It’s up to “we the people” to “turn this lemon into lemonade!”

I’m doing the best I can to keep up with what is happening in the United States of America right now, because, well, I’m a citizen, I vote, and I care. So, when I have to endure one STUPID remark after another from the (IMPEACHED so-called) president AND the vice president it’s hard to handle. Every day I log into “” which tracks every positive test for Covid-19, every death, every critical hospitalization, etc. and America continues to be the worst country on this earth in dealing with this crisis – yet, over and over, from individual 1 “It’s just going to go away.” A couple days he at least added “I hope” after he said that. And, Mike Pense is almost as bad – to me, he’s like the little boy who requires the approval of his “master.”

Yesterday there were over 55,000 NEW cases of Covid-19 in America surpassing the “record” of the previous day by a couple thousand. This is really BAD. The so-called “curve” is now looking like a line on the graph going straight up. We’ve been dealing with this virus for 6 months and our IMPEACHED so-called president is doing nothing more than wishing it away. I can tell you with certainty “wishing it away” just won’t work. “We the people” are STUCK with this so-called president for another 6 1/2 months and THOUSANDS of Americans are likely to die because individual 1 WON’T be able to “wish” this away.

I love this country and I’m proud “we the people” – with all our shortcomings, some of which it appears we’re FINALLY ready to face – have managed to self govern for well over 200 years. There have been many challenges – but, NEVER has there been an attack on the fundamental structure of this nation like we’re enduring right now. The incompetence and ignorance goes way deeper than this pandemic DISASTER, but, at the same time, as I continue my attempt to understand why individual 1 is so captivated by Vladimir Putin, I’m almost thinking this virus could ultimately be considered a blessing. Is individual 1 attempting to “overthrow” our government from within?

Clearly he appears to be a fascist – for all intents and purposes. I’ve felt all along one of the reasons he’s so envious of Putin is because he wishes he could just have the media people he hates either imprisoned or “outed” (if you know what I mean?). Obviously, he’s got William Barr going after his perceived enemies as I’m writing this – banana republic stuff. How many times has he lamented that Hillary Clinton hasn’t been arrested? (For emails?) And, James Comey, Andy McCabe, John Brennan, and you could likely include sitting members of Congress like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff?

Individual 1 is a bully who has apparently gotten away with it over the course of his life – so, he hates it when people push back, especially women. I find it interesting that Ms. Pelosi knows how to “push his buttons” and does so every chance she gets. And, Schiff simply speaks “truth to power” – which apparently turns individual 1 into a living rage. There are “pockets of resistance” forming in places around the country as more and more people realize what a threat he is to our basic institutions – some which have been DAMAGED to the point where it will take years to repair. Yet, individual 1 continues to BRAG he’s the “greatest president in the history of the country, with the possible exception of Lincoln.” That comment, itself, proves he’s a sick person!

Narcissistic personality disorder is a serious character flaw – and, individual 1 is the MOST “flawed” person I’ve EVER seen, heard, or read about. He meets ALL the traits of the disorder with an exclamation point! Here’s the definition: “Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy toward other people. People with NPD often spend much time thinking about achieving power and success, or on their appearance.” When I read the definition all that came to mind was individual 1 refusing to wear a mask during this pandemic because of how it looks. Yikes!!

Add to that being a pathological LIAR and you can see why he is such a danger to our republic. Here’s the definition of a pathological LIAR if you question my assertion: “falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime”. We see evidence supporting this claim virtually EVERY day coming from individual 1. The “fact checkers” have documented OVER 20,000 (TWENTY THOUSAND!) observable LIES since he took the oath of office. That’s BAD!

Of course, it doesn’t end there. Here’s the definition of xenophobe: “Xenophobia is the fear or hatred of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. It is an expression of perceived conflict between an ingroup and an outgroup and may manifest in suspicion by the one of the other’s activities, a desire to eliminate their presence, and fear of losing national, ethnic or racial identity.” Picture the people seeking asylum in cages at our Southern border when you read that definition. Makes it quite clear. And, when you’re the (so-called) president of a country considered the “melting pot” of the world, that’s a BAD trait!

While I’m at it I might as well provide Webster’s definition of racism: “a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.” I’m simply, straight up, showing who our (so-called) president is – and, if you don’t think he’s a racist, read that definition again and, while you’re doing it, picture him referring to countries in Africa as “shithole” countries and lamenting why we don’t get more immigrants from “Norway.” This is REALLY bad, but there is something which may be worse!

The republicans in Congress don’t seem to consider this bad because they continue to walk in “lockstep” with our IMPEACHED so-called president. During the IMPEACHMENT saga ONLY one republican (now an independent) in the House voted to IMPEACH and only one republican in the Senate voted to CONVICT. In other words, republicans had the opportunity to end this American nightmare and their failure to do so will be the focal point of each one’s legacy. I wrote the other day, for example, about Lamar Alexander who agreed with the House IMPEACHMENT managers on the crime, he just didn’t believe EXTORTION was a “high crime and misdemeanor.” Of course, that left me wondering – “What would be then?”

Our constitution anticipated it was possible for a tyrant such as individual 1 to find his way into the “White House.” I’m sure they didn’t anticipate it would require the help of the Russians and the FBI, but, regardless, they anticipated this – which is why they put IMPEACHMENT into the constitution as the remedy. In fact, once the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), after “Watergate,” issued their “memo” suggesting a sitting president could not be indicted, the ONLY remedy for a corrupt (so-called) president became IMPEACHMENT. I suppose our founders didn’t anticipate social media and the potential cowardice of Congress during a “time such as this.” Honestly, all I can say at this time to republicans in Congress is “shame on you!”

I was one of the 1% who read the Mueller report (it was a lot of pages, it was intense writing, and I read it twice, just to make sure I understood it – I might read it again) and, clearly, he was “memorializing” the evidence of MULTIPLE episodes of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE for the Congress to determine if these egregious violations of basic LAW arose to the level of IMPEACHMENT – and/or for prosecutors once individual 1 leaves office. I believe Justin Amosh, the one republican (now former republican) who I’m certain read the report, came to the conclusion there was no other alternative than IMPEACHMENT after reading it. Sadly, I don’t believe many members of Congress actually took the time to read it – certainly, republicans. In the report, Mueller made it clear they did not consider an INDICTMENT of individual 1 because of that OLC memo.

In fact, that’s exactly why I refer to our IMPEACHED so-called president as “individual 1,” because that is the name he was given by the Southern District of New York as the “unindicted co-conspirator” with Michael Cohen on TWO felony charges regarding the illegal payments to two women individual 1 had affairs with (while his THIRD wife was pregnant with his final child and then while she was raising him early on) which he didn’t want to be made public prior to the 2016 election. I’m guessing his “Christian” base, which was already overlooking a couple dozen women accusing him of sexual assault, wouldn’t have cared, but he apparently didn’t want to “chance it.” We’ve learned, our IMPEACHED so-called president feels he’s “above the law” so what’s another “crime?” (Personally, my hope is he’ll find out after next January 20th.)

I’m certain, if you’re still reading, you’re wondering what is my point? Well, as usual, my point is to emphasize the importance of “we the people” doing what the Congress doesn’t have the guts to do and that is IMPEACH individual 1. Allow him to stand trial for the same crime for which Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison – crimes Cohen did at individual 1’s direction. If we can give individual 1 the opportunity to defend himself in court that would mean “we the people” would have a much better chance of dealing with this pandemic and the crises which are on the horizon – the most significant being, of course, CLIMATE CHANGE. Individual 1 has turned America into the World’s laughing stock and the question will hover over us for some time as to whether or not we can “heal that wound.”

People around the world are just shaking their heads wondering what the hell has happened to America? And, of course, now “we the people” are persona non grata in virtually every country across the globe. Why? Well, very simply put, “we the people” have to depend on our president for leadership in crises like this pandemic and we’re seeing what happens when there is NONE! And, sadly, I mean NONE! Wishing the virus to go away is NOT a “strategy.” It looks to me as if today America could have over 60,000 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 and, clearly, the virus is out of control and spreading across the entire nation. People in other countries which did the “hard work” to “flatten the curve” don’t want Americans bringing the virus back into their countries. I can’t say that I blame them.

The reason I laid out what I consider the character flaws of individual 1 is to show, clearly, what a DANGER he is to our people as this virus looks to be heading to Anthony Fauci’s prediction of 100,000 new cases per day – sooner rather than later. It was clear to many of us early on in this pandemic, as we watched what was happening in New York and the surrounding areas, it was a “fools errand” for those states across the country – mostly with republican governors – who were not taking this virus seriously – as if it couldn’t happen to them. And, they, along with many of their constituents, were getting their “advice” from individual 1 so that it became kind of a “political football” simply whether or not you wore a mask. As preposterous as that seems, that is the “leadership” we got from the “White House.” Sad!

And, in places where the curve was “flattened” – like in my state, Washington – the cases are increasing again because the virus doesn’t know there are borders. People travel back and forth across this country and, it appears to me, the entire country is likely to be “infected” within a month or two. I certainly hope I’m wrong – selfishly, I want to be able to play golf – but, it’s clear at this point in time “shelter in place” orders are on the horizon. For heaven’s sake, Arizona very well may be the most intense Covid-19 “hotspot” in the entire world right now. And, Texas? Their HUGE hospitals are full and they’re talking about decisions on who gets treatment (young) and who doesn’t (old). Yikes! I’d better not travel to Texas, I’m old!

Do you remember Texas’ Lt. Governor suggesting “There’s worst things than living?” Well, I’m still not completely certain what he meant by that – but, I interpreted him to be saying “Wall Street” is more important than “Main Street.” Especially, when you consider the most sick of all the people in Texas are the “essential workers.” In Texas the minimum wage is STILL $7.25 (In Washington State it’s $13.50 – come on Texas!) and, of course, it’s MOSTLY “Black and Brown” people working at that level and being repeatedly exposed to this virus. And, of course, it’s not the Lt. Governor who’s going to DIE from this, it’s the “Black and Brown” people who are forced to work in order to put food on their tables. Do you get the picture here? (Maybe exposing Black and Brown workers to Covid-19 is another “voter suppression” strategy) Do you wonder why there’s a backlash to systemic racism?

My point in all of this is ostensibly individual 1 has NO strategy for fighting this virus, but when you look closely at his character flaws and you consider where his opposition is coming from, well, maybe he does have a strategy. I’m not sure he actually realizes what his “strategy” or “non-strategy” whatever it may be is doing to our hospital system and our health care workers. But, again, maybe I’m the one who doesn’t get it. Because, he along with the Attorney General (AG) of Texas (and other republican AG’s) are presently arguing in the Supreme Court to fully overturn the Affordable Care Act (AKA “Obamacare”) which would accomplish several things.

First, it would take health insurance away from about 23 MILLION Americans, right off the top. Additionally, I’m not certain what it would do to Medicaid, but likely it would reduce those on Medicaid my MANY millions of Americans. Parents would no longer be able to include their children on their policies until their children are 26 and protection against discrimination based on “pre-existing” conditions would be gone – affecting over 100 MILLION Americans – not counting those who contract Covid-19 and survive it. Actually, I find it almost unbelievable there could be a circumstance where I would be writing this and even more unbelievable there would be almost 40% of Americans who could find it in their hearts to support someone like individual 1. For what? Some judges? OMG! America really has lost her way! And, Oh, by the way, this virus is not “just going to go away!”

Thankfully, we STILL have the right to vote and we can “fix” this problem in November – and “fixing” it goes well beyond individual 1. There are over 20 republican Senators on the ballot this November and “we the people” need to remove as many of them as we can. There is a plethora of other elections where voting out people who think along the lines of these republicans is right there. It’s up to “we the people” to “turn this lemon into lemonade!”

Final Thought: Whether there’s an actual “strategy” or not, it’s clear individual 1 and his top “lap dog,” Mike Pense are going to continue trapesing around the country on the taxpayer’s “dime” as their way of creating campaign “rallies.” We’ve already seen the results of individual 1’s first two rallies – Tulsa and Phoenix – and, it’s a significant spike in Covid-19 cases. Arizona is at the breaking point and Oklahoma is likely a week or two away from being there and today, individual 1 is in South Dakota at a rally where there will be “no social distancing” according to their governor Kristi Noem. “Celebrating our Liberty.”

Of course, they’ll be “celebrating their liberty” on the land of the “Great Sioux Nation” without being invited. In fact, I watched an interview last night with Lawrence O’Donnell and the leader of the Sioux Nation where he unequivocally said our IMPEACHED so-called president wasn’t welcome on their land. For one thing, they didn’t want the Covid-19 which follows individual 1 around because they don’t have the means to defend themselves from this virus. Obviously, I’m not educated like I should be about the issues of the Sioux Nation but, it’s easy for me to understand why they wouldn’t want individual 1 holding a rally on their land. This is a cause for more investigation on my part, but I have to hope our IMPEACHED so-called president doesn’t do to the Sioux Nation what he did to those in Arizona and Oklahoma. Stay Tuned!

For several years I’ve periodically donated a small amount of money (that’s because I only have small amounts to donate) to a couple schools for the children of the Sioux nation. This “invasion” by our so-called president has reminded me to make another donating. If you’re inclined, here’s the address St. Joseph’s Indian School PO Box 300 Chamberlain SD 57325-9919

OMG again! – I just listened to another IDIOT in the administration of our IMPEACHED so-called president – Peter Navarro! This guy was attempting to defend the do NOTHING approach to fighting the Covid-19 virus, which of course he had to refer to as the “China Virus,” with utter NONSENSE. It was coming so fast it was hard to keep up with it. The interviewer, Ali Velshi, for some reason allowed the interview to continue in the face of complete NONSENSE, but, well, whatever! As opposed to even talking about what should be done is was just throwing BLAME around in what appeared to be a reckless manner. The “you know what” against the wall strategy. He even suggested it was a weaponized virus coming from China. He even complained he has “64 million doses of hydroxychloroquine” which he can’t use because of all the negative reports on cable TV networks. As if it was the networks which determined the drug was more harmful than helpful. These people are nuts! You would have had to see this interview in its entirety to believe the level of stupidity!

Two days later: Individual 1 held his rally as planned and we saw a bunch of white Americans crammed together in chairs actually tied together to prevent ANY “social distancing” and the projection was coming “hot and heavy.” All be succinct – when you hear individual 1 accusing “liberals” of being fascists and pushing for totalitarianism just take a deep breath and give thanks you have the right to vote. Of course there were a “pile” of racist “dog whistles” during his speech, but I just have to grab my head to stop it from shaking back and forth when I hear individual 1 suggesting democrats are pushing a “fascist” or “totalitarian” agenda. I’ve been pointing out his “authoritarian” tendencies since the day he took (LIED about) the oath of office and all the “trappings” of a would be dictator shone through as he was violating sacred Indian land in “celebration” of an independence he CLEARLY does NOT understand!

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