I can’t quantify how much I’d LOVE to see Mitch McConnell get DUMPED in Kentucky’s 2020 Senate election.

Every day as I watch the attack on our nation by individual 1 I become more alarmed. Make no mistake, the United States of America is presently withstanding ATTACKS on two fronts. The first, of course, is the cyber ATTACK coming from Russia which very well may have determined who “won” the previous presidential election and, likely, will be doing the SAME leading up to the 2020 election. Vladimir Putin is “laughing all the way to the bank” as he sowes discord among the so-called “right and left” in America and, for that matter, also in Western Europe as the neo-Nazi movement he’s pushing is spreading. Then, very possibly much worse, is the ATTACK from within. That is, of course, the aggressive ATTACK on our nation’s constitution by individual 1 and his sycophants.

Sadly, individual 1’s “sycophants” includes a very significant portion of what’s left of the republican party – and, if you’re not sure what that “portion” entails – well, picture in your mind those “very fine people” carrying tiki torches, wearing Nazi arm bands, carrying Nazi and Confederate flags, and chanting “Jews will not replace us” last year in Charlottesville. Individual 1 and his republican enablers have a very sophisticated plan to turn America into a type of “banana republic” and, somehow, his “base” sticks with him. I’m not the first to point out individual 1 is a Putin-type wannabe, but what’s sinking in as I watch this all unfold is that he’s got a real strategy to pull this off and if democrats don’t respond with strength he may actually succeed!

I know that seems impossible – that is the United States evolving into an autocratic state – but, consider what republicans and the so-called president have been doing while the rest of us are focused on his daily scandals. They’ve been STUFFING the courts with right wing judges who very well may be political hacks – essentially, “we the people” pretty much have no idea who individual 1 – with the help of Don McGahn, who many are putting in a “hero’s” light because of his testimony to Mueller, and Mitch McConnell – have managed to get into the courts. Of course, with the exception of Brett Kavanaugh who most people know who he is – if he’s any indication of the judges they’ve been getting confirmed while the rest of us have not been looking – “we the people” could be in serious trouble.

For example, tonight individual 1 announced his administration is going to FIGHT the Congress every step of the way in the upcoming investigations which have been announced by the Democratically controlled House. Here’s what we know about the democrats – they’re going to respect the law and the courts. Here’s what we KNOW about individual 1 and his sycophants – they use their disrespect for the law as a weapon. It will be interesting to see how democrats respond if individual 1’s court lackeys support his obstruction – will they just “fold their tent?” As I’ve said, if democrats don’t end up impeaching individual 1 they will be “printing the roadmap” to their place in the minority once again. If republicans refuse to answer subpoenas the democrats need to charge them with Contempt of Congress and have them brought to testify in handcuffs, if necessary.

Even As individual 1 continues to expose his underlying motives the “stakes” continue to rise. And, “we the people” can only guess as to some of the DAMAGE he’s getting away with outside the purview of the media watchdogs. While all this DAMAGE is happening, we KNOW individual 1 succeeded in getting his “Roy Cohn” into the Justice Department in William Barr and it’s not that encouraging thinking about individual 1’s propensity to refuse to follow the law and wondering who’s going to hold him accountable – in that sense, I’m not even talking about the democrats. Say, for example, democrats do what they SHOULD and hold hearings and respond to the obstruction with impeachment, What if individual 1 simply refuses to accept the outcome? He’s been thumbing his nose at our laws since the day he came down the escalator in his phony home – the one where he even LIED about the number of floors in the building.

Everyone who’s been paying attention to what’s been happening since individual 1 took the oath of office knows that all of this craziness revolves around the campaign’s willingness to take HELP from Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin – Help which evolved into a cover-up easily comparable to the Watergate cover-up and behavior, at least in my view, which surpasses that of Nixon and his cronies in the Watergate scandal because there was less of a direct THREAT to the fabric of our nation in that scandal. Individual 1 is far worse than Nixon and far more dangerous. If he succeeds in disregarding our legal system of accountability we all lose – and, I’m including republicans in that. It’s enough to make an old man (me) have the hair on his back stand on end.

But, it gets worse, if you can believe that. Today, Jared Kushner was quoted based on an interview given to “Time 100” (whatever that is – obviously, I’m too lazy tonight to find out) where he claimed the Mueller report was more damaging to our “democracy” than the Russian ATTACK on our nation. He claimed the Russians bought “a couple adds on Facebook.” I thought I would s#@t my pants when I heard him say this (and, Kushner rarely says anything in public. If you read “Kushner Inc.” by Vicky Ward you’ll know why). The Mueller report apparently (I haven’t been able to read it yet) points out the Russians reached 126 MILLION households with their Facebook “adds” – slightly more than what you’d expect from “a couple adds.” These people are ALL so brazenly DISHONEST it’s hard for me to conceptualize. I was a sixth grade teacher for well over 20 years and I met my share of LIARS – but, NONE of them can hold a “candle” to individual 1, his family members, and his sycophants. (Yes, Sarah and Kellyanne, I’m talking about you – among many others!)

I’ve been pointing out for years this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America, but even I had no idea it would get to this point. I was wrong in assuming republicans would only stick by individual 1 until he threatened their own jobs – which, I suppose, after the blowout in 2018 may be less of an issue now – the remaining republicans in the House may be the ones who are in what are referred to as “safe” districts – although, It appears republicans are willing to support THEIR so-called president all the way to a total disregard to any accountability to democrats. I’ve been pointing this out for years, the real issues undermining our nation are almost entirely the result of the willingness of republicans to ignore the law of the land. Bush/Cheney were bad, but individual 1 makes them look like Boy Scouts.

I believe democrats should be challenging EVERY republican – period! In the next election. I’d love to see someone like Tom Steyer, for example, pledge money to help democrats get good candidates on the ballot in every election – at this point, especially for the Senate. I can’t tell you how much, for example, I’d LOVE to see Mitch McConnell get DUMPED in Kentucky’s 2020 Senate election. But, here’s the rub – democrats – along with progressive independents like myself – believe that America is a “nation of laws and not men.” We feel an obligation to honor our constitution and the legal system which has emanated from it. Individual 1 and his republican sycophants believe those of us who think this way are weak. That’s why I’ve been saying democrats need to AGGRESSIVELY pursue ALL their options – starting with, as I mentioned above, having anyone who refuses a subpoena to Congress JAILED. Period, full stop! (Of course, democrats will have to rely on the Justice Department – led by William Barr – to hold people who refuse to honor subpoenas accountable. At this time, doesn’t appear likely – yikes!)

And, keep in mind, the House has the “power of the purse” and they can use that power to make individual 1’s life even more miserable. Individual 1 is a BULLY and he needs to be given an opportunity to face his legal liability – like in the Southern District of New York. That would be his next “step” after impeachment. Bush/Cheney pushed the limits of executive power beyond anything I’d seen to that point (and, by the way, Barr helped them do it) and individual 1, again, makes them look like choir boys (earlier I said “Boy Scouts”). He MUST be stopped, it’s imperative that our nation’s laws come out of this crisis as the WINNER! I love this country and I fear this all is going to end up in the streets, one way or the other, before individual 1 gets the privilege of facing his accusers (SDNY) in court. I hope I’m wrong!

His destructive attacks on the “fabric” of America goes way beyond challenging our laws, our constitution, and our tradition of respecting our legal system and our Justice Department. The attacks on the FBI very well could undermine the public’s trust in our government, and while individual 1 is attempting to destroy that institution (and, hopefully Mr. Barr will re-think his role in this potential travesty) he’s put in place “leaders” in virtually every department of government with the goal of destroying that department. “We the people” MUST make sure individual 1 is no longer our so-called president ASAP. Impeachment is imperative as a message to future presidents this behavior is unacceptable.

Because the republicans in the Senate will not agree to “convict” individual 1it’s up to “we the people” to provide the ultimate impeachment in November of 2020. Talk to your friends if you love this country! “We the people” need to start a campaign titled “whoever the democrats choose!” – as to where our votes will go! And, remember this, if you’re in the democratic leaning groupings republicans will be making it as difficult as possible for you to vote. Especially for us old people who are progressive, African Americans, Latino’s, and young people. Across the country there will be voter suppression tactics put forth by republican operatives in every place where they can reduce the number of Americans who show up to vote in 2020. They’ll do whatever it takes – which includes voter suppression, LYING to voters, and accepting help from foreign cyber warriors – most likely like the Russians.

Final Thought: I saw today that there are 18 states considering requirements that presidential candidates SHOW their tax returns as a requirement to get on the ballot. We can hope!

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