Wall Street is laughing at those in Washington DC for their “shutdown.” Do you think the democrats lack of “spine” has anything to do with that?

I’ve pointed out on this site many times how Trump and republicans, over the years, have been great at BLAMING individual democrats for just about anything.  Hillary Clinton has been the target of republicans “blame game” for as long as I can remember.  In my last post I pointed out many of the situations republicans have managed to place BLAME on Mrs. Clinton, and, additionally, President Obama, and others.  Trump, of course, has gone after James Comey, Robert Mueller, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Mitch McConnell, and pretty much anyone else who’s ever criticized him (accept, unfortunately, me) – recently suggesting Huma Abedin should be jailed right along side Mrs. Clinton and Comey.  They will continue doing this as long as it continues working.

So, republicans and Trump BLAMING strategic targets shouldn’t surprise ANYONE.  Well, today, as I’m writing this, there’s an impending “government shutdown.”  It should be no surprise that republicans are busy attempting to BLAME democrats for the “shutdown.”  These are the republicans who control all aspects of government.  (I started this prior to the shutdown and now, I’m attempting to “finish the thought” – and, true to form, the BLAME game is in full force.  I guess that’s what our “leaders” have to focus on when they’ve shown their dysfunction)

On the Saturday after the “shutdown” if it happens (it happened), Trump will be at Mar a Lago entertaining supporters who are able to pay $100,000 per couple to attend.  If they want a picture with the president they’re having a “sale” – for only $250,000 you and your spouse can have a picture taken with the president and talk with the man many are calling the MOST racist president – possibly ever – but, certainly in the last 100+ years.  And, in America, that’s saying something.  Well, as it turns out, Trump had to skip his “party” and it was reported his sons took his place.  Are there really people in America willing to spend $250,000 to have their pictures taken with Eric and Don Jr.?  To me, that says a lot.

Of course, anyone who doesn’t understand why people would be willing to pay that kind of money for a picture with the president (or his sons) doesn’t understand what’s happening with the so-called “swamp” Trump promised to “drain.”  It should be sinking in (pun intended) to some that Trump is a pathological LIAR and ANYTHING he says is just hot air coming from his mouth.  Franklin Graham was on MSNBC recently and suggested Trump is a “Christian” –  (I do consider myself a Christian – but listening to Graham was almost too much for me – I didn’t make it to the end of the interview – I thought I would cry) and Graham seemed to, from the reports I read of the interview, “look the other way” regarding Trump’s “s@#thole” comments about countries who are predominantly populated by “black or brown skinned” people – as opposed to, say, people from Norway.  Well, I would remind Mr. Graham the Bible says the words that come out of your mouth represent what’s in your heart.

To me, the most outrageous reality of Trump’s so-called presidency is the support from people like Graham.  Does anyone wonder why so many young Americans are rejecting Christianity?  Most people are smart enough to make their judgements by what people do and not what they say.  In Trump’s case, he demonstrates to me through both his words and actions a world view that is anything but Christian.  Young Americans can clearly see this – I just don’t understand why people like Graham can’t.

Several years ago I read the book “Crazy for God” by Frank Schaeffer who was instrumental, with his father Francis, in allowing the republican party to disingenuously hijack the abortion issue – which they’ve used to this day to hold a strong “right wing” base of “Christians” who’ve ended up supporting MANY issues over the years which are hard to – at least for me – comport with Christian beliefs.  Schaeffer (he’s “repented”), in the book, shared some of what went on “behind the scenes” as “Christian leaders” were conspiring to brainwash their unsuspecting “flock.”  It’s been a few years since I read the book, but that’s how I remember that part of it – and, Frank Schaeffer has written other books and has spoken out as someone who actually knows what’s gone on “behind closed doors” in America’s “Christian world.”  He’s worth listening to, in my view.

This brainwashing of unsuspecting “Christians” – led by Fox “news” and the right wing talker networks on the radio airwaves has led America to a place that is near the “cliff.” (I put “Christians” in quotes because Trump holding up a Bible at Liberty University and saying “two Corinthians” as he attempts to convince the audience he’s with them doesn’t work for me.  As I’ve written, I believe there needs to be a national dialogue about the abortion issue – which is the foremost issue for most Christians I know – but, supporting militarism, economic recklessness, sexism, racism, and one immoral thing after another is not justified by that issue – at least to me.  Being Christian is no excuse for shirking civic responsibility) It’s time to call an end to the willingness to accept LYING in Washington DC – no matter the source.  But, as I often do, I’ve digressed………..

So, getting back to the shutdown and the BLAME game, I read several articles today in the NY Times and the Washington Post that gave the latest polling on who Americans will “BLAME” regarding the shutdown.  Unfortunately, I’m worried the democrats will be the ones paying the closest attention to this.  The polling was broken down into different groups of people and asked questions regarding how important are the “dreamers” to the different groups of Americans.  It’s widely understood the democrats are making a stand for “DACA.”  The polling is mixed on where Americans stand and makes me think democrats might “cave” on the “dreamer” issue.

Over 80% of Americans want Congress to pass the “Dream Act” giving the “dreamers” (If you’ve been in a cave, these are the young AMERICANS who were brought here illegally by their parents when they were young children – America is the only country they’ve known) permanent status – and a “pathway” to citizenship.  Unfortunately, it appears John Kelly and Stephen Miller don’t agree and they seem to have veto power on any agreement Congress manages to come up with.  So, here we are with part of the government furloughed while we wait to see who “blinks.”  When nobody should have to “blink.”

Passing the “Dream Act” should be a “no-brainer” and, in my view, those of us who call ourselves “Christians” should be solidly behind this – it’s the “right thing to do.”  Dreamers are in the military, they’re teachers, many are in college, MOST are wonderfully upright Americans.  When I was teaching I had many students over the years who would fall into the “Dreamer” category – great kids who are making a positive difference in so many cases.  They have families that MUST be kept together and they are AMERICANS – period!  This issue shouldn’t be a stumbling block to Congress doing their job.  But, there are people like Miller and Kelly (both accused by many as racists and LIARS) apparently blocking Trump from making a “DACA” agreement – appealing to the “white nationalist” base.

So, why am I worried about the democrats.  Well, just as the republicans have a long history of LYING (above and beyond the “norm”) democrats have a long history of “caving.”  Many of the polls quoted in the articles I mentioned above would suggest that a significant portion of Americans who support the “dreamers” don’t support them enough to shut down the government over the issue.  Evidently, they actually believe republicans will “come to the table” and negotiate a “deal” if democrats just pass THEIR budget.  I can tell you this, if the democrats cave on this issue and “DACA” isn’t settled by March 5 – the deadline imposed by our so-called president – the democrats will lose their opportunity to take back Congress in 2018.

“We the people” are looking for leadership that is willing to FIGHT against this republican onslaught to our republic.  And, the FIGHT starts right now – as I’m writing this (and, sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the democrats caved by the time I publish this – I hope I’m wrong).  It’s time for our Congress to be responsible to the people.  The DACA issue is a moral issue and shouldn’t be held hostage for anything. Democrats need to “stay the course.”  No DACA deal NO deal, period!  And, trading it for the CHIP program (Children’s Health Insurance) is unacceptable.  The FACT republicans are attempting to divide democrats over a choice between CHIP and DACA shows how reprehensible they are.  Again, will the democrats fold.

As you might be able to tell, I’m convinced there are democrats who are more focused on the polls than the morals of these issues.  There’s not much they seem to be able to accomplish while in the minority, but if they want to be in the majority anytime soon – here’s their chance to show America they stand with those in the so-called “resistance.”  The problem myself and others have had over the years with democrats is there are too many who are “spineless.” They wouldn’t defend their own health care plan until republicans made it popular by trying to repeal it.  If you remember, there were 76% of Americans in favor of the “public option,” yet it was abandoned for political expediency.  The list goes on……..

Obviously, too many politicians are more worried about their next election than doing what’s right.  That’s exactly how we’ve ended up with a nation’s capital that so many refer to as the “swamp.”  And, yet there are enough gullible “conservatives” in America to probably believe Trump is actually “draining” it.  That’s the other problem – what I’ve referred to as “low information voters” and Trump referred to as “my uneducated voters.”  America has a serious problem that could be summed up in this “shutdown” debate.  If democrats don’t make a stand, you’ll hear a HUGE whooooosh as the wind leaves the bosom of the “resistance.”  The reality is “we the people” have to rely on democrats to stop these republicans and Trump.  This is much bigger than whether the government “operates” this week.

It’s not just republicans who go right across the street to “K Street” once they’re out of office and “cash in” on the lobbying opportunities that include MILLION dollar salaries – forming what’s called the “revolving door.”  Republicans have managed to skewer the economic scene in America in such a favorable manner for Wall Street and the wealthiest Americans that they are totally disinterested in any “shutdown.”  The wealthy Wall Street bankers, traders, and such are thumbing their collective noses at politicians in Washington DC – and, those politicians – especially republicans are oblivious to it – as long as the contributions continue – well, all is OK.

This is why, shutdown or no shutdown, the people willing to cough up $100,000 to curry favor with Trump at Mar a Lago will show up.  Washington has already been corrupted beyond belief by their money, but they’ll keep throwing it around until “we the people” force them to stop.  Until we decide it’s time to force politicians to put what’s right ahead of the campaign coffers this will continue.  A good  place to start is RIGHT NOW with the Dreamer and the CHIP issues.  These should be non-negotiables.

Final Thought:  I “finished” this post and before being able to re read it, I checked my email, and sure enough, the democrats caved.  What can I say, but “par for the course.”  I’m posting this without editing so I apologize for the foo pahs!

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