The necessity of voting individual 1 (and his republican sycophants) out of office is the requirement to “make America great again!”

I keep pondering my thoughts in regard to the “Mueller Investigation” and Attorney General Barr’s apparent attempt to keep as much of it as possible from the public and, so far, haven’t gotten past the point of “I want to see and read it.” Apparently, Barr’s so-called “memo” has drawn the ire of members of Mueller’s team who had “lock jaw” in regard to “leaks” for the entire time of the investigation. It appears the “leaking” has started, apparently in an attempt to let Mr. Barr know he won’t be able to hide the report for much longer. Of course, the 2018 election was the “firewall” for “we the people” because I actually TRUST the democrats in the House to MAKE SURE “we the people” get to see the report – whether it vindicates individual 1 or not. Before jumping to conclusions, remember the reality is that, all along, it was correctly reported Mueller would honor the Justice Department guidelines “a sitting president can NOT be indicted.”

So, Mueller indicting individual 1 – despite the Southern District of New York identifying him as an “unindicted co-conspirator” to Michael Cohen’s hush money scheme to hide individual 1’s alleged illicit affairs from the voters just prior to the 2016 election – very possibly allowing him to “win” (With nearly 3 MILLION fewer votes than his opponent – a girl) – was never a possibility. If you can’t tell, for me, it doesn’t much matter what’s in Mueller’s report, although I definitely want to read it, because individual 1 has proven himself “impeachable” on so many other accounts which would not be in Mueller’s report that I just long for the day when “we the people” are spared from another day calling him our so-called president. (Be it the hush money scheme, the Russian interference on his behalf, or James Comey’s inexplicable announcement 11 days before the election – individual 1 will ALWAYS be considered an illegitimate so-called president)

That all being said, what has motivated me to write today is just watching individual 1 continue to act as if the laws of this land do not apply to him. He just fired his Director of Homeland Security (and, by the way, “good riddance”) because he’s blaming her for the “crisis at the border.” He’s ordering all sorts of illegal actions by his surrogates in regard to his obsession with demeaning immigrants – people fleeing violence, famine, and who knows what else – from Central and South American countries which are sadly riddled with turmoil. He’s ordering the border closed, he’s ordering people to refuse to honor the rights of legitimate asylum seekers, and it appears he’s determined to restart his disgusting and shameful “child separation” policy. This is a policy “we the people” are being FORCED to be a part of and, in my view, we’re OBLIGATED to OBJECT in any way possible.

That brings me to my thought for the day. Individual 1 reminds me of the sixth grade students I taught for the last third of my working life. They pushed their “boundaries” until they were taught where the limits were – what I used to say to the younger teachers was the students were expecting us (teachers) to teach them what was OK and what was not OK. In individual 1’s case it’s clear the republicans in Congress will tolerate his lawbreaking no matter what and he ignores the laws which are SUPPOSED to set the “boundaries.” And, of course, his personal “attorney general,” William Barr, is proving to be another in the long line of republican enablers allowing individual 1 to continue thumbing his nose at our legal system.

Barr is appearing to be willing to allow himself a dark place in the American history books right next to individual 1 and Benedict Arnold. Today, aside from his blocking “we the people” from seeing the Mueller report, Barr “added on” by confirming his willingness to see the Affordable Care Act overturned in the courts. (Theoretically, as the Attorney General, he should be ordering the Justice Department to defend the Act as it is the LAW, but he sounded today as if he was talking to “Fox and Friends” in his response to questioning about why he’s taking the side of the plaintiffs in the judicial attack against the law – with MILLIONS’ health insurance at risk)

The question then becomes: is there a point where the democrats say “enough already” and publicly let “we the people” understand they “get” the gravity of the attack on our nation by the “right wing” of the republican party? They need to let us understand the presidential (and, that of his republican sycophants) lawbreaking is unacceptable and will be met with appropriate accountability and they SHOULD open an impeachment inquiry without concern for whether the Senate would “convict” or not. I believe individual 1 will continue his arrogant abuse of our legal system until he’s STOPPED and held accountable. So, if he can’t be indicted, the ONLY apparent remedy for his pushing the limits of every law he doesn’t like is IMPEACHMENT!

One thing which was apparent with the BULLIES who happened into the sixth grade (very similar to individual 1) was they needed to be “hit back” to get them to stop. In individual 1’s case, the “hit” needs to come from our Justice system – whether it be via Congress and their obligation for oversight and impeachment proceedings – and from “we the people” in an increased push for the “resistance” making it clear November of 2020 will be a bad month for individual 1 with a clear understanding there will be no “pardon” for him once “out the door.” For example, it needs to be clear the charges awaiting him in the SDNY will be charges he’ll have the right to defend himself from – likely, along with other charges as well, including, by some accounts a RICO charge.

Individual 1 has been crowing as if he’s been totally exonerated since the day Mr. Barr sent out his now infamous “memo” – the one where he made the “executive decision” to clear individual 1 of OBSTRUCTION charges. Of course, “we the people” watched OBSTRUCTION in “plain sight” all the way through the investigation and, as I stated above, we’ve all been aware of Mueller’s intention to honor the Justice Department memo restricting an indictment of a sitting president. So, we have a president making even MORE absurd comments in regard to the report, we have an attorney general appearing to be willing to BLOCK substantial amounts of the report, and we’ve even got Vladimir Putin chiming in that the report was a sham. (Of course, that should EVEN piss off the republicans if they hadn’t completely lost their connection to their oaths of office and, the more I think about it, their MINDS.)

Democrats MUST do whatever it takes to get this report made public and, in my view, Robert Mueller has an obligation to speak out. There were NO leaks during the time of the report, but the report has been concluded and the American people NEED to see the FULL report. Certainly, at a minimum, the Congress SHOULD see the entire report and from what I’ve heard there’s absolutely NO justification for Barr to keep the unredacted report from Congress. We started seeing Mueller’s underlings “leaking” last week after seeing Barr’s summary and feeling as if he was “spinning” the report inappropriately. Of course, after watching individual 1 over the previous few years, none of this should be surprising.

What is surprising to me is the complicity in the republican party. We’ve been watching the republican party “tilt” farther and farther to the “right” over the previous 40 years and they’ve had a “mission” to create what was referred to be Karl Rove as the “permanent republican ‘majority.'” They had the makings of it in 2000 with Bush/Cheney and they screwed up in a plethora of ways – not the least of which were the fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan along with the bludgeoning of the economy culminating in the “great recession.” However, these republicans just wont go away – as the saying goes – they keep coming back like a bad…………. (fill in the blanks) and, they latched on to the RACIST “tea party” as a backlash to our first Black president, leading to individual 1 as their “leader.”

I certainly felt even the republican party had enough morality to distance themselves from individual 1, but, while most of my predictions on this site have borne out, that one, well, I missed it badly. If you remember, after the Access Hollywood tape was made public one republican “leader” after another claimed they wanted nothing to do with individual 1. But, true to form, they virtually ALL proved themselves to be all about the power and not at ALL about their so-called “family values.” In fact, as the last two years have unfolded, I’ve come to believe individual 1 is the PERFECT “leader” for these republicans. He has ABSOLUTELY no moral compass, when his lips are moving he’s LYING, and he appears to have no conscience – so, for republicans who care about nothing except gaining and KEEPING power individual 1 is the perfect occupant of the “White House.”

While I clearly remember my frustration in watching GW Bush and Dick Cheney arrogantly breaking laws I’ve almost come to the point where I actually miss them. Individual 1 makes even Dick Cheney look like an amateur when it comes to arrogance toward the laws and his disregard and disgust of the constitution. Clearly individual 1 is an autocrat wannabee and he’s worthy of the disgust of Americans who have any respect for our nation’s laws, her history, the “norms” which have been established over the previous 200+ years, our fundamental institutions, our media, our intelligence community, and, essentially, the basic beliefs which have “made America great.” The most shocking part of all this is the willingness of the republican party to say “this is OK.”

With the help of right wing media outlets like Fox “news” and Breitbart MILLIONS of Americans have been brainwashed into, essentially, supporting people who would turn America into something resembling Russia – and, we’re getting closer every time republicans do another “tax cut for the rich” and individual 1 gets away with breaking another law. In essence there’s now a bunch of “oligarchs” in America and then the rest of us. Thankfully, many of us in the “middle Class” still have a decent “standard of life” – but, the group at the bottom is widening as the wealth of the country accumulates into the “hands” of a few at the “top.” My father was in the military in WW II and I’m a “baby boomer” so I had a bit of a connection to the aftermath of the war and I experienced Viet Nam during my high school and college years. (I tried to enlist in the Marine PLC in 1967 only to “flunk” my physical) My point is I can remember many people in the 50’s and 60’s having a “we” mentality and a sense of patriotism which emanated from this sense of “community.” We were proud of how Americans came together to stop the Nazi’s in WW II.

The transition of America to a “me” society began, in my view during the 70’s and was put on the “front page” during the Reagan years. That’s when shareholders became more important than workers and when the republican party figured out they could pilfer TRILLIONS from American taxpayers in the guise of “trickle down” economics. America is now $20+ TRILLION in debt and MOST of it comes as the result of republican tax scams which started with Reagan and became totally OBSCENE with Bush/Cheney and now individual 1. Just as individual 1’s OBSTRUCTION has been in “plain sight,” this pilfering of American taxpayers has been in plain sight. The American people are OBLIGATED to stand up against this unprecedented power grab and vote individual 1 and his republican sycophants OUT of office! The necessity of voting individual 1 (and his republican sycophants) out of office is the ACTUAL requirement to “make America great again!”

Final Thought: I “finished” this post after William Barr’s first day of testimony before the House and prior to his (disgusting) testimony in front of the Senate. It became clear today that individual 1 has successfully put his own lawyer officially in charge of America’s legal system. I think listening to some of Barr’s comments today almost made me throw up. As I’ve said for years, this version of the republican party needs to be voted into the history books. The BRAZEN arrogance is almost beyond belief. Today, Barr exposed himself as an individual 1 sycophant as opposed to the nation’s number one defender of the constitution. He even made one (very strange) response to a question about the opioid crisis by making a seemingly un-solicited “call” for the “WALL” individual 1 is willing to upend our constitution over. Barr showed himself to be willing to put himself into, as I stated above, the most SHAMEFUL parts of future American history books.

“We the people” are being given a front row seat to individual 1’s demonstration of how a mafia boss works – and, showing us why it’s so important that our investigative bodies are allowed to do their jobs. Today, Barr seemed to imply he’s “on the team” with individual 1, Giuliani, Fox “news,” the so-called “Freedom Caucus” in the House, and other right wing media outlets in an attempt to undermine the credibility of our Justice Department. Just as individual 1 has put people in charge of other departments with the apparent objective of destroying them, so, it appears, he’s found a willing – again – sycophant, in Barr to cause as many people in America to believe any investigation of our so-called president is a “witch hunt.”

Today, individual 1 gave a demonstration of “projection” for the ages when he made accusations toward members of the FBI which MIRROR his own actions, almost to a tee! He used words like treason and coup d’ etat in describing the actions of the FBI – after being energized by the reckless words of Barr. Stay tuned! I’ve said many times before, this is a WAR for the HEART and SOUL of America and it’s NEVER been more clear than today!

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