If democrats don’t “click” the panic button as to the necessity to turn the Senate “blue” They’re making a HUGE mistake!

I keep thinking “How long until individual 1 crashes our economy?” Tonight, I’m thinking I should be thinking “How many ways is individual 1 going to undermine our economy?” Of course, this would be as he’s trashing most of what has been traditional “norms” in this nation for generations. Individual 1’s sycophants are helping him REFUSE to co-operate in any manner with the House committees who want to exercise the OVERSIGHT “we the people” put them in charge of the House to do in the 2018 election. This is ONE of the ways this “regime” is pushing to tear this nation farther apart. Clearly, individual 1 does NOT want “we the people” to actually see the evidence Robert Mueller found in his nearly two year investigation.

As I’ve said here numerous times of late, I’m reading the Mueller report and I’m nearly half way through Volume 1, which is dealing with the “Russia thing.” I can say, from what I’ve read, there WAS “collusion.” Now, Mueller clearly says they weren’t looking at “collusion” because “collusion” doesn’t fall into the legal code. What Mueller was investigating was whether or not there was a provable CONSPIRACY between individual 1 or any of his surrogates with the Russians who were CLEARLY and “systematically” (in the words of Mueller) ATTACKING our election with the stated purpose of helping individual 1 end up in the “White House.” So, when individual 1 says “no collusion” that’s just one more of the 10,000+ LIES coming from our so-called president.

The result of all this is that the Russians are STILL “meddling” into our open system of government and using our “freedom” against us. You can be sure that the Russians will be much more sophisticated in 2020 and that there are Americans we may or may not ever know who are helping them. This strategy of turning one American against another in an attempt to cause as many of our citizens as possible to throw their hands in the air and say our politics are so messed up that they choose not to participate is a “partnership” between individual 1 and his republican enablers along with Vladimir Putin and his Russian cyber warriors. This is an ATTACK on our nation and our (so called) “commander in chief” is silent!

Most Americans will NOT read Mueller’s report so it’s IMPERATIVE democrats find a way to get Mueller, Don McGahn, and others with knowledge of this investigation in front of the American people. Nancy Pelosi did the same thing she’s doing in 2019 back in 2007 when we had a president and vice president who were WAR CRIMINALS authorizing TORTURE. If there’s no guarantee republicans will convict in the Senate there will be no impeachment inquiry. (I really hope that “strategy” changes – at some point in America “history” – meaning “we the people” WILL hold our leaders accountable for lawbreaking)

So, all this FIGHTING with Congress is one way individual 1 may cause our economy to crash. Essentially, there’s NOTHING getting done in our nation’s capital because Mitch McConnell is OBSTRUCTING everything the House is sending to the Senate and McConnell and individual 1 believe getting right wing judges appointed is all they need to do to get re-elected. So, the next possible disaster is individual 1’s so-called “trade war” with China which, apparently, he was able to cause with the stroke of a pen. I listened to him the other day suggesting the American economy is so much stronger than China’s that they’ll need to “cave” (my term) eventually. Well, all I could think of was what if the Chinese decide to start selling off their US Treasury bonds? Tonight I heard one “expert” suggest if they simply refused to buy them for one month the U.S. economy would be drastically affected and interest rates would skyrocket. I believe China has far more power than individual 1 understands and just the slightest miscalculation could cause enormous negative consequences – beyond those which have already happened. (And, by the way, sending money to farmers to offset the tariff disaster is a confusing way to deal with this this home made “crisis”)

Of course, when it comes to individual 1 and the DAMAGE he’s creating for “we the people” there’s always “more.” So, the NEXT issue which could “tank” our economy is individual ‘s arrogant and, from my vantage-point, STUPID intimidation of Iran. Of course, the STUPIDITY started with his pulling out of the so-called “Iran nuclear agreement” – likely because if was a major accomplishment for the Obama administration. Individual 1’s personal animosity toward Obama goes way beyond what is healthy for our nation. After pulling out of this agreement, which Obama (et al) managed to get both China and Russia to participate in, individual 1 put sanctions on Iran which are apparently effective enough to have Iran on the verge of responding to.

Add to this that individual 1’s National Security Adviser is John Bolton who was part of the Bush/Cheney regime which LIED America into the DISASTROUS invasion of Iraq back in 2003 and you have the potential for what could be beyond catastrophic. Individual 1 has ordered an American carrier group into the Persian Gulf and, supposedly, his administration is ordering 120,000 American troops into the region – ostensibly in an attempt to bait the Iranians into starting a conflict. This will give Bolton (and, individual 1, who might be getting “played” by those in his own administration) an excuse to invade Iran – something Bolton has wanted to do since the days John McCain sang the refrain “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.”

Any conflict with Iran will cause the oil and gas which flows through the Persian Gulf EVERY day to potentially be STOPPED! While America is now producing enough oil for our own economy (although it’s all funneled through the world markets) any choking off of the oil and gas which flows through the Persian Gulf could TANK the world economy in a matter of days. “We the people” don’t really understand how much so many countries around the world depend on this oil and gas and too many Americans can’t remember the oil crises we faced years ago because they weren’t born yet. I was farming in the late seventies and had my own 1000 gallon gas tank and I remember many of my friends coming to my farm to buy gas from me so they wouldn’t have to wait in line for a couple hours to fill their tanks. At some point it came down to an “odd and even” system based on the last number on your license plate as to when you could buy gas. I don’t remember ANYONE who liked that situation.

Aside from how STUPID it would be to invade Iran, I’m personally really tired of politicians who didn’t have the guts to serve in the military willingly sending other people’s children into places around the world where we don’t belong in order to make themselves look “tough.” Individual 1 LIED (of course, he LIES about everything, so this is no surprise) his way out of Viet Nam by getting a doctor to say he had “bone spurs” in his feet in order to get labeled “4F” which gave him a deferment from the draft. Just as both Bush/Cheney were also “draft dodgers” who started the Mid East “wars” (Afghanistan and Iraq) that seem to be never ending, now we have another draft dodger putting “we the people” in jeopardy of another STUPID war.

Every person I talk to who claims to support individual 1 has NO IDEA what they are supporting. I talked to the guy who fixes my cars the other day, one of my favorite people – an incredibly HONEST small business person, who supports individual 1. Of course, he had no idea why I was referring to him as “individual 1” and, as I went down the litany of why I believe individual 1 is a traitor to this nation, he pretty much had no idea what I was talking about. He said, “he’s better than Obama who went around the world apologizing for America.” I said, “When did Obama do that, I’m not aware of what you’re talking about?” Well, he didn’t know when Obama did that, he just knew he did it. He wasn’t aware of the FACT that his money in the stock market increased over 300% during Obama’s administration but he thinks individual 1 is the reason the economy is good. I said, “Do you watch Fox ‘news’?” and he said, “No,” But, the more I’ve thought about the conversation, I’m not sure I believe him. (Almost everyone I know who watches Fox “news” is unwilling to admit they do so – which tells me they are willingly accepting the propaganda)

I really like this guy and probably won’t have this discussion with him again (he was late getting home for dinner ;o) but, I hear it over and over again. When someone supports individual 1 they have no idea what they’re supporting. This particular guy said he’s totally opposed to racism, he looked quizzically at me when I pointed out individual 1 is a racist. He didn’t seem to like the idea that “we the people” are deeply in debt (over $20 TRILLION) but didn’t know what the effect of the tax scam on the debt is. I could go on and on (I did with him ;o) but, my point is this person was like so many others I’ve talked to who support individual 1 – they have no idea what they’re supporting. (Which is all the more reason for democrats to get the Mueller findings in front of the TV’s of as many of “we the people” as they can)

Of course, there’s more. Individual 1 and his sycophants are still hell bent on overturning The Affordable Care Act (ie “Obamacare”) which, in my view, will also cause an extreme “hit” to our economy which individual 1 has absolutely no conception of. This would be a disaster that is hard to calculate – at least for someone like me – but, our health system is already over priced and there’s too many Americans who have no insurance already. I believe if the republicans and individual 1 are successful in their court challenge of “Obamacare” that will also cause a “hit” to our economy. Costs will increase, potentially exponentially, for those who have health insurance in the face of around 20 – 30 MILLION Americans losing their insurance. (And, think of all those siblings who will no longer be able to be on their parent’s “plans” until the age of 26)

Finally, we now have an Attorney General who is willing to LIE for individual 1 and, essentially, do his bidding as he’s initiating investigations into our FBI and our Intelligence community. This is “Tin Pot dictator 101” when you look at the seemingly never ending attacks on our 4th estate – the free press. Individual 1 appears to me to be willing to tear down this entire nation to protect himself – knowing, as I’m sure he does – the level of illegal behavior he has participated in over the previous 30+ years – and, especially, since taking the “oath” of office. (Seriously, is he capable of taking ANY oath?) Our European allies are shaking their heads and continuing to wonder: “What the hell is going on in America?”

If the democrats do what they SHOULD and begin IMPEACHMENT hearings I would expect individual 1’s (LYING) ginning up of his “uneducated voters” and virtually encouraging all those “very fine people” he’s referred to into the streets. And, do you expect William Barr, as the head of the Justice Department, to hold them accountable. He’ll likely say something like, “Individual 1 feels as if he’s being unfairly treated.” Yikes!!

It’s apparent to me individual 1 is arrogantly thumbing his nose at our Judicial system feeling as if his “Roy Cohn” will defend him to the “hilt” and, that the court system he’s managed to “stuff” with right wing judges will defend him at all costs. This can be no less obvious than the recent wave of anti-abortion laws which will be flooding their way toward the Supreme Court which individual 1 feels confident the right wing court will uphold. They believe Roe v Wade will be overturned by these judges. Of course, this “fight” has no bearing on me (I’m almost 72) but I’m always amazed at the number of “conservatives” who claim to support “less government” pushing our government into the most intimate parts of our existence. I’ve said many times that at some point I’ll write a post on abortion – which may be getting close – but, suffice it to say that I believe “pro life” goes way beyond preventing women from access to abortions. (I can tell you I witnessed people having – well, I was told about it – abortions back in the 60’s before Roe. The difference from today was back in the 1960’s the danger to the woman in those “back room procedures.”

I believe this issue may motivate even more “progressives” to participate in the 2020 election. Keep in mind, there are many who are predicting individual 1 will not freely leave the “White House” even after being voted out. (Again, I remind you Barr is the head of the “Justice Department”) Individual 1 and those of his sycophants who participate in this massive obstruction of justice MUST face accountability – and, in my view, that includes Mr. Barr. And, I might add, if democrats don’t “click” the panic button as to the necessity to turn the Senate “blue” They’re making a HUGE mistake! More on that later.

Final Thought: I’m into the second volume of Mueller’s report and it’s becoming clearer and clearer – individual 1 is “thumbing his nose” at our system of laws. There’s a good reason (which I’ve pointed out many times since his inauguration) he continues to associate himself with the political “strongmen” around the world. He (and his republican enablers) is attempting to turn America into a country where the executive branch of the government controls EVERYTHING! Of course, republicans will regret this once “we the people” vote in a democrat as president – at that time, they will AGAIN become the proponents of “less government.” Yikes!!!

Of course, winning the “White House” in 2020 will lead to nothing more than a bunch of frustration unless democrats can also win control of the Senate. Their first target should be Mitch McConnell himself. I’m still finding it hard to believe there aren’t enough Kentuckians who see what McConnell’s been doing for the past 10 years to find him unacceptable. There MUST be a democrat in Kentucky who the dems can support in the upcoming election to get rid of him – FINALLY! And, there’s several other republicans in the Senate who should be vulnerable – they (republicans) are pushing to overturn two very popular things – the Affordable Care Act and Roe v Wade. No matter what you think about abortion, over 70% of America’s voting public believe a woman SHOULD “have the right to choose” what happens with her own body. Again, if the democrats can’t turn the Senate “blue” in 2020 our nation’s demise will continue!

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