One thing you can count on is that the democrats in the House of Representatives are going to get individual 1’s transgressions into the open.

“Liar, Liar, pants on fire,” that’s how Michael Cohen was described by one of the republicans on the House Oversight Committee while virtually every one of the rest of them found various ways to point out Mr. Cohen lied to Congress and, therefore, is a convicted LIAR. (Reminded me of the story in the Bible where Jesus says “let the man with no sin throw the first stone” when confronted with the woman accused of adultery) Not withstanding the integrity of these self serving republicans who stained themselves incredibly in their barrage of attacks on Mr. Cohen, presumably because there was no defense of what he was alleging in regards to individual 1. What stood out to me was, apparently, there is no defense. Otherwise, at least one of them would have said at least one sentence to defend individual 1, but, instead, it was all “liar, liar, pants on fire.” I found it somewhat similar to how they soiled themselves over Benghazi.

So, today, our “scandal of the day” (and, I’m not kidding) is how individual 1, Jared Kushner, Kushner’s wife Ivanka Trump, and Kushner’s lawyer Abbe Lowell ALL lied about how Mr. Kushner got his security clearance. Individual 1 apparently over-ruled those who determine if someone is “fit” to receive America’s top secrets – you know, the “secrets” republicans were so concerned about when Hillary Clinton had an email server in her basement – because Kushner was determined to be a security risk – for some reason. Curiously, all those mentioned above, felt the need to LIE about this, even though individual 1 clearly has the “power” to do this. In fact, individual 1 even LIED about whether or not he knew he had this authority, even after he had already exercised it, according to all the reports I’ve read. I have to wonder if this is worse than Cohen LYING to Congress on behalf of individual 1 over a hotel project in Russia?

Should be interesting to listen to how Jim Jordan and all his minions respond to this. When someone like Kushner was recommended to be denied a security clearance by, even, the CIA, there’s got to be a serious problem. I’ve had a bad feeling about Mr. Kushner from day one of this so-called administration simply because this is classic nepotism. And, Ivanka a “senior advisor?” Are you kidding me? No one should be surprised at the incredible incompetence emanating from the “White House.”

Why is this a serious issue? Well, there’s much “out there” suggesting Kushner’s relationship with MBS (Mohammad bin Salman), for example, that suggests many ugly possibilities of how these two conspire in very ugly ways with significant tragic outcomes being the result. Of course, there’s Jamal Khashoggi meeting up with MBS’s bone saw and there’s the issue with Qatar (which, by the way, I believe at some point will be another “scandal of the day” when the truth about how the Qatari sovereign investment fund bailed out the Kushners at 666 Fifth Avenue) There are many other questions regarding Kushner family interests, financially, with foreign entities.

My point is there apparently are very good reasons Kushner was denied his security clearance and NO good reasons why individual 1, Kushner himself, Ivanka, and Abbe Lowell – Kushner’s attorney – are all LYING about it. But, of course, individual 1 LIES routinely about virtually EVERYTHING. That’s why it was so interesting watching all the republicans in the House Oversight Committee, and I mean EVERY one of them, attacking Cohen as a LIAR as their defense of individual 1. Not ONCE, did I hear one of them actually defend individual 1’s actions. What’s that phrase I used to hear on ESPN? COME ON MAN! Have they not seen the “running stats” that individual 1 has, up to this point in time, LIED something approaching 10,000 times – and piles on LIES at the rate of multiples of 10 each day!

As I’ve said many times, “we the people” are dealing with an “individual” who acts just like a mob boss as our so-called president. Every day there’s another layer to the PILE of scandals which SHOULD have put Mike Pense into the “White House” long ago. And, trust me, I’m not longing for the days where Pense has become our so-called president. Pense, from how I understand conspiracy, should be lawyered up as we all wait for Robert Mueller’s report. Pense has shown himself to be a willing stooge for individual 1 in a way that shows himself to have NO moral compass. I don’t believe, for example, that Michael Flynn “lied to the vice president.” To me, it’s absurd to think Flynn was offering sanction relief to the Russians without the knowledge of individual 1 and his so-called vice president. Additionally, as one example, Pense clearly participated in the cover-up of the reason why James Comey was fired. By my understanding of the law, each person who was read into the real reason and then helped cover it up is susceptible to being part of the conspiracy.

Pense is just one of many who, it seems, find themselves in a mess they likely didn’t anticipate when thinking about working at the “White House.” Democrats, on Monday of this week, sent letters to 81 individuals or groups seeking documents in a very focused plan to find out whether or not individual 1 should be impeached. Republicans chose to work to HIDE any wrongdoing by the administration during individual 1’s first two years in office and the democrats have a lot of ground to make up. Clearly, individual 1 will be shouting to the rooftops to cause his “base” to continue to believe this is a “witch hunt.” When he was making his first comments in reaction to these requests (which he’s likely to fight) we heard again, “there was no collusion, this is a witch hunt, it’s a disgrace.” Well, from my position, the DISGRACE is that “we the people” have a purported mob boss as our so-called president.

The sad reality is that one area where individual 1 was likely correct was when he said, “I could be walking down Fifth Avenue in New York and shoot someone and my supporters wouldn’t care.” Despite all that is clear (although if you allow yourself to watch Fox “news” you have no idea what’s really happened) many of individual 1’s supporters continue to support him. Many are filling out their tax forms, as I’m writing this, and discovering he LIED to them about the tax scam – and, they don’t care. Many have seen his promises about the trade deficit were foolhardy – and they don’t care. He’s an unindicted co-conspirator in two felonies – and, they don’t care. He’s LIED over 9000 times, often right to their faces – and, they don’t care. He’s shamed himself in the presence of both Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong un (just picture how republicans would have responded had President Obama done that) – and, they don’t care. I”m still wondering if they’ll care should it be proven he did conspire with the Russians to get elected. That will tell us a lot about America. Remember, many of those “very fine people” carrying tiki torches at Charlottesville were wearing Nazi armbands and chanting “Jews will not replace us.” NOTHING will cause them to “bail” from supporting individual 1.

I could go on and on, but the reality is that republicans care only about maintaining power and they actually like a “leader” who brazenly LIES in order to keep the “minions” in place. The incompetence doesn’t matter, the DAMAGE, both domestically and abroad, doesn’t matter – it’s all about maintaining power and appointing as many right wing judges as he can before he’s voted out of office in 2020. I have a good friend who’s a die hard individual 1 supporter and he’s already predicting individual 1 will pick one more Supreme Court Justice because he, and, apparently, those on the “right,” are hoping for Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death (or retirement). Mr friend, for what it’s worth, is very confident Judge Ginsburg’s seat on the bench is going to be “available” while individual 1 is still in office. Here’s going to be the irony which will really cause the “left” to go bonkers. Picture, if my friend is correct, Mitch McConnell, in individual 1’s final year in office, if a Supreme Court seat comes open – do you really believe he’ll keep that seat open as he did in Barack Obama’s final year? The court would be much different had Merrick Garland been confirmed, wouldn’t it? And, republicans wouldn’t like it.

Here’s the bottom line. Individual 1 is NOT going to stop LYING – I don’t think he’s capable of telling the truth. Michael Cohen’s testimony opened up several new areas where even more investigations will likely be opened – investigations into individual 1’s financial impropriety. Some reports suggest Mueller’s report is imminent, but, regardless, the investigations in the House are just beginning. One thing you can count on is that the democrats in the House of Representatives are going to get individual 1’s transgressions into the open. People like republican Devin Nunes, when he controlled the House Intelligence Committee, chose to actually be our so-called president’s “moat,” (using a term I learned reading Steven Brill’s book “Tailspin” – highly recommended, by the way) leaving a lot of “catch up” now that democrats control the committee.

The leaders of the democratic party are showing signs which point back to 2006 when America was openly TORTURING “enemy combatants” and the democrats chose NOT to consider impeachment to either GW Bush or Dick Cheney, both of whom had openly admitted to authorizing TORTURE (waterboarding) and BOTH said they’d do it again – leaving the impression that those at the “top” are NOT subject to the laws. According to my (democratic, at the time) representative the reason they didn’t consider impeachment was due to the reality there would be no conviction in the Senate. Well, circumstances appear to be the same, except that there are MANY first year representatives who are anxious to do what their oath calls for them to do – and, that’s to impeach a so-called president who’s committed, openly, “high crimes and misdemeanors.” In the case of individual 1, it’s simply CRIMES that have been committed. I guess what many of us are wondering is do actual CRIMES equate to “high crimes and misdemeanors?” If not, what does qualify?

Final Thought: This all makes me wonder if a MOB BOSS finds a way to LIE his/her way into the office of President of the United States does that matter to that person’s party? Apparently, in the present day republican party it’s irrelevant – as we saw in the Cohen hearings, where republicans showed NO interest in finding out the truth about individual 1’s organization – which, by the way, more and more people are now referring to as a potentially organized crime organization, which I’ve been doing for over a year. We’re hearing, more and more, people suggesting the Trump organization (should I say the individual 1 organization?) very well may be facing a RICO charge – and, that would suggest it’s a crime syndicate.

Of course, republicans impeached Bill Clinton because he LIED about his affair with Monica Lewinsky and, despite the efforts of Lindsay Graham to get the Senate to remove him from office, Clinton remained in office and, actually, was very popular when he left office. Apparently, today’s democratic leaders are apprehensive to do anything which would make individual 1 more popular, but, it seems to me, individual 1’s “high crimes” are much more significant to Clinton’s. And, the reality is that Clinton was actually managing the American economy and government – something, clearly, individual 1 is proving to be incompetent. And, the “beat goes on” ………………………………

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