Individual 1 pictures himself as the American version of Vladimir Putin and it’s up to “we the people” to say “Not in my house!”

The potentially damning report from Robert Mueller regarding the behavior of our so-called president, individual 1, is set to come out tomorrow. The “liberal media” (along with, I’m sure, outlets like Fox “news” – ie “Trump TV”) are teetering on the edge of their collective seats wondering “what’s in the report” and how much will Attorney General Barr “HIDE?” It’s been reported members of the present and past “White House” are “anxious” about whether or not they will be identified as “telling the truth” to Mueller – and, thereby, drawing the ire of individual 1 who will then begin referring to them as “rats.” Then there’s individual 1 himself who apparently – despite declaring himself fully exonerated based on the “summary” of the report issued by Attorney General Barr (who, by the way, seems to be volunteering for a very dark place in American history as individual 1’s “Roy Cohn”) – feels uneasy himself resulting in, according to his TV attorney Rudy (I have no conscience) Giuliani, a 35 page counter report to what is expected to come from Mueller.

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it? The FACT individual 1’s sycophants are preparing a counter to Mueller’s report. To me that suggests they either know something “we the people” don’t know, or they’ve been debriefing those who have given testimony to Mueller, or worse yet – Barr has given them a preview of either what’s in the report or the report itself. Regardless, it’s easy to surmise individual 1 is preparing his venomous response to the report and anyone who may have had the audacity to tell Mueller the truth.

Of course, that’s one thing individual 1 has absolutely NO connection to – the TRUTH. I’ve grown tired of watching the cable “news” on TV and so don’t watch it much, but last night I succumbed to the temptation and watched Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC’s “Last Word.” As most people know there are many in the news business keeping track of “ALL” of individual 1’s LIES and, according to O’Donnell yesterday, in the New York Times, there was an article about ALL of individual 1’s LIES about 9/11 – and, there are many, including his incredulous LIE that he saw “thousands of Muslims cheering as the Twin Towers came down.” What the Times missed, according to O’Donnell, was the most egregious LIE he’s told about 9/11 and maybe the most egregious of ALL his THOUSANDS of LIES.

During the campaign individual 1 claimed on two occasions (and, I actually remember this and remember O’Donnell, at the time, calling individual 1 out on these DISGUSTING LIES) that he lost “a couple hundred friends” as the Twin Towers came down – saying this in a debate in front of the entire nation – this was the first time he LIED about his personal connection to 9/11. O’Donnell correctly pointed out he was LYING so the next time he LIED he modified is and said “I lost many, many friends” in the 9/11 tragedy – again with O’Donnell on MSNBC pointing out this was another egregious LIE. According to last night’s show on MSNBC individual 1 has not repeated that LIE again, but O’Donnell’s point was that the New York Times didn’t include what O’Donnell believes is the WORST LIE of them all. O’Donnell pointed out individual 1 was not seen at ANY of the post 9/11 memorial services and, then he added, individual 1 likely doesn’t have “many, many friends. Who knows, but the LIES were during the campaign and unfortunately, the other candidates didn’t have what it takes to call him on all the LYING. (individual 1 actually got away with “labeling” Ted Cruz as “Lying Ted.” Wow!)

As we all wait for the Mueller report I keep thinking we shouldn’t have to wait for it to get individual 1 out of office and into the courtrooms where he belongs – investigating his questionable business which is likely as corrupt as his so-called administration. These two LIES were used in the campaign to make his unsuspecting voters believe individual 1 has some sense of loss from 9/11 – only because it came up during one of the “debates” and he simply showed his willingness to LIE under any circumstances – believing his supporters don’t care. (and, maybe they don’t) This all just reminded me that he paid hush money to keep his alleged illicit affairs from coming out right before the election and right after the “Access Hollywood” tape – and, in the court documents where he became an “unindicted co-conspirator” to Michael Cohen’s conviction for the hush money scheme, it was said “the scheme was ‘to affect the outcome of the election.'” To me, that in itself should be impeachable behavior. (Imagine republicans had this been President Obama paying off women to affect the outcome of an election)

Then, there’s all the Russia stuff. Whether Mueller found enough evidence to connect individual 1 or his sycophants directly with the Russians, I personally don’t need that. Starting with his “request” for the Russians to “find the missing emails” and progressing to his strange behavior in regards to Vladimir Putin – I don’t need to see any more than I’ve already seen. And, of course, we know individual 1’s campaign was “willing” to get the help of the Russians based on the now infamous “June 9, 2016 meeting in Trump Tower” (or should I say individual 1 Tower?) whether that rose to the level of provable “conspiracy” doesn’t matter to me when it comes to impeachment because, of course, we KNOW individual 1 dictated the LYING memo attempting to HIDE the reality of the meeting. If that’s not OBSTRUCTION it’s certainly LYING directly to the American people – I don’t believe impeachment requires a provable CRIME. And, of course, individual 1’s disgusting behavior at the “summit” in Helsinki where he literally threw our intelligence community “under the bus” as he chose to “take Putin’s word for it” when Putin denied the Russians interfered in the election. To me, that may have been the most disgusting performance of ANY American president in history! That alone was impeachable from my perspective!

And, whether or not William Barr believes a president can commit obstruction, I believe individual 1 committed “obstruction in plain sight” repeatedly during the nearly two years of the investigation. As one of his sycophants in the House said one day, “If you’re innocent, act like it.” Well, of course, individual 1 has NEVER acted like an “innocent man” on one day since he took the OATH to “defend the constitution” – an oath, of course, we all know means absolutely NOTHING to him. Again, I personally don’t need William Barr to decide for me whether or not I believe individual 1 OBSTRUCTED the Mueller investigation. He was busy doing everything he could to OBSTRUCT and undermine whatever the final report says from day one. Again, for me, whether it rose to a level of criminal behavior or not, (I believe it did) it was behavior that should NEVER come from someone in the office of president of the United States. I believe the House of Representatives has an obligation to begin an IMPEACHMENT investigation – and, in that investigation the ENTIRE Mueller report should be made public.

And, witness tampering? OMG! I remember thinking individual 1 was acting like the head of a mafia family well over a year ago – but, when he referred to Michael Cohen as a “rat,” and then, in a Fox “news” interview said, “I don’t like flippers, flipping should be illegal.” All I could think of, at the time, was “Are you kidding me?” There’s the proof – the guys a mafia boss. I’ve read numerous books which have suggested individual 1 is in deep with the Russian Mafiya and that he regularly did business in New York with the mafia. Of course, that isn’t mentioned much by our “liberal media” but maybe that’s why so many people in Washington D.C. seem to be afraid of individual 1. And, finally, he’s got his “Roy Cohn” in William Barr. (Barr is an example of why it’s so important for democrats to re-take control of the Senate and for “we the people” somehow to urge the good people of Kentucky to vote Mitch McConnell into the history books – even people in Kentucky must be smart enough to figure out the damage McConnell is doing to our great nation)

Barr is using legal “double speak” in order to prevent “we the people” from seeing much of the report – we know this ahead of time – because he COULD avoid redacting the Grand Jury material simply by going before a judge and getting permission to give that information to the public along with whatever he chooses to “expose.” Granted there are “ongoing investigations” which should be protected, but Barr SHOULD publish as MUCH of the report as he possibly can. Obviously – and, remember the report is not out so I’m making a prediction – he’s going to HIDE as much of the report as he possibly can. At he bare minimum “we the people” should see the entire summaries written by Mueller in regard to the various sections of the report.

Here’s the reality for “we the people.” The 2020 election NOW becomes the MOST important election – certainly in my lifetime and possibly – EVER. Yes, I said the 2018 election was the most important election of my lifetime and it was – and, I’ve been thanking God ever since because “we the people” would be “screwed” had the democrats not retaken the House in that election. Sadly, as I predicted before the election, they (democrats) will likely avoid the “noise” an impeachment inquiry would create, so 2020 NOW becomes historically important. Individual 1 pictures himself as the American version of Vladimir Putin and it’s up to “we the people” to say “Not in my house!”

Over the course of the past 2+ years I’ve stated more than once I don’t (and didn’t) need the Mueller report to believe individual 1 SHOULD be impeached. My only hesitation has always been that Mike Pense is what’s “on deck.” Pense has proven himself to be a disgusting sycophant who seems willing to overlook much of what SHOULD repulse him if he’s truly a Christian. Just the LYING should be something which disgusts him, but the other behavior? Yikes! And, for years I’ve pointed out my reluctance to have faith in the democrats to do what’s right and not be defined by the direction of the “wind.” They don’t appear to have the nerve to initiate an impeachment inquiry – which, I believe, would allow ALL of the Mueller report to be made public.

Final Thought: It will take a dysfunctional democratic party to come up with a candidate who can defeat individual 1 in the 2020 election. To me, it’s kind of embarrassing the number of democrats who are lining up to take him on. And, I’ll likely have much to say about the process of finding the right candidate in due time – so far, I’ve only ruled ONE of them out. Kirsten Gillibrand was the senator who ran Al Franken from the Senate – there’s no way I will support her in the unlikely event she would be the nominee. I respect the “Me too” movement and agree that women have been treated badly over the years – but, when someone is accused of something as Franken was, he/she should have the ability to defend themselves. You can’t just automatically take the “word” of accusers in today’s political climate. Many of them have an agenda – as likely is the case recently with Joe Biden. When women are saying they didn’t like the way someone hugged them, that should not be considered sexual harassment. Just express that something makes you uncomfortable and men like Biden and Franken would apologize and change their habits. And, the picture of Franken, at the time a comedian, which was publicized, to me, was blown way out of proportion by people like Gillibrand. I’m just sayin………..

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