By the time Trump is defeated, it will be time to “make America great again.”

Recently I spent a couple months in Pittsburgh in the district which is having a “special election” for the House of Representatives.  Therefore, I was able to watch – on the few times I watched TV – the flood of political adds from the two candidates : Rick Saccone, the Republican (Trump crony) and Conor Lamb, the democrat (a moderate democrat who’s an ex Marine and former federal prosecutor, although still only 33 years old).  For the most part, the Lamb commercials were about Lamb’s “vision” for the nation and what he would do if elected for his district.  One commercial I remember showed him firing a weapon at a shooting range to make sure people in the district understood he “supports the second amendment.”  (I’m personally not sure many Americans even have a basic understanding of the second amendment, but I digress…..)  Saccone’s commercials were almost 100% DISHONEST attack adds on Lamb attempting to tear him down in the eyes of the voters.  I guess republicans do this because it must work.

Two or three days ago I listened to Trump give a speech in support of Saccone (although, he hardly mentioned Saccone – at one point I thought he forgot his name) where most of the speech was actually (surprise, surprise) about Trump boasting about Trump.  In the process he made racist remarks about Maxine Waters and Elizabeth Warren (I only directly heard the Waters remark – I was driving and heard about 40 minutes of his speech which I learned was almost half of his bloviating.) and called “Sleepy Chuck Todd” a “Son of a bitch.”  There was more, but that’s what I remember about the people he was attacking.  In addition, of course, Trump made one LIE after another with the crowd cheering each one – and, sadly, cheering the racist comments as well.

So, today (I’m out of town again and listening to the XM radio on my car) I had to listen to Mr. Saccone, himself, as he accused Lamb and his supporters of HATING Trump (in  some cases I’m relatively sure that would be correct.  Personally, I don’t HATE Trump, I despise him and what he stands for) HATING America, and HATING God.  Not once did he say anything about what he stands for – with the exception that if it’s OK with Trump it’s OK with Saccone.  Then Trump’s deplorable son, Trump Jr., grabbed the mike and continued the attacks.  Claiming his father is putting “Americans first” and, curiously, calling democrats “obstructionists.” Sadly, those in the small crowd listening to him seemed to get sucked in.  (Honestly, do you really think an ex Marine, and ex federal prosecutor “hates America and hates God?”)

Evidently, Trump Jr. and the republicans in Pennsylvania in his audience have very short memories.  As far as being “obstructionists” the democrats can’t even hold a “candle” to the republicans and what they  did during the eight years of the Obama administration.  Which, despite their obstruction, President Obama was able to lead a turnaround from the “Great Recession” to the point of giving Trump an economic reality that was on a steady seven year climb upward.  The unemployment figures that Trump mocked in the campaign all of a sudden looked pretty good to him once he took office.  Of course, neither Trump Jr. or Mr. Saccone, would mention any of that AND they wouldn’t tell the republican victims of their bloviating that Trump’s “tax scam” gives the Trump family BILLIONS and leaves the bill for those in the audience.

Neither Trump, his son, nor Saccone, in anything I heard, mentioned that the pittance they might save via the portion of the “tax scam” they MIGHT receive (82% goes to the top 1%) will be more than offset by their rising health care costs – if they’re not part of the estimated 13 MILLION Americans due to lose health insurance in the next couple of years because of the “scam.”  Additionally, I’m certain they didn’t mention that the “pittance” aimed at working people – from the “tax scam” – will expire in a few years – AND – it “dwindles between now and then.”  “We the people” will be paying more because of this republican scam.  Ah, but there’s MORE!  The entirety of the “scam” is BORROWED money – from where I’m not sure (China?).

I’ve come to the conclusion that the true “right wingers” in America have NO concern about the deficit – as long as they can be the benefactors of it.  To them, this is just the Fed printing more money and there’s not even a moment of thought about paying it back – we’ll let our children and grandchildren worry about that.  They will complain about the democrat who takes Trump’s place regarding the HUGE deficit they’re likely to pass on and actually BLAME whoever that might be for creating it.  AND, the Fox “news” crowd will believe them.

As I listened to Trump’s speech (and, believe me, it was difficult) I think what bothered me the most was the cheering coming from the audience for the racist comments, the vulgar comments, and all the LYING.  The American voters are showing the rest of the world that we haven’t truly overcome our “darker angels.”  These are the people who still believe that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.  They’ve been sucked into the republican propaganda machine that willingly “took in” the “tea party” faction which resulted from America electing her first person of color as president.  This group has continued to push the republican party farther to the “right” since the 2010 mid terms and the result is Trump, clearly part of the “white nationalist” movement in America.  (Yes, that means racists – the other day Steve Bannon professed to be PROUD to be called a racist)

I don’t, at all, believe all republicans who support Trump fall into that category because I believe Fox, Limbaugh, Breitbart, and other media outlets – who ALL practice the BIG LIE THEORY of the Third Reich – have been busy brainwashing “white America” for the past 30 years.  What is most frightening to them, in my view, is that America will soon become a “majority minority” nation and they’re grasping to save their “white privilege.”  Especially in places like the “rust belt” (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc.) where good manufacturing jobs have become much more scarce – and, in some places, non-existent – the people are looking for someone to blame.  Trump has tapped into this fear (of no good jobs) and has ginned up HATE for “immigrants.”  (Yes, I know, we’re ALL immigrants – our country is made up of immigrants – targeting “immigrants” is not a new phenomenon in America)

Trump is promising jobs that WON’T come back (In fact, I’ve heard reports the “tax scam” is actually encouraging some corporations to move even MORE jobs “overseas”) – they’ve been lost to technology; robots are replacing workers in many situations.  In fact, many are saying Trump’s recent spur of the moment decision to impose steel and aluminum tariffs will cost way more jobs than it saves.  Trump is not proficient in American history as he’s proven many times.  (for example, Fredrick Douglass is not still with us)  There’s a “truism:” “Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it.”  Just sayin……….. (it takes about 20% of the “manpower” necessary to make a ton of steel compared to even 10 years ago – due to advances in technology)

The reason Trump and Trump Jr. are in Pennsylvania’s 18th district is similar to why Trump, earlier, was in Alabama stumping for Roy Moore (an accused pedophile).  Pennsylvania 18 SHOULD be a SAFE republican House seat.  Trump won this district by 20 points in the 2016 election and many pundits call it “Trump country.”  The FACT the election is likely to be close, just that FACT is making republicans nervous.  If Lamb wins, well……………

While, as Trump claimed, Pennsylvania didn’t put him into the “White House,” it was a key victory for Trump.  And, it was large majorities in places like the 18th district which helped “carry the day.”  This election is being viewed as a referendum on Trump – and democrats, either way, are claiming “victory” because if Lamb loses it’s likely to be by a very small margin. (much less than 20%) If Saccone wins, Trump will take the credit, if he loses, Trump will publicly excoriate him as a terrible candidate and Trump will claim credit for making it close.  You can take that prediction “to the bank.”  (I’m planning to post this prior to the polls closing – probably without editing – so, my apologies in advance – after all, I’m just a retired 6th grade teacher. – Trump reminds me of a 6th grade level spoiled BULLY)

From what I’ve heard from Lamb, I believe he’s the type of candidate democrats need to encourage to run for office in EVERY election in the country.  He’s young, he’s energetic, he’s honorable (ex Marine), he’s bright (he’s also a former prosecuting attorney), and from what I’ve heard from him and seen from his adds, he’s HONEST.  Wouldn’t that be nice if “we the people” started expecting that trait from our leaders????  While I was in Pittsburgh, what I really liked was that MOST of Lamb’s ads were positive and reflected who he is.  My view was the level of negativity coming from Saccone and misrepresenting him forced Lamb to make a few ads attacking Saccone.  I left at the end of January, so I don’t know how the campaign evolved since then – but, my feeling, at the time, was – again – I’d love to see democrats (and, republicans, for that matter) support candidates like Lamb.  “We the people” need NEW, YOUNGER leadership in Congress – in my view.  And, we need members of Congress that will “work across the isle” as Lamb appears to have a willingness to do.

Of course, republicans have shown no sign of a willingness to do the same since Newt Gingrich instilled the OBSTRUCTION “strategy” at the beginning of Bill Clinton’s first term as president.  But Lamb’s campaign is pointing, whether he wins or not, to the FACT that a significant MAJORITY of Americans are opposed to Trump and where the republicans are at this point in time.  Unless something drastic happens, it appears to me the democrats are going to win a lot of House seats next fall.  It looks near impossible for the democrats to take control of the Senate, so without republican help, Trump is likely to be the republican candidate for president in 2020.  For the good of the long term outlook of America, voting in younger, progressive, honorable, pragmatic members of Congress is a great place to start.  When Trump started his campaign in 2015 America was the greatest nation on the face of the earth.  By the time Trump is defeated, it will be time to “make America great again.”  I believe, when all is said and done, Conor Lamb might be considered one of the initial “building blocks” of that process! (whether he wins or “loses” – to me, he’s already “won” because his campaign was mostly positive and it’s got the attention of many in America’s political realm – don’t forget, he’s running as a democrat in “Trump country”)

Final Thought: I don’t really want to “coach” the republican party, but if you want to save your “brand” my suggestion is, when Mueller completes his investigation, honor your oath to the constitution and IMPEACH this president who’s ALREADY committed “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  As you’re watching his DANGEROUS unraveling, think about the security of our nation ahead of your party loyalty.  Think about what you really want to be defined as “standing for.”  Just as Trump is creating long term DAMAGE to America, he’s turning the republican party into the “cesspool” of the alt right.  There’s got to be enough of you who will come to your senses and put this nation first.  The reality is the atmosphere around the “ship of state” is getting way too STORMY!

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