There is a WAR for the heart and soul of America right now and republicans appear to be siding with the Russians!

Recently I’ve made several posts lamenting the FACT the republican party is aligning themselves with Trump in an apparent attempt to either BLOCK the investigation of Robert Mueller or convince the viewers of Fox “news,” and the listeners of the right wing propaganda talkers on the radio waves that Mueller’s findings will be biased.  It’s as if they’re working in Tandem with Trump and the “White House” to OBSTRUCT Mueller’s work.  One of the things that has set me off was last week when Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham essentially publicly showed themselves to be “turncoats” as they sent a letter to the Justice Department recommending a “criminal referral” on Christopher Steele – the former British Intelligence officer who did the investigation leading to the so-called “dossier.”  This was the person who brought his concerns he was witnessing a crime to the FBI prior to the 2016 election.  A lot of people were very angry with Grassley and Graham for this puzzling behavior.

Grassley is the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee and early last year he was very supportive of the Mueller investigation which, apparently, he’s now trying to undermine.  He, along with Graham, released the aforementioned letter without consulting with anyone else on the committee, obviously including the democrats.  Well, it was just yesterday where I was showing my concern on whether or not the democrats would be up to the challenge “we the people” are facing by the Trump scam.  Well, Diane Feinstein was not happy with Grassley and Graham.  So, Feinstein did something incredible – considering she’s in her 80’s and seems to be the epitome of a Senator who follows protocol.  She released the testimony (over 300 pages) of the owners of “Fusion GPS” before the Senate Judiciary Committee which Grassley was attempting to block.

Like most republicans, Grassley was wanting this “both ways.”  He wanted to smear Christopher Steele – who SHOULD be regarded as a national hero – and wanted to block the release of the transcripts which shows the public that Grassley and Graham were essentially, and I know this will surprise few republican “watchers,” LYING.  Steele reported his findings to the FBI due to his concerns with what he was finding in his investigation.  As Feinstein, herself, said, NOTHING in the so-called “dossier” has been proven inaccurate.  The “dossier” makes it clear to anyone willing to read it that we have a president who’s likely in office because of the Russian ATTACK on our voting process.

“We the people” NEED to know EXACTLY what happened because if our most fundamental process, the right to vote, is undermined, our nation will be ruined as we’ve always known it.  That’s exactly what Vladimir Putin wants to do.  The only way he can bring down America is through fomenting internal division.  Not only does our entire intelligence community KNOW what the Russians were doing, it’s LIKELY they are still doing it.  As I’ve pointed out here many times, there’s NO evidence the Trump administration is doing anything to block the Russians from intruding surreptitiously into America’s cyber networks.

Many of the warnings I’ve received over the years regarding the use of my own computer and of using the internet have to do with “trolls,” many supposedly coming from Russia, trying to “hack” into my own cyberspace.  Obviously, there were some democrats who were careless and opened files that allowed the Russians to STEAL email messages from the Democratic campaign committee and John Podesta. This THEFT led to much of what the Russians were “outed” for during the election campaign.  Obviously, the STOLEN files were released at strategic times to DEFLECT “we the people’s” attention from, for example, the Access Hollywood tape.  But, there was much more.

This is a serious problem and one EVERYONE – republican or democrat – should be on the highest level of concern.  Apparently, the republicans in Congress don’ t feel that way – it’s more important to them to shield Trump in case it’s PROVEN he has broken a law or LAWS.  But, more than the STOLEN files, the Russians were also attacking Hillary Clinton and propping up Trump through ACTUAL fake news via their use of vessels such as Facebook and Twitter.  Full disclosure – I don’t participate in any of the “Social media” outlets so all I know is what has been reported – but, let me put it this way, I personally don’t view Mark Zuckerberg as a “patriot.”  I don’t trust him to be consciously working to prevent his company’s product from being “weaponized” by the Russians.  And, keep this in mind, the Russians have taught Trump, Fox “news,” and the others the true “art” of “fake news.”

So, we’ve finally got a democrat who has stepped up and done “we the people” a great service.  Now, we can read for ourselves what’s in the testimony of the people who created the “dossier” and decide if it’s true or not.  Interestingly, Trump’s lawyer, today, was reported to have filed a lawsuit against “Buzzfeed” the publication that originally published the “dossier” AND “Fusion GPS” the firm that compiled it.  Keep in mind, this is “opposition research” that goes on all the time.  Apparently, Trump hasn’t learned from previous frivolous lawsuits he’s filed about the process of depositions.  I can’t imagine Trump will be able to avoid being deposed should this lawsuit proceed.  That SHOULD be interesting!

As I’ve said, it’s taken an 84 year old woman to step up to the “plate” for the democrats.  Hopefully, this is just the beginning.  While democrats have been honoring decorum in the Congress, republicans have been busy turning tradition on its ear as they appear to be participating in a cover up of Trump’s actions during the campaign and since.  I also believe they are concerned that Mueller’s “wide latitude” in the parameters of his assignment are leading him to some of Trump’s devious behavior prior to the election and they really don’t want that to become public.  Likely the same reason Trump has refused to release his tax returns.  I believe “we the people” are going to see a direct connection between Trump and, at the very minimum, Russian financial interests.  Here’s what’s on many people’s minds: Money laundering?

As this entire episode plays out, I have a feeling that an 84 year old woman has placed herself into an important place in American history.  And, when you observe Ms. Feinstein and listen to her, you get the impression she’s the last person in world wanting to put herself into such a significant place.  Apparently, she’s got a “long fuse” and Grassley and Graham managed to set her off.  I can only hope other democrats are watching.

I listened to the top democrat on the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff talk about how he was appreciative of what Ms Feinstein did, but how the “rules” on his Intelligence Committee are much more stringent keeping him from taking a similar action.  Here’s a word I’d like all democrats to think about – COURAGE!  As I’ve said, this is a WAR for the heart and soul of this nation.  Republicans are making up their own rules as they go.  Democrats should not stand idly by and simply complain.  I hope Feinstein’s actions are simply the FIRST step.  Regarding Mr. Schiff, the head of his committee is doing some TERRIBLE “stuff.”  There’s an old saying, “fight fire with fire.”  Democrats need to show the Millions of people who are resisting Trump they have the GUTS to lead the FIGHT.

I realize there’s more at stake in D.C. than just the “Russia thing” and democrats need to be strategic in their actions.  For example, there’s 9 MILLION children that are about to be without health insurance, some in life threatening conditions, who need democrats to figure out a way to FORCE republicans to fund the CHIP program.  Additionally, the DACA issue MUST be resolved by March or there’s 800,000 young Americans who are in danger of either being deported or heading back into the “shadows.”  In fact, there’s 11 MILLION “illegal aliens” in America that deserve a chance to earn citizenship.  These are important issues that can’t wait for the 2018 election.  In reality, Trump would be wise to work with democrats on these issues because HUGE majorities of Americans want them resolved favorably for the children/young people involved.

I was privileged to spend the last 23 years of my working life in a Middle School classroom in a high poverty school teaching sixth graders.  I know that many of my former students are likely part of the DACA program.  I also know that many of my students in my last years of teaching were dependent on the CHIP program for their health needs – and, for many of them being able to go to the doctor made the difference between success in school and likely failure.  So, my point is there’s more at stake right now than whether or not Trump has covered up any crimes – but, the reality is, kicking Russia out of our elections and protecting our allies from their intrusions as they attempt to undermine the Western “democracies” is of paramount importance.  I’ll say it again, there is a WAR for the heart and soul of America right now and republicans appear to be siding with the Russians!  We need more Diane Feinsteins in our Congress to lead the fight as we await the opportunity to “check” Trump’s agenda in the 2018 election.

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