These young democrats, in my view, are not going to back down when it comes to what I’ve referred to as the struggle for the heart and soul of America!

I just happened to be watching MSNBC when Judge Ellis in the Eastern District of Virginia gave Paul Mannafort an extremely light sentence in regard to ALL the charges he was convicted of by the prosecutors representing the Special Counsel. In the process, this judge actually said about Mannafort that other than these crimes (almost as if they are minor crimes) he has led a “blameless life.” Of course, many beside myself have already pointed out how absurd that comment by the judge was. This is the judge who, essentially, berated the prosecutors for even bringing charges against Mannafort suggesting the ONLY reason they did so was to get to individual 1. Of course, neither Mannafort nor individual 1 are “blameless” and their “crimes” may end up being among the WORST in the history of the United States of America.

Mannafort’s sentence is a prime example of why republicans like individual 1. He’s packing the courts with judges comporting the same mindset of Judge Ellis – apparently seeing SERIOUS white collar crime as minor crimes and feeling comfortable attacking prosecutors who go “by the book.” Mannafort’s lawyers, after the verdict, made the comment “there’s no ‘collusion’ from Mr. Mannafort” – of course, that despite Mannafort’s participation in the June 9, 2016 meeting in “individual 1” Tower where, along with Donald individual 1 Jr. and Jared Kushner Mannafort “colluded” with Russians in an attempt to get “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Obviously, the comment from Mannafort’s lawyer was a plea for a pardon which seemed to be their “strategy” from the start.

If “we the people” had not already recognized the threat to the very foundation of America’s representative democracy coming from individual 1 this should be an eye opener. For example, as several former prosecutors pointed out, had Mannafort been brown or black and been convicted of selling some drugs he very likely would have received the recommended sentencing guidelines from this judge. And, really, for the judge to suggest Mannafort – who’s a THUG at best – when you learn what he was doing in places around the world, including Ukraine, along with the gravity of his STEALING from the American people (tax fraud) – is, other than these charges blameless, you have to wonder what’s going on behind the scenes with this judge. $$$??? Clearly, the swamp is not being drained!

And, for the judge to suggest “their was no collusion” – if, in fact he did, is absurd on it’s face as I pointed out above. Clearly, the individual 1 campaign had no compunction about getting help from the Russians. The question, really, is how much help did they get? At some point in time, “we the people” will find the answer to that question. I just hope I’m still breathing and able to comprehend information at that point. Sadly, our government has a tendency to “bury” some “stuff” into the archives for years after a president leaves office. (Subsequent to my starting this post I’ve learned it was in individual 1’s imagination that the judge said there was “no collusion” with Russia. Despite individual 1 claiming the judge exonerated him, it’s just another LIE to put on the pile of LIES he’s spoken since taking office.)

Some of individual 1’s “stuff” is going to be eye opening if it makes it to the public. Robert Mueller’s investigation may or may not conclude individual 1 conspired with the Russians in order to get himself “elected” (albeit with 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton) but there’s likely to be a large pile of provable illegal activity by individual 1 and the organization he heads (and, I’m not talking about “running” America). The new Attorney General is likely to attempt keeping Mueller’s findings “under wrap” which, I believe, democrats in the House will find a way to get the findings out to the public. Additionally, the investigations in New York are likely, by most accounts from the “experts,” where the greatest danger lies for individual 1 (he’s already an unindicted co-conspirator to TWO felonies in the SDNY – Southern District of New York).

Regardless, most people who think as I do believe we’re already way past the point where our so-called president has committed a plethora of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” However, just as I had predicted (check the archives if you don’t believe me) the democrats are going to look the other way – unless IMPEACHMENT becomes a “no brainer.” Today, Nancy Pelosi, who I believe is a good Speaker (I never agree on everything with anyone), said, essentially, “impeachment is off the table” unless it’s so obvious that “it’s bipartisan.” She, as I have referred to in my previous posts even equated what’s happening right now to 2006 when people like myself wanted Bush/Cheney impeached for authorizing TORTURE. Most pundits don’t remember the level of outcry from those of us who aren’t’ afraid to call ourselves “liberals” in 2006. But, essentially, the democrats said the same thing, “if there’s not enough republicans to ‘convict’ in the Senate, they ‘why impeach?'”

Of course, the way I see it, if a so-called president has committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” the House of Representatives SHOULD, at a minimum, have a public investigation in regards to ALL the evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” If the president has committed impeachable offenses, in my view, EVERY member of the House has taken an OATH to investigate and IMPEACH him/her – regardless of what will happen in the Senate. Clearly, Ms. Pelosi is concerned that impeaching individual 1 will inflame his “base” and make it more difficult to defeat him in 2020. I believe she is badly miscalculating “we the people” just as democrats did in 2006. I’ve said MANY times on this site – the challenge for democrats is to demonstrate they actually believe in the fundamental values they claim as their basic beliefs. If individual 1’s actions don’t violate their beliefs to the point of considering them “high crimes and misdemeanors” then “we the people” are truly in a bad way.

What Ms. Pelosi fully understands is the nature of individual 1’s “base.” If you watched those “very fine people” carrying tiki torches, wearing Nazi arm bands, holding both Nazi and Confederate flags and chanting things like “Jews will not replace us” at Charlottesville you then have a good idea of individual 1’s “base.” If you remember, none other than David Duke, after the Charlottesville incident, making it clear they were very appreciative of individual 1’s “very kind words,” you clearly know why the Speaker may be hesitant. Ms. Pelosi knows these people are very quietly, for those of us who don’t frequent their alt right websites, threatening “civil war” if individual 1 is impeached and they’re armed to the “hilt.” On that front, I certainly feel much better having Bob Barr in charge of the Justice Department instead of Jeff Sessions, but, the reality is there will likely be a violent reaction should individual 1 find his term in the “White House” shortened. And, many are suggesting this would include if he’s voted out in 2020.

Michael Cohen isn’t the only person I’ve heard suggesting individual 1 won’t willingly “move out” once he’s voted out. Of course, that very well may be because he’s likely to be facing, at a minimum TWO indictments for FELONIES relating to campaign finance violations – although, it appears to me the list of infractions is likely to grow like a chia pet grows hair between now and then. Of course, the likelihood his children will be facing legal issues as well grows by the day. For example, individual 1 Jr., by most accounts, is facing perjury charges based on his testimony to a couple Congressional committees. Plus if the individual 1organization is going to face “RICO” charges, as many contend, the “children” are in deep “doo doo.”

Of course, Pelosi isn’t alone in suggesting individual 1 “isn’t worth it” – in regard to the divisiveness impeachment would create. If you read James Comey’s book he almost suggests impeachment would be a “cop out” – that “we the people” put him in office (of course, that’s debatable – especially coming from Comey and his now infamous announcement about the Clinton emails 11 days prior to the election) and it’s up to us to VOTE him out of office. I have no doubt we will VOTE him out of office if he’s still in office two years from now, but it’s also important to re-establish that NO ONE is above the law.

I thought that was established during Watergate, but Reagan was let off the “hook” after Iran/Contra (as was George HW Bush) AND George W Bush AND Dick Cheney authorized WAR CRIMES (torture) and were allowed to walk away with NO consequences. (That’s without even mentioning LYING “we the people” into an ILLEGAL war, or TANKING our economy, among other issues) I always faulted President Obama for blocking ALL the investigations into the illegal activity of Bush/Cheney. (although, as I do with Pelosi, I like President Obama)

Nancy Pelosi is the necessary LEADER of the democratic party in the House of Representatives because she is a wily, experienced politician at a time when that is desperately needed – to offset the republican party that has no moral compass. That being said, there’s something very exciting happening. The “freshman” class of legislatures in the House democratic caucus are looking more and more to me to be an amazing group – despite all the right wing venom aimed at Rep. Ilhan Omar and the others not afraid to speak their minds – this group of young democrats are not afraid to actually sound like, well, democrats.

Yes, some of them will be facing issues (like Ms. Omar) because of the right wing’s ability to twist words in ways that continue the fear mongering which has been the republican “calling card” since the day Newt Gingrich decided the way for republicans to succeed was to OBSTRUCT, LIE, and cause the government to flounder – then blame the resulting quagmire on democrats. They’ve been doing this for over 30 years. However, several of these young democrats have shown me they aren’t afraid of the right wing fear mongering and they believe in their fundamental values enough to actually FIGHT for them. For example, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is more than willing to “throw” the right wing “fear” right back in their faces! These young democrats, in my view, are not going to back down when it comes to what I’ve referred to as the struggle for the heart and soul of America!

Final Thought: The more I see of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez the more I believe she’s going to be a “force” in the Congress for the foreseeable future. There’s another young lady who’s impressed me and her name is Katy Porter. Here’s the way I see it – and, keep in mind I’m 71 and have been following politics since the days of Dwight Eisenhower – I was a supporter of Robert Kennedy back in 1968 – the “men” have proven themselves to be unworthy of the honor of leading this nation in more situations than not – keep in mind, since Jimmy Carter Barack Obama is the ONLY president not facing a major scandal. (individual 1 is a scandal a day) 2018 has been described as the “year of the woman” and, if Ocasio-Cortez and Porter are examples of what is to come, I’m all for it. These women are impressive and it appears to me they’re not in Washington DC to “salt their own wagon” or are susceptible to the corruption which has permeated our Nation’s capital since the 1970’s – exacerbated by the Citizen’s United SCOTUS decision in 2010. I truly hope I’m correct!

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