Individual 1 and his sycophants really do feel they’re above the law – and, if not, they believe they can “get around” the law.

I’ve got to start these thoughts with the reality that I like and respect Nancy Pelosi. I was happy when democrats, again, chose her as the (only woman) Speaker of the House and, to me, it’s undeniable that she is a master politician. However, as I’ve posted several times over the years, there is one place where I have a real problem with Ms. Pelosi. And, it comes in the area of impeachment. Before the so-called “Mueller Report” was published I reminded (myself and) anybody who might read this (so-called) “blog” about how the democrats failed to have the “stones” to have an impeachment “investigation” back in the days of George W Bush and Dick Cheney despite NO QUESTION they BOTH authorized TORTURE. Well, my ability to infer led me to believe there’s no way the democrats are going to have impeachment hearings on individual 1 despite his behavior possibly well beyond that of Bush/Cheney.

Of course, Bush/Cheney violated OUR laws many more times than “just” authorizing TORTURE – they STARTED the abuses of our 4th amendment with the spying (not what Attorney General Barr was insinuating – and, by the way, he may have been the one authorizing Bush/Cheney to do so) on Americans without FISA authorization – spying which may still be going on. And, of course, this is NOT the “spying” Barr mentioned in Congressional testimony – a comment that will be in the lead line to the historical reference to Barr as a disgusting sycophant for a deeply corrupted so-called president. Seriously, I’m so sick of “conservatives” willing to LIE for money and power – but, I digress……..

Well, that was then and this is now and, how can I put this? Here we go again! This is getting to be a sorry statement on the ability of the American system of government to support the idea that “no one is above the law.” We had Reagan and GW Bush CLEARLY involved up to their eyeballs in “Iran/Contra” – illegality which Bush ultimately pardoned away with his “gifts” to those who were actually held legally accountable. Then there was the aforementioned Bush/Cheney issues with TORTURE and illegal spying on Americans with, again, no accountability for those at the top – ie Bush and Cheney. And, now we have a so-called president who is already an unindicted co-conspirator to TWO felonies relating to HIDING information from voters and who has CLEARLY committed OBSTRUCTION of Justice (that, of course, simply means attempting to impede an impending investigation) and, from my view, witness tampering and/or intimidation and, very possibly, some incredibly serious concerns in regard to the “Russia thing.”

What’s consistent here? All the legal abusers are republicans and in every instance the party “looking forward instead of back” – in the words of Barack Obama – is the democratic party. At some point democrats will understand until they draw some lines of acceptable behavior republicans will continue disregarding our constitution and the underlying laws.

I’ve been pointing out my memory of 2006 when “we the people” – just as in 2018 – voted in a democratic majority to the House in order to “check” the outrageous activity of the American president (and, in the case of Cheney, the Vice President). In 2006 the democrats in the House failed to hold an impeachment hearing in regard to the TORTURE (and, I might add, the LYING of America into an illegal invasion of Iraq – an action that took potentially MILLIONS of lives – thousands being Americans) because “Republicans in the Senate won’t vote to convict.”

Today, the CRIMES are different but the political “winds” are blowing in the same direction and Ms. Pelosi has already stated the democrats won’t have impeachment hearings as long as the republicans are sticking with individual 1. I’ve stated many times on this site my opinion on the behavior of individual 1 and I’m going to wait to elaborate in depth until I’ve actually read Mueller’s report. From what I’ve heard, it appears individual 1 finally has his “Roy Cohn” as attorney general in William Barr. Therefore, it’s up to the democrats to provide accountability and, from my point of view, don’t hold your breath. (I hope I’m wrong)

Since I began putting my thoughts down on this post I’ve had the privilege of picking my grandson up from school and taking him home. In the process I’ve been listening to MSNBC where numerous experts have been breaking down various parts of Mueller’s report. Much of what I’ve heard has confirmed much of what I had already concluded based on what I’ve heard and read over the past couple of years, but a couple things I found very interesting beyond the amount of evidence which suggests the only reason individual 1 is not headed to court is because, as I predicted (and, of course, many others), the Office of Legal Counsel has a memo saying a sitting president can’t be indicted. The two things which caught my attention affirmed my belief that if you want to work for individual 1 you’ve got to be a willing LIAR.

In the first case, it only confirmed what I already knew simply from observation and that is the reality our presidential press secretary is a willing LIAR. One particular instance was put in the report and that was Sarah Sanders re-stating individual 1’s assertion that James Comey was very unpopular with the FBI and that many had called to thank individual 1 for firing Comey. In the report, as I heard it this morning, Ms Sanders admitted the LIE in her interview with the special Counsel. This, of course, conceivably could have made Ms. Sanders part of the obstruction of the Mueller investigation. Then there’s Mr. Barr. I watched his confirmation hearings and distinctly remember him saying something along the lines of, “This is my last job and I would resign before agreeing to do something illegal.” Well, I suppose, based on the present day acceptability of LYING in our nation’s capital, Barr’s bizarre LYING on behalf of individual 1 will never have any legal consequences connected to it. But, the man has ruined any level of respect he had from legitimate observers of the independence – or, what SHOULD be the independence – of the Justice Department.

I’ve been saying almost from day one that individual 1 is DAMAGING America in untold ways and that DAMAGE is mounting well beyond where I thought republicans would be able to tolerate. Here’s where we’re at: The DAMAGE which we’re looking at – which, in my view goes well beyond that related to the undermining of one traditional American institution after another along with the DAMAGE he’s done to our traditional allies – the WORST thing which may come out of this is the precedent of our leaders in Congress allowing individual 1 to get away with what is clearly unethical if not illegal behavior that, to me, is un American. The bromance of individual 1 and Vladimir Putin becomes even clearer. Yikes!

Sadly, America has degenerated to the point where someone like individual 1 can conceivably get away with despicable, potentially treasonous behavior and strategically attempt to cover it up by OBSTRUCTING the investigation into his misbehavior at every turn because HIS party sits idly by – apparently willing to accept this type of behavior simply because he has an “R” in front of his name. The American people spoke LOUD and CLEAR in the 2018 election and this investigation of individual 1 is causing “we the people” to overlook the FACT democrats are actually PASSING legislation in the House that MOST people in America actually support which, just like the behavior of individual 1, the republicans are willingly OBSTRUCTING. It’s the republicans and their propagandists, like Fox “news” (ie Trump TV), who are tearing this nation apart – because that WORKS for their benefactors – the ultra wealthy who fund their corruption.

And, keep in mind, this almost seems like “men against boys” when we compare the republicans – who will do ANYTHING to WIN – and, democrats who continue to act as if they believe in the OATH they took to the constitution. You can watch the so-called “mainstream media” and then tune into Fox or listen to people like Rush Limbaugh and it makes you sick to your stomach that they’ve FOOLED so many Americans. Clearly, individual 1 was willing to accept the help of the Russians – and, despite being able to hide enough of the behavior to prevent investigators to be able to “prove beyond a reasonable doubt” there was a conspiracy – based on the legal definition of the law – he’s shown his “connection” to Russia since the first day he took the oath of office.

The LYING – Oh the LYING! There seems to be LYING everywhere you turn as you investigate the individual 1 investigation and, just yesterday, even Attorney General Barr showed he is a willing LIAR. Barr said stuff that was clearly LIES obviously to “get out ahead” of the actual report for those Americans who watch Fox and think they’re then “educated.” I know people who watch Fox and it’s difficult to even have a discussion with them that broaches politics. Our country is STILL under ATTACK by the Russians and individual 1 has not said ONE thing about an effort to counteract this ATTACK. No one, whether republican or whatever, should be willing to tolerate what is happening with individual 1’s administration. I’ve said for over a year he reminds me of a mafia boss and that’s MORE clear than ever.

Maybe the saddest thing of all is that individual 1 managed to get William Barr through the Senate confirmation process (another black mark on republicans) and I can guarantee you he is already under way in continued OBSTRUCTION. Democrats are going to be demanding the unredacted version of Mueller’s report (although, based on what I’ve heard I don’t think they need it to proceed with impeachment hearings) and Barr is going to be “slow walking” them. He’ll force them to go to court and, as I said above when I mentioned the “boys against men” comment, republicans have been stuffing the courts with right wing hacks for years – so Barr will likely be able to stall this out – possibly to the point where impeachment makes no sense because of the impending election. Additionally, the “White House” has already pledged to refuse any requests for documents – again forcing court battles – with their “loaded” courts. They really do feel they’re above the law – and, if not, they believe they can “get around” the law. Does that convince you why I’ve been making the “mafia boss” references?

As I said above, I’m planning to read the report myself – I’ve already ordered a copy via Barnes and Noble and expect to get it next week – but, from what I’ve heard reading it will simply cause me to simply increase the intensity of my beliefs. I’ve always admitted that individual 1 NEVER appealed to me and, after the “Access Hollywood” tape and his LYING to the nearly 20 women who came forward to confirm what he said on the tape, he actually repulses me. Then, watching individual 1’s incompetence in office I looked forward to the day he was no longer our so-called president. That day MAY have been moved up with Mueller’s report!

Final Thought: This entire “saga” is moving quickly – which is my excuse for being lazy and publishing this post without editing. My apologies for the foo-pahs!

Oh yes, one more thing. Think of how people like George Papadopoulos or the lawyer from England feel when they read in the report about all the people from individual 1’s “team” who LIED to Mueller and Mueller knew they were LYING and YET Mueller and his team did NOT prosecute them. I’d even like to know the answer to that one. I will try to figure out who the LIARS were/are when I read it. Maybe there’s an explanation????

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