The saddest part, to me, of the Trump experience is how people are numbed to the LYING. And,the LYING about this tax bill could lead to economic disaster!

In Jeff Sessions testimony to the House on November 14th, where he was continuing to “forget” strategic information and forcibly stating it’s a LIE to accuse him of LYING, he brought up his meeting with the “Russian Ambassador” that he forgot to tell the Senate about AND he failed to acknowledge on his SF-86 form and said the meeting lasted “probably 45 to 50 minutes.”  When asked if campaign issues or the issue of Ukraine came up (the previous day prior to the meeting Trump surrogates had changed the republican stance on Ukraine) Session’s memory seemed to immediately come back.  He not only remembered the conversation being on Ukraine, he also remembered meeting just prior to meeting with the Russian Ambassador to meeting with the Ambassador from Ukraine.  No one in the committee meeting seemed to recognize this was Sessions ADMITTING to at least one more meeting he failed to disclose on his SF-86 form.  Clearly, Sessions has “selective” memory loss.

Almost immediately on hearing him “remember” the meeting with the Ambassador from Ukraine I had to wonder why NONE of the members of the committee questioning him didn’t WONDER the same thing coming INSTANTLY to my mind.  “How is it you can remember a meeting with the Ambassador from Ukraine but you’re not able to remember the one with the Russian Ambassador?”  To me, that makes Sessions’ “I forgot” excuse for not sharing his meeting(s) with the Russian Ambassador – well, LIES!  I mean, wouldn’t someone be MORE likely to remember the meeting with the Russian Ambassador?  Isn’t Russia more significant to American interests than Ukraine?  I’m pretty sure if you’re reading this post on this site it’s LIKELY you understand pretty much EVERY member of the Trump administration is either a LIAR or is willing to LIE to keep his or her job.

“We the people” were led to believe, for instance, that General John Kelly was the upright, honest type who might bring some kind of normalcy to the “White House” when he took over as chief of staff.  Then there was the issue with the “Gold Star Families” and Trump’s now infamous phone call to the widow of Sargent La David Johnson who was killed in Niger under still mysterious circumstances.  In trying to defend Trump’s insensitive call to Johnson’s widow Kelly (who apparently coached Trump through the call) showed himself to be a racist and a LIAR as he inexplicably made a poorly thought out attack against the Florida Congresswoman who happened to be riding in the car when Trump’s words were taken as disrespect.  Of course, the matter could have been solved with a simple phone call apologizing with something like, “I’m so sorry if you took my words to be disrespectful, that was certainly not the intent.”  But, Trump and, apparently, Kelly don’t operate that way.  So, Kelly showed he “fits right in” at the “White House.”

I watched in dismay for several months as Sean Spicer would get behind the podium of the “White House” press secretary and – well, …….. you knew this was coming, he would LIE!  On the very first day he told what many may consider the “whopper of the century” when he got behind the podium and slammed his fist to the lectern while stating, “The crowd at Trump’s inauguration was the largest crowd in American history to witness an inauguration, PERIOD!”  And then just stomped out of the room.  Even though he was performing for “an audience of one” – as we all later learned is ALWAYS the case when someone is speaking for the so-called “president” (the one who got THREE MILLION fewer votes than his opponent – the GREATEST loss in American history for anyone who’s “won”) he still “failed” because, evidently, his suit was the wrong color or something along those lines.  Spicer proved to be quite willing to LIE to keep his job, but, apparently not well enough, because he’s gone now – but, rest assured, he’s not missed by too many – because, Sarah Sanders seems MORE adept at LYING than Spicer every thought about being.  And, she can do it with a really NASTY tone to the LIE.  Ms. Sanders, from my view, is an expert proponent of the “Big Lie Theory.”  (Actually, that seems to be a republican “must” these days)

That’s where EVERYONE gets the SAME “talking points” and hits the airwaves in an attempt to FLOOD the outlets of American information with LIES – that promote the dishonest agenda of the “White House.”  Sanders, today, almost – in my view – soiled herself as she attempted to “deflect” and LIE in regards to ANOTHER set of INSENSITIVE racist words coming from the mouth of the so-called “commander in chief.”  Trump, again, referred to Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas” – in a disparaging manner apparently because she claims to be part Cherokee.  Of course, calling her “Pocahontas” doesn’t disparage Senator Warren it just shows Trump’s insensitivity to those of Native American heritage in our nation.  I’m not sure if Trump has any frame of reference when he does this stuff – honestly, as I’ve said before, he reminds me of the spoiled rich kid bully when I was a sixth grade teacher.  Sanders showed her unfortunate willingness to “carry the water” for Trump as she deflected a plethora of questions from reporters wondering why Trump continues his DEPLORABLE racist behavior.  Today’s episode was done in the presence of three WW II “hero’s” referred to as the “Navajo Code Talkers” who created an unbreakable code used by our troops in WW II.  It was their native language!  Trump couldn’t even honor them without putting his “foot in his mouth.”

From what I can tell, anyone defending Trump or his agenda ends up LYING.  And, I’ve pointed out many times on this site that – what I call – DAMAGE is piling up fast.  It’s almost hard to keep up with it all.  Now, if you envision these LYING republicans to be the ones to set the agenda for our children and grandchildren and you watch Fox “news” (I’m talking to “baby boomers”) you’re probably happy.  Personally, I’m getting more alarmed every day.  So far, Trump and the republicans don’t have a signature legislative “victory” (with the exception of Judge Gorsuch) but Trump’s been busy overturning EVERY Obama era executive order he can AND working to undermine decades of efforts to protect the environment.  (It’s as if Trump and his financial backers are thinking they won’t be around long, so screw the young people in this nation)  I mentioned LYING Jeff Sessions above – well, he’s been busy reworking the Justice Department to turn it back into an agency spending more time prosecuting marijuana users and less time prosecuting “white crime.”  Additionally, the Justice Department STILL has not “lifted a finger” in an attempt to thwart the attack on our nation by Russia, that I believe is going on as I’m writing this.  Additionally, Trump and Sessions are putting a plethora of “conservative” judges on various federal “benches” – with lifetime appointments, and they’re cynically picking young white men who are politically “connected” – many who are considered “unqualified” by the American Bar Association – including one who’s never even tried a case in his life.  This will be LASTING damage!

Then, I’ve written about the “Middle Class Tax cut” where the Middle Class will be financing a “tax cut for the rich” by paying higher taxes.  And, this one may be the MOST cynical of all the agenda items on Trump’s and the republican’s plan to give “we the people” for Christmas.  I could go on and on about this so-called “tax cut.”  (And, I already have – you can check out my last two or three posts)  But, let’s talk about some additional thoughts perusing through my mind over the last couple of days.  It’s been reported that, in order to keep the tax cut from adding MORE than $1.5 TRILLION to the deficit over the next ten years the so-called tax cuts for the “Middle Class” (which they’ve claimed is the motivation for the bill – that could be the “LIE of the Century”) will be phased out gradually during the next ten years.  Well, that’s pretty CYNICAL in it’s own right – because even republicans admit that those making less than $75,000 will face a tax increase within the next couple of years – and, then it gets worse!  (But, rest assured, the top 1% are well protected – as are corporate interests, especially the MULTINATIONAL corporations!)

Here’s something hardly anyone is talking about – personally, I haven’t heard a single person bringing this up.  In the Senate version of the bill the “individual mandate” of the “Affordable Care Act” is being repealed.  This will, within 10 years, cause at least 13 MILLION Americans to lose health insurance coverage (some will choose to go without coverage) AND, it will raise the rates for the rest of us at least 10% MORE than rates would otherwise be raised.  Now, it will be easy for LIARS like Trump and the republicans to hide these additional costs in their LIES – but, the reality is this will make the “hit” on Middle Class families even worse – especially those living on $75,000 per year or less.  They MIGHT get a small “tax cut” but the increase in their health insurance will MORE than offset any “cut.”  I.E. – they (you and me) could be paying MORE as soon as 2018!  There’s MORE:  Within 5 – 10 years the increase in tax liability for the MAJORITY of Middle Class families will skyrocket.  It will be significant!

Of course, right now, all those deficit hawks in the republican party – well, apparently, the “cat’s got their tongues” because ALL the complaining about the deficit has stopped!  They’re not saying a word about how this tax cut will BALLOON  the deficit.  And, believe me, if they say it’s going to add $1.5 TRILLION it’s going to be AT LEAST twice that.  And, of course, there were “mechanisms” put into the economy when President Obama was being OBSTRUCTED at every turn while in office that republicans will use to claim they MUST cut spending to cover these HUGE deficits – that THEY’VE created, but will find a way to blame on democrats.  (Should be interesting to see if they can continue to blame Obama)  This is where Paul Ryan’s “wet dream” comes into play – and, that is a full frontal attack on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. (Plus, programs like school lunches, meals on wheels, unemployment insurance, CHIP, Early Childhood Education, and I could go on and on) We’ve already seen the first “hit” and it’s going to get more intense was we go forward.  (The INSTANT this bill becomes law Medicare will be CUT by $25 BILLION per year!) The republican estimate of $1.5 TRILLION being added to the deficit is based on rosy predictions of increased economic activity resulting from this action.  Like, for instance – more jobs (we’re already at full employment), higher wages (wages have already started “ticking up” as the result of the recovery started by Obama – remember, Trump is still working on President Obama’s “coattails” – despite his willingness to claim credit for what he had NOTHING to do with) all leading to a higher growth rate and increased tax revenue.

Well, earth to Trump and the republicans – you’ve pulled this SCAM at least twice before in my lifetime and it doesn’t work.  Yes, we could continue moving in an upward direction for another year or two – but, by the time this Trump fiasco starts to really “kick in” – meaning in a year or two – the “bottom’ is likely to fall out and “we the people” will be relying on these sicko’s to figure a way out – and, I for one, am not looking forward to how this will all play out.  Just common sense says this tax cut is designed to “give” something to all those rich Americans who support republicans because – well, because republicans give them huge tax cuts every chance they get – despite the FACT they don’t need it.  Even during this fiasco I’ve heard Trump’s top economist reference the so-called Reagan “tax overhaul” when talking about this.  That, again,  is LYING just plain and simple.  ]

The Reagan “tax overhaul” – as I remember it (I suppose I could look it up, but I’m too lazy) happened as a result of the Reagan “trickle down” tax cuts.  The idea you can cut taxes on the “rich” and “balance the budget” is just as phony today as it was in the 1980’s.  If the “tax overhaul” of 1986 did anything it actually RAISED revenue to offset the terrible deficits caused by the original “trickle down” tax cuts.  Additionally, the economy wasn’t booming along back then – there was a terrible recession (or two) during the 1980’s.  How I remember the “overhaul” of 1986 was that I ended up paying higher taxes, but I was OK with it because they raised the payroll tax taken out for Social Security and Medicare to strengthen those programs (and, I’m thankful for that today, because I’m finally collecting Social Security after paying into it for over 50 years)  Americans would be OK with a “tax overhaul” if that’s what it was.  They’d be OK with a “Middle Class” tax cut, if that’s what it was.  I guarantee you, they’re NOT OK with this tax cut – and, the numbers who are unhappy with it will grow as more “Middle Class” tax payers realize they’re “taking it in the shorts.”

The LYING coming from Trump and the republicans is obviously NOT going to stop.  They’re going to do everything they can to cram this tax bill down our collective throats in the next week or two.  “Progressives” are still hoping there’s at least three republicans in the Senate with a conscience – there’s so many problems with this bill, I’ve only come up with a couple more thoughts tonight and I’ve listed many others in previous posts – hoping all republicans won’t continue to be rubber stamps for Trump and, in this case, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.  Obviously, all the “deficit hawk” complaining over the previous 8 years was just “hot air,” but there’s plenty of other reasons to stop this bill in its tracks – one major one is that I don’t believe the members of Congress understand what’s in the bill and the “unintended consequences” could be disastrous..  It should take something like 6 months for legislation like this to make it through Congress – but, not this year if republicans want to keep getting the “checks.”  The saddest part, to me, of the Trump experience is how people are numbed to the LYING.  And,the LYING about this tax bill could lead to economic disaster!

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