The racism of Glenn Beck and the “9-12” march not only disrespected the memory of 9/11, IT MUST BE STOPPED!

I’m going to take the next few days to consider whether this blog is therapeudic for me anymore or not. There’s certainly a lot to write about regarding the Republicans. OH MY GOSH!!! I saw excerpts of the so-called 9-12 March in Washington this past weekend. WHAT ON EARTH HAVE WE COME TO AS A NATION when that kind of behavior is tolerated by public officials (I mean, members of Congress were actually identifying with the most overtly racist crowd I’ve seen since the 60’s). IT APPEARED TO ME THAT IT WAS ACTUALLY ENCOURAGED BY THEM! If you haven’t seen clips of the march (or whatever it was) it was the most absurd stuff I’ve seen yet. Pictures of President Obama alongside pictures of Hitler, pictures of him next to Stalin, Lennin, and Castro. There was one sign after another with overt RACIST comments – I can’t remember exactly what they said, BUT IT WAS DEPLORABLE! There actually was a sign implying the man holding it left his guns at home “This time!” I wrote recently about the definition of sedition WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW and you could see evidence of it everywhere. These people were not just expressing a disagreement, they were implicitly encouraging the overthrow of our present government.

President Obama was called a socialist, communist, fascist (again, I’ve pointed out repeatedly on this site that these IDIOTS don’t understand the definition of the terms they’re using) Of course Obama was called an illegal alien, a Muslim, and most refused to refer to him as our President (where were they when our last President was chosen by the Supreme Court – unfortunately these IDIOTS are clueless about the constitution they often refer to – honestly, I understand that I shouldn’t refer to anyone as an idiot, but you just had to see what these people were doing and saying). I suppose it would pretty much explain the intellectual capacity of the MOB by stating that this whole extravaganza (although there were only about 60,000 by the estimates I’ve heard while they claimed something like a million – in fact, I’ve heard they used fake pictures of previous gatherings in DC to make it look like there was more of them than were actually there) was the brainchild of Glenn Beck – this guy is a piece of work in his own right. I suppose making millions justifies to him the damage he’s doing to the fabric of this nation. In my mind Glenn Beck and his ilk are good candidates for “enemy combatants” based on the Patriot Act they all were so willing to support during the Bush years.

The pictures I saw tonight were among the most disgusting I’ve seen in my entire adult lifetime. I’ve been pointing out on this site, also for sometime, that this is a “war within” in our country that is far more significant and dangerous to the future of this nation than anything that might happen in Iraq or Afganistan. And, this leads me to why I’m thinking about taking a break from my writing. It is therapeudic as long as I can focus it on the “battle” for our nation. When I say I want my nation back, I’m talking about the abuses that were imposed on us by Bush/Cheney – like torture, illegal eavesdropping on US citizens, regulatory abuses on Wall Street which led to the meltdown (that many of these crackpots are also angry about, but somehow have managed to miss the point that the problem was created by the very people they’re supporting and NOT OBAMA – he’s simply trying to get us out of the mess he inherited), lying us into war, war profiteering (Cheney and Rumsfeld gained over 100 million each from the occupation of Iraq – nice work if you can get it [I guess, although I often wonder how they sleep at night]). When the people at this rally and their incitors like Limbaugh, Beck, and actually some Congress people – Jim DeMint from South Carolina for one – say they “want their country back,” it’s because they CAN’T STAND THE IDEA OF A BLACK MAN AS PRESIDENT! In their minds, that means they’ve lost their country!

Nothing President Obama does is going to change the racist attitudes of these people. I mean, many of them were not hiding their feelings at all – with all kinds of derogatory references to Africa on the signs I saw. It was appalling. So, getting back to my dilemma. I don’t want to “rubber stamp” what President Obama is doing, and there’s a lot he’s doing that I find UNACCEPTABLE. But, it’s for a whole different reason than these deplorable THUGS. Stupidity is forgiveable to me, until it foments itself in RACIAL HATRED – and that’s what we’re getting from these “tea baggers,” “birthers,” “deathers,” or whatever the latest name they’re giving themselves. I’m concerned that President Obama has enough people attacking him and, I don’t want to be a part of that. I do believe that this is getting out of hand, to a degree, because of the “high road” President Obama has chosen to follow. I’m starting to feel an obligation to support him ”Come hell or high water” because defeating these thugs is becoming more important to me than giving President Obama “advice.” (Come on, stop laughing, I fully understand he’ll never even hear my advice let alone follow it)

I was talking to one of my coworkers today and explained to her that everytime I write (it’s never planned, I just let it “flow”) I seem to come back to the same place. I feel a lot of this obnoxious behavior would be stopped had President Obama allowed the investigations of Bush and Cheney and their co-conspirators. To allow, for example, Alberto Gonzales – the top lawmaker in the nation – to get in front of Congress and clearly PERJURE himself OVER AND OVER AGAIN without consequence is unthinkable to me, to allow Bush and Cheney both to ADMIT TO AUTHORIZING TORTURE and then look the other way will bring lasting damage to this nation and our standing in the world, to ignore violations of the fourth amendment to the constitution (illegal wiretapping of US citizens) makes me shudder, to allow a covert CIA agent to be “outed” (treason) just can’t happen in the US (or can it?), to fail to investigate the lies which have cost this nation 5000 of its best young men and women not to mention the countless injured makes me sick to my stomach, to look the other way when the Treasury Secretary who was 2 years earlier the CEO of Goldman Sachs allows Lehman Bros. to fail and steps in with 700 Billion of taxpayer money just before Goldman failed without ANY INVESTIGATION disrespects all the Americans who lost their life savings as a result – these are issues I have – AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE with Obama UNLESS A MIRACLE HAPPENS AND CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT GAIN SOME COURAGE – I can’t bring myself to, as stated above, “rubber stamp” the President in this – in fact it’s tearing me up inside watching him allow this, even though I voted for him and supported him in the campaign.

So, I’m going to take some time and figure out whether or not this is productive for me or not. I started this “blog” (I really don’t even know what a true blog is) to vent my frustrations. Somehow an audience ranging from 50 -150 people per day have found this place. There’s only been one comment, but it’s been fun writing to people who I can’t even imagine who they are or where they come from. If you’ve read many of my posts, I hope you can tell how passionate I am about this nation. I’m a Christian (I guess you’d have to call me part of the Christian “left”) and I can’t imagine Jesus taking part in what I saw this past weekend or what’s going on in this country in general (for example, I can’t imagine Jesus opposing universal health care). What was incredible to me as I watched the events of this past weekend was when I saw a woman carrying a sign comparing President Obama to Hitler and saying, “I don’t think Obama is really a Christian.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME! How on earth can people who call THEMSELVES Christians think like that? All I can say is the people at that “march” were not reading the same Bible I read. If I can manage to take up the “fight” against these right wing “whackos” I may continue. But, the problem I’m having is that I believe I need to see President Obama recognize the significance of what these people are doing and “take up the torch” himself, in this fight.

And, in case one of you IDIOTS (I’m really sorry to use that term, but the people at that rally REALLY SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES) who were at that rally in Washington over the weekend happen upon this site, by “taking up arms” I simply mean, I need to see President Obama stop pandering to Republicans – like trying to “negotiate” with that Senator from South Carolina who’s certainly not ashamed of his racist beliefs – and lead the fight against these thugs. Tonight I read in “The Washington Spectator” an article about Jeff Merkley, the freshman Senator from Oregon who STOOD UP ON THE SENATE FLOOR AND CALLED MITCH MCCONNELL and the other Republicans in the Senate for their organized “talking points” aimed not at what’s best for this nation – but to prevent health care legislation or anything else President Obama supports from succeeding. In other words, they could care less about “we the people” – their ENTIRE AGENDA is to destroy President Obama’s administration – FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN THEY HATE HAVING A BLACK PRESIDENT. WE NEED MORE DEMOCRATS WITH THE COURAGE OF MERKLEY!!!! Believe me, I didn’t see anything but white people at the Washington rally and it’s time ALL OF US – INCLUDING OBAMA – quit rationalizing these people’s behavior. Until President Obama decides to join the “fight” against right wing extremists, I may have to step to the sidelines! The racism of Glenn Beck and the “9-12” march not only disrespected the memory of 9/11, IT MUST BE STOPPED! And, I don’t believe this will happen without the leadership of President Obama himself!

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