We’re seeing first hand the lasting DAMAGE which can be inflicted on “we the people” by a so-called president who uses his mafia boss instincts to lead our nation.

I don’t even know where to start these days. “We the people” have a so-called president who’s such a LIAR that every day it’s another embarrassment. Of course, no matter the subject we’re going to hear “no collusion, no collusion.” Of course, there was “collusion” (treason) with, at a minimum, some members of individual 1’s campaign because we KNOW individual 1 Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Mannafort ALL met with a group of Russians who were unambiguously offering “incriminating evidence” on Hillary Clinton directly from the Russian government. Just the meeting was “collusion” and, in fact, when offered this “evidence” individual 1 Jr. replied, “If it’s what you say, I love it.” Of course, anyone without their head in the sand KNOWS individual 1 KNEW about this meeting, and, in fact, announced just prior to it that he would have this “incriminating evidence” (or words to that affect) in a “major speech Maybe Monday.”

I keep listening to pundits pondering which democrat could beat individual 1 in 2020. Every time I hear that I have to wonder who thinks “we the people” are completely stupid MORE, the pundits or individual 1 himself. When 56% of Americans, in the polls I’ve seen, say there’s NO WAY they would EVER vote for individual 1 you have to believe there’s a significant group of people either in individual 1’s campaign OR pundits on TV who believe the democrats can screw up anything. Maybe they’re counting on someone like Howard Schultz to massage their own ego to the tune of pulling enough “centrist” voters away from the democrats to allow individual 1’s 35% of the population who are faithful to be enough.

And, of course, anyone who’s paid the slightest attention to politics in America over the past 40 years knows that republicans will do anything to win an election and they’ll be busy “behind the scenes” on the 2020 election just as they have in EVERY election I can remember going back to Richard Nixon (with the possible exception of Gerald Ford in 1976. Then, there’s the issue of democrats. As I’ve said many times on this site over the years (and verbally before I started writing) democrats have proven to be unable to actually defend their own beliefs – if the “political winds” are blowing in the wrong direction. This is why many, including myself, have complained about democrats needing a spine.

Of course, the republicans, under individual 1, have made the democrats look like Ninja Warriors in the courage category – but, the reality we face is the democrats WILL NOT show courage in the face of a classically CORRUPT so-called president and republicans will continue to cower at the threat of a nasty tweet. I’m reading lots of books and I’m thinking maybe I should be reading about how “empires” fall. It appears completely possible to me that a Congress full of tepid legislators could be the undoing of America’s reign as the world’s major “super power.” Vladimir Putin is succeeding in “plain sight” – and, our so-called “liberal media” seems oblivious to what is going on – not just in America, but all across Europe. It’s almost as if people have forgotten what our fathers and grandfathers (and mothers) fought for in WW II.

Maybe worse yet, now that the Mueller report has been given to the Justice Department and individual 1’s Attorney General is doing whatever he can to make sure “we the people” don’t see anymore of it than what he wishes us to see. The result of the Attorney General’s “4 page summary” has been individual 1 giving “we the people” another MASSIVE “tweet storm” claiming “total exoneration” and continuing with the “no collusion, no obstruction” propaganda scheme. Of course, if you were paying attention you KNOW there was a credible case for a charge of OBSTRUCTION – it was OBSTRUCTION in broad daylight.

Can you imagine republicans putting up with the level of OBSTRUCTION openly spoken, tweeted, etc. by individual 1 had it come from Barack Obama? The republicans have backed themselves into the “I’m afraid of individual 1” corner which is likely to have a lasting effect on the republican party. But, as they say, “Only in America” – it’s also likely the democrats will shy away from their constitutional duty to “oversee” the executive when the executive is out of control. Yes, I do understand Nancy Pelosi’s “point” that without “bipartisan” agreement on the “high crimes and misdemeanors” of individual 1, well, impeachment will only be an exercise in the House – and, due to political expediency they (democrats) aren’t going there.

Yes, this is just like back in 2006 – in fact, I even heard Pelosi herself just a week or so ago make the parallel – democrats were elected in 2006 to end the Iraq fiasco and to hold GW Bush and Dick Cheney accountable for TORTURE – and they chose political expediency. That will likely be the case again. Democrats fear turning individual 1 into some kind of martyr figure prior to the 2020 election and I’m with them on feeling the IMPORTANCE of getting individual 1 out of office as soon as possible. The DAMAGE is mounting! And, Fast!

So, here’s the reality. Individual 1 will be our so-called president until (at least) January 20, 2021. No matter what we find in the Mueller report, once we actually are allowed to read it, I don’t see a scenario where republicans will vote to convict individual 1 should democrats “grow a pair” and actually hold impeachment hearings. At the bare minimum, there should be investigations into whether individual 1 SHOULD or should not be impeached – and, the hearings SHOULD be public. Individual 1 is an autocrat wannabee and republicans seem to be perfectly fine with that. In fact, all around the country, republicans are supporting “local” legislation aimed at suppressing the vote and blocking the free press among other “autocratic” agenda items today’s republican party are “OK” with.

I’m presently reading “One Nation After Trump” by EJ Dionne, Norman Ornstein, and Thomas Mann, and they make a strong attempt to identify individual 1’s “base” and to parse the data as to who on earth voted for the guy and why. Of course, in the book, they didn’t mention much as to the effect of the “Russian invasion” on those who chose to vote for individual 1, but the reality is there was a lot of LYING going on in the 2016 election – which is the NORM for republicans. Actually, maybe that is why individual 1 is so popular among those who continue to publicly proclaim they are republicans – he’s an incredibly arrogant LIAR!

One thing I found very interesting in the book was how the authors explained the effect of the so-called “tea party” on the republican party. They were careful to avoid the “broad brush” when describing the “tea party” but they also refused to ignore the REALITY that the “tea party” was the result of a black person (Obama) being elected to be our president. So, (this is my thought) when those “tea partiers” were proclaiming “we want our country back” – well, you know what they were really saying, don’t you. They really didn’t like having a president who was NOT white. And, while Dionne, Ornstein, and Mann only implied this, the “tea party” and the racists who made it up were the people who “catapulted” individual 1 toward the “White House.”

I bring this up because there’s really no chance those who are left standing in the republican party would EVER vote to convict individual 1 of ANYTHING while he’s still our so-called president. So, I “get” where Pelosi is coming from, but I also don’t have much confidence in the democratic party to actually coalesce around defeating him in 2020. It should be obvious to anyone who might read these words that it bothers me so many American politicians are afraid of a “would be” tyrant who’s managed to LIE and CHEAT himself into the “White House.”

Here’s the encouraging sign. There are some newcomers to Congress on the democratic side who don’t appear to be afraid to call themselves LIBERALS and who take their oath very seriously. Of course, it remains to be seen what a year or two in Washington DC will do to them and whether or not they can fight the urge to succumb to the trappings of CORRUPTION every member must deal with who ends up in our national legislature. Some of these young “newbies” have already ruffled a few “feathers” and I hope they keep “ruffling.”

I’m really tired of listening to individual 1 proclaiming he was “exonerated” by the Mueller report – my friend who is an avid support of his is now proclaiming the same thing – “we the people” need to see the entire report – unredacted. While there may not have been evidence of “collusion” I have to believe there was a mountain of other evidence which will not look good for our so-called president. Individual 1 is completely UNFIT to hold the highest office in the land and we’re seeing first hand the lasting DAMAGE which can be inflicted on “we the people” by a so-called president who uses his mafia boss instincts to lead our nation.

Aside from the obvious, having a morally CORRUPT person as our so-called president (and, by the way, in the book I mentioned, the authors have an interesting section on how the evangelical “Christian” community has embraced this “deplorable” person – a man who regularly violates virtually every core belief one would think they [should] have – but, ?) is leading to DAMAGE in so many other ways – ways “we the people” may not be aware of for years. It’s like he’s leading America off a cliff and too many Americans are willingly following! It’s become increasingly dangerous and it’s going to get more so – trust me, individual 1 is NO “commander in chief” and, it’s just a matter of time until he’s tested on the “world stage.”

Final Thought: Individual 1’s test may be fast approaching. I thought I heard, today that the Russians are putting troops into Venezuela to help prop up the failing government there!? This could get really dangerous and prime evidence Vladimir Putin has his sights set on a resurgent Russia. He’s put the right man into the “White House” to help him achieve his goal – all in plain sight as “we the people” sit by and helplessly watch.

There’s ample evidence “out there” for me to believe the Russian government is basically an organized crime syndicate with their “tentacles” slowly spreading around the globe. They are using “invisible” tools (cyber) to undermine their adversaries and is should be interesting to see how this venture into “the Americas” will sit with the individual 1 supporters. I can say this for certain, had this happened while Obama was president, republicans would have come unglued. Here’s another “test” to see how much courage they can muster.

Seems like an apology every time I write – sorry for publishing without editing first! (If you can’t tell, I write off the top of my head)

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