To individual 1; As the saying goes, “be careful what you wish for.”

I have a friend who I often mention here, he’s a supporter of individual 1, who, right from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic was referring the crisis as “just another flu.” As he would point out the “numbers” of people who die from the “flu” each year, which was the republican mantra at the time, I tried to point out “This is NOT the ‘flu,’ and the bigger problem is our health care system will be overrun with the ‘herd immunity’ solution being proposed by many republicans – including my friend. Just let the virus run its course and get it over with. Well, we’ve had an approach which leaned in that direction to begin – ie individual 1’s now infamous “missing 70 days” – and, then, for about a month and a half, even our IMPEACHED so-called president was encouraging people to “stay at home.”

That lasted up until the time when the government’s task force came up with a three phase plan for the re-opening of our “economy.” Of course, individual 1 was at his limit as that “plan” was being introduced and, immediately, was “tweeting” for states to “LIBERATE” themselves from the “stay at home” orders and the plan he was proposing that very day. From that point in time until this week individual 1 has been AWOL from the battle against the coronavirus pandemic and, now, reality is staring him directly in his face. In states he MUST “win” in order to be re-elected his lack of leadership is becoming a MAJOR problem. Florida’s hospitals are being over run by Covid-19 patients, as are the hospitals in Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and, well, almost everywhere else. That was the circumstance I tried to explain to my friend was the reason why just letting this virus run its course was a disastrous idea. My daughter is an RN and I pray daily for those who are providing health care to the rest of us.

The damage to our health care system is becoming beyond the ability of people like me to imagine. I didn’t mention Texas in the previous paragraph because, in Texas, there are hospitals creating groups (triage?) to decide who gets care and who doesn’t. There’s no more room in their hospitals so doctors are being put in the place to decide who lives and who doesn’t. Clearly, there are many people in the republican party who are suggesting being “old” is a condition which makes you expendable. In Texas they also are storing the bodies of the deceased in refrigerated truck trailers because they’re dying so fast the morgues are full. The report I read yesterday suggested the “waiting list” for the incinerators (crematoriums) is two weeks! Try to imagine if you are a doctor or nurse dealing with this in intense twelve hour shifts four or five times a week. (Usually, nurses work three 12 hour shifts per week)

So, if that kind of gets your attention, then stop to think about who’s paying for all these people dying in the hospitals – AND, the ones who come out alive? And, then try to get your mind around the FACT our IMPEACHED so-called president – along with the republicans in Texas and several other republican controlled states – are in court RIGHT NOW (of course, the decision will come AFTER the election – go figure) to abolish what’s left of “Obamacare” – the Affordable Care Act – which, if republicans succeed, will take health insurance AWAY from tens of MILLIONS of Americans, not to mention the protection against discrimination against “pre-existing conditions.” Of course, republicans say they have a “plan” to replace “Obamacare,” but we all know they’re LYING. They wouldn’t be able to figure out how to make a health care plan because they don’t believe in them.

They – meaning republicans and including individual 1 – are doing everything they can to undermine Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – always “behind closed doors” because they understand the backlash that would create if “we the people” knew what they were “up to.’ Individual 1 has been insisting on a repeal of the “payroll tax” – which funds Social Security and Medicare (well, there are two different payroll taxes and, I believe, our IMPEACHED so-called president is going after both of them) but, thankfully, even republicans realize that’s a really bad idea (they get a lot of support from us old white guys – although, not me – maybe I’m the problem, Yikes!) and a repeal of the payroll tax WON’T be part of the next Coronavirus relief bill – or so they say. I don’t believe democrats would EVER support such a thing.

However, while none of us are looking and while democrats are thinking Mitt Romney a “good guy” because he voted to convict individual 1, he’s making proposals behind the scenes which are aimed at undermining Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. These rich republicans have no idea what it’s like to be dependent on these programs – in Romney’s case, he’s got a net worth of something around half a BILLION dollars if my memory serves me correctly – Person, Man, Woman, …………., TV; shoot, I can’t remember, I timed out Yikes! – OK, we can’t depend on my memory, but, just the same, “we the people” need to be diligent because these republicans don’t care if there’s a raging pandemic – if they can sneak something that hurts poor people into a bill they’ll do it! It finally came to me “Camera” is the part I forgot! I don’t get the extra points (read below and you’ll know what I’m talking about)

Speaking of the Coronavirus relief bill which is being “negotiated” right now and, according to Moscow Mitch, won’t be passed for “another few weeks” we’re looking at a perfect example of why no American who cares about “The least of these” in the words of Jesus Christ, should vote for one of these republicans. Here’s my take on the reality we’re all facing. We the people are in a DEPRESSION right now – we just don’t know it because of the “CARES” Act passed by Congress and forced through by democrats. In that bill was a provision where the 30 – 40 MILLION Americans who are unemployed are receiving an additional $600 each week to their unemployment benefit. That is the MAIN reason “we the people” don’t know we’re in a DEPRESSION. Republicans are saying “no way” to extending that benefit and, according to my non-economist thinking we’ll all know we’re in a DEPRESSION two or three weeks after that benefit has stopped.

There are other portions of the “CARES” Act which will expire at the end of July just like that unemployment benefit – like protection against evictions. Reports are 30 MILLION American families could be evicted next month without an extension of the prevention which was part of the CARES Act. This disaster which is the result of individual 1’s inability to govern could be a reality within a matter of weeks. I just finished reading Mary Trump’s book about the dysfunctional family which produced our IMPEACHED so-called president and that book simply reinforced what has appeared obvious to those of us watching individual 1 in real time. He is unable to care for anyone beside himself. The FACT 150,000 Americans have lost their lives under “his watch” doesn’t seem to bother him at all – he’s still pushing for governors to “open up their economies.”

And, opening schools is another DISASTER waiting to happen. Individual 1 won’t be in the classroom so it is just another opportunity for him to bloviate. Of course, the best place for our children is in school, but it SHOULD be necessary for “we the people” to do what is necessary to make that happen – which would require getting this virus under control. With individual 1 in charge of the federal government that seems an impossibility. His lack of an ability to care about anyone else allows him to push for the schools to be open and feel NOTHING regarding all the children, teachers, custodians, administrators, office personnel, cafeteria personnel, and other staff members who would be vulnerable to this virus. Remember, people die from the “flu” all the time.

Individual 1 is trailing badly in ALL the polls so we can expect the “kitchen sink” as we get closer to November’s election. He’s trying to undermine the postal service as a way to block voting from home, he’s got William Barr working to create some kind of “October surprise” regarding his investigation of the “investigators,” he’s throwing BILLIONS at the pharmaceutical industry to get a vaccine for the virus approved – safe or not – by the October election, and, maybe more worrisome than the rest, he’s got federal troops in the streets of Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington as I’m writing this – prepping for, in the words of Seattle’s mayor Durkon, martial law during, maybe, early November??? Remember, our IMPEACHED so-called president has no moral boundaries. And, remember, the Russians are still at work “interfering” in our next election and individual 1’s campaign are the masters of “fake news.” Remember, individual 1 has given new meaning to “PROJECTION.”

My hope is, should “we the people” succeed in removing individual 1 from office, that Joe Biden would make sure our nation remains a “nation of laws and not men.” That would REQUIRE investigations into the CORRUPTION of the individual 1 administration. Starting with the actions of our IMPEACHED so-called president, continuing with investigations of the activity of William Barr, and going down the line. Kind of a “what comes around goes around” response to individual 1’s insistence people like Hillary Clinton, James Comey (who, by the way, is responsible for his presidency), John Brennan, and others in Obama’s administration – including Obama, should be jailed. Well, as the saying goes, “be careful what you wish for.”

Final Thought: Well, I have to go here. Ghislaine Maxwell is now in prison after being charged with aiding and abetting Jeffrey Epstein in his under age girl SEX ring. Now, it was strange enough when Mr. Epstein managed to “hang” himself – just sayin………… OK, I’ve never believed Epstein killed himself. So, now it’s getting weirder. Individual 1 was asked the other day about Ms. Maxwell and he “wished her well” while, additionally (of course, there had to be an “additionally”), making a suggestion about Prince Andrew – as if he was involved with the Epstein/Maxwell SEX ring. I’ll let anyone reading this come to their own conclusions, but, to me, why would individual 1 say “I wish her well” about a woman facing multiple FELONY charges of the worst degree? Do you think it was ANOTHER “dog whistle” as he’s been prone to do of late? Do you think he’s suggesting if she SHUTS UP he’ll pardon her? That’s how it came across to me. Might she “hang” herself?

When I first started reading about the escapades of Epstein/Maxwell there was individual 1 in one photograph after another. In fact, at one point, there was a 14 year old girl, as I remember it, accusing BOTH Epstein AND individual 1 of RAPING her. During that point in the life of our (now) IMPEACHED so-called president he was quoted as saying something like “Epstein likes beautiful women as much as I do – and, some of them are younger.” I was talking to a friend just today and we were both explicit in our wanting individual 1 to have the opportunity to DEFEND himself from all the illegal activity he’s been (and going to be) accused of. I said long ago he would “rue the day he chose to run for president.” Is that day here?

OMG: “Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV” – I think I did it! I believe I get extra points. A few minutes ago I watched individual 1 BRAGGING that he passed the test my doctor gives me each year now (I’m soon to be 73) to check if I’m still all here. Actually, come to think of it, I think the test I get is more complicated – I have to list a bunch of four legged animals from memory – I”m not kidding. I think it’s like 14 (I can’t remember exactly how many :o) instead of identifying a picture of an Elephant. Individual 1 BRAGS about the last couple of questions on the test – like what day is it, what month, what year, what city are you in, complicated questions like that. I believe I can, as well, get those really hard ones correct still! It’s comforting to know I can pass the same test as a (I couldn’t remember the name of the book, I had to go check :o) “Very Stable Genius.”

OK, I know it’s time to go, but I have to add: In a lot of ways I’m part of the group who believes our IMPEACHED so-called president is “unfit” for the job he holds. However, I have to add, he’s got a lot of experience manipulating law enforcement, LYING to anyone and everyone, and brazenly REFUSING to “back down” under any circumstances. His five bankruptcies barely slowed him down – he’ll find a way to screw his enemies – and leave them wondering what “hit them?” Well, right now he’s got federal troops in Portland, across the river from where I live, and, I’m sure it would surprise no one I’m in total solidarity with the “wall of Moms” and other people in Portland fighting to get the federal troops out of Portland.

However, what these protesters MUST be careful of preventing is becoming pawns in individual 1’s attempt to manipulate the media – turning those who are “centrists” against “liberals.” Here’s what I’m guessing – there are right wing groups sending in their “goons” who are breaking windows and encouraging violence from protesters. This has been going on for a couple of months now – the issue regarding George Floyd is at a point where, well, the point’s been taken. The challenge to carry forth on the complaints coming from his LYNCHING is to VOTE individual 1 AND as many republicans in Congress out of office as possible this November – then work to CHANGE the way policing is set up in America. Like it or not, “we the people” need the moderate people in the “middle” (to a degree I’m one of them) to win a decisive victory in November – and, trust me, individual 1 will be doing EVERYTHING he can between now and then to portray those who are committing the violence and vandalism in these protests as “Biden supporters.” Once the federal troops have been ushered out of Portland, my advice would be for the protests to stop and for protesters to help with the clean-up in the aftermath. Just sayin………………..

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