The republican agenda: CHEATING in virtually every instance if it provides the means to an end!

I’ve been writing for well over 10 years about the necessity of “we the people” voting the, as I’ve called it, “present day republican party” into the “history books.” Well, it hasn’t quite happened yet, but the necessity is getting more serious. Over the years of this “blog” (to me, it’s my “diary” in cyberspace – where I vent my frustration with American politics) the republican party has become more extreme, it has LURCHED to the “right,” and the underpinnings of its RACIST foundation has become more overt – seemingly, by the day. And, of course, you can lay much of the BLAME for this at the feet of individual 1 (“co-conspirator 1”?), but the reality is our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is simply a symptom of the problem. The republican party was filled with the likes of Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Paul Gosar, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy, Louie Gohmert, Andy Biggs, Jim Jordan, etc. etc. well before individual 1 ever set foot in the “White House.” It was individual 1 who “invited in” the likes of the KKK and other white supremacists who now make up a large “block” of the republican “base.” Yikes!!!

I’ve used the analogy of an INFECTION – which if it’s allowed to go untreated – simply spreads and gets more serious over the course of time – until it leads to death. Well, while I’m not “wishing” death on any individual, including “individual 1,” but, I’m so looking forward to the day when this version of the republican party is situated next to Benedict Arnold in the history books. I’m getting very old – it can’t happen fast enough for me. It’s up to “we the people” to make this happen, NO matter how difficult republicans manage to make voting.

Not only have these republicans been OBSTRUCTING any kind of “progressive” legislation for as long as I can remember – certainly back to the days of Gingrich – it’s as if they relish the idea of preventing America from becoming a “more perfect union” because that would mean inclusion for all the groups republicans appear to HATE – which, of course, would include “liberals” to which I take personal offense. The “cost” of their actions (actually, inaction) is mounting fast and, I have to wonder, what would cause them to change? The answer which continues to crop up in my head is for the VOTERS to take charge of this problem.

However, as usual, the republicans are trying to stay one step ahead of people like me, and, as I’m writing this, they’re busy making sure the voters CAN’T put them into the history books because, in accordance with their “leader” individual 1, they are busy “cooking the books” – OK, that was maybe the wrong idiom – but, the reality is republicans are busy in almost EVERY state attempting to make it more difficult for as many democratic leaning voting blocks to participate in our elections as possible, therefore allowing “minority rule.” Will they succeed? Time (and, the willingness of democrats to realize this really is a WAR for the heart and soul of America) will tell.

Personally, I’m counting on the young Americans to do whatever it takes to register to vote and to send ANOTHER resounding “message” to republicans in 2022. Is it likely? Well, according to most experts, the answer is no. But, call me an optimist! I just hope enough people are actually paying attention to what a “deplorable” mess the republican party has become and I have to hope Americans by the tens of MILLIONS say NO to what they’re offering.

Think about it: republicans want FEWER Americans to be able to participate in our elections. They ALL voted against the Covid Relief Bill passed by a pure party line vote in the early days of Joe Biden’s presidency – but, hopefully, even republicans are looking at the “numbers” of Americans contracting “Sars-Cov-2” and can see the HUGE difference from what was happening during individual 1’s time in office. The day of the inauguration (a bit over 6 months ago, 3000 Americans DIED of Covid – that DAY! It was happening at that rate EACH day! And, still, individual 1 was only concerned with his so-called “Big LIE.” Today, the number of Americans who died from the disease caused by the virus was just over 300. Still too many, but, as the saying goes, “Come on man!” Reports suggest at least 400,000 of the DEATHS (and, likely more) resulting from Covid-19 are clearly the result of individual 1’s incompetence (ie: inaction). And, yet, despite constant reminders of what a “LOSER” he was/is – the republicans continue to support him.

I understand this with the hard core white nationalists/supremacists because without individual 1 they will have to crawl right back under the “rocks” where they were hiding until Barack Obama was elected president and the Koch Brothers, in concert with Fox “news,” orchestrated the “Tea Party” movement. But, when it comes to policy, republicans have virtually NONE – and, that’s NOT hyperbole. Their “policy” is to be AGAINST anything democrats are for – in lock (freaking) step! Of course, after the passage of the Covid Relief bill with nary a republican vote of support, many of them were taking credit in their communities for the benefits of the bill – typical republican hypocrisy! – for example, the Covid bill FUNDS police all across America, republicans ALL voted against it – they’re the ones who want to “defund” the police!

So, now, republicans are against any kind of investment in the American people – which is a large part of the democratic plans to get this nation successfully into the 21st century in a way where we can compete with the likes of the Europeans and the Chinese going forward. Here’s the real “rub” for me – because I have children and grandchildren who actually “get it” in regard to what lies ahead for them if this OBSTRUCTION continues – and, of course, I’m talking about the “Climate Crisis” and republican efforts IN UNISON to block the democratic proposal – which is (sadly) much less than the so-called “Green New Deal” – legislation BADLY needed. Just today I read about the community of Lytton, British Columbia which was “consumed” by a wildfire after three record breaking days of HEAT – with the “pinnacle” being a day where they endured temperatures of 121 degrees Fahrenheit! The entire town is gone! in British Columbia no less! When will republicans stop calling the “climate crisis” a “democrat hoax?”

I live about 400 miles South of Lytton (OK, what was “once” Lytton) near Portland, Oregon and we had three days of intense HEAT with the “peak” being a day where the high temperature was 118 degrees. It was REALLY hot! A record for where I live and, God willing, the small community where I live will avoid the fires – but, the danger is HUGE – in fact, not only are the Fourth of July celebrations – with the fireworks show – canceled, it’s not even legal to sell ANY fireworks in the county where I live – at least that’s what the road signs I’ve seen say. And, the “pop up” tents where the fireworks sellers were planning to do their business are empty. My point is, the Climate Crisis is REAL, it’s a HUGE danger to those coming behind us old people, and it’s our patriotic DUTY to do something about it! Of course, that last sentence will fall on deaf ears to virtually ALL republicans!

It wasn’t that long ago when John McCain was the republican nominee for president. I never thought I would view him in such “lights” – but, to me, with all his “warts” he’s the kind of republican I thought would stand up against individual 1 and cause the republican party to reject our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – voting to convict him after what SHOULD have been his FIRST impeachment following ALL of the allegations of OBSTRUCTION of Justice in the Mueller report. Of course, despite being in a fight against Cancer, McCain managed to be the object of individual 1’s ire even before he saved the Affordable Care Act with the now infamous “thumbs down.” The reality of the republican party can be shown no clearer than a quick look at McCain’s “buddy” Lindsey Graham – who went from calling individual 1 a “kook” (and more) to kissing up to him on the golf course. To me, there’s not much which could be viewed as more PATHETIC!

And, by the way, in volume one of Mueller’s report there was PLENTY of evidence of “collusion” – Mueller made it clear they weren’t investigating that “charge” because there’s no law on the books against “collusion.” Mueller said they didn’t believe they could support a charge of “conspiracy” connecting individual 1’s campaign and the Russians “beyond a reasonable doubt.” (In essence, Mueller said individual 1 Jr. and Jared Kushner were too dumb to know the June 2016 meeting with a group of Russians promising “dirt” on Hillary Clinton was an ILLEGAL act. It wasn’t even a month after William Barr finished LYING to “we the people” about Mueller’s report, causing individual 1 to claim “full exoneration,” (NOTHING could be further from the TRUTH) that individual 1 was seeking “foreign aid” for his next campaign causing IMPEACHMENT number one. At that point I understood the republicans in the Senate would NEVER get rid of our (now) TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. They live in FEAR of him.

My point is republicans had ample opportunity to rid themselves of the “plague of individual 1” TWICE and they chose FEAR of losing their jobs over the PATRIOTISM called for, over and over, as individual 1 trampled on the “norms” of American politics. During IMPEACHMENT #2 republicans had their best opportunity to put individual 1 and his rabid white nationalist base to “bed” for good by simply voting to CONVICT him of what was OBVIOUS – his INCITEMENT of the INSURRECTION. He’d be nothing more than an afterthought at this point with the exception of the most fervent of America’s racist’s and they could be participating in an INVESTIGATION of January 6th, 2021 instead of OBSTRUCTING it. Individual 1 would be barred from even the thought of holding office again, and republicans could be concentrating on “resurrecting” their party from the MESS he (would have) left it in. Instead, they all still are putting up with his volatile “wrath” and many are going to get “primaried” anyway – their biggest FEAR.

I suppose I’ll feel the necessity to keep writing about the need for “we the people” to give Benedict Arnold the company he deserves (as mentioned above) for a few more years – if I last that long. I simply hope, for the sake of my children and grandchildren and yours that “we the people” come to our senses and do our duty to our country and this world. I can think of a whole bunch of things democrats want to accomplish in the face of this republican OBSTRUCTION, but, to me, none of it compares to the determination of the republican party as they attempt to force us to IGNORE the Climate issue because of their intransigence.

And, make no mistake, there are a few democrats in the Senate who conceivably could be right there in the history books next to the republicans if they continue to follow the same “playbook.” Republicans have pushed these issues to the “brink” – Voting rights, human infrastructure, and, of course the Climate Crisis – they’re BLOCKING progress in each of those areas and MORE. I’ve always called democrats spineless, but republicans are giving new meaning to that derogatory claim – let’s hope, finally, ALL the democrats will grow a spine and FIGHT for Biden’s progressive agenda! Don’t lose sight of the republican agenda: CHEATING (in virtually everything if it accomplishes the goal), LYING, and using the tools of the Third Reich to BRAINWASH their base into believing their LIES!

It’s been a couple days since I wrote the above and since then the individual 1 organization has been indicted on 15 counts of fraud and, of course, CHEATING (on taxes). Do you remember individual 1 claiming the fact he didn’t pay taxes made in “smart” in one of his debates with Hillary Clinton? (the one, I think, where he was stalking her) And, a quick reminder I’ve been referring to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president as a “wannabe mob boss” for the past three years. Well just the other day, I was proven correct – as his “enterprise” along with his “Chief Financial Officer” were indicted on “A 15 year tax fraud scheme.” I’ve also predicted individual 1 and his children will be caught up in a “RICO” charge which will expose their “organization” as a totally CRIMINAL entity. I’m not sure who I would like to see held to account more, individual 1 or individual 1 Jr.?

Which reminds me, it is up to Merrick Garland to follow through on his promise to fully investigated the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION – including the events leading up to the storming of the Capitol Building – which would include the role of individual 1, Rudy Giuliani, individual 1 Jr., and Mo Brooks (and, maybe, others) in instigating the rioters who invaded the Capitol, injured upwards of 150 police officers, ransacked to Capitol Building to the “tune” of a couple MILLION dollars – including some really DEPLORABLE Acts – and came dangerously close to achieving their goal of disrupting “the peaceful transfer of power.” Republicans were really bad 10 years ago, when I started writing about the need to vote them into the history books, but they are a WHOLE lot worse today – and, apparently, determined to get even more worse by the day.

Final Thought; Individual 1 is beginning to sound like Paul Gosar as he’s gone into full “deflection” mode regarding the indictment of his business. That might work on his CULT following, but not on the rest of us. He has now joined the right wing chorus attempting to use Ashli Babbit and the INSURRECTIONISTS arrested by the FBI as his deflection “tools” as he’s trying to cause the rest of us to forget what we saw on January 6th, 2021. His latest grievance is that the INSURRECTIONISTS are getting arrested but not the protesters in the BLM movement. Even suggesting the two are the same is so absurd I have to, once again, say that anyone who believes a word coming from individual 1’s mouth is ……………. STUPID! (sorry, I don’t like that word either – but, well, “it is what it is”)

My brother-in-law lives in Pittsburgh and he would like me to write a posting which is positive. Well, I’m going to attempt to write on focusing on things which are positive with limited references to pure politics. Stay tuned……………………

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