While Individual 1 continues to give democrats his derogatory names I’m waiting for one of the democrats to call individual 1 “Draft Dodger Don.”

I’ve talked to many of my (baby boomer) friends and they, along with myself, are almost disbelieving that America could have degenerated to this point in time. They all are asking, “How could individual 1 have become our so-called president?” Well, if you’ve been visiting this site at all over the past decade (plus) you know that myself, while teaching a bunch of sixth graders, have been proclaiming the heavy leaning to the “right” by the republican party which was accentuated by the so-called “tea party” in 2010 – and, make no mistake, that movement was started via a RACIST reaction to an African American (half) being elected by “we the people” as the president of the United States. That was too much for the republican party and, apparently, about a third of the American public. Sadly, many of them are in my peer group – the baby boomers – and, after Viet Nam, the Civil Rights movement, etc., to me that is shameful. (Not to mention all the “Christians” who are somehow bringing themselves to support individual 1)

I’m no longer willing to give these people, who willingly expose themselves to the propaganda scheme of Fox “news,” and – many of them will say – I’m not a racist – a pass from what support for individual 1 says about their own personal character. If you “hitch your star” to the “wagon” of a RACIST – well, don’t tell me your not a racist – I’m sorry, but I’m tired of listening to people try to rationalize their support for a so-called president who is RUINING this nation. And, by the way, the economy, which he brags about (and, is fairly good) is not something he created. He inherited an economy which was like a large freight train which was gaining steam and he, so far, hasn’t destroyed it – although, if you’re like me, the tax SCAM, which is funneling close to $2 TRILLION to the top “1%” of Americans, along with a HUGE pile of money to corporations (many of whom, pay NO taxes) who were already FLUSH with cash and, now, the DEFICIT will go NORTH of $1 TRILLION and my prediction it will be closer to $2 TRILLION by the time the 2020 election rolls around and add in the “individual 1 tariffs” and the economy may be headed “south” by election time. Republicans don’t care about the deficit except when a democrat is in office! (Although, many do care about the tariff “war”)

Suppose someone suggests to me our so-called president is not a RACIST! Of course, that’s absurd because the evidence is overwhelming – beginning with him and his father refusing to rent to Blacks many years ago and extending, essentially, over individual 1’s life (leading the birther movement), but how about the rest of his “character:” he’s a misogynist, a narcissist (of almost unbelievable proportions), a xenophobe, and a pathological LIAR. Additionally, individual 1 is now threatening to start a war someplace in the world – Iran, Venezuela – who knows, apparently, using the republican “strategy” that the way to gain the support of the American people is to take us to war – it worked temporarily for both of the Bush’s – but, personally, I don’t believe there is ANYTHING individual 1 can do to gain the support of a majority of Americans – still, the reality is he’s got a serious war monger as his National Security Adviser who was key to taking us into Iraq 16+ years ago so, who knows? And, remember, individual 1 avoided Viet Nam by – what else would you expect – LYING. My point here is there’s no more passes to anyone I know who is continuing to support this mirage of a president who’s actually a mafia boss.

If you don’t believe me when I refer to him as a “mafia boss” – well, the evidence is overwhelming and it continues to mount – almost daily. I’ve pointed out many times individual 1’s long time connection to the Russian mafiya and I’ve read many reports that his real estate business in New York regularly did business with the Cosa Nostra in New York City on a regular basis. Of course, individual 1 – who’s supposed to be defending the constitution and the laws that have come from it – has encouraged witnesses to “stay strong” (If you don’t get that, he doesn’t like when people tell the TRUTH) and he called Michael Cohen a “rat” when he decided to tell the TRUTH to investigators. (He was even quoted as saying “flipping should be illegal”) These are the words of organized criminals and may be acceptable on a TV show, but NOT coming from the American (so-called) president. (Even one who actually LOST the election by almost 3 MILLION votes – to a “girl”) Now his son, individual 1 Jr., has been subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee and individual 1 has said, “if you come after “Don” we will come after you” – apparently, words directed at any republican in the Senate who would object to the FACT individual 1 Jr. either LIED to them or LIED to Mueller. I rest my case!

What’s made this all the more serious for me, likely along with MILLIONS of other Americans, is William Barr. It’s hard for me to believe that an Attorney General of the United States would obviously subordinate his constitutional oath and obligation to his willingness to work as the president’s “personal attorney.” Barr is essentially deferring to the orders of individual 1 – essentially abdicating his independence as the chief attorney of America – as he participates in the unbelievable, unconstitutional, and unconscionable scheme by individual 1 to BLOCK The House of Representatives from doing its constitutional job. The FACT individual 1 appears to be attempting to HIDE evidence which is in plain sight (I should get the Mueller report tomorrow) from those Americans unwilling to read the report for themselves should surprise no one, by Barr participating SHOULD raise major “red flags.”

And, of course, Barr did everything he could over the first month after Mueller gave him his report to cause as many Americans – apparently including individual 1 – as possible to believe the report “exonerated” the (so-called) president. From what little I’ve heard from those who’ve actually read the report (and, of course, individual 1 would not be one of them) Barr was incredibly DISHONEST in both the original “summary” (where he claimed there was “no obstruction”) and, then, in the almost unbelievable “press conference” where he LIED about something which was to be released a couple hours later – as if he was thinking no one would actually read it. Since Barr’s “exoneration” of the (so-called) president over 800 former prosecuting attorneys have signed a letter claiming volume two of Mueller’s report make a compelling case for OBSTRUCTION which they would have “brought” for anyone other than the president who’s protected by the so-called “OLC memo” which says a sitting president can’t be indicted.

Now Barr is refusing to BOTH, appear before the House Judiciary Committee and turn over the entire Mueller report to their committee – thumbing his nose at two subpoenas and now facing a charge of Contempt of Congress as if to say, “so what.” Individual 1 is attempting to BLOCK anyone associated with his regime appearing at a House hearing or providing any documents. As far as I’m concerned, this is an attempt by a “tin pot dictator” wannabee to eliminate – for now and what would be in the future – the ability of Congress to do their oversight responsibility which is clearly laid out in the constitution. Of course, for two years this was not a problem because the republicans controlled both chambers of Congress. It was almost comical (except for the serious nature of all this) when individual 1 claimed he was going to obstruct because the chair persons in the House are “partisans.” As if, I guess, to suggest the republicans who were in control prior to the 2018 election were not partisan. In reality, the republicans were, in my view, unpatriotic enablers of someone who was/is challenging America’s foundation.

For heaven’s sake, Barr has only been the Attorney General for a few short months – a job he seemingly petitioned for when he wrote an unauthorized article claiming individual 1 could NOT obstruct justice simply because he’s the (so-called) president. Barr is among a “sea” of republicans willing to sacrifice virtually EVERYTHING they’ve claimed they believe in to keep individual 1 in office. If you remember, Karl Rove used to talk about the “permanent republican ‘majority,'” a concept which always was a plan to keep republicans in control while having a “base” which clearly does NOT represent a majority of Americans. It’s plain, the “family values” they claimed to believe in NEVER mattered to them – it’s POWER that matters to them. This “majority” they talk about requires control of Congress, the Courts, and the “White House.” Individual 1 – with the help of Mitch McConnell – has stuffed the courts, for example, with a large number of right wing judges which will have an effect on America for at least a generation. (And, by the way, I’ve suggested for some time I was going to write a post focused on the abortion issue – and, this may soon be at the forefront of what individual 1 is “accomplishing.”)

In addition to stuffing the Courts with (white) right wing judges, republicans are doing everything they can across the nation to gerrymander as many Congressional districts as possible AND to SUPPRESS votes in any way they can get away with it in state after state – now, with a Supreme Court which may enable this voter suppression. And, of course, this suppression of votes is highly targeted to affect voters who tend to vote for democrats. I’ve said this for years, the republicans are so much more sophisticated than democrats when it comes to CHEATING – which would include the Russian ATTACK in 2016 and how they managed to TARGET Americans so judiciously – likely with help from individual 1’s campaign – if you remember, in the 2016 campaign Cambridge Analytica (Steve Bannon) STOLE data on over 50 MILLION Facebook users to help them in this targeting campaign. This is ANOTHER example of the republican mantra: “The end justifies the means.” What is the MOST frustrating for me is the number of individual 1 supporters who still claim their “morals” are important. Go figure!

Despite individual 1’s historically low approval rating among “we the people” the reality is MILLIONS of Americans are susceptible to the PROPAGANDA scheme of the republicans. It was reported today a right wing “super pac” is “investing” over $250 MILLION (already) into targeted areas of several states which republicans consider “critical” to individual 1’s re-election. They’re starting really early. (Of course, his view of his job is “executive time” [TV] and campaign rallies – NOT governing) This $250 MILLION, obviously, is part of the “payback” for the tax “scam,” and the brazenous of individual 1 “marches on.” (In fact, despite the last two years of investigations regarding the help from Russia, individual 1 is NOW seeking help from Ukraine ahead of the 2020 election in an attempt to sidetrack Joe Biden. Yikes!!!) Not only does individual 1 need to “go bye bye” in the 2020 election, but also “we the people” MUST vote out as many republicans (especially in the Senate) as possible.

This is where I have to talk about the democrats. They are facing the most important 18 months of my lifetime and if they continue to act timidly in the face of individual 1’s obvious attempt to “take over” America – to his personal benefit – “we the people” will lose much of what our fathers/mothers and grandfathers/mothers (and great grandfathers/mothers probably for MOST) FOUGHT for during the Great Depression and WW II. And, as I said above – SHAME on the baby boomers who’ve signed on to the individual 1 ATTACK on our nation. We’ve benefited for years from the benefits handed down by our fore bearers and, now, so many are willing to sell out to a demigod because of “fear of the other.” We are ALL immigrants (even the forefathers of Native Americans immigrated here thousands of years ago) and it’s time for the fear mongering to end – at least when it comes to the “least of these.” Individual 1 and the republicans MUST go! If you want to fear something, it’s what they’re attempting to do – check the history books circa 1930’s Germany! (While Individual 1 continues to give democrats his derogatory names I’m waiting for one of the democrats to call individual 1 “Draft Dodger Don.”)

Final Thought: As far as I’m concerned, I do NOT want a candidate who’s, like President Obama, going to “look forward instead of back.” I want individual 1, I want William Barr, I want Steve Mnuchin, and I want people like Devin Nunez who were complicit in the OBSTRUCTION of Mueller’s investigation to face LEGAL jeopardy for their actions. If individual 1 is truly operating a mini crime syndicate I want him to face a RICO charge. I want our Justice Department to PROVE that NO ONE is above the law – in a way that will prevent this type of political carnage from EVER happening again – and, I’m talking about everything but MOSTLY the partnering with foreign governments to gain political advantage.

As I’m writing this it’s being reported that Rudy Giuliani is on his way to Ukraine in a mission designed to undermine Joe Biden’s campaign. Evidently, that is who individual 1 fears the most. To me, the difference from what happened in 2016 with the Russians to what Rudy Giuliani is doing in Ukraine is minute – other than their brazenous has now caused them to think they can do it in “plain sight.” I can only imagine what kind of “encouragement” they’re giving to the Ukraine government!?

I started this post a few days ago and decided to re-read it and since, I’ve received the “Mueller report.” Well, I’m only part way through volume 1 (maybe 25%) and, holy cow, everyone seems to be talking about “did he obstruct or not?” Well, I haven’t gotten to that part yet, but I can tell you the EVIDENCE of COLLUSION (which Mueller is clear to say is NOT what they were investigating – “collusion” does not fall into the “criminal code”) is EVERYWHERE you “look” in the report – and, that is despite much of what I’ve read so far being affected by MANY parts which are redacted. Despite the redactions, and, to me no matter how Barr “spins” the report, individual 1 AND members of his campaign CLEARLY were welcoming the “help” from Russia. Additionally, there are indications in the part I’ve read which would suggest there was no conspiracy charge because the “Office” (as Mueller refers to the investigators) was unable to prove a connection between Russia and the individual 1 campaign which could be charged and proved beyond a reasonable doubt – even though the inference is there that there was a conspiracy. Mueller states there was much LYING and obfuscating making their investigation more difficult and, in some cases, preventing a definitive conclusion from being made. The HOUSE really needs to have the investigations which bring all of this EVIDENCE to “light.”

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