First it was Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema. Now, Merrick Garland. What will it take for democrats to realize America is at a crossroads???? Moderation = DEFEAT!

During IMPEACHMENT #2 republicans had the opportunity to put the NONSENSE which has now engulfed their “party” to rest by simply CONVICTING individual 1 for INCITING the INSURRECTION attempt of January 6th, 2021. They could have REMOVED the cloud individual 1 is going to hold over their “party” for good – he’d be, by now, just an afterthought and they COULD have attempted to resurrect their “party” by actually adopting a “platform” which could be part of a “battle of ideas” with democrats. However, as ANYONE who’s been paying attention KNOWS the republicans don’t have a platform. Their “strategy” is to BLAME democrats for “ills” most of which don’t even exist.

MOST of the “accusations” coming from republicans toward, well, anyone NOT a republican (like me) fit the pure definition of PROJECTION. This was one thing individual 1 was actually good at – besides, of course, LYING – that is, projection. If he’s accusing you of it, that means he’s doing it. So, if republicans are accusing democrats of it, it’s most likely because they’re doing it. I say “most likely” because, for example, I wouldn’t call republicans “socialists” – unless, maybe, you’re talking about “socialists” like Joseph Stalin. However, when they refer to democrats as “fascists” I’m immediately harkened back to January 6th, 2021 at our nation’s Capitol Building. There we saw an “up close and personal” view of “fascism” – or, I should say, pseudo fascism – or maybe it would be more accurate to say “wannabe” fascism. You know, “like the sign said” (on one of the shirts) “Camp Auschwitz!”

Democrats, in their dysfunctional way, are attempting to “right” many of the “wrongs” left behind by our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, but the reality is they’re stuck in a Congress where Mitch McConnell IS going to BLOCK virtually everything (except, maybe, a Defense Appropriation bill) proposed by democrats – because, in his mind and the minds of republicans, the way back to POWER is via OBSTRUCTION. This has been the republican “MO” since the days of Newt Gingrich. Will it continue to work? Well, only if democrats allow it – and, of course, that includes Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema. So, the solution to what is happening in America right now lies with “we the people” – we MUST overcome the OBSTACLES and be focused on VOTING, no matter what – and, Merrick Garland MUST follow through with his promises during his confirmation hearings.

Manchin appears to be really confused. Is he a democrat, I hope so, or is he a democrat who loves the position he’s in where he, in essence, controls as much of what goes on in the Senate as Moscow Mitch. Just the other day he wrote and “Op-ed” in his local newspaper in West Virginia suggesting he doesn’t want to agree to the democrats voting right’s legislation because he doesn’t want to further divide the country. I read that and could only shake my head. What on earth does he think the 360+ VOTER SUPPRESSION bills across the country are doing? Are they not further DIVIDING “we the people?” Either he’s racially insensitive, or racially ignorant, or, well, I’ll let you fill in the blank. His “argument” makes no sense – but, both he and Krysten Sinema seem hell bent on protecting the filibuster – possibly at the expense of Joe Biden’s agenda – honestly, I’m getting the idea Manchin is feeling a bit too full of himself. McConnell couldn’t be happier. So, how will this problem be solved?

It’s true individual 1 is very likely facing indictment from the Manhattan DA AND the Fulton County. Georgia DA – but, if he – and the others who took the stage with him at the Ellipse in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021 – are NOT forced to face legal liability for their role in ENCOURAGING the mob to “attack the Capitol” – “or you won’t have a country anymore” – then our Justice Department is failing maybe it’s greatest test in our nation’s history. The ASSAULT on our Capitol was PLANNED ahead of time, unknown people (to the public) paid for it, the “stooges” who took part were “groomed” by individual 1 since well BEFORE the 2020 election, and FIVE people DIED from the ASSAULT along with two Capitol Police officers who took their own lives days later. There MUST be LEGAL accountability for all of this.

To top it all off, this past weekend, Memorial Day Weekend, Michael Flynn, in essence, agreed with a “former Marine” (?) – who couldn’t correctly pronounce “Myanmar” – that America should have a “Myanmar style coup d etat.” That’s the definition of Sedition – here it is:

“18 U.S. Code ยง 2384 – Seditious conspiracy, If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

Well, it should be obvious to any REASONABLE American that the invaders of the Capitol have a big problem on their hands – many SHOULD be facing charges of Sedition. And, Flynn and the “Marine” he was talking to at a “QAnon conference” (What the hell is a retired Military “general” doing at a QAnon conference? you might be asking yourself and, well, I’ve got no good answer) and, maybe, all the people there cheering the response SHOULD be facing, well, something – because, in essence, they were proposing the overthrow of our elected government. Apparently, they think they’re following the constitution because, OK, I can’t explain that one either. Now you know why I’ve devolved to using the word STUPID on this site of late.

Getting back to Flynn. He’s collecting a general’s pension and can be called back to active duty at anytime up until – well, years from now. He’s a proven (admitted) LIAR, he’s suggested an overthrow of our government before – he suggested it to individual 1 prior to January 6th, 2021, and he SHOULD be held to account for his words. He COULD be called back to active duty and COURT MARSHALLED for what he said, or Merrick Garland could intervene based on a clear violation of the US Code mentioned above. The “Marine?” I’m not sure, he couldn’t pronounce “Myanmar,” maybe he heard about “Myanmar” on – I’d be guessing. But, the reality is it’s far more serious when a retired “general” is suggesting Sedition than when someone who can’t pronounce what he’s proposing – although, I’d be OK if BOTH of them were held to account. At some point in time our Justice Department is going to ACTUALLY prove we’re “a nation of laws and not men.” Or, else………………….

So, here’s how the “problem” I mentioned above will be resolved. Somehow, democrats will need to motivate their base to make a record turnout once again and, at a minimum, gain more seats in the Senate and, somehow – in the face of partisan gerrymandering which is already underway – retain control of the House. The American people will have to decide if they want a democratic republic and an authoritarian autocracy like what the Russian people have endured since Vladimir Putin took over some 25 years ago. Putin’s still sticking his nose too deeply into America’s “business” and he’ll continue until Biden “cuts it off” – if he’s capable of doing that. I’ve come to like Joe Biden much more than I anticipated, but I’m going to speak my thoughts regardless – just as I pointed out President Obama’s pragmatic foolishness I’ll do the same if Biden appears he’s going to repeat the same mistakes. In my view, not only is it imperative President Biden is agressive with Putin, so must he be agressive at home – especially when dealing with those who’ve been flaunting our laws for all too long – and, I’m talking about republican “leaders.” And, you know which ones!

I’ll add one more than before my actual “final thought” – which, tonight, obviously, will be “thoughts.” I don’t think it’s a “good look” for Biden’s Justice Department to be defending individual 1’s “stuff” in court. First, it was the so-called Barr memo which Judge Amy Berman Jackson ordered released and Merrick Garland’s Justice Department is appealing that ruling which will delay the release for at least another year. This memo has to do with the upwards of TEN OBSTRUCTION of Justice charges which Robert Mueller suggested individual 1 COULD face once out of office. Barr tried to “head these off at the pass” and Judge Jackson, in essence, accused Barr of LYING – both to the court and Congress. It appears this will be ANOTHER example of executive malfeasance given a “pass.” And, of course, giving this memo a “pass” will likely allow individual 1 to get ANOTHER “pass.” This is NOT what Garland promised when he was in his confirmation hearings. Now, it appears Garland’s Justice Department is siding with individual 1 in his defamation suit brought by one of his alleged sexual assault victims. “And, the beat goes on……..”

Final Thought: My brother-in-law lives in Pittsburgh, he’s as old as me (that’s pretty old), he operates a small business – which has gotten “smaller” due to the ruthlessness of some of America’s most “famous” corporations – like, for example, Apple – and, he’s worried about “inflation” because of all of “Biden’s spending” – or words to that effect. Sadly, I’m not back there to speak to him in person – I love Pittsburgh, but I hate FLYING (even before the pandemic) – but, I’m sure, there are many more who are thinking the same way. Well, the short answer I’d give him is “not to worry.” “A little inflation is good for the soul” of the country which is coming off the “brink” of another “Great Depression” (Seems as if that’s the routine “handoff” from republican administration to democratic administration these days) and would have been suffering from DEFLATION if not for the democrats “stimulus efforts” since individual 1 chose to ignore the FACT a serious virus was in the “air.”

Republicans were too STUPID to understand the so-called “CARES Act” – the BEST parts for “we the people” – was the work of Nancy Pelosi and the democratic House – which included the SBA loans which were “forgivable” to businesses who retained their employees and ALSO the extra $600 for unemployment benefits for the 20+ MILLION Americans who LOST their jobs because of the pandemic. That “Act” actually was key to reviving the Stock Market – which was the ONLY guage individual 1 had to measure the “health” of the economy and it helped many Americans have money for basic expenses – the weekly “bonus” to the unemployed really rankled republicans to the point they failed to understand it was their “ticket” for success in the 2020 election.

Had republicans been SMART enough to agree to the “HEROES Act” – another gem put forth by Ms. Pelosi, I believe individual 1 would still be in the “White House” because, obviously, Ms. Pelosi cares more about the health of our nation than the “health” of the democratic party. The “HEROES Act” was, in essence, the equivalent of the “weak” stimulus passed in December on a “bi-partisan” basis – which sent out $600 payments to Middle Class Americans (again, to the chagrin of MOST republicans – even though individual 1 actually understood the amount SHOULD have been $2000) – plus the “Covid Relief Bill” passed in the first month or so of Biden’s administration. In essence, these bills have prevented our nation from veering into “deflation” which is much WORSE than a bit of “inflation.”

I’ve read quite a bit of the writings of Paul Krugman, a true Keynesian economist, and he’s quick to point out the dangers of inflation are quite small and that a bit of inflation (above the 2% target) will likely be beneficial until we’ve actually recovered from the economic shock of the pandemic. If you’re worried about inflation get your house re-financed while the interest rates are still at historic lows, or buy the car you’ve been planning to buy. or whatever – because the Fed can shut off a too high rise in inflation by raising rates – but, even the Fed chair (Powell) has suggested a bit of inflation right now would be beneficial – providing it doesn’t get out of control.

For heaven’s sake, in many parts of America the minimum wage is still $7.25 per hour. That, to me, is worse than ridiculous – and, keep in mind, it’s still that low STRICTLY because of republican intransigence. When I first started working back in 1963 (as a “busboy” in a restaurant) the minimum wage was $1.25 per hour. Based on inflation, it SHOULD be AT LEAST the $15 per hour democrats are attempting to get passed through Congress as I’m writing this. It wasn’t a (totally) livable wage back in 1963 but it was FAR closer than the $7.25 today. And, in states like Arizona, if you’re a restaurant worker and getting tips, they don’t even have to pay you the $7.25. In Washington State, where I live, the minimum wage was above $13.50 across the state and, I believe, $15 per hour in Seattle, the largest city. Not only did this not adversely effect Washington’s economy, it apparently helped it because Washington is doing quite well.

“Biden’s spending” SHOULD be viewed as “INVESTING” in the American people. I’ve told anyone willing to listen to me, this is the FIRST time in my LIFETIME where I feel our government is actually INVESTING in “we the people.” (I was born in 1947) Of course, Eisenhower’s Federal Highway project was a great “investment” in the American people and there were others when I was too young to understand (GI Bill, etc.) but since the day Ronald Reagan turned “conservatives” against our own government – a move which has metastasized over the years, leading up to January 6th, 2021 with a bunch of white nationalists who view individual 1 as their “fuhrer” (causing their parents who fought in WW II – like my own – to “turn in their graves”) republicans have done virtually NOTHING but “trickle up” taxpayer dollars to Americans who don’t need the help. Their “theories” have proven BOGUS over and over again, yet the continue to push them because, well, enough Americans have fallen for their “shtick” and believe all their problems are the result of our “socialist” government.

I’ve stated here I haven’t found ONE republican who claims democrats are “socialists” who understand what a “socialist” really is (they almost always confuse it with “communist”). America has been a – I guess I’ll call it – “socialist republic” since the “New Deal” and programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. And, since my “peer group” is a bunch of old people like me, I haven’t found a SINGLE one willing to give up their Social Security or Medicare benefit despite their claims “Biden is a Socialist.” If fact, most have said things like “Keep the government’s “hands” off my Social Security” – and, I’m not kidding. They get offended when you say, “You’re watching too much Fox “news.” Those who aren’t eligible for Social Security believe they’ll NEVER benefit from it – despite the FACT that is absurd – unless they keep voting for republicans! (Of course, they believe THAT because Fox, Newsmax, OANN, etc. say so)

So, what I’d say to anyone worried about “inflation” would be get rid of any variable rate loans you have – I learned that lesson back in the early days of Reagan – make sure ANY loans you have are “fixed rate” loans. Personally, I don’t believe the Fed will allow inflation to “spike” but I do believe the consider “a bit of inflation” helpful at this point in time – because the economy is STILL in the process of recovering from the guy who’s screwed up EVERY “inheritance” he’s ever received. Biden is doing EXACTLY what he should be doing and will likely be FORCED to push through the “infrastructure bill” and the “Families” plan of his agenda via some concocted reconciliation scheme because republicans would NEVER agree to invest in Middle Class Americans. This, by the way, is why Biden has an “approval rating” north of 60% and explains why individual 1’s “approval” always languished in the LOW “forties.”

I’ll end this “final thought” by saying the “kicker” in Biden’s (spending) INVESTMENTS in the American people and our future is, unlike republican “policy” – re tax scams, he’s planning to pay for the INVESTMENT by raising taxes on those Americans earning MORE than $400,000 per year and Corporations – including cracking down on corporations who are paying NOTHING in taxes and “stashing” profits in places like the Cayman Islands. This tax avoidance mentality is one of the many “deplorable” outgrowths of republican “trickle down” policy since Reagan took the oath of office. In fact, just by funding the IRS the calculation I’ve read is close to $1 TRILLION per year can be raised simply from tax CHEATS – rich people refusing to pay taxes or not paying what they actually owe. I’ve read from multiple sources the present IRS “audits” are focused more on people getting the “earned income credit” than on MILLIONAIRES cheating on their returns – if they even send one in – because, “It’s too expensive to fight them due to all their accountants and the IRS has been stripped of funding by republicans in recent years.” Novel idea – actually paying for these INVESTMENTS in America.

Finally, keep in mind, it’s these very wealthy people who don’t want to PAY any taxes if they can get away with it who will be reaping the greatest benefit of rebuilding our infrastructure or educating our people to the modern economy, or investing in child care for working parents, and on and on – ultimately, the revitalized economic benefits actually WILL “trickle up” to those at the top – and, likely, they’ll still be complaining about “socialism” and still be trying to avoid paying taxes. I’d give my idea of “alternate options” for these people, but I’ll save it for another day. Stay tuned…………………

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