Individual 1 is NO “conservative” and he’s NO “Christian” and republicans are committed to going “down with the ship.”

Here’s reality – when you find yourself constantly claiming, “I’m not a white supremacist” – well, you’re a white supremacist. When you find yourself constantly being forced to claim, “I’m not a racist,” well – you’re a racist. When you choose to claim “I’ve got the military, the police, and the ‘bikers for individual 1,’ and if something happens to me it will be very bad” as a way to gin up the right wing whack jobs and then one of them shoots up a couple mosques, well, you shouldn’t be surprised at the white supremacist questions – especially if you’re the so-called president of the United States. And, if you’ve been paying attention to individual 1 for any length of time you shouldn’t be surprised as he downplays the effect of the rise in domestic terrorists – including the whack job in Christchurch New Zealand who recently MURDERED 50 Muslims – while they were at Friday prayers – and who claimed allegiance to individual 1’s persona.

The question MILLIONS of Americans keep asking themselves (well, I keep asking myself this and I assume there are MILLIONS more asking themselves the same question) is when will the republican party decide enough already. Nancy Pelosi couldn’t have made it any clearer. Until the republicans “grow a pair” getting rid of individual 1 is “off the table.” And, sadly, she’s absolutely correct – despite the fact individual 1 SHOULD be impeached. There’s MORE than enough evidence in the public realm for the House of Representatives to impeach individual 1. Impeachment comes because of the so-called president committing “high crimes and misdemeanors.” But, sadly, we all know the republicans in the Senate don’t have the courage to follow through and convict him of what SHOULD be considered “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Let’s face it, there’s at least TWO felonies on the “books” already – which, apparently, for republicans aren’t “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Can you imagine if President Obama had been credibly accused of two felonies while he was in office? (Especially hiding an affair with a porn star?) Would republicans have been guilty of “lock jaw?” I seriously doubt it. And, it appears the first two FELONIES may be minor compared to what’s on the “horizon.” Let’s face it, individual 1 has been claiming the Mueller investigation is a “witch hunt” for a very particular reason. He certainly KNOWS what is going to be found. The investigation has now morphed into investigations by the Southern District of New York (where the first two felonies originated) and who knows where else. It appears the Mueller investigation may end up being the least of individual 1’s problems.

And, it seems likely his problems very well could morph into issues for his family. For starters, we KNOW both individual 1 Jr. and Jared Kushner were willing to “collude” with the Russians to get what many have referred to as “dirt” on Hillary Clinton AND, based on what I’ve read, many believe Junior LIED to Congress during testimony. Of course, that shouldn’t be surprising because the “first family” appear to have no compunction to LYING! On top of that, now we’re hearing about both Kushner and his wife, the so-called president’s daughter, have been using – brace yourself (and think “lock her up”) private email servers to transmit government “business.” Kushner, apparently, has been communicating with Mohammad bin Salmon (MBS) via something called “What’s App.” From what I’ve heard is this “App” is used by people who want to encrypt their communication, and, in Kushner’s case, HIDE his communications from “we the people.” Of course, Kushner and his wife, along with everyone else who works for the “White House” are “duty bound” to “commemorate” EVERY communication they have with ANYONE – for the government record.

I just finished reading “Threat” by Andrew McCabe (highly recommended) which, for the most part is a memoir of his career as an FBI agent. However, as might be expected, there was no way McCabe was not going to mention some of what individual 1 “aimed” at him (and his wife) and what the consequence of having a pathological LIAR as the “leader” of our nation is. McCabe explains how the Special Counsel investigation began – and, for the most part – it appears he was responsible for the “Mueller probe.” I suppose, in McCabe’s mind, that would be a fair response, coming from him, to the so-called president’s incredible attacks on him and many other career members of the FBI. As I’ve intimated before, the destruction of the intelligence community seems to be one of the main objectives of individual 1.

For me, reading books like McCabe’s, (and Comey’s) gets me beyond the frustration of witnessing an incompetent, boorish, narcissistic so-called president to being progressively more angry. I’ve written OVER and OVER again about the DAMAGE being done to America by individual 1 and I’ve predicted his place in history will be right next to Benedict Arnold. But, sadly, there’s a large swath of America who are OK with a criminal “running” our country. (or should I say “ruining?”) Of course, there’s a LARGER swath of Americans who have committed to NOT EVER voting for individual 1. The question, for me, is will the democrats find a way to “snatch defeat from the arms of victory?”

This is the challenge of my (our) lifetime when it comes to OUR government. The republicans are facing extinction if they continue to enable this mafia boss so-called president who is doing everything he can to upend the fundamental values of America. People who call themselves “conservatives” are supporting a man who is anything but a “conservative. I just started reading “One Nation After Trump” by E.J. Dionne Jr., Norman J. Ornstein, and Thomas E. Mann and they remind us of how the original “conservative” Edmund Burke defined “conservatism” as: “A disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve.” As someone who believes in traditional American “values” – while understanding “the need to improve” – I’ve often considered myself a “conservative” – although, by most people, I’m a “flaming liberal.” However, it’s individual 1’s destruction of our traditional institutions and our relationship with our traditional allies which bothers (angers) me more than anything else. Individual 1 is NO conservative and he’s NO “Christian” and republicans are committed to going “down with the ship.”

Then there’s the democrats. I’ve been pointing out for years that the issue I have with democrats is they don’t have the “spine” to defend their own basic values. For example, even though I understand why Nancy Pelosi, at least for the time being, took impeachment “off the table,” I also understand I’m not the only American looking for “leaders” who aren’t afraid to do “the right thing” without regard to the political “winds.” From a pragmatic point of view, Ms. Pelosi is “right on.” But, just as George W Bush and Dick Cheney essentially got away with being WAR CRIMINALS because the authorized TORTURE, it appears individual 1 will, at least temporarily, get away with “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Individual 1 has been busy preparing the republican “base” not to believe a word in the Mueller report (unless, of course, if it vindicates him – prediction, if that happens, Mueller will again be a hero) and, clearly, no matter what is in Mueller’s report, if republicans haven’t had enough, the democrats will not move to impeach our so-called president. Politically pragmatic, honorably disgusting!

Unfortunately, America is full of people who seem almost illiterate when it comes to the United States government. It’s almost as if something like 40% of Americans are willing to accept pathological LYING and behavior that is embarrassing when you look at how it’s viewed internationally. It’s as if there’s a large swath of Americans who believe “we the people” are invulnerable and don’t understand what the potential consequences of our European allies deciding we’ve gone off the “deep end” causing them to unite in ways that end up isolating the U.S. Of course, it’s very likely that is exactly what individual 1 would want. I believe he sees an alliance of the U.S. with Russia as “the way to go.” In my mind, a person would have to have their head “in the sand” to fail to see individual 1’s bromance with Vladimir Putin. And, of course, it’s likely because of Putin that individual 1 is in the “White House.”

I know several people who are supporters, still, of individual 1 – despite KNOWING he’s an unindicted co-conspirator to TWO felonies – and they are “Christians.” When I talk to them I always come away thinking two things which cause them to blindly follow him – first, they ALWAYS watch Fox “news.” Secondly, while they don’t like to believe this themselves, I believe the abortion issue causes them to be republicans. They believe democrats willingly support ANY abortion, even when the fetus is already alive. I have to admit I don’t know what they’re talking about, but I always question how they can support a myriad of republican policies because of a single issue – with much of their argument based on, it appears to me, maybe comments by some individual or some conspiracy theory. And, trust me, there are many “liberals” like myself, who understand what an abortion is. As I tell my friends, I would NEVER be a part of that (except for the life of the mother, rape, incest, and the usual exceptions) personally, but I don’t feel I have the right to impose my beliefs on someone else. That actually feels a bit libertarian to me, but my libertarian friends have no problem imposing their beliefs on others when it comes to this issue.

And, when I bring up the FACT republicans are constantly fighting “tooth and nail” to take federal support away from single Moms, child health care, early childhood education, food stamps, and on and on these supporters of individual 1 have no cogent response. This is bad, but, obviously, it gets worse. They support people stockpiling weapons and huge piles of ammo – the weapons used in one mass shooting after another – often causing tragic consequences to children in our schools (most recently, the tragedies are happening in places of worship). Much of this behavior is OK with the people, for example, carrying the tiki torches at Charlottesville. I don’t consider them “very fine people,” and the reality is Hillary Clinton was correct when she (foolishly – from a political standpoint) referred to them as the “deplorables.” Many of them are threatening violence if anything happens to individual 1.

I could go on for page upon page about the hypocrisy of the republicans who support this so-called president, but you get the idea. As far as I’m concerned, no matter what comes out on the “Mueller report,” individual 1 is NOT fit to be the president of the United States. Personally, again – no matter what Mueller finds – I believe the issue with the Russian interference in our system is ongoing. Vladimir Putin is quietly attempting to undermine EVERY Western “democracy” in order to re-constitute the “former Soviet Union.” Putin is using America’s open society against us in a way that is attempting to tear this nation apart. Putin not only recognizes the cultural divide in America but he’s expertly, very surreptitiously, exposing it. And, of course, at the very least, our so-called president is doing NOTHING to prevent this. In fact, it appears to me, the continuation of the Russian assault on our republic is part of the re-election plans of individual 1.

Final Thought: Keep in mind, it is his re-election that would possibly keep individual 1 out of jail. The issue at the Southern District of New York will be waiting for “individual 1” when he returns to Manhattan if it is within the time limits of the CRIMES he’s the unindicted co-conspirator on regarding to paying off women in order to influence the 2016 election. There will always be an asterisk next to individual 1’s name as the 45th president of the United States. As I’ve been finishing this post the Mueller report was finished and “handed off” to the Attorney General. The next week should be interesting.

As usual, my apologies for publishing without editing. Remember, I was a sixth grade teacher :o). Like many others, I’m anxious to hear what Mueller found in his investigation.

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