Here’s a thought: Will the tariffs TRUMP the tax scam in the eyes of republicans?

I’ve written several posts about Trump’s so-called “tax cut” which was a “scam” to funnel over a TRILLION dollars to America’s elite – the corporate interests and the top 1% – those who don’t need the “boost” in the face of an economy at full employment and record corporate profits.  For example, I don’t know anyone who believes Warren Buffet and his “Berkshire Hathaway” corporation needed an additional $29 BILLION thanks to the tax scam.  There’s likely not to be a single job created due to that windfall to Buffet.  The “Koch brothers” are reportedly, just in their individual tax returns (not counting “Koch Industries”) saving close to $2 BILLION which, anyone paying attention to them knows, means even MORE money fueled into the “coffers” of republicans willing to “toe the (Koch) line.”

Every cent of the tax scam – about $1.5 TRILLION – is going to be borrowed money.  I believe, along with the Trump budget, the annual deficit will soon be over $1 TRILLION per YEAR thanks to Trump’s and the republican’s agenda!  It took President Obama 7 years to reduce the annual deficit (with, by the way, no republican help and republicans complaining about the deficit – which was created by Bush/Cheney – virtually every day) from the $1.5 TRILLION per year which he “inherited” to around $400 BILLION when he left office.  Well, it didn’t take long and Trump, with ONLY republican help, has pushed the annual deficit back over a TRILLION each year – for the foreseeable future.  And, of course, there’s more.

In Trump’s first year in the “White House” he’s done a couple “biggies” that are “Making China Great Again” by pulling out of two of President Obama’s signature achievements:  The Paris Climate Accord AND the TPP trade agreement.  (Of course, many democrats also disagreed with the TPP, but Obama steadfastly supported it as integral to America’s economic future)  Well, it appears the TPP has opened the door for China to do what President Obama was trying to prevent, and that is dominating the Southeast Asian economy.  In the same light, China is taking the lead in solar and wind technology which, it makes sense to me, is a much smarter “road” than pushing to save coal – even “clean coal” whatever that might be.

Now, Trump is imposing tariffs on the importation of Chinese steel and aluminum.  Of course, America imports far more steel and aluminum from her traditional allies like Canada, Mexico, and countries in Western Europe than from China.  Again, we are left to wonder if Trump has any idea what he’s doing.  (Of course, people like me have been saying from the start he has NO IDEA what he’s doing.)  The tariff situation is just one more example of this, and it is a great example of what I’ve often referred to as the “damage” Trump is imposing on the rest of us.  Of course, America’s “religious right” is accepting of all the “damage” in return for a bunch of right wing judges and attacks on the Affordable Care Act, thereby putting MILLIONS of Americans off their health insurance and raising the costs for just about everyone else.  History tells us the tariffs will create way more damage than good in the long run.  (I almost feel the tariffs were put in place in a desperate attempt to save the special election in Pennsylvania for Trump)

When it comes to the “damage” resulting from the tariffs Trump has claimed, “Trade wars are easy to win,” whatever he means by that.  Ask Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and they’ll likely disagree – or ask republican senators from the “farm belt.”  Tariff “wars” can be described as “tit for tat.”  Based on reports I’ve heard the resulting “retaliation” to Trump’s tariffs will affect areas of the country considered “red.”  (If you live under a rock, that means republican)  The threat of European tariffs on, for example, Harley Davidson motorcycles got Ryan’s attention, because they’re made in Wisconsin.  Europe is threatening tariffs on Kentucky whiskey – I’m OK with that, but not McConnell.  And, tariffs on American agricultural products could affect farmers all over the Mid West and West.  However, according to Trump, this “war” will be easy to win.  We’ll see!

Since the beginning of Trump’s so-called administration people like me have been questioning when will he be impeached?  Of course, I’ve always known that nothing will happen until republicans decide THEY’VE had enough.  Yes, after the 2018 Mid Terms there’s a good chance democrats will control the House and that’s where impeachment takes place.  However, it’s the Senate which convicts a president who’s been impeached and there’s no way democrats will have a two thirds majority in the Senate after 2018 – so, it will only take 34 republicans to keep this nightmare from happening day by day.  Trust me, despite the “deplorable” attacks on his wife coming from Trump, Ted Cruz has become a “believer.”  He’s a great example of where the “moral clarity” of the republican party lies.  It’s a FACT Trump is supported in the CHURCHES of the so-called “Christian right.”  As a Christian myself, I struggle every day to understand that.  The reality is the “Christian right” remains Trump’s “base.”

I was listening this morning to a clip from the “Morning Joe” show on MSNBC where Joe Scarborough, until Trump a “conservative” republican, compared Trump to Bill Clinton and commented on the similarity between the issues of both.  Of course, he was referring to the infidelity issues – which, to me, are – yes – similar, but even Clinton pales compared to Trump.  Had Clinton’s lawyer, for example, paid off a “porn star” days before his first election to buy her silence – well, I believe the resulting outrage would have spread into enough of the democratic party that Clinton would have been removed from office and Al Gore would have been president.  Of course, both Clinton and Trump “lied about sex” – but, Trump LIES about virtually everything AND Clinton PROVED he knew how to govern.

I’ve pointed this out numerous times on this site (despite my own disgust with Clinton’s behavior – I do have “conservative values” although I would not qualify to be an “altar boy” myself.  It says in the Bible, “let the man with no sin throw the first stone” – so, I’ve got to lay my “stone” down – I’m just sayin….) that Clinton left office with the nation “enjoying” a $250 BILLION surplus and a government that had been “pared down.”  (That’s what republicans claim they will do, but they NEVER do – mainly because they know how to win elections but they DON’T know how to govern)  I’m not trying to validate Clinton’s personal behavior, but, to me, the bottom line in governing is to cause the government to “live within its means” and to keep the country safe.  When Clinton left office, he was popular world wide and so was America.  Bush/Cheney put a HUGE “dent” in America’s standing in the world which President Obama significantly repaired.  And, now we’re STUCK with Trump and the DAMAGE is mounting fast!

I have to keep wondering, how long will EVEN republicans put up with this?  Even if they’re OK with Trump paying off a “porn star” prior to an election I’m guessing Robert Mueller is not.  (The FBI should not be happy about that as well as the Justice Department, but, despite all the pernicious attacks on his character, Jeff Sessions continues to appear as if wanting to curry favor with Trump.)  It appears republicans are OK with Russians interfering in our election and actually helping Trump win (possibly in coordination with Trump’s campaign) but, I’m guessing Mueller is NOT.  Republicans may be OK with Trump’s continual PROFITING off of his office – against the tenets of the constitution – but, I’m guessing Mueller’s NOT OK with that.  Republicans not only appear to be OK with attacking political opponents, they’re helping Trump do so – and, that’s one of the foundation points of an autocratic regime – but, I’m guessing Mueller sees it for what it is – deflection from the real issue and I don’t believe, in America, Trump will be allowed to get away with this.

Republicans in Congress appear to be OK with Trump bringing his daughter and son-in-law into the “White House” as “senior advisors” (they are both in their mid-thirties with NO government experience) – commonly referred to as “nepotism” – but, I don’t believe Mueller is fooled.  Both Ivanka Trump and, more likely, Jared Kushner appear to be in the “sights” of Mr. Mueller.  Certainly, Jared Kushner has committed several CRIMES we know about via the false statements on his SF 86 forms.  For whatever reason Kushner has been denied a security clearance and the rumors about his financial misdeeds would have been  enough, had it been Mrs. Clinton or an Obama, for republicans to be screaming “jail.”  They’re still screaming “jail” but for entirely nefarious reasons.  Trey Gowdy  STILL wants to investigate Mrs. Clinton’s “email scandal” (Gowdy aka Benghazi) and now he and his cohorts are looking at “Uranium 1” in their DESPERATE attempt to DEFLECT America’s attention from the reality there’s a buffoon in the “White House” who’s connected at the hip with Vladimir Putin.  I honestly have to wonder if these republicans believe in anything?

Here’s what’s making me think even republicans are about to turn on Trump.  For the longest time Mike Pense was like Trump’s “puppy dog.”  I actually believe he brought a lot of shame on himself in places that will likely be forgotten once republicans do the “right thing” and end this nightmare.  Like for example, when he LIED for Trump about why Comey was fired.  If Pense can escape his participation in the OBSTRUCTION of justice I’m guessing he’s now preparing for his ultimate “prize.”  If you’ve noticed, of late, Pense has been “under the radar.”  You don’t see him, right now, attempting to cover up Trump’s “porn star” issues, or the tariff issue, or anything else.  It looks to me as if he’s “laying in the weeds” waiting for “his time.”  Trump seems to be unraveling more than usual and Pense is smart enough to get out of the way.  There’s a reason Pense started a “Super PAC” a few months back.  The man wants to be the one still standing when Trump “goes down.”

This tariff thing just might be “the straw that broke the camel’s back” for republicans and Trump.  They got their tax cut (scam) and that can’t be taken away (at least by Trump).  They’ve got a bunch of judges – and, by the way – that will continue under Pense.  The republican donors are happy because they’re getting even FILTHIER rich and, it appears to me, Trump may have served his “purpose.”  Now that he’s “going rogue” (tariffs) maybe they will finally think “it’s time for a change” – hoping that by dumping Trump they have a better chance to retain their majority in the House.  Will they finally regain their “moral compass?”  (And, believe me, I use the word “regain” with tongue in cheek – I don’t believe they have one!)  The republican “base” will believe whatever “Fox and Friends” tells them to believe.  It could be a couple years before their “base” understands how they’ve been ripped off in the tax scam.  But one thing they will easily understand, Pense is closer to a “true conservative” than Trump.  (although Pense has proven to lack that “moral compass” as well – he almost disgusts me more than Trump – often times I feel Trump can’t help himself – Pense is totally calculated)

Final thought:  Yes, I feel I should “put my stone down.”  But, at the same time, as I watch what is happening to the country I love, I’m unable to remain quiet.  I realize these words just wander in “cyberspace” and I have no idea who reads them – but, in my heart, I have to get these words out.  The FACT it’s “Christians” supporting the republican party and, in particular, Trump is so difficult for me to understand.  This all started with Bush/Cheney which caused me to have similar feelings.  I’m seeing a nation that is fulfilling the prophetic warning of Dwight Eisenhower.  We’ve succumbed to the “military industrial complex” with the result being today’s republican party.  With Trump it’s gotten worse.  It were the “right wing Christians” who were the “base” of the Third Reich.  Americans need to wake up before it’s too late.  Maybe, just maybe, Trump’s tariffs which could affect many republican members of Congress negatively will get their attention.  After all, it has always appeared to me that with republicans, it’s all about the money, PERIOD!

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