Paul Ryan is supporting Trump’s LYING. He’s supporting his republican caucus as they attack the FBI. Is that presidential?

I was listening to Joy Reid on MSNBC’s show “The Last Word” hosted by Laurence O’Donnell and she made a great point that I should have been contemplating.  I have given the thought of Paul Ryan much of my “thought time” in the past year because he’s third in line to the presidency and, in my mind, Mike Pense is almost as vulnerable to impeachment (or legal liability) as Trump himself.  That makes Ryan worth much thought.  When you observe an OBSTRUCTION of justice in process and say nothing, from my understanding, you’re then part of a conspiracy.  When you LIE about an OBSTRUCTION things get even worse.  Pense has been LYING for the president at will, and some of his LIES, by my calculations, make him part of the same OBSTRUCTION everyone (aside from Sean Hannity and the other water carriers on the right wing propaganda circuit) knows Trump has committed.  For example, when he LIED about the reason James Comey was fired to several TV outlets, it was apparent he knew the REAL reason Comey was fired and he was being part of the cover-up.

So, what did Ms. Reid say that caught my attention?  She pointed out that Ryan has shown NO courage in standing up to Trump as we’ve watched one transgression after another.  I’ve often thought about how much he’s (Ryan) been almost, seemingly, disinterested whether Russia was interfering in America’s politics.   Is he “disinterested?”  Does he lack, as Ms. Reid suggested, courage?  Or, is there method to his madness?  I’ve heard reports Ryan wants to be president.  He did run for Vice President with Mitt Romney.  Does he now have a direct path to the “White House?”  If both Trump and Pense are impeached (Pense could face legal jeopardy separately from impeachment – remember Spiro Agnew) Ryan is next in line.  And, I believe there are many republicans who would prefer Ryan to either Trump or Pense (including Ryan).

I’m relatively certain Ryan is smarter than myself.  He has to know, at this point, Trump is already more than vulnerable to “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  I’m sure he’s smart enough to know that Pense is also likely already in serious legal jeopardy.  Like me and MILLIONS of other Americans Ryan is waiting for Robert Mueller to conclude his investigation.  The “heat” seems to be rising and, I believe (and have predicted this before), Jared Kushner and, maybe, Donald Jr. are the next in line for Mueller.  (the reality is there are MANY members of Trump’s “team” – including his daughter – who COULD be having trouble sleeping at night – knowing they may need a lawyer.  But no one seems confused that it’s Trump who is ultimately going to be the issue. (I’m pretty certain “we the people” are going to learn why Trump refused to show his tax returns)

Does that sound outrageous?  Well, I just got the book “Fire and Fury” and haven’t yet read it, but the reports already in the public “sphere” suggest many of Trump’s staff were read into, for example, the REAL reason James Comey was fired – which is likely in the book, and much of what I’ve heard that is in the book is “bearing fruit.”  Theoretically, they (Trump’s surrogates) all have made themselves part of a conspiracy to obstruct justice.  The Trump “White House” appears to be more corrupt than what we all experienced in the Nixon years.  And, as I’ve questioned before, are all these right wing members of Congress who are LYING to protect Trump OBSTRUCTING justice as well.  You’ll notice Ryan is totally quiet in all of this.  Is he planning to be standing on top when all the smoke clears?

Let us remember, the United States of America was (and is being) attacked by Russia which is succeeding in exacerbating the ideological divide that is eating away at the fabric of America.  To me, ANYONE who is “looking the other way” or is putting their own future ahead of the interests of our nation is “deplorable.”  The “Russia investigation” started off simply looking to see if there was “collusion” with the Russians by the Trump administration.  From the very beginning it has appeared Trump and his surrogates have something to hide because there’s been a MOUNTAIN of LIES as the investigation has progressed.  The Trump connection to Russia is undeniable!  To anyone who puts this nation FIRST (as Trump claims he’s doing) there has to be a desire to understand why all the LYING?

First, and foremost, in my mind, “we the people” need to get the Russians out of our nation’s political process and there’s much Russia is doing elsewhere around the globe we SHOULD be confronting, but Trump and the republicans are silent.  Trump, the republican congress, and the Justice Department under Jeff Sessions seem to be ignoring the reality of what the Russians are doing.  That alone will give them a tainted place in America’s not yet written history books.  The Russians (and, I’m sure, others – the Russians are laying out the framework of how to do this) are using our open society against us.  We need to be STEADFAST (I couldn’t think of a better word) in defending our nation and our history.

We CAN’T allow the Russians to destroy our republic from the inside out.  The republicans in Congress who are doing some outrageous things in their attempts to protect a president who may have committed treason, or more likely, may have a criminal history that’s getting uncovered and one who’s committing crimes (OBSTRUCTION of justice) in his attempt to “fight back” as Trump, himself, is putting it, are soiling their own reputations and undermining the integrity of the House of Representatives.  Largely, because Ryan stands quiet as if he’s afraid to act in an honorable way that would show moral character and courage.

Ryan is “invisible” as many members of his caucus in the House are doing and saying unbelievable things.  It’s as if they are working in concert with the right wing media – you hear the EXACT same LIES coming from Fox “news” (many are now calling it “Trump TV”) as if they’re willing to destroy this nation’s most fundamental institution – the Justice Department – in an effort to save Trump.  They must ALL believe there’s something “there, there” – as many have put it, but does Ryan really think silence in the face of the need for courage is the work of someone who wants to be the nation’s leader?  The right wing propagandists could care less if there’s criminal behavior in Trump’s “White House” and they are OK with a president who’s OBSTRUCTING an investigation into himself because there must be something there.  But, why would Ryan align himself with people like those at Fox while they’re showing themselves willing to put their party ahead of our nation?

This really shouldn’t be much of a surprise.  We saw it during the terms of President Obama.  Republicans did not hide that they were attempting to ensure President Obama would fail.  One of the ironic parts of that effort to me is watching Trump taking credit for the economy he inherited from Obama.  And, the minions who watch Fox and are oblivious to the FACT they’re victims of a Nazi propaganda scheme, will continue to believe any charges brought against Trump come from an FBI that is part of a Clinton conspiracy – or, who knows what.  And, the question I keep rolling through my brain is what will Ryan do?  So far, as I’ve said, he’s shown an incredible lack of leadership and courage in all of this.  Often, I wonder if he’s even paying attention based on his silence.  And, when he speaks, his words are the equivalence of nothing.  Is his “position” dictated by “Fox and Friends?”

What are republicans going to do when Mueller gives his report?  There’s plenty, already, for republicans to act on in a way that would end this nightmare.  If they impeached Trump now, it might save him from legal jeopardy from this investigation which would then be ended, presumably. And, it might save the republican party from the impending “wave election” being as bad (for them) as it might.  Yes, I understand the tax scam was designed to fool enough Americans to keep republicans in control at least one more “cycle.”  But, the reality is they can’t run away from the Trump liability.  A few extra dollars in their pockets (temporarily) won’t sway enough voters to save them – especially if they “look the other way” when Trump is “facing the music.”

It’s no secret Trump is violating the emoluments clause of the constitution daily.  Republicans are OK with that – which is setting a TERRIBLE precedent.  Think of it – having a president who’s PROFITING off of his office is fundamentally WRONG with our system of government and our CONSTITUTION.  But, will they be OK with OBSTRUCTION?  Will they be OK with money laundering?  Will they be OK with COLLUSION?  I realize all this is “alleged” but it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand Trump and his family and his surrogates have been hiding something since this issue arose.  Clearly, Trump was expecting Jeff Sessions to “protect” him – that’s why he chose him to be Attorney General – apparently thinking that would make him his personal lawyer.  Do republicans think MOST Americans will think Mueller is biased? Or do you, as myself, believe Americans believe in the rule of law – for EVERYONE?  Are republicans planning to risk ignoring Mueller in the 2018 election?  Is Ryan’s plan to win the “White House” going to be via succession or will he not seek re-election (to avoid a possible loss) with the plan to get the nomination in 2020?  He seems to be quietly calculating all this out of the “line of fire.”

Here’s what Ryan’s silence is supporting:  Trump has proffered over 2000 provable LIES in just his first year in office according to watch dogs at the Washington Post.  He’s ruining America’s standing in the world community – with the exception, of course, of countries like Russia.  Our economy is going to eventually take a huge “hit” due to much of what Trump is doing “behind closed doors” and I, personally, believe neither Trump nor the republicans will have a clue how to bring us out of whatever happens.  It could easily be worse than what Bush/Cheney “gave” us in 2008.  Our Justice Department and Intelligence community is under attack from within our own country – seemingly republicans working with the Russians – and our standing in the “world community” is being slowly eroded – plus there’s much more.  (Government institutions are being purposely debased)  And, during all this, Ryan remains quiet.  Is that the new definition of “presidential?”

Additional Thought:  Since I wrote this post, Devin Nunes, the republican head of the Intelligence Committee who recused himself but seems “un-recused” from the “Russia Investigation,” has managed to get the House to vote authority for him to release the secret memo he’s been working on to undermine the Mueller investigation. According to the FBI, Nunes doing this is “reckless.”  They’ve suggested Nunes is threatening our National Security.  Obviously, the purpose is to protect Trump from what Nunes, and evidently Trump believes is coming from Mueller.  Paul Ryan is SILENT during all of this.  He seems to have no courage when it comes to standing up to Trump.

Essentially, America is at a crossroads.  Are we going to REALLY be a “nation of laws” or are we morphing into a fascist dictatorship?  There is definitely a “wave” coming in 2018 that is progressive, but you can count on republicans doing everything they can to prevent MILLIONS of people from voting.  Republicans are trying to BLOCK – or discredit – Mueller’s investigation and BLOCK as many people as they can from voting.  If republicans don’t IMPEACH Trump after Mueller’s report (actually, they shouldn’t need Mueller’s report) the voters will vote democrats into the House in order to “get the job done.”

There’s “something” with Trump and Russia.  He STILL hasn’t implemented the sanctions Congress directed him to put in place – and the republican Congress is enabling – and, the Russians are still here – with NO push back from “we the people” via our federal government and the Justice Department led by Jeff Sessions.

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