Impeachment should not only be “on the table” – it should be the centerpiece of the table!

People in Western Europe and others around the world who’ve been traditional allies of America have to be almost beyond “scratching their heads.” They must be getting beyond “what the hell is happening in the U.S.” to realizing the right wing neo-Nazi movement in America is spreading across Europe like dry-rot spreads across a piece of wood or wooden structure if not addressed. And, the way I see it, if “we the people” don’t keep the pressure up on our only avenue to stop this, the democratic party, to FIGHT this scourge as if our “lives” depend on it – because, to a certain degree, they do. This really is getting serious!

In fact, it’s getting much more serious than I had anticipated after individual 1 used the Russians and an ill-timed announcement from James Comey to “win” the 2016 U.S. presidential election – albeit, with 3 MILLION less votes than the girl he was running against. Make no mistake, individual 1 has commandeered the republican party and they will go along with whatever “monkey business” their corrupt “leader” is willing to accept. There will be various “strategies” used to prevent as many democratic leaning voters from actually voting as they can get away with and, of course, the Russians (and who knows who else) will be sneaking into the process via social media (which, of course, as an old geezer, I don’t participate in – other than this “blog” if that’s “social media).

How are the republicans complicit? Well, I ask that for anyone who’s had their “head in the sand.” If you’re one of the MILLIONS of people paying attention to the reality we are now living through, you pretty much know what I’m talking about – although, I read book after book to gain as much “knowledge” as I can and even when I’m talking to “progressives” I get the sense we live in a world which is defined by those who publish the headlines or the cable network “talking points.” We are living in a world that is being overwhelmed by misinformation and being over-run by people lacking a conscience who will do anything for MONEY. I’ve been lamenting for over 30 years (almost 40) about how our nation has normalized the idea that shareholders are more important than workers, for example. The result of that change in our national mentality, started in the Reagan years – when the “trickle down” scam was initiated – is, or should be, obvious to “we the people.” If you’re not familiar, well, this was the “fertilizer” that has helped “sprout” the dangerous issue of income inequality which is helping to fuel the political divide in America – which Vladimir Putin is doing whatever he can to exacerbate.

And, of course, individual 1 and his sycophants, along with Putin among other foreign leaders we may never learn about, are “pouring gas” on this “fire.” Individual 1 is ginning up his “uneducated base” with rhetoric that is almost unbelievable. The LYING has almost become totally accepted by possibly more than his ignorant base. It’s like those of us who are sick of this man “leading” our nation are just tiring of saying the same thing over and over again – in regard to calling out his LIES – and, then watching his followers cheer comments that are despicable. (As I’ve said many times on this site, the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels, which has been adopted by individual 1, works!) It almost makes my stomach turn writing this. This past weekend I heard him making remarks suggesting democrats support “late term abortions” where the doctor and mother determine whether or not to “execute” the baby AFTER the birth. Yikes!

Of course, individual 1’s rhetoric (LIES), as I’ve said, have become pretty much normalized, but the DAMAGE coming from his “White House” goes way beyond the rhetoric. Robert Mueller, recently, for example, published a report which CLEARLY “suggests” individual 1 – as ANYONE who’s been paying attention already knew – committed OBSTRUCTION of justice and individual 1’s “Roy Cohn” – ie William Barr – unbelievably headed off the public outcry by claiming individual 1 was exonerated by the report. Well, he didn’t put it that way – he simply said he determined there was no “obstruction” – the conclusion he was clearly hired to provide. He gave this conclusion weeks prior to releasing the redacted report, and then, incredibly, the very day he released the redacted portion of the report he released, he gave a press conference where he clearly LIED about what was in the report. Incredible!

Well, you might ask, was his LYING effective? Obviously, if you’re like me (I ordered the report via Barnes and Noble) you’ve watched the comments by experts, like for example, Chuck Rosenberg, who have explained what is actually in the report. So, I KNOW the report did NOT clear individual 1 of OBSTRUCTION of justice – Mueller simply was honoring the Justice Department “rule” that you don’t indict a sitting president right from the start – but, I had breakfast a few days after Barr’s unprecedented spin job on the report with a couple friends who are supporters of individual 1. (I even referred to him as “individual 1” at breakfast and one of my friends looked at me as if to say “where did that come from” – he wasn’t even aware that individual 1 is an “unindicted co-conspirator” to two felonies – although, that didn’t seem to bother him that much) Both of my friends were totally convinced by Barr that individual 1 did nothing wrong and the problem is with the democrats. One of them guaranteed there will be investigations of, essentially, individual 1’s “enemies” – meaning democrats and those in the FBI and CIA who had the audacity to oppose him. (or in the case of the FBI and CIA to investigate him upon learning of the “Russia thing”)

Now, Barr is threatening to boycott the House Judiciary Committee because they won’t allow him to dictate the terms of his testimony. Additionally, individual 1 is attempting to BLOCK any of his present or former sycophants from being called to testify in front of ANY of the House committees which are attempting to provide the OVERSIGHT which has been TOTALLY missing since he took his oath of office – an “oath” which clearly meant NOTHING. Individual 1 has, again, shown his IGNORANCE when he stated “These House committees are being run by partisans” – or words to that effect. My first thought when hearing him say that was, “Are you sh#@ting me?” Was he suggesting the former chairs of the House committees, republicans, were not partisans? Of course, what he’s suggesting is he doesn’t want the TRUTH to be exposed to the American people in a way that William Barr cannot block.

Individual 1 is morphing into more than what people like me were suggesting much earlier in his “administration” when we pointed out his autocratic tendencies. He’s now pushing himself into more and more of an actual autocrat wannabee. Unfortunately, for him, we still have a constitution – which he clearly wants to ignore – and he’s trying to circumvent it – to me, this behavior is consistent with my suggestions over the past 18 months that he reminds me of a mafia boss. Those similarities are becoming more clear by the day. And, you can tell how desperate he is by listening into the incredibly divisive rhetoric such as what he spewed in Wisconsin this past weekend – where he suggested doctors and mothers are “executing” babies and democrats are in support. People like the two friends I mentioned earlier actually believe what he says – I even asked one, “Do you believe individual 1 LIES?” and, essentially, he said he doesn’t believe this. I’ll say it once again, “The Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels – from the Third Reich – works, that’s why individual 1 uses it!

So, as usual, it takes me more than a day to finish one of these posts. I try to keep my “train of thought” going, but it’s hard – and, the “scandal a day” administration in America makes it even harder. So, tonight was no different. I spent the day driving around with my wife which means I wasn’t listening to the radio in the car. When I got home I decided to check in with MSNBC – to get the news my aforementioned friends NEVER get, because they watch Fox (ie individual 1 TV). So, tonight it was reported in the Washington Post (and, apparently, the NY Times) that Robert Mueller wrote a letter to William Barr right after Barr’s original “4 page summary” of Mueller’s report complaining about the misleading nature of Barr’s “summary.” Of course, in my view, being “misleading” was actually the PURPOSE of Barr’s “summary.” That being said, it was reported the letter was followed by a phone conversation – both of which may put Barr in very serious legal jeopardy.

Of course, Barr’s summary was followed by a very strange and unusual “press conference” hours before the redacted version of Mueller’s report was released where Barr LIED to “we the people” about what was in the report – again, causing people like my two friends to believe individual 1 was exonerated. Barr, for example, said there was “no collusion” at least four times when Mueller clearly said they weren’t even looking for “collusion.” Further, in congressional testimony, Barr appears to have LIED to Congress in regard to his referencing his own “summary” and whether Mueller agreed with it. Barr seems to have no compunction to LYING under oath to Congress just as to the American people. Apparently, members of Congress have already sent a letter to the Inspector General about Barr’s “inaccurate” testimony. A growing number of members of Congress are demanding Barr’s resignation – but, based on his arrogance I wouldn’t be recommending anyone hold their breath.

Individual 1 will continue to attempt BLOCKING the impending Congressional investigations which are going to be looking into every aspect of his alleged corruption. However, I believe the TRUTH is going to make its way into the public’s “mainstream” and even my two friends who watch Fox “news” – knowing they’re stooges to propaganda – (They know this because I point it out to them – when you care about someone it’s important to tell them the truth – even when it’s uncomfortable.) For years I’ve been lamenting the timidity of the democratic party and I’m beginning to believe individual 1’s arrogance in regards to putting himself above the law is helping democrats grow a stronger spine. Even though the “leaders” of the democratic party were seen walking out of the “White House” supposedly after negotiations on an infrastructure bill – there were enough democratic members of the House further outraged by the latest “daily scandal” that maybe – just maybe – they will take aggressive action to hold individual 1 (and Barr, for that matter) to account. What’s that “I” word? It should not only be “on the table” – it should be the centerpiece of the table!

Final Thought: Thanks (again) for your forgiveness of my publishing this post without editing!

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