Monthly Archives: January 2018

If republicans are working in concert with Trump to block Mueller’s investigation that would make the “Russia thing” way worse than Watergate!

Watching republicans soiling themselves at Camp David in their effusive praise of Trump is embarrassing – thinking about the FACT “the world is watching.”  Mitch McConnell who was severely belittled by Trump during the summer is now allowing himself to come across as a Trump lapdog.  Then there’s Paul Ryan who disassociated himself from Trump after the Access Hollywood tapes were made public, as if he had some kind of moral compass, showing he’s willing to do whatever he has to do to kiss up to Trump because he’ll (Trump) sign anything Congress can put on his desk.  These Congressional “leaders” are showing they’ve learned from the leaders of China and Saudi Arabia – heap praise on him and you get whatever you want!  It’s embarrassing and disgusting!

Trump, himself, after proclaiming himself a “stable genius” and after being asked if he’ll agree to an interview with Robert Mueller, said this investigation is “making America look foolish” – and, as long as I’m president America’s not going to look foolish.  (There’s so much I want to say right now) Well, as I just said, the republicans soiling themselves as they seek to put themselves in a position to manipulate Trump for their agenda are doing just what Trump said won’t happen while he’s president – America is looking – well, WORSE than foolish.  We’re looking STUPID!  And, people around the world have to be wondering about Trump’s “base” and how they can be so STUPID to not “see” the reality of Trump in the “White House.”

Apparently, republicans in Congress think Americans aren’t watching as they “circle the wagons” around a president 2 out of every 3 Americans believe is an incompetent pathological LIAR.  At some point the other third of Americans will come to understand what Trump is doing is EXACTLY the kind of stuff that pissed them off in the first place.  Trump’s “populism” is the populism of Wall Street.  Wall Street continues to flourish at the expense of “Main Street.”  The recent “tax scam,” over the next couple of years, will just exacerbate the inequality between the “haves” and the “have nots.”  At some point, even Trump’s “base” will “get it.”

I’ve recently been trying to stomach as much of the right wing propaganda “machine” as I can.  And, with no surprise, Fox “news” turns me off within seconds – the LYING is nauseating.  I’ve tried to listen to Rush Limbaugh again, but I can’t even make it as long as I do with Fox.  Every time I listen to him I have to wonder about his audience that willingly accepts the moniker of “ditto heads.”  Trump openly courted the “uneducated voters” who make up Limbaugh’s audience, saying he “loves them.”  Does anyone wonder why?  Then there are people like Michael Savage and Alex Jones that I’ve only seen snippets of – OMG, there’s a reason people refer to what’s happening in the republican party as “the right wing fringe.”  Right now, as I said, America’s not looking “foolish” in the words of Trump, she’s looking STUPID.

The only way for Americans to resurrect her image in the eyes of the world is to resoundingly REJECT Trump and those who are choosing to enable him.  I’ve said this many times, the 2018 elections can’t come soon enough for me.  I’ve not been a “fan” of the democratic party over the past few years, but “we the people” don’t have another reasonable alternative to the republicans, so I’m truly hoping the democrats come to their senses and recruit NUMEROUS young qualified PROGRESSIVE (liberal) candidates who will actually FIGHT for those on “Main Street” and BACK them!  This is a “WAR” for the heart and soul of this country and I’m not convinced democrats have the necessary FIGHT in them.  We’ll see!

Wall Street was FLUSH with capital before the recent tax scam that is going to funnel another nearly TRILLION and a half taxpayer dollars into the coffers of Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Chase, Apple, Google, Facebook, and I could go on and on – as if they were all struggling.  At some point, as recent history SHOULD have taught us, the BUBBLE will burst – and, I’m feeling the next time it happens “we the people” will be in the most serious situation since the Great Depression. And, I for one, have ZERO confidence Trump (or the republicans) would have any idea how to get us out of a serious downturn in the economy.  In the meantime, many Americans will be fooled into thinking “all is well” due to the infusion of BORROWED money into the economy AND the numerous executive orders REPEALING regulations that keep “we the people” safe from predatory behavior on the part of greedy corporate interests.  Yes, the corporate interests LOVE Trump and his republican enablers.

The last time a “downturn” happened, Hank Paulsen, with the blessing of all the so-called “free market” people in the GW Bush administration BAILED out the people who caused the crisis “because they were so valuable” and then high tailed it out of Washington DC.  Of course, the republican party then, true to their post Gingrich history, started blaming President Obama for the bailout before he even took the oath of office.  They spent the next 8 years BLAMING Obama for the deficit – which was at $1.5 TRILLION  per year as Bush/Cheney left town.  Of course, Bush/Cheney had inherited a $250 BILLION per year SURPLUS when they took office.  It didn’t take them long to turn it into a HUGE deficit.  If you’re a “ditto head” I hope you see how this all works with republicans.

President Obama got the deficit down to around $400 BILLION per year by the time he left office, despite CONSTANT obstruction from the GOP, but republicans continued to blame him for the increased national debt with never a word as to where the problem came from in the first place.  It’s as if Bush/Cheney never existed.  And, of course, soon after taking office Trump was claiming credit for the booming economy he inherited from President Obama.  The question in my mind is “how long will it take for Trump to ruin what Obama left him?”  I’m hoping it won’t be as soon as what Bush/Cheney did to what they inherited, but – well, it’s a work in progress.  We’ve already seen a replay of Cheney’s famous quote: “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”  Job growth has already slowed compared to the Obama years.

Republicans complain about deficits only when there’s a democrat in the White House.  And, this isn’t just an “us” problem.  People around the world really are watching.  Foreign investment in America is still “going strong.”  Despite all our issues, I’ve heard several reports that foreign nations still consider America the safest place for their money.  So, I guess it’s fairly safe to say, the recent “tax scam” won’t be “giving the American people their money back” as Paul Ryan – now a Trump sycophant – famously said while grinning from ear to ear – but, the reality is the tax scam will be “giving Wall Street more Chinese money” that our children and grandchildren will be responsible to repay.  Do you think there’s a republican on the face of the earth that actually thinks in terms of repaying the national debt?

These republicans appear to me to be attempting to hitch themselves to whatever “wagon” is the most self aggrandizing at the time.  Right now, they’re just pathetically slobbering all over themselves as they heap phony praise on the so-called president.  Several of them appear to be helping to create a “firewall” between Trump and the impending probability that he’s likely a criminal.  I’m getting the feeling that Mueller is looking into Trump’s “past” and he’s finding stuff that you’d find in an organized crime family. People “in the know,” for example, say Vladimir Putin’s government is run like an organized crime operation and clearly Trump admires Putin and is trying to “make America like Russia.”  I’m just sayin……..

That likely doesn’t look “foolish” – again, using Trump’s words – to Russia, but to the rest of the world – speaking of our traditional allies, it probably looks downright dangerous and scary.  It appears Trump has little to no knowledge of American or world history and he shows no interest in furthering relationships with our traditional allies.  Much of the executive orders he’s signing can be “fixed” in the upcoming elections when “we the people” have the opportunity to put the ultimate “check” on Trump’s outlandish behavior.  However, the “damage” (as I often refer to it) being done with the British, the French, the Germans, and other European allies could be difficult to repair.  For them, 2020 is a long time from now and they could have “chartered” an entirely new “course” by then.  Americans need to act DECISIVELY in 2018.  I’ve said this many times:  “The world is watching.”

I’ll end this by saying the most absurd, to me, thing happening in the past week – and, it seems EVERY week, in America, is full of ABSURD “stuff” – but, this is “right up there” – it’s where the Senate Judiciary Committee finally made a “criminal referral” from their investigation into Russia’s ATTACK on America.  It was done by Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham – apparently in tandem – and, UNBELIEVABLY they are accusing Christopher Steele, the former British Intelligence “spy” – who informed the FBI about the Russians ATTACKING our election process with the participation of Trump’s campaign – of some kind of crime.  Talk about making America look “foolish.”  This one, to me, was the unbelievable in a year of unbelievable, ridiculous “stuff” coming from Trump and the republicans.

This is their strategy to protect Trump from whatever he’s trying to HIDE from the American people – with the help of the republican party.  Blame the messenger and deflect from the message.  I’ve seen this over and over again in America.  We encourage people to be “whistle-blowers” and then attack them for exposing an uncomfortable TRUTH.  In this case, obviously Grassley and Graham are “uncomfortable” with whatever Trump did and they’re trying to prevent “we the people” from knowing about it.  This is the same Committee in Congress which is BLOCKING the testimony of “Fusion GPS” – the company that hired Steele – from being publicly released.  What are Grassley and Graham trying to hide?  Are they working in concert with Trump?  (that would be really bad!)

I’ve said this many times on this site – I feel like Trump – I keep repeating myself, but in this instance it’s not subconsciously, if members of Congress are attempting to BLOCK the investigation into Trump and the “Russia thing” (as Trump referred to it in his STUPID interview with Lester Holt – where he essentially admitted to Obstruction of Justice in the firing of James Comey) they SHOULD be held accountable for OBSTRUCTION as well.  As both Grassley and Graham – when Mueller was first appointed – both said, this investigation SHOULD be allowed to proceed without interference until it reaches its natural conclusion. (or words to that affect)  Something strange has happened to them and many other republicans.  I don’t know if Trump has “stuff” over them (like Russia very likely has on Trump) but, the bottom line here is that Russia has interfered  (and IS interfering) in our most fundamental institution and, we need to stop them from doing so in the future, and hold accountable any American who treasonously worked with them in the 2016 election.

Here’s what Donald Trump is really doing: “Making China Great Again.”

The “stuff” is never ending coming from Trump and the “Russia thing.”  Originally, virtually every American – republican, democrat, and independent – stood together in wanting to know what really happened during the 2016 election.  At the time this information was originally publicized, people wanted to know if Russia could have actually had a material affect on our election.  Over the course of the next twelve months many republicans have changed their “tune.”  It appears they are willing to destroy the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, and, in the process, the confidence of Americans in our traditional institutions to protect a man who is, in so many ways, destroying this nation.

I’ve talked about what I’ve referred to as the “damage” Trump might do before republicans in Congress come to their senses and IMPEACH him.  I believed, once they realized their own jobs were in jeopardy, they would “do the right thing.”  Evidently, those “puppet masters” (like Charles and David Koch) who are funding the republican party and are the beneficiaries of the recent tax scam, are the ones with all the power.  They like what Trump is providing for them and they’ll keep this attack on our fundamental institutions going as long as they can.  As Trump recently explained to the Koch’s and their allies, “you all just got a lot richer.”  Evidently, there’s never enough for these people.  (Each of the Koch’s are worth upwards of $50 BILLION – apparently, not enough)  I’m sure they’re telling republicans they have enough money to thwart the “wave of resistance” that’s coming in November.

Not only is Trump “Making America worse” he’s having an impact around the globe.  For example, by pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord and the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) he might as well have given China the “gift of gifts” on a “silver platter.”  China, for example, after Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris agreement – likely because it was the work of Barack Obama – one of the main targets of our so-called president – is taking the lead in the technology of alternative energy – like solar and wind power.  By the time “we the people” are able to correct the Trump (and republican) problem affecting our government, China will have, most likely, an insurmountable lead in this technology.  I guess that just means more stuff coming from China.  “We the people” can rest knowing we’ll be bathing in coal and oil thanks to the “genius” Trump.

Then there’s the TPP.  This was also negotiated by President Obama, with the idea of protecting America from China’s future domination of the economies of countries in South East Asia.  Well, Trump served up this part of the world to the Chinese – again, on a “silver platter.”  While Trump is “crowing” about how smart he is and what a great negotiator he is, the Chinese are “laughing all the way to the bank.”  Reports are the Chinese already have their own trade agreement in the works that will supersede the TPP and guarantee their dominance in this part of the world where a HUGE percentage of the world’s economy is going to be centered in the near future.  This is what can only be described as lasting “damage.”  Damage that very well may not be recoverable from in any form close to what President Obama was trying to insulate us from. Sad!

Leaders around the world have figured out how to “play” Trump – and, he will likely never understand what “hit him.”  While it reinforces his self image as a “genius,” unfortunately, “we the people” are going to be the real losers going forward.  While Trump is strutting around pointing out his “genius” they are laughing to themselves and finding new ways to turn America into a “paper tiger.”  Roll out the red carpet and tell Trump how wonderful he is and you’ll get whatever you want.  In the case of the Chinese, it may be years before we fully understand to what level they are benefiting from Trump’s narcissism.

I mentioned the issues with the TPP and the Paris Climate Agreement, but what about the recent tax scam where Trump successfully pilfered $1.5 TRILLION tax dollars from “we the people” funneling it to himself and the “puppet masters” mentioned above.  Well, where is that money coming from.  If you listen to Trump and his now buddy Paul Ryan they’ll say, “we’re giving the American people their money back.”  More than once, I’ve explained the fallacy of that claim – but, I’ll briefly do so again.  If it was “our” money, it wouldn’t need to be BORROWED.  However, the addition to the national debt will likely exceed the amount of the tax cut so, in effect it’s ALL borrowed money.  Do you really believe they’re borrowing it from “we the people?”  Most likely, at least in the short term it will come from the Chinese, the Saudi’s, some other adversary, or they’ll just have it printed.

The only way you could possibly say they’re giving us our money back would be because, ultimately, you’d think it has to be repaid and we’ll get it then.  Maybe the more accurate way to express the TRUTH about what they did is to say, “we’re taking a huge haul from your children and grandchildren and they can give you your money back if you live long enough.”  So, I guess you could say our children and grandchildren might be “giving us our money back.”  But, there’s another “hitch” to that as well.  “We the people” aren’t getting the money – well, by that I mean 83% of the money’s going to the “top 1%” which really isn’t “we the people.”  So, in TRUTH what they did is ROB $1.5 TRILLION from our children and grandchildren.  And, apparently, our “conservative” right wing Christians are willing to let them get away with this.

That gets me back to China.  Apparently, the United States economy is still considered the safest place for people around the world to invest their excess money.  Like in America’s treasury bonds.  (Well, unless you’re one of the “top 1%” who needed that tax cut in order to bring the TRILLIONS stashed in the Cayman Islands and other places where they can avoid paying taxes – that’s right, our “top 1%” essentially bribe our “leaders” into cutting their taxes so they’ll bring their profits home – “you can’t make this stuff up”)  There was a time in recent American history when people who espoused the present day republican philosophy of making sure the “rich get richer” would have been considered unpatriotic.  For me, that time is still now!

Let me go over this again.  Well, some of what I’m going to go over comes from my most recent posts.  While Trump is enabling the Chinese (and other nations around the world) he is also destroying the fundamental fabric of America.  The conspiracy to attack the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and other traditional American institutions is threatening to turn the U.S. into third world status.  Now, I “get” it will take much more than what’s happened to this point – but, Trump is attacking his political opponents by directing the Justice Department to investigate them as a way to block the investigations into his own wrongdoing – classic authoritarian policy.  If he somehow succeeds, it could be the end of America as we know it.

I trust there will be enough people in the streets before “we the people” let him get away with it to make the “Women’s march” look tame.  But, keep in mind, the Justice Department is run by Jeff Sessions who has already soiled his reputation (what there was of it) as he’s allowed himself to become a “lapdog” of the president.  So, now “we the people” are depending on the “rank and file” of the FBI and the Justice Department to honor their oaths to the constitution – and, either refuse or resign when asked to carry out illegal activities.  Right now, it appears Sessions has relinquished to Trump’s demand to open an investigation into the so-called “Uranium 1” transaction that took place in 2010.

That entire transaction has been the part of partisan “investigations” already with the reality being it was an inconsequential transaction that had no connection to those Trump wants to attack.  But, his plan to do character assassination via innuendo through “Fox and Friends” will have the “ditto heads” who follow this stuff and actually believe it in an uproar.  Trump’s plan is to DEFLECT attention from whatever is coming from Mueller, which he apparently is aware.  I learned a long time ago – when someone CONTINUALLY proclaims their innocence – when nothing’s been alleged – well, they’re likely GUILTY.  I remain willing to allow Robert Mueller the “last word” on this, but the intensity of the “blow-back” coming from Trump and his minions suggests there’s something “there.” (here’s my guess, when “Uranium 1” proves another waste of taxpayer dollars “investigating” Mrs. Clinton, republicans will re-open Benghazi)

What’s the most discouraging about all this to me, is the silence coming from the republican party – or, worse yet, the republicans who’ve chosen to participate in the OBSTRUCTION of Mueller’s investigation coming from the “White House.”  I’ve mentioned this lately, I believe there’s members of Congress who could be opening themselves up to charges of OBSTRUCTION of justice in their poorly concealed attempts to undermine Mueller’s probe.  To me, if the president can’t OBSTRUCT justice, neither can the members of Congress.  Trump’s frantic attempts to find a way to “get away” with whatever it is he so fears is further dividing America.  There’s going to be a HUGE response to this investigation one way or the other.

Most Americans just want to know if Trump and his campaign were working in concert with the Russians during the campaign.  The more Trump attacks the “messenger” the more likely, it seems, the “message” will be unfavorable for him.  But, he’s making sure to “gin up” his “base” by attacking Mueller, calling anything coming from the media (with the exception of Fox “news”) “fake news” (and, remember, that term comes right out of the Russian “playbook”) so that his supporters will not believe any charges that might be brought against him.  He’s perfectly willing to see MILLIONS of Americans in the streets instead of trusting the American Justice system to be “fair and balanced” to steal a phrase from Fox.  This is unpatriotic and that will be Trump’s place in the history books – no matter how this all plays out.

Which gets me back to my main point.  Instead of “leading” America to a better place, Trump is taking this nation into, quite possibly, the darkest place it’s been since the removal of slavery regarding our nation’s “black marks.”  Yes, there’s been a lot of challenges over the years, a lot of fights among various groups for their rights – including people of color, women, and many others, but for an America president to purposely encourage DIVISION is, to me, unthinkable.  Until Trump, every American president in my lifetime – and, those I’ve read about – have always put the nation before themselves (my mind is causing me to pause as I think about Dick Cheney, but his was only thought to be “kind of” the president during the term of GW Bush) but, Trump is clearly all about Trump.  And, without a second thought, I believe he would ruin this country to save himself.  He’s relied on a slogan that was first espoused in the 1930’s (Make Germany Great Again) by Adolf Hitler, but, I believe, in reality you could claim that what Trump is really doing is “Making China Great Again.”  And, there’s not much “we the people” can do about it unless the republican party finds their moral compass – if any of those presently in power ever had one!  (I’m giving John McCain a “pass” – he must be deteriorating fast.  I can’t imagine him participating in what Trump is doing – “we the people” need some LOUD voices coming from the “right”)


How long will republicans be able to HIDE their illegal behavior behind investigations of Hillary Clinton?

I’m not sure who’s most disgusting, Trump, or the republicans who are leading the backlash to the “Russia thing” – apparently willing to allow the Russians to ATTACK this nation and, in various ways to “change the subject,” turn the focus of gullible Americans back to Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the Justice Department, and more.  What SHOULD be obvious is if there’s no “there, there” why all the attacks?  If Trump has nothing to hide, why is the right wing Congress attempting to turn America into a total autocracy?  Are republicans afraid of Robert Mueller because they understand he’s a reliable investigator?  Do they believe Trump is guilty of something and the only way to protect him is to undermine our FBI and Justice Department?

I can tell you the long term damage if republicans actually attempt to PURGE the Justice Department and fill it with cronies who will give loyalty oaths to Trump aint gonna work!  If you were around in the 60’s and remember those protests the response to any attempt to turn our Justice Department into a “Trump tower” will make the protests of the 60’s look tame.  The American public – minus those who watch Fox “news’ (AKA GOP TV) – are on the edge of their seats waiting to find out who was involved with the Russians that attacked – and, as I’ve said many time here – are likely still attacking – the fundamental premise of our republic.  Maybe having Russians influence the outcome of an election is OK with “Fox and Friends,” but it’s a HUGE red line for MOST of America.

As the investigation gets closer to Trump, who appears to be mentally unstable, republicans in Congress seem to be “circling the wagons.”  Are they failing to read the “tea leaves?”  If they want to have any chance of staying in power, they SHOULD be allowing the investigation to proceed and hoping it’s finished sooner rather than later.  If Trump is to be accused of criminal wrongdoing, republicans SHOULD be planning for whether his crimes amount to impeachable offenses and they SHOULD follow through accordingly.  This strategy of attacking the messenger to stop the message is faulty at its core – and, will require “we the people” get rid of any member of Congress that is OBSTRUCTING the Russian investigation.

If the president can’t OBSTRUCT an investigation, I have to assume members of Congress are not able to do so as well.  It was reported last night that the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter to the Justice Department recommending criminal charges against Christopher Steele, the well respected former British Intelligence officer who compile the so-called “dossier” and reported the Russian ATTACK on America to the FBI.  That report is going to tell people in Europe that the American justice system has “lost its mind.”  Of course, the net result of this action will make it so Mr. Steele will not come to America to testify about his findings.  Obviously, that appears to be the republicans on the Judiciary Committee’s intent.

Republicans are pulling out all the stops to protect Trump from the “Russia thing.”  Trump fired James Comey thinking that would protect him from the Russia thing.  He sent multiple persons to the Justice Department to prevent Jeff Sessions (unsuccessfully) from recusing himself from the “Russia thing” – expecting Sessions to protect him from the “Russia thing.”  Trump asked several members of Congress to block the investigations to protect him from the “Russia thing.”  Trump dictated a letter regarding Donald Jr.’s collusion with the Russians (along with Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort) in order to protect himself (and his son) from the “Russia thing.”  Trump has called out all the “troops” – Fox (and “friends”) plus others on the right wing media circus to attack Mueller’s and the FBI’s credibility to protect him from the “Russia thing.”

It should be obvious to anyone who can think at a sixth grade level, Trump is hiding something and it’s serious.  He’s willing to destroy the foundation of America to protect himself from the “Russia thing.”  For Trump, it’s all about Trump.  What’s really curious to me is why so many republicans can’t see this?  Are they so desperate for someone who’ll sign any piece of legislation they can put on his desk that they’re willing to destroy our nation?  Do they believe the Justice Department and the FBI should be filled with political loyalists?  If that’s the case, let me remind them that the 2018 elections are right around the corner.  Every time republicans pull another stunt designed to undermine Mueller the chances of democrats retaking control of the Congress goes up.  As the saying goes, “two can play this game.”

Rumor has it that Trump is planning to fire Jeff Sessions – the first republican to endorse him – so that he can appoint an Attorney General who “will defend him from the Russia thing.”  Just as Trump’s recent legal attacks on the book “Fire and Fury,” demanding the publisher not publish it, (as an aside: I’ve already ordered my copy – Barnes and Noble has them at 30% off) caused the publisher to move up the release date, I believe Trump’s (and the republicans) actions are pushing Mueller to take the next “step” sooner rather than later.  Do republicans think they can undo all the investigation that has taken place?  Do they realize what this will do to America if they succeed in thwarting Mueller and destroying public confidence in our Justice Department?

I’ve talked many times on this site about the “damage” Trump might do before he is ousted as our so-called president.  Well, what he’s conspiring to do with the help of republicans in Congress is like a plan to turn America into a third world nation.  I believe “we the people” understand the hypocrisy of the tax scam.  As Trump said to his rich friends: “you all just got a lot richer.”  I think most Americans who are paying attention (and, not watching Fox) realize whatever pittance they might get from this scam, the $1.5 TRILLION (probably double that if history is any guide) addition to the national debt is not worth it.  More and more people are starting to realize, in America, the Middle Class has been getting “jobbed” by the “top 1%” for years, and the Trump/Ryan tax scam is just one more example of their reverse Robin Hood tactics.  But, that is nothing compared to what republicans are attempting to do to our FBI and Justice Department!

It was reported yesterday that several members of the FBI and Justice department have been called before Congress for what appears to be extensive “grilling.”  These are dedicated servants to America, but someone – most likely Rob Rosenstein and Christopher Wray – have succumbed to the pressure coming from the likes of Devin Nunes, Lindsay Graham, and other republicans who are coming off to people like me as “turncoats.”  The republicans in Congress are still pushing for investigations into Hillary Clinton designed to take attention off the “Russia thing.”

America’s political dysfunction is leading us down a very dangerous path.  First and foremost, it’s as if the republicans are willing to pretend the Russian attack never happened.  I’m guessing, the Russians are still involved in the brainwashing tactics these republicans are using to keep their base of about 30% of America “in line.”  I don’t use Facebook, but from what I’ve heard and read, they’re likely still a mechanism allowing disinformation to spread to targeted areas of America.  Trump’s supporters believe it’s a political vendetta out to get him – but, they’re unwilling to allow the investigation to clear him.  Do you, as I, wonder why?  I think most people think the answer to that question is that Trump is guilty of something!

I’ve written about the direction of the republican party since I started venting my frustration about American politics 10 years ago.  I’ve argued, as a Christian, I don’t understand how people who believe in Jesus Christ can associate with today’s republican party.  I know, for most, it’s about abortion – but, to me that’s not a justification for every thing else that comes with these republicans.  Now, we’re talking about the very foundation of America, and for some reason republicans are circling around an admitted sexual predator, a pathological LIAR, a racist, a misogynist, a narcissist of unbelievable proportions, and someone who knows almost nothing about American history and presidential protocol.  Somehow, Trump’s claim to be reading “2” Corinthians hasn’t convinced me he’s got “Christian values.”

People who supported Trump believed he would “drain the swamp,” but he’s just filled the swamp with more Goldman Sachs refugees who are continuing to funnel more of America’s Middle Class tax dollars to themselves.  Yes, he picked a right wing judge for the Supreme Court but is that worth destroying our nation via undermining the Justice Department?  I’ve written that the good people of Central California need to fix the problem of Devin Nunes in the 2018 election, but in the meantime the rest of us need to be watching his every move.  I believe he’s the “leader of the pack” trying to undermine the “Russia thing.”  When this is all said and done, I hope Nunes has to face accountability for his actions.  And Grassley and Graham?   Something happened to these two guys.

When Mueller was appointed both Grassley and Graham were heaping their praises on him and his integrity.  Grassley, I remember when it was reported that Trump might fire Sessions as a way to get rid of the “Mueller thing” said any new appointment for Attorney General had to go through the Judicial Committee and there would be no hearings “that year.”  Graham said, “If Trump messes with Mueller all hell would break loose.”  Somehow Trump has managed to turn both of these formerly respectable republicans into his minions.  It’s both sad and disgusting.  I truly hope the people in their states are watching and don’t want Russians ATTACKING America surreptitiously via internet trolls.

If this attack on the FBI and Justice department ends up with more investigations of Hillary Clinton and succeeds in blocking Mueller’s investigation America will truly be at a crossroads.  Honestly, it’s hard for me to even imagine there’s enough turncoats in the republican party to turn the Russia investigation into an investigation of the FBI and another of Mrs. Clinton. How long will republicans be able to HIDE their illegal behavior behind investigations of Hillary Clinton?  To me, any republican in Congress who conspires to protect Trump from accountability regarding the Mueller investigation becomes part of the issue.  If Trump did commit TREASON by working with the Russians to win the election he should face the consequences.  Evidently, there’s republicans who believe that’s OK.  They should face the same consequences!

Final thought:  I believe Fox “news” should also face the consequences of conspiring with Trump to undermine an ongoing criminal investigation.  All these people, evidently, believe Trump will be accused of criminal activity.  Instead of allowing the “system” to run its course, they are attempting to manipulate the system.  I’m struggling as to why this is OK with anyone.  If Fox is spewing LIES why is that’s OK? (and, when I use the term “if” I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt – personally, I have no doubt, it’s why I can’t watch them for more than a few seconds – as I hear the LYING my stomach crawls and I have to click the remote)  My brother in law suggested this morning Trump is “Making China Great Again.”  He’s right on, I’m thinking that’s the thought behind my next post!

Trump BRAGGED to a group of wealthy donors attending a dinner near Mar a Lago, regarding the tax scam: “You all just got a lot richer.”

The “damage” I keep talking about with Trump is building fast.  There’s a lot going on behind the scenes that is “deconstructing the administrative state” as Steve Bannon put it, AND is “making America less great.”  Trump is busy repealing regulations that “make America safer” so that people like the Koch brothers can “make Americans poorer and dirtier.”  It really is disgusting, but much of this is being done “behind closed doors.”  From my standpoint, I’m feeling as if Trump is going to take us all over a steep cliff and there’s a MAJOR economic disaster in the offing among other impending DISASTERS.

Worse than that, to me, is the message Trump is sending around the globe as to America’s values and what our traditional allies can expect going forward.  He’s kissing up to people like Putin, Erdogan, Duterte, and other dictators around the world and pissing off the Brits, the French, the Germans, and other traditional allies.  The way I see it, “we the people” MUST take action in 2018 to SHOW the world this is NOT the real America.  We’ve got to vote republicans from office en masse, and end the Trump administration if the republicans don’t do so once Mueller’s investigation is complete.  It doesn’t take a brain surgeon (with apologies to Dr. Carson) to figure out Mike Flynn would not have gotten such a “sweet heart” deal had he not had information to implicate Trump.

Of course, as I’ve written in the past, “we the people” have to rely on republicans to “do the right thing” in regard to Mueller’s findings, and there’s too many republicans, for my liking, acting as if the problem is Mueller and not the FACT we were ATTACKED by the Russians and they are likely STILL here helping Trump.  “We the people” have an obligation to prove to the world that we can govern ourselves and we won’t stand for anyone being “above the law” – which, apparently, is where some republicans want to put Trump.  His own actions continue to suggest his level of GUILT is going to go way beyond the “Russia thing.”

America used to act to at least protest against nations who’s leaders would act against their political opponents by throwing them in jail, and now we have a (so-called) president who’s attempting to BULLY “his” Justice Department into doing just that.  Trump started the new year with a “tweet” suggesting not just (the ordinary) Hillary Clinton should be jailed, but a list of others including James Comey.  This is really getting out of control.  Trump apparently spends his time reading posts on the most disgusting right wing web sites that are the home of the white nationalists and he gloms onto their conspiracy theories willingly.  Whether he actually believes them, or not, they at least foster ideas in his head on how to fight back against the so-called “deep state.”

I’ve talked about projection a lot on this site – but, the “deep state” references made by Trump and his right wing supporters, to me, is a way to block anyone from understanding how there’s a bunch of rich people in America calling the “shots” for the republican party – the “donors” who were the beneficiaries of the recent tax scam.  If there’s a deep state, that’s where it lies.  People like Charles and David Koch – who are willing to spend as much as needed to reduce our government to a level where they can pollute or anything else they may desire without the government “watching.”  They’ve long since bought the republican party – and, they are calling the “shots” from behind the “curtain” (picture the wizard of Oz)  To me, that’s the “deep state.”

It was reported over the Christmas break that David Koch held a gathering of rich Trump supporters in Flagler, Florida – close to Trumps Mar a Lago – where Trump BRAGGED to those attending, regarding the tax scam:  “You all just got a lot richer.”  This coming from the mouth of the “rust belt’s” so-called “populist” president who was going to “drain the swamp.”  The next year will determine just how STUPID those people are.  Will they recognize the scam they’ve bought into.  Trump’s betting that $50 a month will be enough for his “base” to continue with the “love.”  The truth is, “We the people” just watched Trump and the republicans pour $1.5 TRILLION of our tax dollars into the swamp. (and, added it to our national debt) The world is watching!

The last thing these people (meaning Trump and those in the Koch “world”)  want, for example, is a Justice Department that would hold them accountable for breaking any laws.  Apparently, this explains why Trump is on the attack against the FBI, CIA, the Justice Department, and Robert Mueller.  The American people MUST make it clear this investigation must be completed AND those who conspired against our nation AND/or broke the law should be held accountable.  Trust me, if Trump is working with the Russians and we let him get away with it, we’ll all bemoan the day that happened.  (Recently, Trump claimed he has the right to  COMPLETE control of the Justice Department. – Just like Putin in Russia)

People like Devin Nunes in the House need to face accountability in the 2018 election. Nunes appear to me to be a traitor.   I believe there’s two people running against Nunes and they both seem to be viable alternatives.  Hopefully, the people in Central California are watching his embarrassing actions in D.C.  These actions are likely why he refuses to hold Town halls in his district. Nunes support of Trump and REFUSAL to lead a reputable investigation into the Russian ATTACK on our nation during the election is DEPLORABLE.  He SHOULD be removed from office by his constituents – although, his own republicans could remove him from his position in the Intelligence Committee if they, themselves, were concerned about this Russian ATTACK.  This attack is no secret.  Why are republicans acting as if it never happened?

In my mind, democrats SHOULD be attempting to get viable candidates in EVERY district across this nation.  There are good Americans in every district that are not happy with what’s going on in Washington DC.  Exposing the connection republicans have with the Russians should just be part of their message.  People want health care, they want a balanced budget, but they don’t want the budget balanced on the backs of working people.  They don’t want endless wars and the list could go on.  The election of Doug Jones in Alabama should have shown them there’s progressive minded people everywhere.  The other thing democrats need to do, as I’ve stated before, is welcome single issue abortion voters into their party.  Inform them of the “other” they’re voting for when they vote in republicans and then have the dialogue about abortion.

I’ve stated this many times here – prior to Roe v Wade I knew of several people who had abortions when I was in college back in the 60’s.  It will continue to happen after Roe v Wade is reversed if that happens.  It’s true Trump is packing the courts with right wing judges – this is damage that will last well beyond whatever term he has in office – and the abortion activists love this.  What they won’t love is the corporate tilted decisions coming from those courts for years to come.  Decisions that favor the wealthy over the working people.  Regarding abortion, my personal hope is that somehow we can reduce the “demand” for abortions.  It’s such a complex subject, it shouldn’t be looked at as a “black and white” issue in my mind.  Like other so-called “wedge issues” we’d all be better off if there was a dialogue between diverse opinions and we quit arguing with each other.  There will always be the “fringe,” but most of “we the people” are somewhere in the middle and we need to, this year, stand up and show the rest of the world we’re not putting up with Trump and the Russians are not welcome in our politics.

I’ve said for years it’s the present form of the republican party that needs to be voted into the history books.  People like the Koch brothers have pushed republicans so far to the right that they’ve gone over the “cliff.”  And, Trump and the “tea party” are the results.  They are ruining this nation and doing it while MOST Americans have no idea what’s going on.  I’m trusting that much of what Trump is doing stealthily with his executive orders can be easily “fixed” in 2020 if Americans vote a progressive as the next president – but, 2018 is the year that may be the most important election since FDR became president in 1932.  “We the people” MUST make it clear we want the Russians out of our country’s politics.  PERIOD, end of story!  (or as one republican I admire, Steve Schmidt would say, “full stop.”)

One thing the Trump’s so-called presidency has accomplished is to identify some republicans with high character and I put Steve Schmidt right at the top of the list.  MSNBC has had many republicans on their shows and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by some.  I’m sure, they think much differently than myself, but I would love to sit down and have a conversation with them.  Besides Schmidt, I’ve been impressed by David Jolly, a former representative from Florida, David Frum who worked for GW Bush, and others.  Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace are either republicans or former republicans (thanks to Trump) and I enjoy listening to them, although, again, I’m sure I think differently.  My point is, there used to be a lot of people of high character in BOTH political parties and, in today’s “climate” the republican party appears devoid of people of character.  The “signing ceremony” after the tax scam was embarrassing.  I’ll say it again, the 2018 election can’t come soon enough for me – and, I hope the “resistance” continues to mount until then!  It’s a fight for the heart and soul of America.

The republicans, in concert with Vladimir Putin, are attempting to turn one American against another.  “We the people” need to be aware of this and start talking to each other.  We are a diverse country – the so-called “melting pot” – and, like anything else we’re stronger together than divided.  That doesn’t mean we agree on everything, it means we talk to each other and we come to solutions via compromise – a word republicans consider a “four letter word.”  Young Americans don’t remember the days when the U.S. Senate operated with “regular order” as in the words of John McCain.  It was a much better time – although, as I’ve said – there were, and there always will be, disagreements.  What we’ve evolved to, thanks to the republicans (led by Gingrich) in concert with the media outlets who’ve sold their souls to the “Big Lie Theory” is a corporatocracy (the foundation of fascism) and a so-called president who’s a pathological LIAR, an almost unbelievable NARCISSIST, and wants to turn America into autocratic dictatorship.

America’s election in 2018 will be the most watched election in many years, and it will be watched around the world.  If republicans succeed in turning off enough voters that the turnout is low – as historical mid terms would suggest – America could be in deep trouble.  People in the nation’s who’ve been our traditional allies will be on the edge of their seats waiting to see if “we the people” have “had enough” or if we’re willing to allow Trump to continue destroying our traditional values.  I’ve talked a lot here about the “damage” Trump is doing – well, we’ve GOT the POWER to stop it in November of 2018.  I believe “we the people” will speak loud and clear!

Final thought:  I believe Trump is in Mueller’s “headlights,” but, before he gets to Trump, I believe there’s a good chance Mike Pense will face accountability for “conspiring” to obstruct justice.  Pense has come across almost like a “puppy dog” following Trump around and being obedient to every command – including NUMEROUS LIES, intended to cover up what happened during the campaign AND in the “White House” since Trump’s inauguration.  Sadly, that puts Paul Ryan in line to “take over” if republicans impeach both Trump and Pense.  (I believe Pense can actually be charged with crimes)  Honestly, I can picture NONE of these as a competent president of the United States.  Yikes!  (If democrats retake the House, then it would be the Speaker who’d be “third in line.”  That might cause them to choose someone other than Nancy Pelosi.  Just a thought!


The starting point to “fixing” what’s gone wrong in America is allowing Robert Mueller to finish his investigation and honoring the results – one way or the other!

When Donald Trump says “there was no collusion, even my worst enemies agree,”  well, I suppose I’d have to be in the “worst enemies” list (although I’m probably not much of a threat to Trump) and I’ve been saying “COLLUSION” has clearly been proven.  When it became public knowledge that Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort (at the time, Trump’s campaign manager) met with a group of Russians promising “dirt” on Hillary Clinton – well, that was collusion – which is, really, TREASON.  Of course to Trump Jr. and the others it was YEAH!, bring it on – we “love” it.  To them, evidently, it was “opposition research,” although, instead of hiring an outside source to find the “dirt” they went right to the source.

I’m sure their argument that this was OK was premised in the FACT they had no idea what they were doing.  It’s the “ignorance of the law” excuse – which, from what I’ve learned over the years, is no excuse at all.  I suppose it’s possible Trump Jr. has no idea you can’t take ANY contribution from foreigners in an election.  Considering the Supreme Court pretty much opened the doors to foreign money filtering in unchecked via the Citizens United decision, Trump Jr. (and, Trump himself, who at the time claimed the following Monday – after the meeting took place – they were going to have a “major speech” about Hillary Clinton) and the others may very well have thought this meeting was simply “opposition research” and was OK.  Although, Trump’s campaign (and Clinton’s) had been warned against any “dealings” with the Russians.  The “cat had been let out of the bag” regarding the Trump campaign/Russia connection by George Papadopoulus in a drunken conversation in a London bar.  (with an Australian diplomat – or someone from Australia who contacted the FBI – starting the investigation into the Russian “meddling” into the election).  My point; Trump Jr. and the others should have known better and Trump Sr. as well.  No mater what they got, this was “collusion.”

Now, until Michael Flynn copted to a “plea arrangement” and agreed to “spill” whatever “beans” he has – remember, his lawyers at one point said: “General Flynn has a story to tell” back when he was attempting to get immunity from prosecution, the blow-back on Mueller was minimal.  I said this at the time and I believe it is prescient – when it became apparent Flynn’s son was in almost as deep as Flynn Sr., everything changed.  Say what you want about Flynn, there was no way he was going to allow his son to face serious charges if he could prevent it – these people (the Flynn’s) were operating in the “danger zone,”  Flynn was able to plead guilty to one charge (when he was facing MANY) and, apparently, Flynn Jr. is “off the hook” provided Flynn is honest with the Mueller team.  That (Flynn’s plea deal) was the moment everything changed in the “White House,” in the Nunez (phony) House Intelligence “probe,” and with everyone on “Trump TV” – Fox, Limbaugh, Savage, Jones, etc.

All these people I just mentioned FEAR the “message” Mueller may bring, so their instincts clicked into high gear and they’re going after the “messenger.”  Suddenly, people who boasted about Mueller’s integrity at the start of the investigation are now attempting to SMEAR one of the most trustworthy American public servants of the past 35+ years.  Before he was in the FBI Mueller was a decorated Marine.  He’s served this nation honorably for MOST of his life, but that’s of no matter to the Trump people who are clearly worried Trump is in trouble. The actions of Trump and his surrogates going after Mueller is disgusting!

The bottom line here is that Russia has intruded into our nation and is using the openness of our society in an attempt to bring us down.  This SHOULDN’T be about what Trump did or didn’t do – he should face the consequences of his actions if he violated the law – we’ll know soon enough.  This is about protecting “we the people” from a foreign attack on our country.  If that’s not the role of the government, then I don’t know what is. I believe, the Russians are still “here” and Trump and our Justice Department SHOULD be fighting back.  They’re NOT!  That FACT, along with all the information that’s public, causes me to believe there is, as they say, a “there, there.”

At the bare minimum we should be aware of what the Russians are up to and we should be able to TRUST our government to be fighting back.  President Obama put some sanctions against the Russians which led to Flynn’s attempt to mitigate them – and, to MOST of his legal trouble.  But, since Trump took the oath of office, I’ve seen nothing to suggest his administration is fighting  back.  (In fact Congress approved additional sanctions and Trump has refused to implement them – with little attention to that FACT from our “liberal media”) And, the Russians may very well be attempting to help Trump against anything Mueller might bring, right now – which, just makes all this worse.  I really do hope I’m wrong about that, but I get the feeling Trump will do anything to save his ass.  If he’s “innocent” as he claims, why is he attempting to SMEAR Mueller?  I believe Trump knows that Flynn has enough “knowledge” to destroy him – unless, he can persuade the right wing republican Congress to “look the other way” should Mueller bring impeachable charges.

There are many, like myself, who believe there’s nothing more needed regarding “impeachable charges,” than what has already happened.  As I’m writing this, it’s New Years day 2018 and Trump’s been in office about 340 days.  And, today is maybe the 90th day he’s spent GOLFING at one of his own resorts.  From what I’ve read, he charges astronomical rates – to “we the people” as he stays in his own property – making huge sums of money, outside the office, as our president.  (he’s “putting up” an entire entourage at taxpayer’s expense)  That just gives me an awful feeling in my gut – it’s right out in front of everyone – and, apparently, his base (the “uneducated voters” he claimed he loves during the campaign) doesn’t care.  These are the same people who complained about President Obama playing golf – I believe in eight years Obama played less than Trump has done in less than his first year.  It’s that Trump is profiting off his golfing outings that is the most bothersome to me.  I believe the constitution is set up to prevent presidents from profiting from their office – although, it’s true the “emoluments clause” in the constitution refers to profiting from foreigners – which is also happening on a regular basis with Trump.  (And, I’m not even talking about what Trump gains from his tax scam)

Aside from all the “stuff” Trump is doing out in the open, it’s what is happening “behind closed doors” that is likely what will make or break whether or not Trump makes it through his first term as president.  The attacks on Mueller, coming from at least three directions – Trump, the right wingers in the House, and the right wing media “fringe,” would suggest they know something “we the people” don’t.  If Trump is accused of, for the sake of speculation, let’s say obstruction of justice (which appears likely to more than just me), money laundering and other financial crimes (which also appears likely to me), AND working in concert with the Russians to influence voters in the election (along with his son-in-law and his son, among others) then there should be impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives.

From what I can tell, any impeachment proceeding would have to originate in the House Judiciary Committee and that’s where some of the most vocal “anti-Mueller” sentiment seems to be coming from.  I suppose it’s possible Mueller could bring charges and that committee could refuse to “hear” them.  I don’t know the guy’s name, but I watched a segment of their committee hearings when, I believe, the head of the FBI was being questioned – this is the FBI guy Trump picked to replace James Comey and was easily confirmed in the Senate just recently.  He’s a republican, Mueller’s a republican, Comey’s a republican, and Rosenstein is a republican (he’s the acting Attorney General and he was appointed by Trump and confirmed by the republican led Senate as well).  I find it interesting how the right wingers in the House are attempting to turn on their own.  These people, apparently, would be OK with Trump as an autocrat!  Maybe Trump could appoint Jared Kushner as his heir apparent – so, the republicans could attempt to block any charges there as well – and, of course, Donald Jr. may also need an “intervention,” to keep him in the “line.”  Who knows, it would save a lot of people a lot of money if we could dispense with elections all together.  Supposedly, Trump’s youngest son is quite bright, he could be next in line after Jared if Donald Jr. proves not up to the task.

It’s as if our country is being run by a mafia crime family.  That is, of course, how it works in Russia with Putin and Trump has spared no shame in giving his admiration of Putin.  I think Trump put it this way, “If he says nice things about me, I’m going to say nice things about him.”  Trump has given world leaders the play book on how to succeed with “the great deal maker.”  Just roll out the red carpet and he’ll give you whatever you want.  Unfortunately, things haven’t been so easy for him at home.  Are there no “red carpets” in America?  Or, are there just a bunch of people like me who are upset that Russia is intruding into our republic (technically, it’s not a pure democracy – that’s why the founders put in the “checks and balances”)?  The ultimate “check” is “we the people.”  So, if the right wing House (I believe the guy’s last name who almost made me puke when I was watching the Judiciary committee is Jordan – but, I’m not sure – I’ve got the memory of a 70 year old person) doesn’t act if Mueller brings charges against Trump, then the 2018 election becomes an historic one.

Anyone who values the traditions of America will be called on to act.  This won’t be a right wing or left wing challenge.  This will be the ultimate challenge for “we the people.”  Are we a nation of laws or a nation of me?  Trump may very well be trying to challenge the core of American government AND American history (which, by the way, he knows little about) but “we the people” can stop him at the ballot box – if our Congress fails to act.  Maybe this is what was needed to wake up the young people in this nation who SHOULD be involved in how it is run.  Since the days of Reagan any mention of the word “government” usually is done with negative connotation – especially, coming from republicans and their propaganda network headed up Rupert Murdoch’s Fox “news,” and coordinated with the right wing talkers on the radio all around the country.  These are people who’ve sold their souls for Money.  If you haven’t been lured in, for example, by Sean Hannity, it’s just hard to watch or listen to him.  He’s a great example of how people who LIE regularly (pathological) at some point start to believe their own LIES are true as they foam from their mouths. They convince themselves they are important.  Fox is working in tandem with the GOP, and people like Rush Limbaugh and other radio “talkers” so that they always have their “key words” (talking points) coordinated.  The end (power) justifies the means.

As I’ve said many times here, this is the “Big Lie theory” of Joseph Goebbels, the head of propaganda for the Third Reich in Nazi Germany back in the 1930’s.  The republicans do this because it works – especially, in our society where so many people are focused on taking care of their families and the “busyness” prevents them from looking beyond the headlines, or in this case the LIES coming from people they trust to be telling the truth.  I know so many people who get angry if you challenge something they’ve heard on Fox or from Limbaugh or the others.  They believe they’re “conservatives” but they can’t tell you what that means – most get angry when you even ask.  So, the challenge of dividing America into factions that mostly can’t even talk to each other has succeeded.  And, apparently, the Russians are now helping to “cement” that divide even further – so that no one who is in the Fox, Limbaugh (and others, like Savage, Jones, etc.), and right wing GOP “sphere” will believe anything coming from Mueller – it will be considered “fake news.”  (Interestingly, Limbaugh’s listeners are referred to as “ditto heads” and they willingly go along with that moniker.  To me, that almost says it all)

Here’s the solution:  we start a national “No Fox” campaign – there’s already a “flush Rush” campaign – and, we encourage dialogue between “conservatives” and “liberals.”  We vote people who believe in America into office – an America that was great way before Trump ever thought about ruining her.  To me, a conservative is someone who believes in traditional American values – and, unless you want to take us back to the days of the Gilded Age, that’s the time FDR turned America’s Middle Class into the envy of the world.  A conservative believes in fiscal responsibility – not these repulsive tax cuts for the wealthy with some phony scam that they’ll send the crumbs down to “we the people.”  A conservative wouldn’t be taking “we the people” into perpetual war.  A conservative wouldn’t be allowing  corporations to hoard money in the Cayman Islands.  Hopefully, you get the point.  These republicans and their enablers are taking “we the people” to the “cleaners.”  In their present form, they’ve got to be stopped.  The starting point to “fixing” what’s gone wrong in America is allowing Robert Mueller to finish his investigation and honoring the results – one way or the other!