While all this Moore, Moore, Moore stuff is going on and dominating the “news” republicans are – almost surreptitiously – cramming a TAX CUT through Congress in lightning speed.

Honestly, I can’t keep up with all the “stuff” happening regarding Trump and republicans.  I’ve got three other posts “in the works” and now this.  Yikes!  Here’s what’s really bothering me as I’m trying to watch “news” shows to wrap my head around everything being presented.  There’s Roy Moore AND Roy Moore AND Roy Moore (hopefully, you get the idea) – then’s there’s Trump’s response or lack thereof and there’ Kushner, the “dossier,” Trump and the “Russia thing” AND more Roy Moore. Almost makes my head “swim.”  Unfortunately, there’s something very important missing from most of the discussions – something that will affect MOST of us for years to come.

While all this Moore, Moore, Moore stuff is going on and dominating the “news” republicans are – almost surreptitiously – cramming a TAX CUT through Congress in lightning speed.  Undoubtedly, MOST members of even the republican party have no idea what’s in the details (I can almost assure you “the devil’s in the details”)  What’s on the “surface” should be enough to cause ANY member of Congress who actually cares about the Middle Class to GAG.  Republicans are planning to begin “slicing and dicing” Medicare and Medicaid almost as I’m writing this and Social Security isn’t far behind.  Other programs connected to health insurance and the needs of “the least of these” in the words of Christ are on the “chopping block.”

Republicans have already allowed the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to expire putting the health insurance of 9 MILLION children at risk, they’ve proposed cutting school lunches and programs like meals on wheels.  You have to understand the people Trump put in the “swamp.”  Steve Mnuchin, the “so called” Treasury Secretary,  is a MULTI MILLIONAIRE who’s showing himself to have not even a drop of compassion for those in need in this country (and, the number is growing).  He stands to gain MILLIONS from this tax cut.  The Senate even embedded another “shot” at undermining “Obamacare” in their version of the “tax cut” targeting insurance for an estimated 13 MILLION Americans.  Of course, many of these are either young or poor, so “who cares?” Right?  Well, if it’s not obvious, I do!

The so-called “Middle Class tax cut” actually gives 75% of the cuts to corporations which don’t need tax cuts.  The economy is BOOMING right now.  Yes, there’s a real issue with income inequality, but these tax cuts are NOT going to address that issue.  And, the claim they will create jobs is ABSURD on its face.  Unemployment is around 4%.  That’s FULL employment – actually better than what I’ve always read is “full employment” which is 5%.  Suggesting the corporations receiving the bulk of the tax cuts will miraculously give raises to their workers is just as absurd.  We’ve been through this over and over again since Reagan “fooled” us.  (Well, he fooled enough people to get it through, and republicans have been “fooling” us over and over again ever since)  I hope I can remember this saying better than George W Bush did, “back in the day,” – “fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.”  When are “we the people” going to say ENOUGH ALREADY?!

Then, about 80% of the other 25% of the cuts are going to the top 1% – with estimates ranging from around $125,000 per year if you’re at the bottom of the 1% (as Trump would say, “sad”) to well over $1 MILLION per year if you’re one of the many BILLIONAIRES in America who DEFINITELY don’t need ANY more than you already have.  OK, I know what you’re saying. Tell that to them.  They’re investing MILLIONS into the political arena and they’re expecting a tidy return on their “investment.”  In fact, it’s been reported the MAIN reason republicans are cramming this monstrosity through with the swiftness of superman is their “investors” (donors) have informed them – get the tax cut through or the checks will STOP.  I mean, can you remember a time when members of Congress have shown such urgency?  Trump’s own supporters won’t know what “hit” them until well after it’s too late – and Trump and Fox “news” – where they get their misinformation – will find a way to blame the ensuing disaster on either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or Both.  When will “we the people” wake up? (Trump, himself, is in line to gain a BILLION dollars from this scam.  What’s the saying? “Nice work, if you can get it!)

Well, here’s the good news. Around 5% of this “Middle Class tax cut” will actually go to the Middle Class – at least for a few years.  Of course, there’s a hitch to even that.  While Your (and my) taxes could possibly go down a small amount (maybe three or four hundred dollars per year) it’s MORE than likely that your expense for health care will rise significantly higher than any tax cut you might be in line for.  Of course, NOT ALL members of the Middle Class will even receive a tax cut – about 30% are in line for a TAX INCREASE!  And, that’s before we figure in the hike in your health care costs. (The last estimate I heard was that those making between $10,000 and $75,000 will get a tax increase.  You read that correctly, if you’re making minimum wage you’re going to get SCREWED by Trump!)

This is such a great game for the rich people in America who’ve been pulling this scam (heist) off over and over since Reagan originally pulled off the “trickle down” LIE.  Yet, here we are – and, it’s happening as I’m writing this.  And, republicans are using the “shield” of sexual harassment (again, a worthy topic to be discussing) and whether Roy Moore is “fit to serve” in the Senate.  (I do have to point out, he’s still been accused by significantly fewer women than Trump)  I’m sure there are many republicans who’d be happy to be discussing Moore every day until this tax cut can be sent to Trump for his signature.  (Since I began this post it’s been reported Al Franken committed sexual harassment – women are coming forward in droves – which I encourage – BUT if we take our focus off these tax cuts there’s NO WAY to stop them)

The issue of sexual harassment SHOULD be discussed and it’s good that women are FINALLY feeling comfortable in coming forward.  I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and, as I look back on my own life, I feel boys were almost trained to see women as “sex objects.”  I certainly am not someone who can “throw the first stone” when it comes to saying I’ve always treated women with total respect.  It’s a serious issue and, in my mind, much more serious when careers and power are at stake.  I encourage the discussion and dialogue.  However, it appears to me, at this time, it’s causing “we the people” to get our focus off of these tax cuts which could have devastating effects on America’s Middle Class for years.  “We the people” should be doing everything we can to get them stopped – and, it will be MOST difficult.

And, of course, another part of these egregious tax cuts is they will increase the DEFICIT by Trillions.  Trump and the rest of the republicans will claim the economy is going to take some outrageous “boost” which will actually bring in more revenue and the “books will be balanced.”  Seriously, as stated above, we’ve been through this time and again.  Here’s another prediction (and, sadly, most of my “predictions” have proven true):  The deficit is going to go up an additional $200 BILLION to $500 BILLION per year and, true to form, republicans will gladly raise the debt ceiling until there’s a democrat in the “White House.”  Then, the BLAME GAME will start all over again and we’ll have all the threats posed to President Obama as he struggled to stimulate the economy over constant republican obstruction.

Republicans are cramming this tax cut through by claiming they’re going to “pay for it” by cutting Medicare and Medicaid to the tune of almost 2 TRILLION dollars.  Yep, that’s TRILLION with a T.  It shouldn’t be hard for you to figure out republicans want to old people and poor people to pay for this tax cut.  And, their arrogance of raising taxes on people making $10,000 per year almost makes me want to puke as I’m writing this.  I’m wondering what they’ll do when it becomes apparent a couple TRILLION from Medicare and Medicaid isn’t enough to pay for it.  Will they then go after Paul Ryan’s pet peeve, Social Security?  I guess the FACT the top 1%  of Americans own more wealth than the bottom 90%.  Yet, they want MORE!  This is so disgusting I’m out of words!  (Except for)

My Final Thought:  My representative is a republican who I actually admire.  She’s much younger (to me that’s good) and she’s an honorable person (which, to me, is also good).  However, being a republican causes her to do many things that I feel she only does because she has to because she’s a republican.  I may be wrong, but I believe she voted for these tax cuts because she would be “primaried” AND the financial support would STOP if she didn’t.  I called about a week ago and her “spokesperson” told me she was “struggling” with how she would vote.  Of course, she voted “yeah.”  She had to if she wanted to remain a member of the House.  That’s how and why many of them are voting for this abomination – out of self preservation for them – unfortunately, not so much for “we the people.”  And, as stated above, I don’t believe my representative nor many (probably MOST) of the others have a good idea of what’s actually in the bill.

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