Remember, individual 1’s ILLEGAL behavior would NOT be possible without a cowardly, complicit republican Congress!

I’m old. My hands are bad. I want to quit writing so much. But, at the same time I don’t believe I’ll be able to stop until individual 1 has been voted out of office. And, make no mistake, I’m of the “bent” “we the people” need a massive run on the polls to hold our IMPEACHED so-called president accountable and all the republicans in Congress who’ve been his lackey’s. Of course, I know we’re NOT going to vote them all out of office, but, based on the reality of the day, I believe it’s possible to vote MANY of them into the history books. And, that would include Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsay – although, admittedly, they will be difficult to defeat. They are so entrenched in Kentucky and South Carolina it will take a massive run on the polls by democrats (and, disenchanted republicans) to get them out of there.

Things keep getting worse. Today, I read where individual 1 “doesn’t want to be bothered with the pandemic anymore.” OK, that’s really bad! He’s the one who’s supposed to put together a national plan to mitigate the DAMAGE of this virus, but, by now, we all know, he’s INCAPABLE of doing so. But, to be disinterested? To not want to be bothered? While Americans are dying by the thousands? And, today, it was reported the “White House” is lobbying to REMOVE every stinking bit of money in the next “Covid-19” bill intended for “testing, tracing, and treating.” Likely, because that is the want of the democrats – Nancy Pelosi in particular.

I wrote the other day it would not surprise me to see individual 1, in vindictiveness, turn on the American people as a way to get even for the nasty polls he’s looking at. Instead of attempting to formulate an actual “plan” to “turn things around,” he can’t do that – why? – well, we all know why – he would have to admit to a mistake. He’s absolutely incapable of that. And, worse, he will continue to soil himself and cause “we the people” to be sickened as he proclaims what a great job he’s doing. He’ll keep trying to tell us his blocking fights from China (he really didn’t do that, but he thinks he did – and, regardless, it solved NOTHING) saved “2 to 3 MILLION people from dying.” Yikes!!! The guy’s a NUT JOB!!!

So, let me give you a hint of context. When this all started, the original predictions from scientists said if we did NOTHING (which, apparently, is individual 1’s plan) there could be 2.2 MILLION Americans losing their lives before we reached “herd immunity.” Of course, that was before scientists understood it’s possible we won’t be able to reach “herd immunity” because they don’t understand how long immunity lasts once you get the virus – already, there are reports of people getting it AGAIN! That being said, it’s already been determined individual 1’s LACK of action in the first “70 days” of the virus hitting our shores has resulted in the loss of, by now, deaths totally 100,000 – and counting. Of course, the FACT our IMPEACHED so-called president has, essentially, walked away from the crisis just makes this worse.

When you look at virtually every other country in the world (except Brazil) it becomes obvious how BAD “we the people” are doing. And, in places like Washington State, where I live, we had brought the “numbers” way down – but, they’re going back up again. I pointed out, early on, what was going to happen if the (republican) governors in the South, Southwest, and Rust Belt continued to “pooh pooh” the virus it was going to get out of control in their states and, sadly, it would then spread back to those states who actually tried to “stop the spread” early on. Now the United States is averaging somewhere around 70,000 new cases per day and, based on all the reports I’m seeing from the governors responsible for the massive outbreaks, it’s going to get MUCH worse. According to Dr. Fauci we’re looking at 100,000 NEW cases per day SOON!

This will turn our Health Care system into a national disaster and our doctors and nurses will be tested beyond reason – with many of them becoming martyrs to a totally DEPLORABLE (so-called) president and a bunch of his lackeys – headed by Ron DeSantis, Brian Kemp, Greg Abbott, and Doug Ducey the governors of Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Arizona in order. There are others, but these are the worst ones – at least some of the others are beginning to put up a fight if that’s just mandating masks in public places. It’s very discouraging to see the number of Americans who’ve been brainwashed into thinking wearing a mask is some kind of abridgment of their liberty. In fact, their liberty does NOT allow them to abridge mine! It really is similar to preventing people from smoking in public places – you don’t get to put YOUR smoke in MY lungs!

I spent the last 22 years of my working life in a 6th grade classroom and I TOTALLY believe the best place for our children come September is back in their classrooms. But, not at the expense of the risk to their health and that of the adults in the buildings. Based on what I’ve been seeing coming from the “White House,” There seems to be a lack of concern for both. Which, of course, means our IMPEACHED so-called president’s “plan” amounts to NOTHING! Individual 1 is simply demanding schools reopen, but he’s willing to do NOTHING to help mitigate the risks EVERYONE in the buildings will be facing. As I pointed out above, he’s even pushing to pull ALL funds aimed toward increased testing in the next relief bill out of the bill! That is utter NONSENSE – but, that’s what “we the people” are facing. The schools need much more than simply the ability to test those involved – and, don’t tell me kids can’t get this virus and that it doesn’t hurt them.

Of course they can and of course it can! In fact, we don’t understand all the ways it can affect children, but one thing we do know is that some of the issues can be either life threatening or cause lifetime issues or both. I don’t think that’s a GAMBLE very many parents want to take with their children. Imagine sending your student back to school in Florida where there are between 10,000 and 16,000 NEW cases EVERY day – likely to get worse – and, knowing there’s a shortage of testing facilities. What does that mean? That means the situation is MUCH worse. Personally, I wouldn’t expect parents to send their kids to school under those circumstances.

And, get this, there’s groups of people around the country complaining their kids would have to wear a mask if they reopen the schools this fall as if it would violate their “liberty.” My first thought when I saw that was “Are you kidding me?” Then I thought, is it possible these mothers (and, from the photo I saw of the demonstration, it was WHITE mothers protesting) don’t care if their children get the virus? Have they been watching too much Fox news? It’s true only a small percentage of children who contract Covid-19 get critically ill, but do you really want to be the one?

Sadly, in most instances, it will be the kids from the low socio-economic status homes who will be almost forced to go back to school – there are a plethora of reasons why it’s really important for them, not the least of which is food. I taught in a school which had a poverty rate of over 90% and I would have gladly gone into the classroom, but my guess is there will be a lot of kids getting “home-schooled” this year if the federal government can’t come up with a “plan” to slow down the spread of this virus. And, based on what we’re seeing from our IMPEACHED so-called president, “Don’t hold your breath.”

Honestly, there’s far more individual 1 can do out of spite the closer he gets to election day and the worst the polls look for him. He CAN’T get out and hold his rallies because of his ineptitude in dealing with the virus. As I keep observing his actions I’m seeing one irony after another. He wants to campaign, he can’t because he refuses to deal with the pandemic. He wants schools to open but, again, by refusing to deal with the pandemic more and more will be going “virtual.” He wants to be viewed as a “war time president,” but – you guessed it, he’s AWOL from the battle – not a good look. And, now he wants to be considered a “law and order” president but he keeps giving one example after another of his disdain for our laws and our constitution.

He comes across to me, as I’ve said many times here, as a wannabe mafia boss – he’s trying to be like Vladimir Putin. It’s really rather pathetic. Not only has he, on multiple occasions, shown his utter disdain for our system of laws with his repeated OBSTRUCTIONS – he obstructed Mueller, by many accounts, at least 10 times and his OBSTRUCTION of Congress was one of the Articles of Impeachment. If the election wasn’t a couple months away I have no doubt Congress would IMPEACH him again. He’s now putting troops in the streets of American cities unilaterally with not even a hint of explanation or justification. And, I can tell you, I certainly hope graffiti on the walls of a building isn’t sufficient cause to call in the military to KIDNAP American citizens without cause! This is fascism, pure and simple!

I live across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon and what is going on there would make Vladimir Putin semi proud. Of course, Putin knows the limitations individual 1 is operating under, but he’s got to be thrilled he managed to get an American (so-called) president elected who’s “trampling” on the constitution in a way making elected officials wonder “what the hell can we do to stop this?” I kicked in some money the other day for a group of people who have created a “street medic” force for those getting brutalized by the forces individual 1 has put on the streets of Portland. They purchased a “decommissioned” ambulance which they are getting “up to speed” so they can help those being injured by the thugs our IMPEACHED so-called president has put on the streets of Portland.

I watched film the other day of a Navy veteran who wanted to question those members of the ILLEGAL force individual 1 has on our streets (Portland) and he was met by a couple UNIDENTIFIED members of ???? (we have no idea what “force” they belong to) by “billy clubs” and then a third member of this force sprayed pepper spray directly into his face. This was a big, burly, former member of the Navy and he simply turned and walked away – no violence (on his part)! It turned out these federal THUGS broke his hand in several places. Really, is this what we want in America? These THUGS are wandering the streets of Portland and KIDNAPPING protesters with NO probable cause, not identifying themselves, and, in most cases, simply intimidating them and then releasing them. The COURT CASES are coming, but it will take time for them to get resolved and, likely, individual 1 will be GONE by that time. Hopefully, there will be accountability down the road.

What should this accountability look like? Well, let’s start with individual 1’s authority to send these THUGS in the first place. Yes, it appears they are able to prevent protesters from putting graffiti on the Federal Building – but, wandering the streets and KIDNAPPING people randomly? I’m not sure where the authority for doing that comes from? Using tear gas on the streets of Portland when it’s been specifically banned? Can ANY president order Federal troops to override local laws and ordinances at will? I’d say to “conservatives,” be careful what you wish for! And, there was a COMPLETELY peaceful protester in Portland who was SHOT between the eyes by a “non-lethal” bullet – putting this person in the operating room attempting to save his life after his skull being fractured. I believe there will be legal consequences for that action – whoever shot that projectile should be checking the phone book for an ATTORNEY. (And, I can guarantee you, individual 1 won’t be paying the bill)

Individual 1 is out of control and, sadly, republicans still continue their operating in FEAR of the “nasty tweet” which means, via their silence, they are complicit in ALL of this. If “we the people” don’t like Federal troops on our streets, if we don’t like a (so-called) president being AWOL during a “once in a century” global pandemic, If “we the people” don’t want a (so-called) president making RACIST comments as if he’s using a “bull horn” instead of what’s been, up until now, a “dog whistle,” if we don’t want a (so-called) president undermining virtually EVERY traditional institution in our country, if “we the people” don’t want a (so-called) president destroying our credibility with our international allies, and, if “we the people” don’t want a (so-called) president doing to our economy what he’s done to his business (bankruptcy) in the past (five times), then we need to follow the advice of the republicans making up the “Lincoln Project” and vote for Joe Biden!

Final Thought: I stopped reading John Bolton’s book about half way through because I just got Mary Trump’s book which I will finish reading first. Both Mr. Bolton and Ms. Trump confirm what I’ve read in countless other books – including “Anonymous” which comes from someone else on the “inside” – and, that is our IMPEACHED so-called president SHOULD have been convicted of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” by the republican Senate when they had the opportunity to “free” “we the people” from this nightmare. Maybe these Senators don’t read, but the evidence we have a mafia boss as our (now) IMPEACHED so-called president is overwhelming. He’s trying to “be like Putin” – who operates the world’s largest organized crime syndicate – even though he comes across as a wannabee.

Of course, if he can convince Americans to give him a second term, well, all bets would be off. That seems highly unlikely at this point in time – but, I will be encouraging anyone and everyone who I talk to to vote in November. Yes, some will vote for individual 1, but, at this point in time, his DISAPPROVAL rating is hovering around 60%. He’s the least popular (so-called) president in my lifetime – and, I can guarantee you, he’ll get less popular after he’s been voted out of office. Many Americans will be claiming “I didn’t vote for him.” He’s like the bad version of George Wallace and, hopefully, the accountability for his illegal behavior will be pursued once he’s no longer protected by the OLC memo. When you read Mary Trump’s book it helps you understand what is happening and he comes across as a pathetic example of a person raised in an abusive environment. Pathetic or not, “we the people” MUST vote him out of office along with his republican enablers – who didn’t have the courage of their own convictions!

I get the uneasy feeling individual 1 will be attempting to “burn down” more and more of our institutions as we get nearer to November and his poll numbers continue to “tank.” I just don’t have any confidence he’s capable of admitting to all the mistakes he’s made so he’ll be “doubling down” on them and enacting his revenge on all us “liberals” who are going to vote against him in the election. I’m guessing that’s part of his “strategy” (if he’s capable of a “strategy”) with the troops in American cities run by democrats!

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