican party has gone under individual 1. Of course, as I’ve said many times, I don’t see him as the architect of this right wing RACIST party – republicans willingly adopted the “tea party” back in 2010 as their “number one priority” was that President Obama would FAIL. If you watched the “tea party” rallies it would be hard for you to convince me you don’t understand it was founded on RACISM. I was grossly offended by the signs those at the rallies carried depicting Obama in such disgusting manners and, of course, the republican party willingly took them in – only to be overrun by them soon thereafter.

My hope is the 147 members of Congress who stood with the INSURRECTIONISTS find their “reward” to arrive sooner than their (god awful) place in the history books. As I said, many are gerrymandered into office in unbelievable ways – suggesting there’s more STUPID people in America than I ever could have imagined. Louie Gohmert? Matt Gaetz? Marjorie Taylor Greene? Devin Nunez? Jim Jordan? John Kennedy (no, not that one, he was assassinated when I was in High School), Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, Mo Brooks, Paul Gosar, and on and on for 147 names. Recently, I published ALL of them – in the archives. Most of these members WON’T get voted out of office because republicans have been BRAINWASHED to actually BELIEVE the election was stolen from individual 1. Why?

Well, outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” “One America Network,” “Breitbart.com,” “Stormfront.com,” etc. etc. have been PUSHING the “Big Lie” for, well since BEFORE the election. Pollsters AND individual 1’s insiders KNEW exactly what to expect on election day – our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president would take the “early lead” because he was encouraging his supporters NOT to vote by mail (as he was doing everything he could to undermine the Postal Service) but to vote in election day. At the same time, democrats were encouraging people to vote by mail to avoid being exposed unnecessarily by the pandemic. Their plan (individual 1’s) came about just as they planned as he was ahead early.

I even have an acquaintance who texted me BRAGGING individual 1 was going to “win” again as he was leading in Pennsylvania by over 600,000 votes. I texted back, “don’t get ahead of your ski’s.” I had been researching what I could find about the “mail in” votes in Pennsylvania and the data said, of the mail in votes over 1.2 MILLION votes came from democrats while less than a quarter MILLION were from republicans and another 200,000 were from “non-affiliated.” Of course, by the next morning Biden was clearly on his way to winning Pennsylvania by almost 100,000 votes. Individual 1 had already started the so-called “Big Lie.” This LIE is continuing to this day (and, it’s now February). Republicans have become TOTALLY disenfranchised from the TRUTH and, even the ones who have a brain capable of thinking, brush off the LYING.

I’m a Christian, I went to church every Sunday (like Biden, a Catholic) until the pandemic and I watch our sermon every Sunday morning and try to live my life as I believe Jesus teaches (not completely sure how he’s looking at my blog posts – I’m following my “little voice”) me and, therefore, I know many people who are individual 1 supporters. I believe STRONGLY in the “separation of church and state” so I just continue to go to church and avoid the arguments with the right wing members in the congregation. However, occasionally, it happens and each time I ask, “Do you believe individual 1 LIES to you?” In EVERY instance the response is either “no,” or “everyone lies.” So, it’s either delusion or obfuscation – not all that “Christian” in my view.

Apparently, individual 1 continues to have a “hold” over the republican party. When I talk about republican COWARDICE, well, let’s take a good look at Kevin McCarthy. He was one of the members of Congress who had to flee to safety from the INSURRECTIONISTS and, for a moment, actually placed some blame at the feet of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. How long did that last? Well, I don’t have a watch anymore so all I can say is SOON thereafter where was McCarthy? Yep, you either already knew or guessed it – he was, as many have said, in Mar a Lago “kissing the ………..” (fill in the blank) of individual 1. (I’m too lazy to write our TWICE IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING president – oops! )

That gives the perfect picture of how COWARDLY today’s republicans have become. McCarthy clearly has visions of being the Speaker of the House in 2020 – and, I have to add, if democrats allow republicans to take over the House in the mid-term I’ll write at that point in time, they haven’t learned a thing about the importance of VOTING. I’m an independent who VOTES in every election – and, since Bush/Cheney LIED America into the Iraq fiasco – to me a “deja vu all over again” reminder of Viet Nam – I’ve voted AGAINST republicans or occasionally FOR democrats.

Since individual 1 took office I’ve been giving money to those who have supported his demise – including many of the young progressive democrats who are now in the Congress – like AOC, Katie Porter, Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, and a bunch more who I can’t remember their names right now. (OK, as I’ve said, I’m getting “up there”) I’ve also donated regularly to “Vote Vets,” and starting in mid 2020 I’ve regularly sent money (in small amounts) to the Lincoln Project. At this point, I have to add, in 2022 I’m planning to vote for my republican representative in the House, Jaimie Herrera Beutler, who courageously stood on the House floor and explained why she voted to IMPEACH individual 1. I’ve written many letters to her presenting my disagreement with MOST of her votes, but I have to give credit where credit is due – and, she’s earned my vote in the next election. Normally a “safe seat,” but you can count the MAGA crowd will be out to “get her” – possibly turning that seat “blue.” That said, I’m committed to voting for her and I got tears in my eyes listening to her explain her vote.

Here’s the bottom line where I’ll try to end this rant. To me, when republicans of today are speaking they are either “projecting” or just out and out LYING. Of course, the “Mother of all examples of projection” would be individual 1’s and his sycophant’s claims of voter FRAUD. Well, who is committing the voter FRAUD? Of course, you KNOW the answer, even if you’re a republican. (In that case, you just wouldn’t admit it in public) The number one OFFENDER, of course, would be individual 1, himself. He SHOULD be facing both state and federal CRIMINAL charges for his behavior regarding his claims of “election FRAUD.” He made phone calls to at least THREE republicans in Georgia attempting to put the “squeeze” on them to find a way to overturn the “will of the people.” His call (one hour long) with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was classic “MOB BOSS” tactics, totally rebuffed by Mr. Raffensperger.

Naturally, there were republicans who complained that Raffensperger recorded the call. Why wouldn’t he knowing individual 1 would LIE about it afterward? One of his deputies who was on the call released it to the Washington Post soon after the LYING commenced. Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president ALSO attempted to pressure Georgia’s Attorney General (another republican) and the republican governor Brian Kemp to find a way to overturn Biden’s WIN in Georgia. What individual 1 ended up doing was helping Georgian’s elect two democratic Senators to switch “control” of the Senate to the democrats – where it belongs. I have to add, democrats were so focused on beating individual 1 that they failed to win some contested Senate seats which were vulnerable. I believe all the “defund the police” cost them two or three more Senate Seats, but, whatever………………

So, the “leader of the republican party,” individual 1 is very possibly looking at indictments for voter FRAUD among other crimes I’m not smart enough to define – I just KNOW all those phone calls were terribly ILLEGAL and, who knows, maybe Biden’s Attorney General – or the Georgia authorities – will actually enforce the law “without fear or favor.” But, that’s not where it ends for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president (I can’t wait until I no longer have to write all that). Take for example, why do I call him “individual 1?” Maybe you should ask his former lawyer Michael Cohen. Think $130,000 of ILLEGAL “hush money” and the Porn Star he, well, you know…. while his wife was delivering his final (I hope) son. Of course, there were two women – the other a “Playboy model” but, who’s counting? Cohen got three years – with some additional charges for tax evasion. Do you see where this is going? Tax evasion, hush money? Oh yes, Southern District of New York? Who knows, maybe they will consider the laws without “fear of favor?”

By now, virtually everyone who’s been paying attention knows the Prosecuting Attorney in Manhattan is investigating the potential financial CRIMES of individual 1 along with New York State’s Attorney General. Do you see some depositions coming? Soon? And, that doesn’t even get into the (up to) TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice laid out so completely in volume two of the Mueller report – which William Barr so astutely “torpedoed” right after the report was finalized. Mueller, himself, wrote how fundamentally important prosecuting OBSTRUCTION was to the basic tenets of our system of laws. As many have said, if a president can OBSTRUCT a “special counsel” investigation into his own behavior then, well, why have the special counsel regulation? Mueller, as he accepted the OLC “memo” saying a president “can’t be indicted while in office,” pointed out they were “memorializing” the evidence in case a future prosecutor wanted to review it and investigate further. Maybe more lawyers for individual 1!

And, of course, I can’t leave this rant without mentioning January 6th, 2021. Clearly, that date was the culmination of a lot of LYING by our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president to all his willfully IGNORANT followers over a period which was well before the election he LOST. It was a set up, right from the start by a mob boss who knew exactly what he was doing – willing to attempt to “win” at all costs. Of course, his plan was the “costs” would be born by all his “uneducated voters” he likes to brag about. I mean, even in the presidential debates, as he feigned ignorance of “militia groups” he asked the “Proud Boys” to “stand back and stand by.” Come on, how many of us are totally ignorant. The focus, and rightfully so, was his INCITEMENT on January 6th, 2021 of the MOB which breached the Capitol Building – the reason for IMPEACHMENT #2 – INCITING the INSURRECTION – but, this was planned well in advance and there SHOULD be many others besides individual 1 held accountable.

Let’s start with his two eldest sons, OK? They were BOTH doing their part to “gin up” the thousands of idiots carrying their individual 1 flags and CONFEDERATE flags and mixing those flags, somehow, with American flags – believing they were “patriots” – because they had succumbed to the “Big Lie.” So far, over 200 have been arrested and many are facing charges which will keep them in jail for 20+ years. Heck, just by being in the Capitol Building on that day they are subject to the law individual 1 got passed? which calls for a 10 year prison term. That law was the result of people “tagging” the Federal Building in Portland, Oregon. Well, apparently, turnabout is “fair play?”

Prosecutors will tell you, when determining someone’s guilt of innocence on a crime “intent” is really important. So, let’s just consider some of the KNOWN details of individual 1’s involvement in the INSURRECTION (AKA, sedition, or TREASON). He planned this attack over a period of weeks or months, he ginned up the crowd with language which CLEARLY incited the MOB, and he TOLD them all he would be there with them as they “took their country back.” He said, “you have to be strong or you’ll never get your country back.” He suggested they were depending on Mike Pense and once he was SAFELY back in the “White House,” (Yep, he didn’t show up at the Capitol Building as promised – surprise, surprise – my thought was his “bone spurs” were bothering him) he “tweeted,” “Mike Pense has let us down.” Do you think that may have led to the chants, “Hang Mike Pense?” Just sayin……………….

OK, but as usual, with individual 1 it gets worse. Instead of intervening EVERY report I’ve read or listened to have said, he sat back, watched the INSURRECTION unfold on TV and enjoyed it because these were people supporting his cause. Yep, he sat there and watched it on TV. So, the Mayor of DC was frantically trying to bring in reinforcements via the National Guard and, apparently, couldn’t get approval from our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president so, after a couple of hours Mike Pense gave the approval to bring in reinforcements. Members of Congress were “holed up” in various places around the Capitol for around SIX hours – before the INSURRECTIONISTS were cleared out. And, true to form when the authorities are dealing with white people (predominantly – although one of the original planners appears to be an African American – everyone was allowed to just go home.

Five people DIED in the insurrection and two more Capitol Police officers took their own lives in the days following. From what I’ve read well OVER 100 police officers were injured – some critically. One officer lost the sight of one eye, several have serious brain injuries, and, well, if you were watching you saw INSURRECTIONISTS beating officers with fire extinguishers – in fact, they beat Brian Sicknick to DEATH with a fire extinguisher – they beat them with their flag poles, they had baseball bats, and other clubs which they used. One guy who was arrested had a “sun ‘pole'” I guess you’d call it which was capable of over 900 volts. That’s LETHAL! This was planned, organized, well funded and individual 1, his two eldest sons, Jr.’s “girlfriend,” Mo Brooks, Rudy Giuliani, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and several others SHOULD be in the “crosshairs” of the Justice Department. I’ll end this by saying if INSURRECTION is not enough to get the attention of authorities, well, “we the people” really are in a lot of trouble.

Final Thought: As republicans are loathe to do, with Joe Biden calling for “unity” they simply want to “forgive and forget.” Or, should I say “get forgiven and forget?” They’re trying to use Biden’s words against him and, hopefully, he won’t fall for it. Here’s the first step republicans MUST follow if there’s to be “unity.” They’ve got to start by admitting they’ve been LYING, ask for FORGIVENESS, and then tell their constituents the TRUTH. You know, the road to unity begins with repentance. Here’s the definition of repentance taken from the Bible: The doctrine of repentance as taught in the Bible is a call to persons to make a radical turn from one way of life to another.  Do you see where I’m going? The mass LYING has got to stop. And, individual 1 MUST face legal accountability – which, ironically, could get a bit mitigated if he’s convicted of his SECOND IMPEACHMENT in the upcoming Senate trial – not likely with all the COWARDS in the Senate republican Caucus. Individual 1 LIED over 30,000 times while in office. And, trust me, he’s not at all likely to “repent.” The rest of them, who knows? This next year will continue to be historically interesting!

As usual, I’m publishing this without re-reading so sorry for the foopahs! Hopefully, I’ll get around to it. Remember, this is my diary in cyberspace and it’s time for me to go to bed.

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