Democrats took the same oath of office that individual 1 ignores and if they IGNORE their oath they will LOSE the election in 2020 and they will be complicit in the destruction of our democracy. Impeachment is NOT an option!

Well, I’ve ordered the Mueller report and should have it by the end of the week. I’ve got to hurry to finish “Kushner Inc.” before it gets here – and, by the way, that’s another book I would recommend for anyone curious about why our nation is in such dire straits. I’m only about a “third” into “Kushner Inc.” and I’m understanding why Steve Bannon, for one, referred to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump as “Javanka,” with the implication they were a HUGE part of the problem. Clearly, both Jared and Ivanka have a meticulously created public persona that belies the reality of who they REALLY are. There’s a lot of READING required to keep up with the DAMAGE being inflicted daily by the administration of individual 1. My jaw can’t drop much farther!

I just keep telling myself “we the people” have a so-called president who is akin to a mafia boss, someone with a documented history of working with varying members of the MAFIA – including the Russian MAFIYA – which is an arm of the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin – individual 1’s seeming idol. Sadly, because of outlets like Fox “news” (ie individual 1 TV) and people like Sean Hannity, a significant portion of America believes individual 1 was “completely vindicated” from the Mueller report. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Oh yes, I almost forgot – individual 1 now has his “Roy Cohn” in Attorney General William Barr. I’m almost 72, I’ve been interested in politics since Eisenhower, and I can NEVER remember an Attorney General standing in front of the American people and knowingly LYING. Barr’s incredible LYING in regard to the Mueller report was the act that put my “jaw” about as far down as it can go.

I bring this up because my thoughts of late (and, if you’ve read many of my previous posts – over the past 15 or so years) have centered on my concern that the democrats are going to check the political “winds” before deciding on whether or not to “do the right thing.” And, what is the “right thing?” Well, based on what I’ve heard from people I respect who HAVE read Mueller’s report, I’m going to “go out on a limb.” Democrats had better not shy away from a complete and THOROUGH investigation, in PUBLIC, of the details of the Mueller report, exposing individual 1 for the THUG he is – giving EVEN those who consider themselves republicans a “birds eye” view as to why individual 1 is destroying their party, and along with them, he’s destroying our democratic republic. Vladimir Putin couldn’t be doing a better job of turning Americans against each other if he was actually working in the “White House” with individual 1. (Actually, as I was writing that, the thought crossed my mind, maybe he is – considering the possibility of cyber “collusion.”)

The question on many minds, as we face the re-election bid of the most reviled so-called president in modern history is will the democrats manage to pull defeat out of the hands of certain victory. Many of the so-called “experienced” democrats are suggesting, still, that impeachment is, or should be, off the table – because it’s not politically expedient as there’s no way republicans in the Senate will vote to convict. Well, from my vantage point, despite democrats like Nancy Pelosi worrying that impeachment will cause the democrats to lose in 2020, I believe if democrats FAIL to follow a path toward impeachment, they will surely LOSE in 2020. When individual 1 is suggesting he has no worries about impeachment, that means he’s “shaking in his boots.” The OVERWHELMING democratic victory in 2018 was due to the FACT “we the people” EXPECT individual 1 to face accountability for his “high crimes and misdemeanors.” (Not to mention his FELONIES)

I’ve been lamenting for years that the reason I’m not a democrat is because they have always shown a lack of will to stand up for their own fundamental beliefs. For example, they didn’t support the Affordable Care Act as they should have until it became popular once republicans tried to destroy it after the 2016 election. Republicans have given democrats the opportunity to hand off the moniker of being the political COWARDS to the GOP after their (republicans) astonishing display of supporting a man who VIOLATES virtually EVERYTHING they claim they stand for – (of course, I knew those claims were baseless, but……….). Are democrats going to avoid their DUTY because they are afraid of the conflict? Are they going to allow Rudy Giuliani to convince them impeachment is the best thing that could happen to individual 1? OMG!

Everyone KNOWS individual 1 is up to his ears in one CRIME after another – CRIMES he committed in order to get elected – CRIMES he’s committed since being “elected” (with 3 MILLION fewer votes than Ms. Clinton) – and a plethora of “alleged” CRIMES which have led to something like a dozen investigations which are ongoing aimed directly at individual 1 and others connected to him, his administration, or his campaign. From what I’ve read, he’s been “thumbing his nose” at the law for decades. I’ve said this for years – this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America – and, make no mistake, Russia is part of the WAR and they are participating on the side of republicans – and, if democrats are unwilling to wage this WAR “we the people” are screwed.

Republicans will continue to align themselves with individual 1, Vladimir Putin, and the various Russian entities which are attempting to infiltrate America via our totally susceptible “Social Media network.” (and anyone else who will keep them in power) When all is said and done – and, trust me, eventually all will be clear and people will have taken sides in this – most significantly, our “leaders” and the people who run our Social Media networks are not going to find themselves on the “patriot” side of the ledger.

I’ve tired of the people I know who watch Fox “news” and refuse to read in order to ACTUALLY be able to claim they are informed. While I believe they should be able to understand that a book “written” by a Fox “news” host is not actual non-fiction which is reliable – just as I taught my sixth graders they SHOULD understand it requires substantiation from other information when forming your opinions – the reality is that NONE of them (Fox viewers that I know) actually read anything (accept the Bible, and I often wonder how they interpret the Bible in a way to support individual 1?). That being said, in this instance, they have the opportunity to read Mueller’s report which, based on reviews in multiple publications, is largely a compilation of testimony by individual 1’s own surrogates. However, as I’ve said, they don’t read ANYTHING and if Sean Hannity says individual 1 has been “completely exonerated” that’s the “end of the story” for them. It’s really very sad. Many of these people I’m referencing are my personal friends and I’m getting more and more impatient with them!

That gets me back to the democrats. The ONLY chance they have to change the thinking of any of these people is through DETAILED and PUBLIC hearings which bring out every detail possible of the Mueller findings that clearly seem (again, I have yet to read it myself, hopefully by next week I’ll have read it) to imply individual 1, above and beyond the TWO felonies of which he’s already an unindicted co-conspirator in the Southern District of New York where he allegedly paid hush money to hide his illicit affairs from the voters, has CLEARLY obstructed justice. The impeachments of both Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton were based on OBSTRUCTION of Justice. To me, these investigations AND if warranted impeachment, are not optional for democrats. They took the same oath of office I lament individual 1 ignores and if they IGNORE their oath they will LOSE the election in 2020 and they will have a HUGE level of responsibility for the destruction of our democracy. Impeachment is NOT an option!

And, I don’t care how they get there, as far as impeachment. When I listen to Jerry Nadler I’m somewhat encouraged in that he wants to start with “Fact hearings.” I’m all for hearings, which as I said above MUST be PUBLIC and detailed with Mueller, McGahn, and ALL the others who testified in Mueller’s report. NOTHING should be “off the table” and everything, including ALL the Russia stuff needs to be exposed. Individual 1 has committed so many “high crimes and misdemeanors” that “we the people” are almost in shock, and it’s up to the democrats to expose them to, for example, “educate” the people I referenced above who refuse to read and, even worse, choose to watch Fox “news” along with listening to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and the other right wing talkers who are willing to LIE for money. (It will be interesting to see whether Fox shows the hearings) Democrats have the opportunity to expose all the LIES – or, they have the opportunity to continue to prove themselves to be timid cowards. It’s the republicans themselves who are betting on the democrats as cowards to allow their un-patriotic behavior to go unchallenged.

I’ve explained how to respond to a BULLY many times on this site and it’s not by being timid. Individual 1 is going to LASH OUT no matter what the democrats do. He’ll likely continue to encourage the investigation of the investigators – with Barr by his side. Democrats MUST make it clear they’re NOT going to be intimidated by this egregious action and they’re going to uncover what’s under EVERY “rock.” I believe this administration is far more CORRUPT than we know, even with Mueller’s report – which was limited, and individual 1’s way of protecting himself is through AGGRESSIVE and arrogant attacks on his “enemies.” Of course, with individual 1, anyone who doesn’t fawn over him is an enemy. Individual 1 is even in the process of learning which of his staff – present or former – he needs to start attacking. Of course, he won’t actually read the report – I’m not sure he reads at all. The only defense we have against individual 1 is an aggressive version of the democrats! Full Stop!

Here’s how you can tell that impeachment is NECESSARY and called for. Republicans are lining up to suggest how impeachment will be the “death” of the democratic party – that if they follow through with impeachment hearings it will turn the public against them. Well, it will likely turn individual 1’s base against them – hey, wait a minute, Fox has already done that! So, I’ll end this with an “Earth to democrats” comment – worry about your own BASE. If you fail to do so, “we the people” will be struggling for at least a generation to recover! You MUST give us an alternative to the CORRUPT win at all cost republicans which is the alternative!

Final Thought: OMG! As I was finishing this it was reported Jared Kushner was quoted as saying “The Mueller report was worse than the Russian Attack on our nation!” (the exclamation point comes from me because the comment was SO disgusting) Kushner elaborated that the Russian ATTACK consisted of “A couple Facebook adds.” Yikes! And, the Fox “news” universe will believe him. A “couple” adds actually has amounted to enough Facebook propaganda to amount to HUNDREDS of thousands of “adds!” Please read “Kushner Inc.” – you’ll see where this kind of illicit behavior comes from.

My apologies, I feel as if I’m babbling because the country I love is under the control of a criminal and way too many Americans – especially “Christian” Americans are OK with it. This entire situation parallels the Third Reich in 1920’s and 30’s Germany. Progressives MUST unite to PUSH the democrats in the House of Representatives to “do the right thing” – NO MATTER WHAT!

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