Trump appears to me to be coming “unhinged” and, now we’re talking about more than just the national security of the United States!

I used to point out how democrats came across as “lacking a spine.”  Well, in the “world of Trump” the republicans in Congress are making the democrats look like Genghis Khan.  “We the people are now STUCK in a world where our so-called president is AFRAID of Vladimir Putin and the Russians and our republican Congress is AFRAID of our so-called president who’s AFRAID of Vladimir Putin and the Russians.  Whoa!  I feel as if I’m going around in circles!

Since the “election” of Trump back in November of 2016 I’ve been lamenting about the “damage” he’ll manage to do before the republicans in Congress come to their senses and remove him from office.  While I believe I underestimated the DAMAGE, what I’m really surprised about is my underestimating the LACK OF COURAGE of the republican Congress.  I was certain that, if for no other reason, when their jobs were “on the line” they would step up and end this national NIGHTMARE.  I could NEVER have guessed the level of timidity in the republican ranks and the STUPIDITY among the so-called “base.”  So, now we have a situation that’s getting very very serious.  Potentially, a situation where the “DAMAGE” quite possibly could be catastrophic.

There’s no shortage of “experts” who’ve commented on the mental capacity of Mr. Trump in ways that would have us wonder if he’s “all there.”  Clearly, he’s narcissistic beyond measure, he’s a pathological LIAR, and he’s virtually IGNORANT in the ways of our government – AND our history.  He doesn’t understand the legal system – I’m presuming he’s been able to BULLY his way through life while his lawyers have been very busy keeping him out of serious legal jeopardy.  Clearly, Trump is in legal jeopardy NOW “way over his head.”  It appears that, instinctively, his reaction to this dilemma is to LASH OUT at those he envisions are threatening him – which would include – MAINLY – Robert Mueller, the FBI. the so-called “liberal media,” and the intelligence community.  He’s not going down “without a fight.”

Of course, based on a couple decisions he made today, he’s perfectly willing to take “we the people” down with him.  The sooner Trump’s “base” realizes he could care less about them, the better for all of us.  Republican tradition is to START A WAR when your administration is in danger (and, blame it on democrats).  Of course, Nixon didn’t start a war, he just prolonged it during the Watergate years.  Reagan took the “brave” action of invading Granada during a particularly “low” period in his administration.  And, of course, in response to being “hit” on his watch – ie “9/11” – GW Bush chose to invade Iraq – the FIRST time in American history “we the people” invaded another country without being provoked (well, except Granada).  Do you get the picture here?  Trump is very likely getting a “bug” up his “sleeve” thinking he can change the narrative of the Mueller investigation by getting “we the people” mired into a “war of choice.”

And, where better to do this than in Iran?  And, who better for Trump to have close to his side at this strategic time in our history but John Bolton?  He’s the man who wanted to “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran (OK, along with John McCain) back in the Bush/Cheney days.  He’s the man who couldn’t get confirmed to be the ambassador to the United Nations during the Bush/Cheney administration through a republican Senate (because he “makes things up”) so they had to use a “recess appointment” to get him “in.” What did he do as UN Ambassador?  He made enemies for the United States – mainly.  He’s a warmonger!  He not only wants to “bomb Iran” but he also wants to bomb North Korea.  To call Bolton a “hawk” is an understatement.  In addition, Bolton – apparently, a critical “plus” for Trump, is friendly with Russia and Putin.  Trump is replacing his National Security Advisor, HR McMaster (one of the few members of his administration with wide respect) with Bolton.

What did HR McMaster do to draw Trump’s “ire” enough to get fired?  Well, apparently, last week when McMaster lambasted Russia and Putin for the gassing, on British soil, of a former Russian spy – AND his daughter – with a nerve agent that ONLY the Russians possess AND that is globally considered ILLEGAL – that was just too much for Trump.  Just as he FIRED Rex Tillerson for blasting the Russians – in less than 24 hours after Tillerson’s remarks condemning Russia, Trump FIRED McMaster just days after his remarks.  In both cases, the last official remarks of both Tillerson and McMaster were their blistering denouncement of the Russians – which doesn’t go over well in Trump’s “White House.”  Here’s a thought I keep having:  “Mueller needs to speed up his probe” – because, without it, republicans in Congress will look the other way for anything Trump does.  Republicans in Congress are either silent or “retiring” of both.  Either way, “we the people” can have NO confidence they will uphold their duty as sworn to the constitution.

Trump’s “DAMAGE” is getting more and more DANGEROUS.  Here’s the likely scenario which will unfold in the next few weeks.  And, oh, by the way, did I mention Trump fired his lead counsel in the Mueller investigation and replaced him with a TV lawyer from Fox “news.”  I’m not kidding, you can’t make this stuff up.  I’ve digressed……..  OK, here we go:  First, the “Iran deal” which is WORKING and is designed to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear “power” is likely to be a victim of Trump’s STUPIDITY and Bolton’s hawkishness.  Trump will pull America from the agreement.  Now, there’s 6 countries, besides Iran, in the agreement – the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France, China, and Germany.  However, it was the Obama administration which “brokered” the deal (John Kerry was Secretary of State at the time) and even the Soviet foreign minister Sergey Lavrov viewed the deal as critical to Middle East peace.  I believe that because Obama was “for it” is why Trump is “against it.”  Pulling out of this deal is likely the MOST dangerous thing Trump will have done, at that point in time, and it will likely create even more negativity toward the U.S. with her traditional allies.  Whether this would cause the deal to “break up” remains to be seen.  It will certainly further marginalize the United States.

Then there’s North Korea – which is expecting a “face to face” with Trump in the near future.  The way this apparent meeting is coming about is bizarre on its face.  The South Korean ambassador broached the subject in the “Oval Office” one day and Trump simply said, “I’ll do it.”  With not a shred of conversation with any advisors or ANYONE period, for that matter.  I guess the FACT that virtually EVERY “undersecretary” position in the State Department is UNFILLED would be Trump’s thinking as to why he would simply “meet” with Kim Jung un.  I’m guessing Trump will do this – if it happens – “off the cuff.”  Meaning, he won’t even have notes and I doubt he’ll have much preparatory work ahead of time.  Of course, if the meeting happens, Trump will have given Kim pretty much what he wants – and, that is a place on the international stage.  Personally, I believe Trump will go into any meeting with Kim that might happen without even someone to take notes.  If it was with Russians, he’d trust their interpreters – but, who knows in this instance?

OK, but there’s more.  I mentioned above about Trump firing his lead counsel dealing with the “Russia thing,” John Dowd.  Now, I’d be the first to suggest Dowd isn’t like you’re “cream of the crop” when it comes to criminal defense lawyers – but, he’s been replaced by Joe diGenova – A TV LAWYER on Fox “news.”  Again, I’m not kidding – really, you couldn’t make something like this up and have normal people believe you.  Maybe Trump is thinking any charges Mueller brings will be litigated in front of “Judge Judy.”  I’m serious when I say I want to laugh, but, in reality, I have three children and three grand children and this is getting very serious.  As I try to make sense of what Trump is doing, it appears to me he’s about to go after Mueller.  The republicans have been SO timid to this point in his term that it appears he fears them NOT.  He’s thinking he can end the Russia “probe” simply by Firing Mueller.  Of course, he’ll have to FIRE Rod Rosenstein first – and, maybe others – if there are still true patriots in our Justice Department at the highest levels.  After the McCabe fiasco, maybe Trump will urge Jeff Sessions to do what he did with McCabe and ignore the FACT he’s recused so he (Sessions) can FIRE Mueller.  (Maybe Sessions “unrecused” himself to “get” McCabe because he found out McCabe had initiated an investigation into his LYING before Congress – on multiple occasions)

I can virtually GUARANTEE you if Mueller is FIRED the demonstrations in the streets will make the “women’s march” look like a Sunday School picnic.  And, if republicans let Trump get away with it, the “blood bath” in November’s election will be intensified.  Here’s what I’m wondering, will republicans allow this to happen and then simply “retire” in huge numbers to avoid getting voted out of office?  This all is getting beyond strange to me.  If there was one thing I always thought you could count on with republicans was they wouldn’t “collude” with the Russians – not even to get elected.  The FACT republican members of the House are willing to turn their backs on what happened in the election is almost unbelievable to me.  I keep asking myself, “what would they be doing had Obama done what Trump apparently did?”  They certainly wouldn’t be “short circuiting” the investigations.

Here’s the deal.  It’s time for republicans to put their “big boy pants” on.  Trump has committed numerous “high crimes and misdemeanors,” he’s a clear and present danger to the security of the United States of America, and it will be on them – the republicans – if my worst fears (and, trust me, I’m not alone) are realized.  Democrats are in the unenviable position of having virtually NO POWER to do anything about this.  It’s ALL on the republicans.  Trump is taking them, he’s taking their base, and, unfortunately, the rest of us, for a “ride.”  Of course, the tax scam that is going to ruin our economy was done with the full approval of all these republicans who are now experiencing “lock jaw” when they should be standing up for our nation.

I’ve spent over a year trying to understand why Trump NEVER says anything negative about Vladimir Putin or the Russians and, just as curiously, I’ve wondered what will it take to get the republican Congress to act in stopping Trumps bludgeoning of our most sacred traditions.  For all those white people in the “rust belt” who believed Trump would bring their jobs back, WAKE UP!  Your jobs were, for the most part, lost to technology.  Trump’s NOT “draining the swamp” he’s FILLING it fuller with MORE refugees from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms.  Trump’s tax scam was money he BORROWED from “we the people” and MOST of it’s going to the top 1%.  Is that what you call “draining the swamp?”  I could go on and on with why those who are Trump’s “base” are getting scammed – but, they’ve been getting scammed by Fox, Limbaugh, Savage, and the other members of the right wing propaganda machine for years.  It’s time to WAKE UP!  This is much more serious than anything that’s happened before – maybe even before today.  The SCANDALS keep piling on top of each other.  “We the people” have to fight cynicism.

I’m not sure what is worse about all this.  If Trump goes after Mueller and the republicans allow him to get away with it – well, at some point in our future “we the people” will be able to recover.  However, if we end up with a war in Iran or a war in North Korea, then we’re possibly talking about anything from MILLIONS of casualties to the possibility of nuclear war – which conceivably could wipe out civilization.  Honestly, I can’t believe I’m even thinking this let alone writing it.  Go figure – that the person crazy enough to create this potential scenario would come from America.  “We the people” need to somehow STOP this madman from going any farther than he has.  He appears to me to be coming “unhinged” and, now we’re talking about more than just the national security of the United States.  Come on republicans, DO YOUR DUTY!

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