I just hope the American people have better memories than the republicans in the room with our “s*%thole” president!

I really didn’t want to write another post today, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking of all my dear friends from “s*%thole” countries and what they must be thinking today.  Repeatedly, on this site, I’ve lamented the “damage” Trump might do before he’s finally removed from office – either this year by the republicans, or next year after the mid-term elections.  He’s making it more likely every day that democrats will have lots to “talk about” prior to the election.  I have to believe those who are offended, embarrassed. discouraged, angered, and I could go on – regarding the man who occupies the “White House,” far outnumber Trump’s “base” which the “White House” claims would be “energized” by Trump’s recent “s*%thole” remarks which have “reverberated” around the globe.

A little personal history:  I grew up in a totally white neighborhood in a city that was almost totally white back in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  I didn’t understand it when I was young, but my father was an overt racist.  I don’t remember how many times I heard the “N” word growing up because I didn’t really attach any meaning to it.  I wasn’t a great basketball player but I was good enough to play a couple years at our local community college.  The most significant thing I remember is my first encounter with a Black person.  In a word, I was scared.  I had been taught to be scared – and, I didn’t realize that until I experienced it.  Soon, I discovered one of my best friends on the team was an African American.  To this day – and, I have no idea where he went after that season – one of the nicest, most gracious, wonderful people I’ve met in my life.  (He was much more talented than myself, but he befriended me and helped me improve my “game” so that the next year, after he was gone, I experienced considerably more success)

I discovered I’d been raised to be a racist and within a couple years I finally “disowned” my father because I told him I couldn’t bear to listen to his racist rhetoric anymore.  (I’m sure I put it in different terms)  Over the years, many of my best friends have been African Americans – some incredibly talented and honorable people.  Also, people who’ve had to endure much of what was inferred in Trump’s despicable “shithole” comments the other day.  I have to say, for those of them who are still with us – I’m absolutely positive NONE of them were surprised by the words coming from Trump’s mouth.   I was not surprised.  NO ONE should have been surprised!  Trump’s said these words in other forms OVER and OVER again for as long as I’ve known he existed.

Was anyone paying attention to the so-called “birther” movement?  That was Trump’s entrance onto the political stage in America and drew the rousing support of that part of America that continues to believe this is a “white” nation.  Despite the FACT America is the “melting pot” of the world – “we the people” have come from virtually EVERYWHERE – Trump’s referring to the predominantly nations of “color” as “s*%thole” countries just made Trump’s reality a little more out in the open for those who haven’t been paying attention.  For eight years I waited and waited for democrats to come to President Obama’s defense in a more OUTWARD manner.  It couldn’t be Obama doing it – he would simply have been accused of “playing the race card.”  Democrats were way too silent.  So, in reality, Trump “got away with it” as he showed he was a total racist.  It was no secret!

Clearly, the “tea party” was right there with Trump.  I have good friends who aligned with the “tea party” and seemed to find it difficult to realize they were associating themselves with racists – and, I’m sure, they do to this day.  Republicans are likely to complain about the “blow-back” Trump is getting since he took office – but there’s a difference between resistance based on the FACT Trump may have colluded with Russia to get elected, the FACT he’s a racist, the FACT he’s admitted to being a sexual predator (and there’s something like 20 women who verify what he admitted to – plus, a number of beauty pageant contestants who verify his bragging about essentially “stalking” them while they were undressed in their dressing room), and the FACT he’s said OVER 2000 LIES in his first year in office.  Not to mention his embarrassing level of narcissism and his alarming lack of acuity in his public remarks.

President Obama faced an unprecedented resistance because, well, his father came from one of those “s*%thole” countries Trump was referring to.  Of course, Obama was our first president who was not “white.”  To this day, people who are republicans that may be “fleeing” the party due to Trump – at least the ones I listen to – continue to have an issue with giving Obama credit for anything.  If you remember, the republican mantra for Obama’s presidency was to make sure he “failed.”  Rush Limbaugh was clear:  “Our number one priority is that Obama would fail.”  I can’t stand to listen to Limbaugh, but over President Obama’s eight years in office, I heard many RACIST comments coming from Limbaugh’s mouth with virtually NO republican “blow-back.” (and too little coming from democrats)  Mitch McConnell clearly said: our number one priority is to make Obama a one term president.”  (well, obviously, McConnell and the republicans failed at that – and, can you imagine how many Americans would love to have President Obama back?)  In essence, they openly were putting their contempt that America would elect a Black president ahead of what was good for the country.

There were republicans in the room when Trump made his “s*%thole” remarks – I say that in plural, because I believe he said it repeatedly – and, they seem to have some kind of memory loss – they can’t remember him saying it.  However, there was one democrat in the room, Dick Durbin of Illinois along with at least one staff member, and they apparently have better memories than the republicans in the room.  (Personally, I believe many republicans – and, apparently those in that room – speak [and think] in the same manner)  So, Trump’s “s*%thole” remarks are now reverberating all over the world.  The “damage” is mounting!  And, FAST!

We all know (at least those paying attention) that it will take republicans to remove this “s*%thead” from the “White House.”  If you’ve been curious as to why they’ve been drawing closer to Trump, why they seem to be attempting to smear Robert Mueller who’s investigating the “Russia thing,” and why they seem to be OK with the “shithole” comments?  Well, I believe there are a couple reasons – and it goes back to what those who are “resisting” are so concerned about.  The obvious first answer is, as I just said, the “s*%thole” remarks don’t bother them.  They likely say (or think) the same thing.  The second answer is the most scary and the one that tells me the “damage” will continue to mount until republicans are “kicked out” of Congress – or, at least kicked out in numbers where Trump (and Pense) can be impeached.

While “we the people” are worried about Trump’s mental state, I believe that is exactly why republicans are drawing along side Trump and attempting to undercut the Russia investigation.  Just as republicans were willing to put the needs of the American people aside as they attempted to BLOCK everything President Obama was proposing – ie, his failure was more important than OUR success – they are like a “kid in a candy store” with Trump.  Many have surmised that Trump agrees to anything said by “the last person he’s talked to.”  They’re now busy making sure they’re the “last person(s) he hears.”

In addition, if you want to manipulate Trump all you have to do is heap unending praise on him.  Well, that’s what I believe is behind all these republicans who are proclaiming Trump to be the “greatest president ever” – as Orrin Hatch did (soiling forever his own legacy).  What “we the people” don’t know is what’s going on “behind closed doors.”  Clearly Trump is obliterating virtually every thing Obama accomplished via the executive order.  I believe republicans have a new strategy for what used to be called “earmarks” – where sweetheart deals were embedded in legislation that congressional members could “run on back home.” I have to wonder, what executive orders are republicans getting him to sign in return for their blustering?  Will it be enough to save their jobs as they face angry voters?  And, are America’s voters going fall for this scam or will they overwhelmingly reject this racist president and his supporters?

It will be some time until “we the people” know what’s actually being done to us – but, what we do know is the environment, food safety, occupational safety, water safety, air safety, and the list is long and already at risk.  (unless you’re an oil company executive, a Wall Street banker, etc.)  It will be years until we know the full impact on “Main Street” of the “tax scam” which surely has loophole after loophole to funnel more tax dollars to the top “1%.”   For example, we KNOW the “tax scam” turned Bob Corker of Tennessee from a critic of Trump into a “BFF.” In the end we’ll all know what was done by our “s*%thead” president with the help of the republican party – now, the party of Trump.  And, hopefully, the American people will soundly reject all of them.  I believe there are “very fine” people all across America that understand and believe in what made this country great and I hope many of them choose to run for office in opposition to this group of republicans – no matter what “color” their state or what color their skin.

So, this “deplorable” man who is disparaging people of color around the world is – I want to say embarrassing, but that’s not the right word – and, angering doesn’t feel like the right word – PISSING OFF more people than any one person on the planet – that feels more like the right words.  That’s our so-called president.  Our so-called president who got 3 MILLION less votes than the first woman to run for the office.  Our so-called president who likely needed the Russians to intervene on his behalf to energize the racists in America and turn off voters who might have voted for Mrs. Clinton.  Our so-called president republicans are attempting to shield from what appears likely to be CRIMINAL charges, at a minimum of OBSTRUCTION of justice.  The list could go on.  I just hope the American people have better memories than the  republicans in the room with our “shithole” president!

Final thought:  The situation with my father ended well.  Earlier in my life I had a “season” where I was training race horses.  (like my basketball years, I wasn’t that great)  I befriended a group of elderly Black men who loved to bet on the horses.  My father loved to bet on the horses.  A few years after I “disowned” my father, I was driving along a country road and felt the overriding need to forgive him – which I did.  (and, by the way, that took a huge “weight” off my shoulders)  Soon after, my father got cancer and we reconnected and he started coming to the track with me.  To make a long story a bit shorter, he ended up hanging (with me) and these (really cool) old Black guys (who had amazing stories to tell – they’d lived very tough lives) that had become my good friends.  The experience changed my fathers heart in regard to his racist beliefs.  He had been raised just like myself – and, so many other Americans as a racist. I was by my fathers side the day he died.

I’d like to think Trump could change – but, it appears his beliefs are deeply embedded.  However, in this instance, I believe irreparable “DAMAGE” has been done –  The only possible “repair” will likely have to wait until the 2018 election!  (I, however – I’m sure naively – continue to have hope republicans will “come to their senses”)

Full Disclosure:  My brother-in-law has a higher moral clarity than, apparently, myself.  He shamed me into modifying certain parts of this post – parts that should be obvious.  I was uncomfortable with writing those words – the words of our so-called president – and, he convinced me “two wrongs don’t make a right.”  I should have known that as a retired 6th grade teacher.

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